In re solutions

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues off the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god
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Guns: Not a problem. need more. need full-auto.

Gays: Not a problem. Need full-auto....???

God: Not a problem. Need....oh, hell...Fuck religion. God? Fine.
more guns = less commies

That's a proven fact!!!

We need to make possession and effective use of full-auto weapons by ever person in America MANDATORY. No objectors. Everyone can take up a weapon and use it properly in battle.

Poor commies.
The ONLY problem with guns is we don't have enough and we don't get state-of-the-art, full-auto weapons like those CURRENTLY used by the military. We have an ABSOLUTE RIGHT to all weapons OUR government provides to the military.
The topic is solutions, you've offered problems sans any detail.
I have offered a solution to your "gun problem" and you went non-civil.

"my gun problem"? Fortunately I didn't have a son or daughter at VT or any other place when innocent people were slaughtered by a firearm. Guns are a problem, but no civil discussion has been able to prevent such situation.
"my gun problem"? Fortunately I didn't have a son or daughter at VT or any other place when innocent people were slaughtered by a firearm. Guns are a problem, but no civil discussion has been able to prevent such situation.
If just ONE person would have been armed, that situation would have been quickly ended. Because the place was a "gun free" zone, the perp had unlimited, unarmed meat targets to shoot at without being stopped.

The only solution you commies want to offer to the "gun problem" is to disarm the people. THAT IS NOT A SOLUTION!!!

More guns = LESS gun violence.

An armed society is a polite one.
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues on the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god

I don't understand, are you saying that guns, gays and G-d are THE most pressing problems?
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.
Not your forum hence not your rules. That said the $20 TRILLION dollar debt which is growing by billions with each passing day.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.

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