In Japan Trump Finds Time To Golf Become A National Embarrassment And Betray America

When someone claims that deals didn't change anything...and then asks what deals are in effect...they've just announced to the world that they don't have a CLUE what it is that they're talking about!

Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...
Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

So Trumps stated plan and "contract with the American voter" was that in his first 100 days he would...

1. Announce he would withdraw and renegotiate NAFTA
2. Pull out of the TPP
3. Label China a currency manipulator
4. End all abuses that unfairly target american workers and use every tool under American and Int'l law to end those abuses

And with a Republican house and Senate to help... He did none of those things as promised... Until Republican's lost the house 2 years later. Then blamed Democrats that he didn't get them done.

Seems legit. Or that you are upset that he failed to even attempt to deliver on those promises in the time he promised, and are now looking at a way to excuse him for it too.

So again, why did you lie that the US/Canada/Mexico deal was in effect currently when 0 out of the 3 countries have ratified it and Republicans say they won't?

When did I say that the deal was in effect now? You asked what Trump had done for trade deals...I told you that he'd negotiated a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico and pointed out that it was the Pelosi led House that was holding up the ratification of that trade deal for political reasons. Trump has done the work. Pelosi is obstructing a better deal for American workers because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win" and you're here complaining that Trump hasn't lived up to his campaign promise? That's laughable.

In post # 286 you said the new trade deals were the reason why manufacturing jobs are on the rise in the US
Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

He knew it existed, he just did not think it was ratified like you seemed to.
Now we have a President who not only punches back, but punches back twice as hard. If the media lies about him, he called the media outlet liars and screams it while pointing his fingers at the reporters. We love it. It's something we've wanted for many years.

That's the key here, Trump punches back.

Bullies don't like it, but tough doo doo.

He's a counterpuncher, never leading.

But if he swing at him, he'll be all over you like white on rice and curb stomp you into oblivion.



Trump is a wimp.

An obese, disgusting, pussy-grabbing, wishes-he-could-marry-his-daughter-Melania, fake bone spur, golf cheating, Putin ass kissing, Pelosi owned, inherited his wealth, cannot-even-remember-where-his-father-was-born wimp.

When did he actually grab pussy or any other part of a woman’s body outside of consensual and private setting with a woman? Democrats have no problem supporting a candidate that actually gropes women with or without their consent even in public settings.
Now we have a President who not only punches back, but punches back twice as hard. If the media lies about him, he called the media outlet liars and screams it while pointing his fingers at the reporters. We love it. It's something we've wanted for many years.

That's the key here, Trump punches back.

Bullies don't like it, but tough doo doo.

He's a counterpuncher, never leading.

But if he swing at him, he'll be all over you like white on rice and curb stomp you into oblivion.



Trump is a wimp.

An obese, disgusting, pussy-grabbing, wishes-he-could-marry-his-daughter-Melania, fake bone spur, golf cheating, Putin ass kissing, Pelosi owned, inherited his wealth, cannot-even-remember-where-his-father-was-born wimp.

When did he actually grab pussy or any other part of a woman’s body outside of consensual and private setting with a woman? Democrats have no problem supporting a candidate that actually gropes women with or without their consent even in public settings.

Well said. President Trump's remarks about pussy grabbing haven't been heard in context. Mr. Trump did NOT say that he actually did it, just that he could do to his standing as a star. That wasn't a very remarkable revelation. The existence and behavior of broads that throw themselves at celebrities has been known for a long ass time. Neither NBC nor the Bush Family thought Donald Trump's remarks were very interesting or revealing for 10 years, so they sat on the tape. And in the most diabolical dirty tricks of all time, the Bushes and NBC try to rig 2016 with this revelation on Election Eve.
Let me get this claim that the new trade deals didn't change anything...and then you ask what new trade deals are in effect? Really?

I guess that solves the question about whether you're ignorant or deceitful! You're ignorant!

No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

Which has not been approved by any country yet. Our Congress has not yet ratified it nor has the similar bodies in Mexico or Canada.

are you really this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

Ironically, Trump removed the tariffs from them just to help get the new NAFTA approved in Canada and Mexico.
US will not sign and the deal will be nullified once Trump is gone

we should sign, it is nothing more than a few tweaks and a pretty new name. Anyone that was ok with the old NAFTA should be ok with this
Throw it out
Return to NAFTA
No, that is not straight, you are just too stupid to follow the flow of a thread.

I did not claim the trade deals didn't change anything, I said nothing was difference between the US, Canada and Mexico due to the year long tariff tiff. We tariffed them, they tariffed us back, we relented and then they relented.

But I will ask again, what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?

That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?

Which has not been approved by any country yet. Our Congress has not yet ratified it nor has the similar bodies in Mexico or Canada.

are you really this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

Ironically, Trump removed the tariffs from them just to help get the new NAFTA approved in Canada and Mexico.
US will not sign and the deal will be nullified once Trump is gone

we should sign, it is nothing more than a few tweaks and a pretty new name. Anyone that was ok with the old NAFTA should be ok with this
Throw it out
Return to NAFTA

Why would Canada and Mexico agree to the Failed Liberal NAFTA policies, voluntarily?

Your whole idea is just trying to get vengeance on the policy because it advances the idea of returning America to greatness.
Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

Sorry Liar, you mentioned Mexico and Canada by saying "how did that work out". The answer I gave was they increased their trade disparity with the US.

Then you went on about how these trade deals were responsible for manufacturing growth and listed a deal which hasn't been ratified by any country as trade deals "in effect currently" when asked what deals you are talking about.

So sad.
Why would Canada and Mexico agree to the Failed Liberal NAFTA policies, voluntarily?


Good point, why go back to the old one when the new one is just as good for their countries. A few tweaks and a pretty new name.
The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

Sorry Liar, you mentioned Mexico and Canada by saying "how did that work out". The answer I gave was they increased their trade disparity with the US.

Then you went on about how these trade deals were responsible for manufacturing growth and listed a deal which hasn't been ratified by any country as trade deals "in effect currently" when asked what deals you are talking about.

So sad.

Bullshit! Trump's tariffs on Mexico and Canada is what brought them to the table and got the new deal negotiated! The fact that Nancy Pelosi won't ratify that trade deal doesn't change how Trump was successful at using tariffs to get a better deal for the US! That's on Pelosi...not on Trump!
Why would Canada and Mexico agree to the Failed Liberal NAFTA policies, voluntarily?


Good point, why go back to the old one when the new one is just as good for their countries. A few tweaks and a pretty new name.

There are major differences between the old NAFTA deal and the new one! You simply can't bring yourself to admit that Trump did what he promised...and is far better at playing that game than Barack Obama or any of the Presidents before him!
Why would Canada and Mexico agree to the Failed Liberal NAFTA policies, voluntarily?


Good point, why go back to the old one when the new one is just as good for their countries. A few tweaks and a pretty new name.

There are major differences between the old NAFTA deal and the new one! You simply can't bring yourself to admit that Trump did what he promised...and is far better at playing that game than Barack Obama or any of the Presidents before him!

List them then.

List all of the major differences.
  • Thanks
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So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

Sorry Liar, you mentioned Mexico and Canada by saying "how did that work out". The answer I gave was they increased their trade disparity with the US.

Then you went on about how these trade deals were responsible for manufacturing growth and listed a deal which hasn't been ratified by any country as trade deals "in effect currently" when asked what deals you are talking about.

So sad.

Bullshit! Trump's tariffs on Mexico and Canada is what brought them to the table and got the new deal negotiated! The fact that Nancy Pelosi won't ratify that trade deal doesn't change how Trump was successful at using tariffs to get a better deal for the US! That's on Pelosi...not on Trump!

So you are saying Trumps tariffs have caused Canada and Mexico to grow their trade difference with the US by BILLIONS.

And what do you mean "won't ratify the deal". I thought you said it was "in effect currently". Seems like you are mixing up your lies there kiddo. Get those straight maybe? I mean you already pointed them to manufacturing job increases. That would be quite a lie you have to backtrack on LIAR.

And the deal which Republicans are saying they won't vote on is being held up by Pelosi? So she's a Republican in your web of lies? I see she ALSO has said she won't sign it until there are enforcements added. So your point that both Republicans and Democrats oppose this deal in it's current form is only Dems oppose it? Wow... those lies are adding up by mr sneaky pants here trying to slip this unratified deal in as "in effect currently".

Granted Trump promised that in his first 100 days. here we are 2 years later... So since he didn't keep his promise or even try to meet his promise to Americans, and lost the chance to get it passed with a Republican majority, the Dems are to blame because Republicans, Democrats, Canada, and Mexico are all not ratifying this deal.

Wow. Do you think repeating your lies actually makes a point here? Do you think just ignoring the facts that you don't like is ok? Like do you pride yourself on how you can be intentionally ignorant of facts?
Ummmm. YOU were the one even listing that as a deal in place when it wasn't. See how you have to divert and lie further to protect your earlier lie. It's like you think once you've dug a hole with a lie, you can dig even further with more to get out.

Sorry liar.

The deal was signed by Mexico, Canada and the United States. It's now up to the legislative branches of each country to pass it into law. Right now Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a vote on that. Why? Because she doesn't want to give Trump a "win".

That's your Democratic Party in action. They'll refuse to allow a deal that's better for Americans to pass because it makes Trump look good! Trump did his part. He got the better deal. It's on Nancy Pelosi to do the right thing for the country and pass it.

So why did you list these trade deals as the reason for manufacturing growth and respond with that one in particular when asked what trade deals were "In effect currently"?

And Nancy is refusing a vote? Why was it republican Chuck Grassley saying that until Trump removes the tariffs the trade deal is dead then?

And of course Canada hasn't ratified it, and while Mexico has passed the wording for unions there is zero enforcement tied to that.

Seems you are AGAIN intentionally lying. Is that all you do, pile one lie on the last one of basic facts that can be simply fact checked and then think you made a viable point.

Sorry. No time to hear you just keep spouting lies. You got caught kiddo. Sticking your head in the dirt and pretending that doesn't exist doesn't change it

So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

I was talking to YOU about what YOU said.
So Trump hammers out a trade deal to replace NAFTA, which was AWFUL for America...and Nancy Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote in the House...but you blame Trump for growing trade deficits? How is that HIS fault? He's done what needed to be done. It's on the House and Pelosi now! She can keep playing partisan politics...delaying the ratification of the new deal because she doesn't want to give Trump a political win...or she can do what's good for the country!

You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

Sorry Liar, you mentioned Mexico and Canada by saying "how did that work out". The answer I gave was they increased their trade disparity with the US.

Then you went on about how these trade deals were responsible for manufacturing growth and listed a deal which hasn't been ratified by any country as trade deals "in effect currently" when asked what deals you are talking about.

So sad.

Bullshit! Trump's tariffs on Mexico and Canada is what brought them to the table and got the new deal negotiated! The fact that Nancy Pelosi won't ratify that trade deal doesn't change how Trump was successful at using tariffs to get a better deal for the US! That's on Pelosi...not on Trump!

So you are saying Trumps tariffs have caused Canada and Mexico to grow their trade difference with the US by BILLIONS.

And what do you mean "won't ratify the deal". I thought you said it was "in effect currently". Seems like you are mixing up your lies there kiddo. Get those straight maybe? I mean you already pointed them to manufacturing job increases. That would be quite a lie you have to backtrack on LIAR.

And the deal which Republicans are saying they won't vote on is being held up by Pelosi? So she's a Republican in your web of lies? I see she ALSO has said she won't sign it until there are enforcements added. So your point that both Republicans and Democrats oppose this deal in it's current form is only Dems oppose it? Wow... those lies are adding up by mr sneaky pants here trying to slip this unratified deal in as "in effect currently".

Granted Trump promised that in his first 100 days. here we are 2 years later... So since he didn't keep his promise or even try to meet his promise to Americans, and lost the chance to get it passed with a Republican majority, the Dems are to blame because Republicans, Democrats, Canada, and Mexico are all not ratifying this deal.

Wow. Do you think repeating your lies actually makes a point here? Do you think just ignoring the facts that you don't like is ok? Like do you pride yourself on how you can be intentionally ignorant of facts?

Dude, the expression "in effect currently" is what you coined...not I. You asked what trade deals Trump had signed and I told you. The fact that the deal isn't in effect currently isn't due to's due to Nancy Pelosi refusing to let the deal be ratified. People like you are the ones who are intentionally ignorant! You blame Trump for not addressing the trade deficit when in fact he HAS addressed it but Democrats won't cooperate even though the new deal is far better for Americans!
Now we have a President who not only punches back, but punches back twice as hard. If the media lies about him, he called the media outlet liars and screams it while pointing his fingers at the reporters. We love it. It's something we've wanted for many years.

That's the key here, Trump punches back.

Bullies don't like it, but tough doo doo.

He's a counterpuncher, never leading.

But if he swing at him, he'll be all over you like white on rice and curb stomp you into oblivion.



Trump is a wimp.

An obese, disgusting, pussy-grabbing, wishes-he-could-marry-his-daughter-Melania, fake bone spur, golf cheating, Putin ass kissing, Pelosi owned, inherited his wealth, cannot-even-remember-where-his-father-was-born wimp.

When did he actually grab pussy or any other part of a woman’s body outside of consensual and private setting with a woman? Democrats have no problem supporting a candidate that actually gropes women with or without their consent even in public settings.

Well said. President Trump's remarks about pussy grabbing haven't been heard in context. Mr. Trump did NOT say that he actually did it, just that he could do to his standing as a star. That wasn't a very remarkable revelation. The existence and behavior of broads that throw themselves at celebrities has been known for a long ass time. Neither NBC nor the Bush Family thought Donald Trump's remarks were very interesting or revealing for 10 years, so they sat on the tape. And in the most diabolical dirty tricks of all time, the Bushes and NBC try to rig 2016 with this revelation on Election Eve.

This is sad.
Why would Canada and Mexico agree to the Failed Liberal NAFTA policies, voluntarily?


Good point, why go back to the old one when the new one is just as good for their countries. A few tweaks and a pretty new name.

There are major differences between the old NAFTA deal and the new one! You simply can't bring yourself to admit that Trump did what he promised...and is far better at playing that game than Barack Obama or any of the Presidents before him!

List them then.

List all of the major differences.
  • Country of origin rules: Automobiles must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA).
  • Labor provisions: 40 to 45 percent of automobile parts have to be made by workers who earn at least $16 an hour by 2023. Mexico has also agreed to pass laws giving workers the right to union representation, extending labor protections to migrant workers, and protecting women from discrimination. The countries can also sanction one another for labor violations.
  • US farmers get more access to the Canadian dairy market: The US got Canada to open up its dairy market to US farmers, which was a big issue for Trump.
  • Intellectual property and digital trade: The deal extends the terms of copyright to 70 years beyond the life of the author (up from 50). It also extends the period that a pharmaceutical drug can be protected from generic competition, and includes new provisions to deal with the digital economy, including prohibiting duties on things like music and e-books, and protections for internet companies so they’re not liable for content their users produce.
Now you would THINK that a dyed in the wool liberal like San Fran Nan would LOVE that Trump has negotiated a deal that not only makes American workers more competitive with those in Mexico but has forced Mexico to allow union labor protections to migrant workers and protects women from discrimination...yet she won't ratify that? Why does Pelosi hate Mexican workers so much?
You might want to take a look at UMCA before talking.

Sand Squid didn't even know it existed but you think it's "me" that needs to look at it? Too funny...

Sorry Liar, you mentioned Mexico and Canada by saying "how did that work out". The answer I gave was they increased their trade disparity with the US.

Then you went on about how these trade deals were responsible for manufacturing growth and listed a deal which hasn't been ratified by any country as trade deals "in effect currently" when asked what deals you are talking about.

So sad.

Bullshit! Trump's tariffs on Mexico and Canada is what brought them to the table and got the new deal negotiated! The fact that Nancy Pelosi won't ratify that trade deal doesn't change how Trump was successful at using tariffs to get a better deal for the US! That's on Pelosi...not on Trump!

So you are saying Trumps tariffs have caused Canada and Mexico to grow their trade difference with the US by BILLIONS.

And what do you mean "won't ratify the deal". I thought you said it was "in effect currently". Seems like you are mixing up your lies there kiddo. Get those straight maybe? I mean you already pointed them to manufacturing job increases. That would be quite a lie you have to backtrack on LIAR.

And the deal which Republicans are saying they won't vote on is being held up by Pelosi? So she's a Republican in your web of lies? I see she ALSO has said she won't sign it until there are enforcements added. So your point that both Republicans and Democrats oppose this deal in it's current form is only Dems oppose it? Wow... those lies are adding up by mr sneaky pants here trying to slip this unratified deal in as "in effect currently".

Granted Trump promised that in his first 100 days. here we are 2 years later... So since he didn't keep his promise or even try to meet his promise to Americans, and lost the chance to get it passed with a Republican majority, the Dems are to blame because Republicans, Democrats, Canada, and Mexico are all not ratifying this deal.

Wow. Do you think repeating your lies actually makes a point here? Do you think just ignoring the facts that you don't like is ok? Like do you pride yourself on how you can be intentionally ignorant of facts?

Dude, the expression "in effect currently" is what you coined...not I. You asked what trade deals Trump had signed and I told you. The fact that the deal isn't in effect currently isn't due to's due to Nancy Pelosi refusing to let the deal be ratified. People like you are the ones who are intentionally ignorant! You blame Trump for not addressing the trade deficit when in fact he HAS addressed it but Democrats won't cooperate even though the new deal is far better for Americans!

Another LIE I see.

In post 297 ANOTHER poster had asked you "What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?"

and "what new trade deals have been made official since the start of the Trump administration?"

Your response in #311 was

"That would be the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed last November! Do you really not know this stuff?"

Hmmm, so now, despite that being written evidence you want to lie about it and pretend that I coined the phrase (was another poster who asked it).

Then you want to try and lie and say you were asked what deals Trump signed, when clearly it was "made official" and "in effect currently".

Again, that's fine that you think repeating a LIE over and over again makes it true in opposition of clear written fact. You are a LIAR. And you are continuing to LIE to defend your other LIES. That's what I called you out on doing a page ago. Creating new lies to back up old ones. And there's proof IN YOUR OWN POSTS.

And yes. Republicans, Democrats, Canada and Mexico all have not ratified the deal. To blame them all on a Democrat wanting to add teeth to the deal so it isn't another useless paper tiger is a joke.. and ANOTHER LIE.

As for me, I'd love the deal. It's a minor NAFTA tweak. Not worth the BILLIONS the trade war is costing us so I would love it to move on. Please don't continue your lie that I want more of Trumps Trade War.

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