In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control

Eventually they are going to starve to death. They are too fucking stupid to exist without a suger daddy.

So we will watch them starve.
Can you hold out, there, long enough to see it happen and put up with state of play in the state around you for that long?
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498
TRUMP! is not president. We did actually have an election, remember?
In our democratic republic,

"Compound Republic"

State republics do, of course, retain the majority of power over the the central Republic.

See Federalist #51. For starters...

The real power struggle is not between the branches.

It's between the central and state republics that make up our compound republic.
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Can you hold out, there, long enough to see it happen and put up with state of play in the state around you for that long?

Of course. We are self sufficient. Barring a nuke hitting us we are good for at least three years without leaving the property.
Where is it written anywhere that we are a democratic republic?

Oh what cosmic irony that after 8 years of harassing, attacking and assaulting Trump supporters just for voting their conscience, or often just for wearing a red cap, after three years of ridicule and oppression if you dared question the official story on Covid or the vaccine, and another two years of censorship, removal and ridicule if you dared point out the 2020 election was stolen, that you'd now have the gull to come on here whining like a little bitch that its not safe for YOU to disagree! :cuckoo:

Why is America a democratic country?
It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the Government derives its power from the people.
In our democratic republic, no branch of the goverment should control. Np President should try to control the legislative or judicial and vice versa.
In Trump's world it is not safe to disagree with him. He will make you pay whether an individual, an organization or a branch of the governmrnt.
That is why he is not fit to be President

View attachment 805498
Constitutional Republic if you can't get that right why the fuck should anyone take you seriously.
Why is America a democratic country?
It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the Government derives its power from the people.
It is not a democracy. Period.
Yet you tards want to stack the court and add states to gain control. What's the difference? Control is control.

Trump and his minions want to change the judiciary more than any group in the USA.

The judiciary should not be changed to give any political group advantage.
You started out so good until bringing up Trump. Biden and the dems should not be in control either, but they are. Why aren't you criticizing them? In fact, dems talk about wanting to control the Supreme Court and they wanted Manchin and Sinema to vote in order to have full control of the senate.
No one from any political party is less tolerant of any disagreement, with them, than Donald Trump.
You have to be an idiot to not see how Trump fires everyone and everything that disagrees with him. Not just people from the other political party, everyone and anyone.
TRUMP! is not president. We did actually have an election, remember?
He is a Presidential candidate. Maybe you didn't know this. He is not fit to be President as most of those who worked with him at the White House will attest to. They are not Democrats. They are Republicans.
"Compound Republic"

State republics do, of course, retain the majority of power over the the central Republic.

See Federalist #51. For starters...

The real power struggle is not between the branches.

It's between the central and state republics that make up our compound republic.
The power of all government entities comes from the people. That is a democratic principle.
No one from any political party is less tolerant of any disagreement, with them, than Donald Trump.
You have to be an idiot to not see how Trump fires everyone and everything that disagrees with him. Not just people from the other political party, everyone and anyone.
Your post makes no sense. I stand by what I said. I agreed with your post until you started veering of course with TDS.
We are not a democracy.

You should have paid better attention in school.
You be dumb.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
Constitutional Republic if you can't get that right why the fuck should anyone take you seriously.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.
It is not a democracy. Period.
I cannot believe how uneducated the MAGA minions are.
They do not want a democracy. They want a dictatorship led by Donald Trump.

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves.

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