In re January 6, 2021

What you omitted was that Reagan did it by first driving up unemployment to levels levels not seen since the great depression for it's deflationary impact. Followed by Reagans tripling the national debt with huge government spending to increase government revenue.

Oh, so flat out fucking lying is your defense?

How democrat of you.

An armed but limited rebellion is an insurrection, and if the established government does not recognize the rebels as belligerents then they are insurgents and the revolt is an insurgency. ... There are a number of terms that are associated with rebel and rebellion.

It shows that golfing gator was right in defining it as an insurrection instead of a rebellion.
Armed with what? A Viking hat with horns?
You can look it up. Reagan pushed unemployment up to 10.8% the highest since the great depression, and the national debt to over $2 trillion dollars, three times the debt he inherited.

The stats are compared to Carter. Regan turned around the Carter malaise. But you'll hate him forever, since he defeated your beloved USSR.
Another ignoramus who doesn’t know that Congress is responsible for the budget.

The president also proposes a budget he presents to congress under federal law. Of course revenue bills have to begin in the House of Representatives, unless 2/3rds of both houses agree with it, the president has to give his approval. Which Ronald Reagan did. Just like he did when he gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
The stats are compared to Carter. Regan turned around the Carter malaise. But you'll hate him forever, since he defeated your beloved USSR.

Ronald Regan began the republican tradition of "Deficits don't matter"
They complained that democrats were "tax and spenders" but that meant the democrats at least paid for it, while the republicans chose to spend now and leave paying for it to the next administration or next generation.
The president also proposes a budget he presents to congress under federal law. Of course revenue bills have to begin in the House of Representatives, unless 2/3rds of both houses agree with it, the president has to give his approval. Which Ronald Reagan did. Just like he did when he gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Dufus thinks Congress controlled by the opposing party uses a Presidential budget proposal.
Dufus thinks Congress controlled by the opposing party uses a Presidential budget proposal.
I know that the president can VETO any budget he doesn't agree with, and it takes 2/3rds of both houses to pass a budget the president objects to.

Of course I could cite Bill Clinton when it came to getting the budget he sent to congress incorporated in the one that landed on his desk. And the "contract with America" congress he had to fight in order to do it.
The Left reminisce Carters 24% credit card rates.
"There is an infinite number of caveats that could be argued for or against, but the fact of the matter is that the simple analysis of job growth shows that President Trump is set to be the only president in recorded American history to have presided over net job loss," Lee said.

the unemployment rate reached 13.3% in May

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