In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control

The sad part is that the Supreme Court can make any ruling it wants, but it has no enforcement arm. The Marxist blue states are ignoring the Supreme Court 2nd Amendment rulings and going ahead with firearms restrictions anyway.
That reality is going to continue to degrade respect for law in the future and both sides will be doing it. It will be interesting to see if those on the Right are willing to fight to refuse demands or actions from law enforcement entities. THAT is ultimately where the rubber meets the road. The Left will send out the troops to compel obedience.
In our democratic republic,
Where is it written anywhere that we are a democratic republic?

In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree
Oh what cosmic irony that after 8 years of harassing, attacking and assaulting Trump supporters just for voting their conscience, or often just for wearing a red cap, after three years of ridicule and oppression if you dared question the official story on Covid or the vaccine, and another two years of censorship, removal and ridicule if you dared point out the 2020 election was stolen, that you'd now have the gull to come on here whining like a little bitch that its not safe for YOU to disagree! :cuckoo:

That reality is going to continue to degrade respect for law in the future and both sides will be doing it. It will be interesting to see if those on the Right are willing to fight to refuse demands or actions from law enforcement entities. THAT is ultimately where the rubber meets the road. The Left will send out the troops to compel obedience.

Not a hypothetical. This is the Alabama REPUBLICAN dominated House refusing to adhere to a decision made by a REPUBLICAN dominated Supreme Court. So the Gerrymandering can continue unabated.

Still waiting on the troops.

Or an actual justification.
The problem is the system as it currently stands was designed a long, long time ago, and it's creaking so much it's like a piece of wood that's fallen apart.

The president gets to nominate the Supreme Court and the Senate gets to decide yes or no. When you have President and Senate as the same party, then they get who they want, when this differs, it's a problem.
But either way, you end up with political justices, the Supreme Court is so political these days it's sickening.
You forgot about the RINOs!
Justices are put there by government officials who are elected. From that you can infer they are supposed to do what is popular. In other words, do what the people want.

Does the Supreme Court do "what the people want"?
If you look at voting for the Senate, voting for the House, voting for the presidency, and then put that up against the fact that there are SIX right wing justices and only three left wing, it clearly shows they're not even representative of the people.
And that's not including the fact that FPTP is a complete crock of shit and does NOT in any way represent what the people want.
So, no branch of govt gives the people what they want.
I agree but look back at the recent decisions from this court and notice how often the Democrat-appointed justices vote lockstep with current Democrat policies versus how often Republican-appointed vote against Republican policies. Dems are nearly a total bloc vote every time.

Both sides are partisan, you attract the attention of someone in one of the parties by being a bit further from the center than you'd like... the sensible ones never get a look in
You have been betraying your Republic foundarion and become more like Canada for some time, fhis would make you more like Canada, an unaccountable Police State that has sunk Ontario, the most indebted sub borrowing jurisdiction on earth. Don't say we didnt warn you. Cult members on this site sound like Canadian "conservatives". You have extremists on both sides, one cokncept in common, "more control and interfence in younr life"
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498
Yet you tards want to stack the court and add states to gain control. What's the difference? Control is control.

In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498
And not just Trump.

Conservativism itself is illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian as Republicans seek to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

The right’s advocacy of the unitary executive theory is a prime example of conservatives’ contempt for democracy and the will of the people and Republicans’ desire to have an all-powerful president who would rule unchecked via fiat and decree.
And not just Trump.

Conservativism itself is illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian as Republicans seek to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

The right’s advocacy of the unitary executive theory is a prime example of conservatives’ contempt for democracy and the will of the people and Republicans’ desire to have an all-powerful president who would rule unchecked via fiat and decree.
That’s pretty darn funny. In terms of an
all-powerful president who would rule unchecked via fiat and decree.
tell us about the dictator in charge; Sloppy Joe, who rules by executive order. How many of Sloppy Joe’s most recent catastrophes of executive order have been struck down by the S.C.?

Wasn’t it an attempt at executive order when Sloppy Joe tried to dump $1/2 trillion in student debt on the American taxpayer?
Does the Supreme Court do "what the people want"?
If you look at voting for the Senate, voting for the House, voting for the presidency, and then put that up against the fact that there are SIX right wing justices and only three left wing, it clearly shows they're not even representative of the people.
And that's not including the fact that FPTP is a complete crock of shit and does NOT in any way represent what the people want.
So, no branch of govt gives the people what they want.
Okay, so the Supreme Court doesn't do what you want, but it does what other people in America want.
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President
They want a dictator, a ruler, and he (and more importantly, his enablers) would be more than happy to oblige.

My question is whether they really understand what they want.
And not just Trump.

Conservativism itself is illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian as Republicans seek to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

The right’s advocacy of the unitary executive theory is a prime example of conservatives’ contempt for democracy and the will of the people and Republicans’ desire to have an all-powerful president who would rule unchecked via fiat and decree.
Projection monkey says what?
Trump says he wants to make America great again. We trust him.
And a lot of people don't...

That is why there is meant to be three branches of Government..

Trump legally but ethically and illegally tried to corrupt or takeover the other branches...

His version of making America great is to make the rich richer... Demonise and discriminate people who don't agree with you.

Sorry but that make America weaker and it showed when he pandered to dictators..
What happened the first 4 years?
And you want 4 more years of lies?
We want the United States as a free and sovereign nation. He is part of only a small percentage not controlled or influenced from others who want other ways.
Sure you are. If you are in a red state, like Florida or Texas.

If you're in a blue state you are screwed.

California is beating Florida
New York is beating Texas...

That is with the Blue states having considerable leads already..

Problem with conservative states, liberal states financially do far better than them... Red states are moocher states generally speaking.. They only succeed if they are digging or pumping their resources and collecting taxes on selling them to others... West Virgina is a great example, most red state in America and they gave away their coal and got Black Lung in return.. State is so broke they struggle to pay medical bills while the corporations are well gone. Conservatives/GOP solution is to blame Democrats with some bullshit that they killed the coal industry...
My question is whether they really understand what they want

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