In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control

But GOP and Conservatives have voted time and time again for more dark money in politics... If anything it is getting worse...

How about voting for politicians who want to take money out of politics?
But GOP and Conservatives have voted time and time again for more dark money in politics.

How about voting for politicians who want to take money out of politics?
You tell me which politicians are willing to take money out of politics.
Luckily the country does not trust either one of you, and for good reason.

We sure as hell don't trust any Democrats.

Democrats have reneged on every single deal they've made since Tip O'Neill.

They even reneg on their own people!

Leftists are absolutely untrustworthy and unreliable.
Is that the go to line these days, "at least it not as bad as the 70s"? Gas was about 36 cents a gallon back then. If you're not losing money, you aren't buying gas or groceries.
In actuality, I don't buy much gas. I would not consider it a go to line, but with wages and instability of the economy and lack of balance and understanding of what might be best controls on the economy, that soon after Nixon took us off the gold standard and the effects (long lasting) of the OPEC cutting off supply to the world, to raise price on their resource, it was a time of higher inflation, lasting longer at higher rates, and compared to wage stagnation of the period, much harder on average Americans of lower income groups than the inflation we saw last year and dropping to the lower 3% range this year. So you can take or leave it. You don't sound like an spring chicken, so if you are suffering, it is probably your own fault, due to mistakes made, but I suspect you are not suffering either. I chalk up people like you to "Oh, Horror, the country is suffering piteously, (you not, but that's what you have heard or the message you want to support your political view), when in fact, there are more people working than the Trump years, with more manufacturing jobs, as in full time, as opposed to the part time wage stagnant economy, good for the top 1%, but not so much for the rest. But, if you want to grieve for the people that cannot afford to buy the latest new car, while they pay for the house or the rent, so be it. Personally, I made those choices many years ago and it was not the fault of whichever president at the time, as I never depended on government to make my way or find my way. You are no better than a welfare trained, gimme sh#t for nothing without responsibility asshole. Maybe that is the way it is in the big city. I just wasn't raised that way.
Sure you are. If you are in a red state, like Florida or Texas.

If you're in a blue state you are screwed.
Tennessee is not one of the high wage red states, but the economy is balanced, so high wage is not necessary to live nice and I am not responsible for the political decisions of the high tax, poorly managed state you chose.
Does the Supreme Court do "what the people want"?
If you look at voting for the Senate, voting for the House, voting for the presidency, and then put that up against the fact that there are SIX right wing justices and only three left wing, it clearly shows they're not even representative of the people.
And that's not including the fact that FPTP is a complete crock of shit and does NOT in any way represent what the people want.
So, no branch of govt gives the people what they want.
There were frauds place into the supreme court over many decades. Promoted from sell out so called Republicans. We should be further to the right than we are. Whatever that means.
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498

What the Fuck is this?
What happened the first 4 years?
And you want 4 more years of lies?

He was well on his way to making America Great against all odds.
Against Childlike resistance from Faggots such as yourself.
From the ignoramuses such as the OP.
From the Hillary and Obama sycophants.
From the intelligence agencies and the rest of the Federal Government.
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We sure as hell don't trust any Democrats.

Democrats have reneged on every single deal they've made since Tip O'Neill.

They even reneg on their own people!

Leftists are absolutely untrustworthy and unreliable.
If party label is the thing, you are half right. Personally, I do not trust either party, and found following either one consistently is bad for the long term good of the country, especially now with the hair on fire no-nothing contingents vocal in both parties, as we see here on this board.
I agree but look back at the recent decisions from this court and notice how often the Democrat-appointed justices vote lockstep with current Democrat policies versus how often Republican-appointed vote against Republican policies. Dems are nearly a total bloc vote every time.

They can't understand rational sense at that level.
In actuality, I don't buy much gas. I would not consider it a go to line, but with wages and instability of the economy and lack of balance and understanding of what might be best controls on the economy, that soon after Nixon took us off the gold standard and the effects (long lasting) of the OPEC cutting off supply to the world, to raise price on their resource, it was a time of higher inflation, lasting longer at higher rates, and compared to wage stagnation of the period, much harder on average Americans of lower income groups than the inflation we saw last year and dropping to the lower 3% range this year. So you can take or leave it. You don't sound like an spring chicken, so if you are suffering, it is probably your own fault, due to mistakes made, but I suspect you are not suffering either. I chalk up people like you to "Oh, Horror, the country is suffering piteously, (you not, but that's what you have heard or the message you want to support your political view), when in fact, there are more people working than the Trump years, with more manufacturing jobs, as in full time, as opposed to the part time wage stagnant economy, good for the top 1%, but not so much for the rest. But, if you want to grieve for the people that cannot afford to buy the latest new car, while they pay for the house or the rent, so be it. Personally, I made those choices many years ago and it was not the fault of whichever president at the time, as I never depended on government to make my way or find my way. You are no better than a welfare trained, gimme sh#t for nothing without responsibility asshole. Maybe that is the way it is in the big city. I just wasn't raised that way.
Dood, take a breath, you're rambling. As far as the "welfare trained gimme shit for nothing" that's exactly the mindset Democrats are instilling in both Americans and illegals.
Tennessee is not one of the high wage red states, but the economy is balanced, so high wage is not necessary to live nice and I am not responsible for the political decisions of the high tax, poorly managed state you chose.

I chose this state when it was well managed. Then a bunch of leftist californicators moved in and fucked the place up.
He was well on his way to making America Great against all odds.
Against Childlike resistance from Faggots such as yourself.
From the ignoramuses such as the OP.
From the Hillary and Obama sycophants.
From the intelligence agencies and the rest of the Federal Government.

Have a shitty day you keyboard patriot. LOLLLOLL
I chose this state when it was well managed. Then a bunch of leftist californicators moved in and fucked the place up.
That is kind of what we heard in the rest of the country. I don't know what you are going to do about it. Did the hippies grow up, but still never gave up dreams of no responsibility utopia? I don't know. From what I have seen, you got a beautiful state, but only you can determine if it is worth it, to put up with the "everything for everybody as long as taxes can be raised to provide it" mindset, controlling your state. "Less is more" is a valid philosophic position. You might be happier, where they will leave you the fk alone, and let you keep what you have gathered unto you. They do exist, you know?
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498
You started out so good until bringing up Trump. Biden and the dems should not be in control either, but they are. Why aren't you criticizing them? In fact, dems talk about wanting to control the Supreme Court and they wanted Manchin and Sinema to vote in order to have full control of the senate.
That is kind of what we heard in the rest of the country. I don't know what you are going to do about it. Did the hippies grow up, but still never gave up dreams of no responsibility utopia? I don't know. From what I have seen, you got a beautiful state, but only you can determine if it is worth it, to put up with the "everything for everybody as long as taxes can be raised to provide it" mindset, controlling your state. "Less is more" is a valid philosophic position. You might be happier, where they will leave you the fk alone, and let you keep what you have gathered unto you. They do exist, you know?

Eventually they are going to starve to death. They are too fucking stupid to exist without a suger daddy.

So we will watch them starve.

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