In normal world, this is known as "fraud".


That's what appeals are for.

i'm sure trumo's lawyers are salivating over their pay checks.
Except there is no reference to the banks or third party assessors, it's simply a political persecution. If the TDS afflicted cared about justice they wouldn't present this as something that happened in a vacuum. Nothing about this is even remotely realistic, much less deserving of millions of tax dollars being wasted.

Trump is being prosecuted because of his own arrogance and poor decisions

Here is how that can work for ya......I own 50 acres that adjoins a national forest.....I can sell it to them for far more than the land is worth because they consider it a win to expand the forest. There is not even any fed tax burden.
We aren't talking about what a willing buyer will pay a willing seller. We're talking fraud. Don't you know the difference?
in "normal world" ALL would be prosecuted; here on earth we do not have sich resources so we must make examples to deter others. trump happens to have volunteered to be such an example. *though i seriously doubt that any actual punishment will come his way.)
i seriously doubt that any actual punishment will come his way.)
thats because he is part of the wealthy world.....many pointing the finger at him are just as slimy....
The rubes have to defend this because it cuts to the heart of who their Orange God™ says he is.

He is a fraud. He's used Daddy's money, other people's money, and outright lies all his life because he is mentally ill and desperate for approval and validation.

This is worse than even his detractors imagined, and his cultists know it.

If they're going to defend him, they are weak and they are liars themselves.

You’re more butthurtt than normal this morning.
Now I haven't heard if Trump actually got loans based on his inflated estimations. Did he? And if he did did he default?

If the answer to either one of those is no then there was no fraud or if there was there was no victim. If there is no victim is there a crime at all?

No defaulting is necessary for it to be a crime. Fraud is still fraud.

Did he get better rates based on the fraud?

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