In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect

Well, with all this chatter I hear about the deficit (interestingly, only since the dems took office - All were quite silent on the doubling of the debt in the last 8 years under republicans), you should be happy that somebody's got the guts to do the right and responsible thing, even if it's not the popular thing to do.

Incidentally, 1. It's not the largest in history, and 2. Taxes are currently as low as they've been in 80 years or so.
Well, with all this chatter I hear about the deficit (interestingly, only since the dems took office - All were quite silent on the doubling of the debt in the last 8 years under republicans), you should be happy that somebody's got the guts to do the right and responsible thing, even if it's not the popular thing to do.

Incidentally, 1. It's not the largest in history, and 2. Taxes are currently as low as they've been in 80 years or so.

Then you havent been paying much attention to it since we were all criticizing the Republicans for it and that's the reason many of us did not go out and vote for them in 2006.

But no, just rewrite history and pretend we didn't care then.
Well, with all this chatter I hear about the deficit (interestingly, only since the dems took office - All were quite silent on the doubling of the debt in the last 8 years under republicans), you should be happy that somebody's got the guts to do the right and responsible thing, even if it's not the popular thing to do.

Incidentally, 1. It's not the largest in history, and 2. Taxes are currently as low as they've been in 80 years or so.

Then you havent been paying much attention to it since we were all criticizing the Republicans for it and that's the reason many of us did not go out and vote for them in 2006.

But no, just rewrite history and pretend we didn't care then.

Fair enough. I wasn't here during the Bush years, hence it's unfair to categorize any USMB members with regard to fiscal policy during those years.

But this populist message, these childish tea parties, militias, hootin-and-hollarin, demonizing by Faux news.... Simply didn't exist, nor did any outrage in my discussion with conservatives in real life.
Problem for you Dems is that the GOP, for whatever reason, is more fired up than ever and is extremely motivated to vote.
Dems aren't so motivated... they got their 1/2 white president elected... all is good.

And all the most recent elections show Indies running fast to the GOP.

Dems are going to get hammered... starting this fall.
Problem for you Dems is that the GOP, for whatever reason, is more fired up than ever and is extremely motivated to vote.
Dems aren't so motivated... they got their 1/2 white president elected... all is good.

And all the most recent elections show Indies running fast to the GOP.

Dems are going to get hammered... starting this fall.

As long as the country doesn't go full retard and give the GOP or the Dems a controlled gov't again it's all good.
The GOP is in the small minority, has not repented or shown remorse for its stupidity since 1994, has offered no constructive plan other than "no", has put forth folks like Bachman and Palin, have run around screaming and little else ~~ the majority of Americans hold their noses at it.
So Bush is raising our taxes in 6 months and he's not even in office anymore.

That's a neat trick.

btw, when you rightwingers were complaining a couple months ago about how 47% of American paid NO taxes last year, how many of them would have to pay some of that 'fair share' as you called it,

after these tax cuts expire?

The 47% will still have a way not to pay their fair share, votes still need to be bought in 2012!

Tax hikes, or allowing pro temp tax cuts to go back to their original state, would be mistake as long as the employment picture is as bad as it is, I quite agree.

What are these guys thinking?

This is why we need term limits, this is why the clowns that occupy these positions now MUST GO!!

ALL incumbents must go. I am sure you are not voting for any incumbents.
We have no idea really what the costs of the HC reform will be. It has to be lower than what has happened since we let the health insurance industry come between us and our doctors.

Why does it have to be lower?
We have no idea really what the costs of the HC reform will be. It has to be lower than what has happened since we let the health insurance industry come between us and our doctors.

Why does it have to be lower?

With this kind of track record?

Medicare (hospital insurance). In 1965, as Congress considered legislation to establish a national Medicare program, the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that the hospital insurance portion of the program, Part A, would cost about $9 billion annually by 1990.v Actual Part A spending in 1990 was $67 billion. The actuary who provided the original cost estimates acknowledged in 1994 that, even after conservatively discounting for the unexpectedly high inflation rates of the early ‘70s and other factors, “the actual [Part A] experience was 165% higher than the estimate.”

Medicare (entire program). In 1967, the House Ways and Means Committee predicted that the new Medicare program, launched the previous year, would cost about $12 billion in 1990. Actual Medicare spending in 1990 was $110 billion—off by nearly a factor of 10.

Medicaid DSH program. In 1987, Congress estimated that Medicaid’s disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments—which states use to provide relief to hospitals that serve especially large numbers of Medicaid and uninsured patients—would cost less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost that year was a staggering $17 billion. Among other things, federal lawmakers had failed to detect loopholes in the legislation that enabled states to draw significantly more money from the federal treasury than they would otherwise have been entitled to claim under the program’s traditional 50-50 funding scheme.

Medicare home care benefit. When Congress debated changes to Medicare’s home care benefit in 1988, the projected 1993 cost of the benefit was $4 billion. The actual 1993 cost was more than twice that amount, $10 billion.

Medicare catastrophic coverage benefit. In 1988, Congress added a catastrophic coverage benefit to Medicare, to take effect in 1990. In July 1989, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) doubled its cost estimate for the program, for the four-year period 1990-1993, from $5.7 billion to $11.8 billion. CBO explained that it had received newer data showing it had significantly under-estimated prescription drug cost growth, and it warned Congress that even this revised estimate might be too low. This was a principal reason Congress repealed the program before it could take effect.

SCHIP. In 1997, Congress established the State Children’s Health Insurance Program as a capped grant program to states, and appropriated $40 billion to be doled out to states over 10 years at a rate of roughly $5 billion per year, once implemented. In each year, some states exceeded their allotments, requiring shifts of funds from other states that had not done so. By 2006, unspent reserves from prior years were nearly exhausted. To avert mass disenrollments, Congress decided to appropriate an additional $283 million in FY 2006 and an additional $650 million in FY 2007.

What could possibly go wrong?
Yes, corralling the insurance industry will drive costs down. The data above, Mr. F, does not apply.
Yes, corralling the insurance industry will drive costs down. The data above, Mr. F, does not apply.
No of course not,it is historic data .look to the past for answers the future is based on the perfect Utopian progressive vision.
Mr. Fitnah, your John Birch vision is as impaired and imperfect as the vision of any far leftist.

Somewhere between your economic model and that of the lefties will be the centrist road that works.
These are (1) not the largest tax hikes in American history - go to the FDR years, please; (2) these are the tax rates that the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2000 instituted.

HyenaKiller is either ignorant, mentally feeble, or malignant. Nuff said. HK, slink off.

well- your dipshit speaking to us from his oval orifice can't blame these tax hikes on BUSH.

Obamacare and Taxes: The Final Tab

these are the tax increases from his healthcare bill which makes him the lying sack of shit everyone knows him to be.

Thank you for changing the premise, which kills the OP (good, it was a loser from go).

We have no idea really what the costs of the HC reform will be. It has to be lower than what has happened since we let the health insurance industry come between us and our doctors.

we do know what the increased taxes will be- as listed- those make him a liar automatically-

the first tax:razz: started yesterday but I don't need a tan right now
Faced with fiscal crisis, why wouldn't we want to return to tax rates that provided for stable growth and expansion?

Why wouldn't we want to actually step up and pay for the last ten years of spending?
Problem for you Dems is that the GOP, for whatever reason, is more fired up than ever and is extremely motivated to vote.
Dems aren't so motivated... they got their 1/2 white president elected... all is good.

And all the most recent elections show Indies running fast to the GOP.

Dems are going to get hammered... starting this fall.

That is definitely a possibility.

Of course it doesn't help that there's more than just a little "I got mine get yours" sentiment driving so many so called "conservatives".

Now when times are good, that selfishness is very sellable to much of the public.

But when times are hard?

Well... Since most of us either knopw some hard working sod who can't find work, or ARE some hard working sod who cannot find work, that Ayn Rand fairy tale seems pretty silly.

But BELIEVE me when I tell you that Obama has alienated a LOT of former supporters, too.

So you are probably right that a lot of those people will do as they SO OFTEN have done in the past.

They just won't show up at the polls.

Much like the Republicans didn't show up in the numbers they might have if Bush II hadn't shat the bed for many conservatives.
Problem for you Dems is that the GOP, for whatever reason, is more fired up than ever and is extremely motivated to vote.
Dems aren't so motivated... they got their 1/2 white president elected... all is good.

And all the most recent elections show Indies running fast to the GOP.

Dems are going to get hammered... starting this fall.

Well, the problem, politically speaking, for the GOP is that they are rudderless.

With the economy front and center they can not expect much traction from 'family values, religious right' campaigning.

With their track record on expanding the government, they have no credibility as a fiscal conservatives.

With the utter mess - quite literally - that their pro-business, deregulation games have made in the financial sector, and the gulf, it's going to be hard to convince anyone smaller govt. is the answer.

And really, the GOP, last few cycles, have been empty suits with good PR sense.

to beat gore they because family value, religious righters and ran agains thte ghost of clinton.

To beat kerry, they became pro-liberial interventionist patriots, championing the guns and toys of the military deployed in valiant efforts to spread democracy, running against the anti-viet nam, peacniks on the left....

All the while, the chameleons plundered and sacked the govt., privatizing, deregulating, setting themselves up for private sector jobs.

So what can they become next? Not sure there are any roles left.
The GOP is in the small minority, has not repented or shown remorse for its stupidity since 1994, has offered no constructive plan other than "no", has put forth folks like Bachman and Palin, have run around screaming and little else ~~ the majority of Americans hold their noses at it.

How funny! Mr. Fitnah comes sneaking up in PMs to show his disagreement with me. That's understandable, because he knows I will kick his ass here.

F's problem is that he believes in John Birch principles, though he has denied he is a Bircher. Birchers are similar to communists, both lie on schedule. Remember it was Milton Eisenhower, Dwight's brother, who was President Eisenhower's communist handler, according to the JBS.

This is the type we are dealing with when Mr. F posts. Such a loser.
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