In normal world, this is known as "fraud".

Only if you assume the lender will take your word for it.

It's a pretty easy thing to do to appraise a property or a business and if a lender doesn't do that it's his own fault.

Now I haven't heard if Trump actually got loans based on his inflated estimations. Did he? And if he did did he default?

If the answer to either one of those is no then there was no fraud or if there was there was no victim. If there is no victim is there a crime at all?
Did you tell the cops that when you ran a redlight?
The rubes have to defend this because it cuts to the heart of who their Orange God™ says he is.

He is a fraud. He's used Daddy's money, other people's money, and outright lies all his life because he is mentally ill and desperate for approval and validation.

This is worse than even his detractors imagined, and his cultists know it.

If they're going to defend him, they are weak and they are liars themselves.
And that has shit-all to do with anything as it regards Trump's loans. The loans were paid back in full under the terms of the loans. End of story.

Blah, maybe it has to do with leftists never owning anything worth a shit to put up for collateral because everything that they own is leveraged to the max due to poor life choices.

If it was anyone but Trump it would not even register in your small and TDS addled minds.

I addressed your points in my first post.
murder is a crime no matter if charges are ever pressed. fraud is as well. assumption of innocence rests on the alleged perp, not the crime itself.
Murder always has a victim of murder.

Who is the victim of Trump's alleged frauds? And why aren't those victims if they exist suing Trump?

How is the State of NY a victim of fraud?

It seems the State of NY is suing on behalf of some private business but the business itself has never sued for fraud.

This is where it gets fishy.

So what if Trump overestimated a property worth for a loan from a private lender? It is the lenders responsibility to perform its due diligence in appraising that property.
yes i am.....the only reason trump has this throw at him is because he is running for president.....otherwise you would not even hear about this....the wealthy live in their own world and have different rules that they get away with because of that wealth,,,,including many of those assholes in congress....

in "normal world" ALL would be prosecuted; here on earth we do not have sich resources so we must make examples to deter others. trump happens to have volunteered to be such an example. *though i seriously doubt that any actual punishment will come his way.)
The rubes have to defend this because it cuts to the heart of who their Orange God™ says he is.

He is a fraud. He's used Daddy's money, other people's money, and outright lies all his life because he is mentally ill and desperate for approval and validation.

This is worse than even his detractors imagined.

If they're going to defend him, they are weak and they are liars themselves.
I'm not a Trump supporter.

But I can see there is something not Kosher with the charges by the State of NY.
And that has shit-all to do with anything as it regards Trump's loans. The loans were paid back in full under the terms of the loans. End of story.

Blah, maybe it has to do with leftists never owning anything worth a shit to put up for collateral because everything that they own is leveraged to the max due to poor life choices.

If it was anyone but Trump it would not even register in your small and TDS addled minds.
Trump bought a property for 2.5 million claimed it was worth 100 million, donated it to the State and took a 100 million dollar tax break.
Trump bought a property for 2.5 million claimed it was worth 100 million, donated it to the State and took a 100 million dollar tax break.

Here is how that can work for ya......I own 50 acres that adjoins a national forest.....I can sell it to them for far more than the land is worth because they consider it a win to expand the forest. There is not even any fed tax burden.
Insurance companies don't have to sue anyone, insurance fraud is a crime.

Insurance Fraud

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FindLaw › ... › Criminal Charges
Insurance fraud is most often charged under state law, but federal prosecution is also possible. When that happens, it's usually charged under statutes not ...


Only if the insurance company says it was defrauded.

And charged under state law does not mean the stat is the plaintiff. An insurance company would have to file charges before the state even knew if any fraud occurred.
Trump bought a property for 2.5 million claimed it was worth 100 million, donated it to the State and took a 100 million dollar tax break.
Then the state didn't perform its due diligence.

The state has tax records it could have used to see what the assessed value was and they could have required a third party appraisal of the property as well.

If some guy sold you anything for X dollars and you freely paid it you cannot sue him for fraud because you didn't bother to see if the price was inflated.
Only if the insurance company says it was defrauded.

And charged under state law does not mean the stat is the plaintiff. An insurance company would have to file charges before the state even knew if any fraud occurred.
That's what Trump's lawyers are claiming.............3 times.
The judge laughed at them.

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