In Japan Trump Finds Time To Golf Become A National Embarrassment And Betray America

Would you want to be a slum lord?
I rent properties to those that can pay and have a good credit history

Were you renting properties back in the early 70's? If not...then shut the fuck up!

Ahhh...the age old cry of the fly-by-night-Constitution lover.

He loves freedom of speech right up until that speech starts hurting his whittle feewings...then he despises freedom of speech.

Now THAT is amusing, McRocket! I remember when liberals were supporters of free speech! I remember when the free speech movement was born at colleges like Berkeley and Columbia! So what's happened in the intervening 50 years? Liberals like yourself have made colleges into "safe zones" where only speech that's acceptable (and that translates to speech that matches the liberal mind set of most college professors and administrators!) is allowed! Conservative's aren't allowed to speak on campuses today because liberals like you are scared to death that some young people might get another viewpoint other than the indoctrination that you're giving them now!

a) I have never voted Dem in my how could I be a liberal (or a conservative for that matter as I have never voted Rep either)?
b) telling a man to 'shut the fuck up' on a chat forum seems the complete opposite of embracing free speech. Plus, it makes you look awfully controlling/thin-skinned.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Don't vote, don't have a say. Goodbye loser.
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.

Yes there is.......FORE! (duck, you sucker...)
Hate to break this to you, Kid but if you leftist buffoons run the candidates you've got going now...that day won't be arriving for a little over five years from now! The Democratic Party right now is a circus clown car packed to the hilt with some of the most clueless candidates I've ever seen...tripping all over each other trying to give away more "freebies" to get some support! It's comedy at it's finest!

Yeah, don't even tell me about how the rural farmers voted for Trump en masse, Trump turns them all around & says here guys, take this up your asses with the Trump/China Trade War, and then Trump turns right around and starts his world famous 'Trump's Welfare For Farmers Program'

Yeah, you got it; Trump is a fucking comedian all right.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Nobody had backed down. Trump put tariffs on Mexico and Canada and they retaliated and put more on us. A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place.

Sent from my iPhone using
No other changes took place? You're either incredible ignorant or willfully deceitful!
So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!
Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.
You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!
Yeah, don't even tell me about how the rural farmers voted for Trump en masse, Trump turns them all around & says here guys, take this up your asses with the Trump/China Trade War, and then Trump turns right around and starts his world famous 'Trump's Welfare For Farmers Program'

Yeah, you got it; Trump is a fucking comedian all right.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Nobody had backed down. Trump put tariffs on Mexico and Canada and they retaliated and put more on us. A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place.

Sent from my iPhone using
No other changes took place? You're either incredible ignorant or willfully deceitful!

feel free to list them.
Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?
Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

The only one missing a CLUE is you, you cannot even follow a thread without getting lost.
You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

"A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place."

You don't even know what you've claimed from one post to the next!
You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?
I rent properties to those that can pay and have a good credit history

Were you renting properties back in the early 70's? If not...then shut the fuck up!

Ahhh...the age old cry of the fly-by-night-Constitution lover.

He loves freedom of speech right up until that speech starts hurting his whittle feewings...then he despises freedom of speech.

Now THAT is amusing, McRocket! I remember when liberals were supporters of free speech! I remember when the free speech movement was born at colleges like Berkeley and Columbia! So what's happened in the intervening 50 years? Liberals like yourself have made colleges into "safe zones" where only speech that's acceptable (and that translates to speech that matches the liberal mind set of most college professors and administrators!) is allowed! Conservative's aren't allowed to speak on campuses today because liberals like you are scared to death that some young people might get another viewpoint other than the indoctrination that you're giving them now!

a) I have never voted Dem in my how could I be a liberal (or a conservative for that matter as I have never voted Rep either)?
b) telling a man to 'shut the fuck up' on a chat forum seems the complete opposite of embracing free speech. Plus, it makes you look awfully controlling/thin-skinned.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Don't vote, don't have a say. Goodbye loser.

LOL...typical Trumpbot...brains in the anal region.

You are the loser - I never said I have not voted. But - like a moron - you make an assumption based on your little world view. You see everything in black and white - Rep and Dem. Only idiots see things that way.

I have never and will never vote for a politician who does not include a pledge for a balanced budget AND a pledge to bring ALL the troops home AND a pledge to leave the economy alone (let free enterprise do it's thing) and/or remove the 'full employment' mandate from the Fed.

You are the political loser who blindly voted for one useless candidate after another. They know this - so they don't have to get better...just stay mediocre.


We are done here - you are quiet frankly both ignorant AND close-minded...a TOTAL waste of my time.

Have a WONDERFUL day.
Last edited:
American consumers who buy goods from China — the end users — are the ones paying these "very massive" tariffs. Even if China subsidizes the goods they buy, they are paying more than they would otherwise.

Also paying the taxes are Americans who buy and make products that contain Chinese raw materials. Contrary to Trump's comment that "you don't have to pay" if you move your operation to the US, American manufacturers have been among those hit hardest by tariffs against steel and aluminum.

Trump claimed that because the $16 billion is less than the anticipated revenue from the punitive tariffs he put in place, the Chinese are actually subsidizing our farmers. But again, this ignores what tariffs actually do — especially large, shock tariffs like these, designed not for revenue but to impede commerce and punish bad behavior. Ultimately, tariffs not only force domestic consumers to pay more for Chinese goods, but they also limit consumer choice. As in any market, a reduction in competition means higher prices for consumers.

tariffs do not, as Trump has claimed, "make our Country richer." They do not force China to pay our bills. They do not even reduce trade deficits (not that they matter) as the rising trade deficit of the Trump era demonstrates.

If tariffs were a such a great benefit to Americans, or even just a harmless policy, the stock market would not be down 1,000 points this month on fears that there will be no eventual resolution of this standoff with China. And Trump would not be bailing out farmers, who are surely the most eager to see these tariffs come to an end.
American consumers who buy goods from China — the end users — are the ones paying these "very massive" tariffs. Even if China subsidizes the goods they buy, they are paying more than they would otherwise.

Also paying the taxes are Americans who buy and make products that contain Chinese raw materials. Contrary to Trump's comment that "you don't have to pay" if you move your operation to the US, American manufacturers have been among those hit hardest by tariffs against steel and aluminum.

Trump claimed that because the $16 billion is less than the anticipated revenue from the punitive tariffs he put in place, the Chinese are actually subsidizing our farmers. But again, this ignores what tariffs actually do — especially large, shock tariffs like these, designed not for revenue but to impede commerce and punish bad behavior. Ultimately, tariffs not only force domestic consumers to pay more for Chinese goods, but they also limit consumer choice. As in any market, a reduction in competition means higher prices for consumers.

tariffs do not, as Trump has claimed, "make our Country richer." They do not force China to pay our bills. They do not even reduce trade deficits (not that they matter) as the rising trade deficit of the Trump era demonstrates.

If tariffs were a such a great benefit to Americans, or even just a harmless policy, the stock market would not be down 1,000 points this month on fears that there will be no eventual resolution of this standoff with China. And Trump would not be bailing out farmers, who are surely the most eager to see these tariffs come to an end.

You nailed it.

Sadly, if it openly changes even one Trumpbot's mind on this issue...I would be VERY surprised. never know.
Last edited:
Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

So that is a new trade agreement in place. Ratified and operational? I mean we've had tons of past attempts at trade agreements that were never ratified by both parties. You wouldn't be trying to pull a sneaky on us and convince us this trade agreement is in place when that is a lie would you?

You were asked which trade deals were "made official". Now trying to get ones that haven't been "made official" through? Wow. Lies are your thing. I'll remember that going forward.
Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

"A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place."

You don't even know what you've claimed from one post to the next!

Yes, I do. Sadly you have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader.

The removing of the tariffs after 1 year was not a "trade deal", it was actually done by Trump so they would ratify the new NAFTA in their countries.
Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

Which has not been approved by any country yet. Our Congress has not yet ratified it nor has the similar bodies in Mexico or Canada.

are you really this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

Ironically, Trump removed the tariffs from them just to help get the new NAFTA approved in Canada and Mexico.
Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

So that is a new trade agreement in place. Ratified and operational? I mean we've had tons of past attempts at trade agreements that were never ratified by both parties. You wouldn't be trying to pull a sneaky on us and convince us this trade agreement is in place when that is a lie would you?

You were asked which trade deals were "made official". Now trying to get ones that haven't been "made official" through? Wow. Lies are your thing. I'll remember that going forward.

I do not think he is lying, I think he is just a moron that does not know the process for a trade deal to become law
Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

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Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

"A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place."

You don't even know what you've claimed from one post to the next!

Yes, I do. Sadly you have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader.

The removing of the tariffs after 1 year was not a "trade deal", it was actually done by Trump so they would ratify the new NAFTA in their countries.
1st grade reading is probably enough to understand Trump?
Nope, sorry. I do occasionally use Google translate.

I do occasionally use Google translate.

so normal people can understand you?
No son, so I can understand you.

Try to keep up, it's really not that hard.

you seem to be the one having a hard time keeping up.

you also seem to be derailing the thread

When losing the debate and looking foolish, pull rank. No wonder
Nope, sorry. I do occasionally use Google translate.

I do occasionally use Google translate.

so normal people can understand you?
No son, so I can understand you.

Try to keep up, it's really not that hard.

you seem to be the one having a hard time keeping up.

you also seem to be derailing the thread

Nope, wasn't losing the debate, crep has a tendency to :lalala:when he is, tho.

pull rank?

I didn't post in red, I didn't delete any posts, so how was I pulling rank?
Lol, you started that nonsense punk.

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