In Japan Trump Finds Time To Golf Become A National Embarrassment And Betray America

The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.
Tsk tsk, tsk...such raw, childish tantrum-throwing emotion, desperation, frustration, and hatred on display after repeated attempts to overthrow / oust the President have blown up in their faces...

It's embarrassing. The OP might as well have just started a thread with the title 'Big smelly meanie still a poophead who we snowflakes all hate'...


The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.
Tsk tsk, tsk...such raw, childish tantrum-throwing emotion, desperation, frustration, and hatred on display after repeated attempts to overthrow / oust the President have blown up in their faces...

It's embarrassing. The OP might as well have just started a thread with the title 'Big smelly meanie still a poophead who we snowflakes all hate'...



Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

Which has not been approved by any country yet. Our Congress has not yet ratified it nor has the similar bodies in Mexico or Canada.

are you really this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

Ironically, Trump removed the tariffs from them just to help get the new NAFTA approved in Canada and Mexico.
US will not sign and the deal will be nullified once Trump is gone
Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.
What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

Which has not been approved by any country yet. Our Congress has not yet ratified it nor has the similar bodies in Mexico or Canada.

are you really this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

Ironically, Trump removed the tariffs from them just to help get the new NAFTA approved in Canada and Mexico.
US will not sign and the deal will be nullified once Trump is gone

we should sign, it is nothing more than a few tweaks and a pretty new name. Anyone that was ok with the old NAFTA should be ok with this
US will not sign and the deal will be nullified once Trump is gone

Mehico and canuckistan have already ratified.....Nancy is holding it so she can figure out how to make money off will eventually pass once she's pocketed a couple million$...another BIGLY WIN for Trump.
Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.
What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

Sent from my iPhone using

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.
Tsk tsk, tsk...such raw, childish tantrum-throwing emotion, desperation, frustration, and hatred on display after repeated attempts to overthrow / oust the President have blown up in their faces...

It's embarrassing. The OP might as well have just started a thread with the title 'Big smelly meanie still a poophead who we snowflakes all hate'...


How many abortions has Trump paid for
How many abortions has Trump paid for
About the same number pro-abortionist baby-killer wannabes have forced American tax payers to fund...

'Too bad' some parents of well-known / infamous Democrats did not choose to go that route...

Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!
Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

Yes when you said that was a trade deal in effect currently which had improved manufacturing jobs even though it had not yet been ratified by a single country, that was a lie.
  • Thanks
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Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.
Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

So Trumps stated plan and "contract with the American voter" was that in his first 100 days he would...

1. Announce he would withdraw and renegotiate NAFTA
2. Pull out of the TPP
3. Label China a currency manipulator
4. End all abuses that unfairly target american workers and use every tool under American and Int'l law to end those abuses

And with a Republican house and Senate to help... He did none of those things as promised... Until Republican's lost the house 2 years later. Then blamed Democrats that he didn't get them done.

Seems legit. Or that you are upset that he failed to even attempt to deliver on those promises in the time he promised, and are now looking at a way to excuse him for it too.

So again, why did you lie that the US/Canada/Mexico deal was in effect currently when 0 out of the 3 countries have ratified it and Republicans say they won't?
The national shame that is Donald Trump has outdone himself again during his junket to Japan. Ordinarily American leaders will suspend their partisan infighting while traveling abroad. There is an unwritten rule that "politics stops at the water's edge."But Trump has never been one to follow rules - or even bother to learn them. His only guidance is what's in his own selfish best interests. It's a symptom of his malignant narcissism and myriad other psychoses.

In Japan, Trump Finds Time to Golf, Become a National Embarrassment, and BETRAY America

There's nothing you can add to this.
Was that supposed to be a news article?

Sorry... nice Diversion, but YOU were the one claiming that "The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that."

He's simply asking you what those deals were. And I'm asking you what parts of them were deferred or to prove that past trade deals that were implemented without deferment had initial swings one way then back the other.

It's simply asking you for facts. If those facts trigger you so much you have to plead ignorance and deceit, so be it. But calling yourself out as deceitful isn't really proving anything bud.

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

If NAFTA was awful for America then so is the new NAFTA which is only a few minor tweaks to the old one...and a pretty new name
When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

So Trumps stated plan and "contract with the American voter" was that in his first 100 days he would...

1. Announce he would withdraw and renegotiate NAFTA
2. Pull out of the TPP
3. Label China a currency manipulator
4. End all abuses that unfairly target american workers and use every tool under American and Int'l law to end those abuses

And with a Republican house and Senate to help... He did none of those things as promised... Until Republican's lost the house 2 years later. Then blamed Democrats that he didn't get them done.

Seems legit. Or that you are upset that he failed to even attempt to deliver on those promises in the time he promised, and are now looking at a way to excuse him for it too.

So again, why did you lie that the US/Canada/Mexico deal was in effect currently when 0 out of the 3 countries have ratified it and Republicans say they won't?

When did I say that the deal was in effect now? You asked what Trump had done for trade deals...I told you that he'd negotiated a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico and pointed out that it was the Pelosi led House that was holding up the ratification of that trade deal for political reasons. Trump has done the work. Pelosi is obstructing a better deal for American workers because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win" and you're here complaining that Trump hasn't lived up to his campaign promise? That's laughable.

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