In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

I get that you people have this mindset that makes you feel more manly and superior to people nowadays, but it really just comes from a place of emotion. This is about sheer economics. Even despite millennials’ shitty economic situation, research has shown they donate to charity for than baby boomers. I don’t generalize baby boomers but my god I have met so many entitled, selfish brats in their 60’s and above.

I must have missed where you posted your reliable source and link. Thank you in advance for correcting that oversight.

Allow me to help you.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity
By Peter Panepento

Households that describe themselves as conservative tend to give more money to charities than moderate and liberal households, according to a new survey.

In a survey of 3,300 households that donated money to charity in the past 12 months, the company Campbell Rinker, in Valencia, Calif., asked respondents about their political ideology.

Of those surveyed, those who live in conservative households donated an average of $3,255 to charities outside of places of worship during the past year. By comparison, moderate households donated $2,926 and liberal households donated $1,879.

Conservatives also give significantly more money to their place of worship than liberals and moderates.

The survey found conservatives gave, on average, $1,841 to their places of worship during the past year — compared with $1,115 for moderates and $499 for liberals.

But while conservatives give more than their peers, they are less likely to spread the word to others about their giving experiences.

Among liberal donors, 84 percent said they had recommended a charity to friends, family, or colleagues. That compares with 75 percent of moderates and 59 percent of conservatives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity
Your anecdotal experience for the 100th time is not indicative of the actual reality on a national scale.

It's not just my experience, it's happening in many other fields as well. I spend much of my day in industrial areas. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and just out of curiosity, I ask what the pay rate is. In most instances, it's not too bad for non-skilled labor, and plenty of advancement opportunities. Hell, if I was younger, I might consider a career change these days.

From what I've seen, it's not that there are little opportunities, it's that people are not seeking them.

The owner of my company's son works with us. When we have dead time, there is a place we go to hang out. We talk all the time with each other. He told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. Most of the guys he hung out with in school still live at home. They don't work or work part-time, and spend most of the day playing video games. If they do have a job, it's only for a few months.

What we have today is an entirely different mindset of younger people compared to when I was younger.
I get that you people have this mindset that makes you feel more manly and superior to people nowadays, but it really just comes from a place of emotion. This is about sheer economics. Even despite millennials’ shitty economic situation, research has shown they donate to charity for than baby boomers. I don’t generalize baby boomers but my god I have met so many entitled, selfish brats in their 60’s and above.

If they worked their way up to great wealth, that's probably true. But who could blame them? Becoming wealthy isn't easy. Try it yourself sometime. It's a lot of hard work and most people fail at it.

As to your philanthropy study, I'm totally unaware of that. If you have it, post it.

I was talking with my boss about a year ago and we got into a similar discussion. He showed me an article in is small business magazine. After I read it my mouth dropped open. If I didn't know it was serious, I would have thought it was written by the Onion.

In the article it gave suggestions to business owners how to coddle their millennial workers. They suggested that if a worker is having problems, sit down with them. Offer them a couple of weeks off of work paid of course. Perhaps allow them to have an hour or so lunch instead of a half hour. Go to their house and see if there is anything you can do to help them out.

I bust out laughing. My employer said "WTF do they think I'm running here, a daycare center???"

A couple of years ago I had a construction delivery. It was insulation for a new building they were putting up. It was at Prudential insurance company. While they were unloading me, I noticed a track around the place going into a treed area and I asked one of the workers WTF that was?

He stated it was their stress track. Stress track??? WTF is a stress track?? He said that when any worker feels too stressed out, they are allowed to come here to the stress track and run it off. The company even allows them to have friends meet them here and perhaps bring some bikes.

I was totally floored. A Fn stress track. So I asked how many workers are that stressed out in the place? He said nearly all of them. LOL!
That article sounds like complete bullshit. I think most people would agree with you that is a stupid way to discipline any worker. Did you really expect me to be on board with such an idea?

Merely pointing out the difference between today and back when. It might not be something you agree with, but certainly other people do.

The generation before mine held the stance that we were not nearly as tough as them. I believe they were absolutely correct. But I also believe that we were much tougher than the millennials and Gen-X today.

When I was in my early 20's, I did something really stupid. I quit my job because I was pissed off at the boss. This was during the Reagan recession, and I don't care what they say about Obama's recession, that recession was much worse.

Back then you couldn't even get a McDonald's job. Nobody was hiring. But instead of going on some social program or moving back home with my parents, I signed up with several temp agencies. The one agency (Manpower) sent me on a job for a week. When they got my review back, they were calling me for every new job that came up. It paid minimum wage, but it was better than having no roof over my head and nothing to eat. So I went to those jobs and busted my ass regardless of pay.

I simply don't see a younger person doing something like that today. If they get into trouble, move back home or sign up for every social program available and wait for better times, or perhaps do both.
Um Obama’s recession? That began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama’s presidency. Hell two of them began under Bush.

Okay and again, the younger person today has a much higher cost of living standard than a younger person under Reagan. Jobs may have been lost under Reagan and the income disparity got wider, but at least the cost of living was much more manageable than it is today. Also, today, there are fewer higher paying jobs than there were under Reagan. These are the points I am trying to drive home here. You pretending such facts are irrelevant does not actually make them irrelevant.
It's not just my experience, it's happening in many other fields as well. I spend much of my day in industrial areas. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and just out of curiosity, I ask what the pay rate is. In most instances, it's not too bad for non-skilled labor, and plenty of advancement opportunities. Hell, if I was younger, I might consider a career change these days.

From what I've seen, it's not that there are little opportunities, it's that people are not seeking them.

The owner of my company's son works with us. When we have dead time, there is a place we go to hang out. We talk all the time with each other. He told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. Most of the guys he hung out with in school still live at home. They don't work or work part-time, and spend most of the day playing video games. If they do have a job, it's only for a few months.

What we have today is an entirely different mindset of younger people compared to when I was younger.
I get that you people have this mindset that makes you feel more manly and superior to people nowadays, but it really just comes from a place of emotion. This is about sheer economics. Even despite millennials’ shitty economic situation, research has shown they donate to charity for than baby boomers. I don’t generalize baby boomers but my god I have met so many entitled, selfish brats in their 60’s and above.

If they worked their way up to great wealth, that's probably true. But who could blame them? Becoming wealthy isn't easy. Try it yourself sometime. It's a lot of hard work and most people fail at it.

As to your philanthropy study, I'm totally unaware of that. If you have it, post it.

I was talking with my boss about a year ago and we got into a similar discussion. He showed me an article in is small business magazine. After I read it my mouth dropped open. If I didn't know it was serious, I would have thought it was written by the Onion.

In the article it gave suggestions to business owners how to coddle their millennial workers. They suggested that if a worker is having problems, sit down with them. Offer them a couple of weeks off of work paid of course. Perhaps allow them to have an hour or so lunch instead of a half hour. Go to their house and see if there is anything you can do to help them out.

I bust out laughing. My employer said "WTF do they think I'm running here, a daycare center???"

A couple of years ago I had a construction delivery. It was insulation for a new building they were putting up. It was at Prudential insurance company. While they were unloading me, I noticed a track around the place going into a treed area and I asked one of the workers WTF that was?

He stated it was their stress track. Stress track??? WTF is a stress track?? He said that when any worker feels too stressed out, they are allowed to come here to the stress track and run it off. The company even allows them to have friends meet them here and perhaps bring some bikes.

I was totally floored. A Fn stress track. So I asked how many workers are that stressed out in the place? He said nearly all of them. LOL!
That article sounds like complete bullshit. I think most people would agree with you that is a stupid way to discipline any worker. Did you really expect me to be on board with such an idea?

Merely pointing out the difference between today and back when. It might not be something you agree with, but certainly other people do.

The generation before mine held the stance that we were not nearly as tough as them. I believe they were absolutely correct. But I also believe that we were much tougher than the millennials and Gen-X today.

When I was in my early 20's, I did something really stupid. I quit my job because I was pissed off at the boss. This was during the Reagan recession, and I don't care what they say about Obama's recession, that recession was much worse.

Back then you couldn't even get a McDonald's job. Nobody was hiring. But instead of going on some social program or moving back home with my parents, I signed up with several temp agencies. The one agency (Manpower) sent me on a job for a week. When they got my review back, they were calling me for every new job that came up. It paid minimum wage, but it was better than having no roof over my head and nothing to eat. So I went to those jobs and busted my ass regardless of pay.

I simply don't see a younger person doing something like that today. If they get into trouble, move back home or sign up for every social program available and wait for better times, or perhaps do both.
Um Obama’s recession? That began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama’s presidency. Hell two of them began under Bush.

Okay and again, the younger person today has a much higher cost of living standard than a younger person under Reagan. Jobs may have been lost under Reagan and the income disparity got wider, but at least the cost of living was much more manageable than it is today. Also, today, there are fewer higher paying jobs than there were under Reagan. These are the points I am trying to drive home here. You pretending such facts are irrelevant does not actually make them irrelevant.

Yep, the cost of living is higher, guess that tends to happen when iPhones and Starbucks are a basic requirement...dumbass.
Okay you say this shit despite the statistic I quoted in my OP. Are ALL of those workers lazy with the exception of those in the 10% of counties?

Maybe if the democrat controlled schools taught math, english, science instead of teaching classes in "How to pick your new Gender," "Why America Sucks, and the rest of the world is great," "Why you are a racist pig and how to give politiicans more power because you are a racist pig," then our children wouldn't be going to college for degrees in French Poetry, and would instead learn how to make a living....outside of working at Starbucks.

many of the problems we are seeing today can be traced directly back to the teachers union and its move from teaching to indoctrination.

Since you haven't read or learned from the hundreds of threads on the topic, teachers unions have ZERO impact on curriculum, anywhere in the United States.

You just outed yourself as a monumental dumbass!

you are FOS. prove your allegation or STFU.

How about the fact that I was teacher and school administrator for 21 years? How about the fact that I have a Master's degree in educational leadership, meaning I am qualified to be a school superintendent.

How about you prove YOUR allegation? Teachers unions have zero impact on curriculum as those decisions are made by state boards of education in most cases, and local school districts in others. Unless you were a teacher, you would just rely on the education basher and teacher wannabees talking points so common on this forum.

I was union member off and on throughout my career. They never did anything for me except smack my principal down when he tried to fire me, accusing me of not doing my job, despite the fact that he had all of the required reports in his hands. When I left he was demoted to an small elementary school. Those poor kids!

not knocking your credentials or experience. I suggest that you look into who the teachers unions support and contribute to politically, the answer will then become obvious to even a brilliant person like you.
to the OP

the answer seems simple, move to one of the counties in the 10% and move into a comfortable apartment.
to the OP

the answer seems simple, move to one of the counties in the 10% and move into a comfortable apartment.

There is inexpensive housing in many Ultraliberal cities as well.

Liberal towns like San Fran and New York have high housing prices.

But there are other leftist cities like East St. Louis- which is VERY progressive- where real estate is reasonably priced and libs can live with their own.
to the OP

the answer seems simple, move to one of the counties in the 10% and move into a comfortable apartment.

There is inexpensive housing in many Ultraliberal cities as well.

Liberal towns like San Fran and New York have high housing prices.

But there are other leftist cities like East St. Louis- which is VERY progressive- where real estate is reasonably priced and libs can live with their own.

thats also true here in New Orleans, reasonable housing is available and this city has become a bastion of liberalism, we spent thousands removing harmless 150 year old statues and nothing maintaining the levees and pumps that the city depends on for survival.
Maybe if the democrat controlled schools taught math, english, science instead of teaching classes in "How to pick your new Gender," "Why America Sucks, and the rest of the world is great," "Why you are a racist pig and how to give politiicans more power because you are a racist pig," then our children wouldn't be going to college for degrees in French Poetry, and would instead learn how to make a living....outside of working at Starbucks.

many of the problems we are seeing today can be traced directly back to the teachers union and its move from teaching to indoctrination.

Since you haven't read or learned from the hundreds of threads on the topic, teachers unions have ZERO impact on curriculum, anywhere in the United States.

You just outed yourself as a monumental dumbass!

you are FOS. prove your allegation or STFU.

How about the fact that I was teacher and school administrator for 21 years? How about the fact that I have a Master's degree in educational leadership, meaning I am qualified to be a school superintendent.

How about you prove YOUR allegation? Teachers unions have zero impact on curriculum as those decisions are made by state boards of education in most cases, and local school districts in others. Unless you were a teacher, you would just rely on the education basher and teacher wannabees talking points so common on this forum.

I was union member off and on throughout my career. They never did anything for me except smack my principal down when he tried to fire me, accusing me of not doing my job, despite the fact that he had all of the required reports in his hands. When I left he was demoted to an small elementary school. Those poor kids!

not knocking your credentials or experience. I suggest that you look into who the teachers unions support and contribute to politically, the answer will then become obvious to even a brilliant person like you.

I already am well familiar with that. Our unions here in KY will be doing everything they can to remove our current Republican governor because he is an idiot of the highest caliber. He will likely lose to a Democrat leftward simply because conservative did not primary him out. He will get his well-deserved defeat in November.

Mossad crowd...

Your desperation is amusing


Some of the Mossad here like Mamooth have been all over the web for more than a decade shouting down truth and attempting to censor and ban those with truth.

That you felt a need to respond speaks volumes.

The old saying...

if it bothers you, you're guilty....

Just hope the Barr DOJ doesn't look too closely at your personal investments from 2001....

Define that word, Admiral...

What is a "conservative" today in America?

1. a big government, big spending Christian supporter of Israel
2. any supporter of more wars in the Middle East to help Israel = Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein would qualify
3. those who want to shout down and censor people asking too many questions about 911
4. anyone with an IQ under 20 who believes in Jesus and goes to a church with a preacher who is really a Jew
5. those who think W was a great "conservative" President
Your anecdotal experience for the 100th time is not indicative of the actual reality on a national scale.

It's not just my experience, it's happening in many other fields as well. I spend much of my day in industrial areas. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and just out of curiosity, I ask what the pay rate is. In most instances, it's not too bad for non-skilled labor, and plenty of advancement opportunities. Hell, if I was younger, I might consider a career change these days.

From what I've seen, it's not that there are little opportunities, it's that people are not seeking them.

The owner of my company's son works with us. When we have dead time, there is a place we go to hang out. We talk all the time with each other. He told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. Most of the guys he hung out with in school still live at home. They don't work or work part-time, and spend most of the day playing video games. If they do have a job, it's only for a few months.

What we have today is an entirely different mindset of younger people compared to when I was younger.
I get that you people have this mindset that makes you feel more manly and superior to people nowadays, but it really just comes from a place of emotion. This is about sheer economics. Even despite millennials’ shitty economic situation, research has shown they donate to charity for than baby boomers. I don’t generalize baby boomers but my god I have met so many entitled, selfish brats in their 60’s and above.

If they worked their way up to great wealth, that's probably true. But who could blame them? Becoming wealthy isn't easy. Try it yourself sometime. It's a lot of hard work and most people fail at it.

As to your philanthropy study, I'm totally unaware of that. If you have it, post it.

I was talking with my boss about a year ago and we got into a similar discussion. He showed me an article in is small business magazine. After I read it my mouth dropped open. If I didn't know it was serious, I would have thought it was written by the Onion.

In the article it gave suggestions to business owners how to coddle their millennial workers. They suggested that if a worker is having problems, sit down with them. Offer them a couple of weeks off of work paid of course. Perhaps allow them to have an hour or so lunch instead of a half hour. Go to their house and see if there is anything you can do to help them out.

I bust out laughing. My employer said "WTF do they think I'm running here, a daycare center???"

A couple of years ago I had a construction delivery. It was insulation for a new building they were putting up. It was at Prudential insurance company. While they were unloading me, I noticed a track around the place going into a treed area and I asked one of the workers WTF that was?

He stated it was their stress track. Stress track??? WTF is a stress track?? He said that when any worker feels too stressed out, they are allowed to come here to the stress track and run it off. The company even allows them to have friends meet them here and perhaps bring some bikes.

I was totally floored. A Fn stress track. So I asked how many workers are that stressed out in the place? He said nearly all of them. LOL!
That article sounds like complete bullshit. I think most people would agree with you that is a stupid way to discipline any worker. Did you really expect me to be on board with such an idea?

Merely pointing out the difference between today and back when. It might not be something you agree with, but certainly other people do.

The generation before mine held the stance that we were not nearly as tough as them. I believe they were absolutely correct. But I also believe that we were much tougher than the millennials and Gen-X today.

When I was in my early 20's, I did something really stupid. I quit my job because I was pissed off at the boss. This was during the Reagan recession, and I don't care what they say about Obama's recession, that recession was much worse.

Back then you couldn't even get a McDonald's job. Nobody was hiring. But instead of going on some social program or moving back home with my parents, I signed up with several temp agencies. The one agency (Manpower) sent me on a job for a week. When they got my review back, they were calling me for every new job that came up. It paid minimum wage, but it was better than having no roof over my head and nothing to eat. So I went to those jobs and busted my ass regardless of pay.

I simply don't see a younger person doing something like that today. If they get into trouble, move back home or sign up for every social program available and wait for better times, or perhaps do both.

I got jobs and was working then.
It's not just my experience, it's happening in many other fields as well. I spend much of my day in industrial areas. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Some of them are our customers and just out of curiosity, I ask what the pay rate is. In most instances, it's not too bad for non-skilled labor, and plenty of advancement opportunities. Hell, if I was younger, I might consider a career change these days.

From what I've seen, it's not that there are little opportunities, it's that people are not seeking them.

The owner of my company's son works with us. When we have dead time, there is a place we go to hang out. We talk all the time with each other. He told me he's totally embarrassed of his generation. Most of the guys he hung out with in school still live at home. They don't work or work part-time, and spend most of the day playing video games. If they do have a job, it's only for a few months.

What we have today is an entirely different mindset of younger people compared to when I was younger.
I get that you people have this mindset that makes you feel more manly and superior to people nowadays, but it really just comes from a place of emotion. This is about sheer economics. Even despite millennials’ shitty economic situation, research has shown they donate to charity for than baby boomers. I don’t generalize baby boomers but my god I have met so many entitled, selfish brats in their 60’s and above.

If they worked their way up to great wealth, that's probably true. But who could blame them? Becoming wealthy isn't easy. Try it yourself sometime. It's a lot of hard work and most people fail at it.

As to your philanthropy study, I'm totally unaware of that. If you have it, post it.

I was talking with my boss about a year ago and we got into a similar discussion. He showed me an article in is small business magazine. After I read it my mouth dropped open. If I didn't know it was serious, I would have thought it was written by the Onion.

In the article it gave suggestions to business owners how to coddle their millennial workers. They suggested that if a worker is having problems, sit down with them. Offer them a couple of weeks off of work paid of course. Perhaps allow them to have an hour or so lunch instead of a half hour. Go to their house and see if there is anything you can do to help them out.

I bust out laughing. My employer said "WTF do they think I'm running here, a daycare center???"

A couple of years ago I had a construction delivery. It was insulation for a new building they were putting up. It was at Prudential insurance company. While they were unloading me, I noticed a track around the place going into a treed area and I asked one of the workers WTF that was?

He stated it was their stress track. Stress track??? WTF is a stress track?? He said that when any worker feels too stressed out, they are allowed to come here to the stress track and run it off. The company even allows them to have friends meet them here and perhaps bring some bikes.

I was totally floored. A Fn stress track. So I asked how many workers are that stressed out in the place? He said nearly all of them. LOL!
That article sounds like complete bullshit. I think most people would agree with you that is a stupid way to discipline any worker. Did you really expect me to be on board with such an idea?

Merely pointing out the difference between today and back when. It might not be something you agree with, but certainly other people do.

The generation before mine held the stance that we were not nearly as tough as them. I believe they were absolutely correct. But I also believe that we were much tougher than the millennials and Gen-X today.

When I was in my early 20's, I did something really stupid. I quit my job because I was pissed off at the boss. This was during the Reagan recession, and I don't care what they say about Obama's recession, that recession was much worse.

Back then you couldn't even get a McDonald's job. Nobody was hiring. But instead of going on some social program or moving back home with my parents, I signed up with several temp agencies. The one agency (Manpower) sent me on a job for a week. When they got my review back, they were calling me for every new job that came up. It paid minimum wage, but it was better than having no roof over my head and nothing to eat. So I went to those jobs and busted my ass regardless of pay.

I simply don't see a younger person doing something like that today. If they get into trouble, move back home or sign up for every social program available and wait for better times, or perhaps do both.
Um Obama’s recession? That began under Bush and ended 6 months into Obama’s presidency. Hell two of them began under Bush.

Okay and again, the younger person today has a much higher cost of living standard than a younger person under Reagan. Jobs may have been lost under Reagan and the income disparity got wider, but at least the cost of living was much more manageable than it is today. Also, today, there are fewer higher paying jobs than there were under Reagan. These are the points I am trying to drive home here. You pretending such facts are irrelevant does not actually make them irrelevant.

You have not presented any facts, you presented opinion, just like I did.

But going to dozens of places every week, talking to supervisors as well as workers, I think I have more to backup my opinion working in industry than you have of yours. Our company is a reflection of most others. When my employer is looking for new help, his biggest hurdle is finding people that can pass a drug screen.
That's because you lazyass liberals think you can use your food stamps for rent. Get off of your dead ass and get a job.
That's because you lazyass liberals think you can use your food stamps for rent. Get off of your dead ass and get a job.
All us liberals are unemployed huh? That’s quite an epidemic. I thought Trump’s economy was doing great.
That's because you lazyass liberals think you can use your food stamps for rent. Get off of your dead ass and get a job.
All us liberals are unemployed huh? That’s quite an epidemic. I thought Trump’s economy was doing great.
Don't blame Donald Trump for you snowflake losers lying around your mommy's basements stuffing your fat fucking faces with ding dongs..
That's because you lazyass liberals think you can use your food stamps for rent. Get off of your dead ass and get a job.
All us liberals are unemployed huh? That’s quite an epidemic. I thought Trump’s economy was doing great.
Don't blame Donald Trump for you snowflake losers lying around your mommy's basements stuffing your fat fucking faces with ding dongs..
So liberals only make up 3 to 4% of the population? Wow. I had no idea.

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