IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Moscow Marxist hordes

For whatever reason?
any comment on this ?

Communism isn't a threat. It's failed everywhere. Cool your hysteria. Trump is old like that too...calling everyone communists.
Yea I’m sure they did. Like I said, evil Godless commies. Unfortunately that ideology has spread across the world and the US since then.
The Russians were far more brutal than the nazis were when it came to war. (death camps are a different story, but Stalin had his own camps and his own methods of torture) The Russians gladly burned, stole, raped, murdered and tortured anyone who got in their way. Once they were in East Prussia, and Germany, the raping and killing was committed on an unimaginable scale. One German remarked that any female, from eight to eighty were violated, and often multiple times by different men in the same unit. One little German girl, only ten years old, died in a field hospital, after being raped so many times, her insides were falling out of her. Her hair had been ripped from her scalp, and she bled heavily. The Russians were sick and twisted just as the Nazis. Ukraine suffered then too. Germany may have forgotten, but Ukraine hasn't.
Better check the allies rape record in Germany and even in France, you won't like it.
For whatever reason? The Ukraine is again showing that it's very poor at photoshopping heads onto bodies?
And dispelling the myth that the Ukrainian famine of the 1930's wasn't Joseph Stalin's doing.
yes---the Japanese ----I hope that they have given up some of that
barbarity-----not optimistic
I hope they can dig deep and regain it when the Chinese are chewin on them ( it will buy us a little time to gear up to get in the fight )
Wonder how many women the Nazi hordes raped in Russia?
much less, you know National - Socialist racist ideology, officers, and the system didn´t allow

ivan, you so you lying always ? you know that Mongol - Muscovites raped not only German women - girls. I am 100% sure , you are a 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 Mongol-Muscovite
For whatever reason? The Ukraine is again showing that it's very poor at photoshopping heads onto bodies?
What do you think, Donald? Does this sound about right to you?

The phrase "from eight to 80" was used to describe potential victims of Soviet mass-rape. "Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary when he was serving as an officer of the marine infantry in East Prussia. "Nine, ten, twelve men at a time – they rape them on a collective basis."[35] Rape was regarded by men in the Soviet army as a well-deserved form of punishment, whether the civilians had anything to do with the war or not. In total, historians estimate that over two million German women were raped.[36]

The Post War Rape Romp in Germany lasted until the 1960s ( Mostly in East Germany and around Berlin )
I read a book on the fall of Berlin and it said the Soviets repaid what they German soldiers did to their women. They were encouraged to rape German women when they entered Germany. It got so bad they had to order them to cut back on it right before they entered Berlin.

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