IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Moscow Marxist hordes

i know from my relatives AND HISTORY , you 🇷🇺RAPIST dirty pig-DOG , WELCOME TO 🇺🇦 EUROPE , ORIENTAL HE- WHORE

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What do you think, Donald? Does this sound about right to you?

The phrase "from eight to 80" was used to describe potential victims of Soviet mass-rape. "Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary when he was serving as an officer of the marine infantry in East Prussia. "Nine, ten, twelve men at a time – they rape them on a collective basis."[35] Rape was regarded by men in the Soviet army as a well-deserved form of punishment, whether the civilians had anything to do with the war or not. In total, historians estimate that over two million German women were raped.[36]

With so much US hate propaganda against Russia, who can tell?
Apparently rape by all allied forces on German women was common at that time. But credit due to America that appears to be the 'one' war America didn't start.
With so much US hate propaganda against Russia, who can tell?
Apparently rape by all allied forces on German women was common at that time. But credit due to America that appears to be the 'one' war America didn't start.
By any objective measure America has been the least imperialistic super power in the history of mankind, dipshit.
What does that have to do with the US is the least imperialistic nation of any super power that has ever existed before?
It disproves your claim. You're reluctant to name a possible superpower during the time in question.

Can you name a super power or two after the end of WW2?
It disproves your claim. You're reluctant to name a possible superpower during the time in question.

Can you name a super power or two after the end of WW2?
Don't be silly. To disprove my claim you would need to look at how much land each superpower conquered - throughout the entire history of mankind - to expand their empire and contrast that to what America did.

So... by any objective measure, America has been the least imperialistic superpower that has ever existed. Which by the way was stated to counter your implication that America is a warmongering nation.

I think you are overly emotional and I think you are dumb.
Don't be silly. To disprove my claim you would need to look at how much land each superpower conquered - throughout the entire history of mankind - to expand their empire and contrast that to what America did.

So... by any objective measure, America has been the least imperialistic superpower that has ever existed. Which by the way was stated to counter your implication that America is a warmongering nation.

I think you are overly emotional and I think you are dumb.
You're not talking about superpowers, you're talking about a gas station with nuclear weapons.
You're not talking about superpowers, you're talking about a gas station with nuclear weapons.
No, I'm talking about super powers. Maybe try googling "list of superpowers throughout history"

Then do that compare and contrast thingee I suggested. :)
No, I'm talking about super powers. Maybe try googling "list of superpowers throughout history"

Then do that compare and contrast thingee I suggested. :)
We're both off topic so I can't continue here. You're getting a free pass on this one.
We're both off topic so I can't continue here. You're getting a free pass on this one.
Just PM the name of the superpower you think was less imperialistic than America and then we'll be all good. ;)
If you want to understand history and not just cherry pick it to suit your keyboard commando needs, you have to look at it through the eyes of the people that lived through these periods. Russia was encircled by the Germans in Leningrad for 3 years, from 1943 to 1944, starving men, women, and children. They lost close to a million people in this siege alone in the most brutal ways. They were attacked in Stalingrad, and again it was a war of extermination, except the Russian people wouldn't quit. They repulsed the nazis through sheer numbers and determination. Rag tag troops drove the Nazi's back across the river, and even General Zhukof wouldn't or couldn't stop the revenge that the survivors of the horrors at home. Eisenhower and Zhukov had seen the camps and knew who they were dealing with what was going to happen, this was a terrible war, and you should not be pissing your pants to start a new one.

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