In re solutions

The terrorists are doing what they do on order to satisfy the religious dictates of jihad. They will not stop until the entire world is one big Islamic hell hole.

War may be the only answer, but so far not so much as a single western leader has been willing to name the problem.
I agree, but I believe it's a broader problem. Being willing to take choice away from others is one of the biggest problems.

I like to say organized religion is the problem, but that's only a problem when religious try to make religious beliefs the law of the land. Taking away freedom to choose. There are examples around the world of every religion interfering with freedoms by way of government force.

Lack of freedom of choice, by government force, is what the jihadis want for the world. Islam by itself is not the problem.
I'd say the problems are the original problems: the relationship of the People to their government. We have witnessed a progressive deterioration of the individual states to serve as breeding ground for new ideas, products, programs and experiments in favor of a One Size Fits All Washington DC approach.

We have also see an evaporation of individual freedoms, we are One Nation, Under Surveillance.

The solution is to peacefully eliminate many of the post Civil War era laws including Equal Protection clause and eliminate the 16th and 17th Amendment and eliminate the IRS, Departments of Homeland Security and Education.
We have also see an evaporation of individual freedoms, we are One Nation, Under Surveillance.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues off the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god

Maybe the first issue to address is that we're so divided as a nation and I don't see us uniting behind anybody anytime soon. The American people are capable of great things if they are united with a common purpose but right now we don't have anything close to that. We come together pretty good in times of catastrophe like the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida, but unfortunately it appears as though if we don't have a really big disaster to deal with then everybody stays in their corner and throws rocks at the other side. The best idea I can come up with in the way of a solution is a 3rd party at the state level that elects enough people to state and congressional positions to force an effort from the major parties to deal with them on every issue.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?
We have also see an evaporation of individual freedoms, we are One Nation, Under Surveillance.


And yet, we are more free and enjoy more liberty than any other nation today or in history. This is not in defense of some of the laws or practices of government on all levels, and some of the decisions rendered by the Supreme Court. I also find AG Sessions' comments on drugs in America foolish and callous.

One problem I foresee is that lack of a code of ethics required of all judges and justices but for the nine members of the Supreme Court.

I take the Preamble to COTUS as both a vision statement and a mission statement, which taken literally supports the Social Contract Theory. One serous problem today is, our house is divided on this basic issue.
........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?

I've never sucker punched anyone, but I've been sucker punched, and the aggressor always got more from me than he suspected.
  • N. Korea
  • Tax Policy, the annual deficits and the 20 Trillion Dollar Debt
  • Repeal, replace or fix what needs fixing in the ACA
  • Border security & Immigration
  • Free trade or protective tariffs
  • Voter registration
  • Energy Policy
  • Education of our Youth or 21st Century jobs.
I agree that those are real problems.

I have a theory that all problems can be solved by war. It's not advocacy of war, but a mere attempt to get people to put problems into perspective. If you're not willing to go to war over a problem, it's not that big of an issue, or we're not to the point where the issue is a must-address one. We have time to consider a solution that benefits the most and is not simply throwing money that we don't have at a problem without a solution as the end goal.

Example, Energy Policy. This goes hand in hand with climate change (among other issues). The REAL problem is overpopulation. The solution = War :lol:

Until there is a serious energy shortage, or until the planet become uninhabitable (it will not because of current human activity), it's not a huge threat.

North Korea: Solution = war but nobody is serious enough about the real solution, so, NK continues to sabre-rattle for money. Never give them a dime.

Tax Policy/Debt - nobody is serious about fixing this problem because everybody keeps giving the U.S. unlimited credit. They aren't interested in fixing it. The real solution is to tell all creditors to fuck off, which results in what? War. Thus, war is the real solution.

I could go on and make the case that all these problems have but one real solution = WAR :lol:

If you're serious, why use the emoticon; if you're are not, have you seen the elephant? I was on Active Duty from late January 1967 until late Nov. 1969; for the record, and fortunately, I saw no combat. I did carry the coffin of two of my friends KIA and observed the grief of their families. I counted half a dozen names from my school or boot camp on the Vietnam Wall in DC.

Last night on PBS was the first chapter of Vietnam, you are only 43 and likely have no recollection of that time. I suggest you watch it, it's by Burns who did the Civil War and Baseball, among other projects.
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues off the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god

Maybe the first issue to address is that we're so divided as a nation and I don't see us uniting behind anybody anytime soon. The American people are capable of great things if they are united with a common purpose but right now we don't have anything close to that. We come together pretty good in times of catastrophe like the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida, but unfortunately it appears as though if we don't have a really big disaster to deal with then everybody stays in their corner and throws rocks at the other side. The best idea I can come up with in the way of a solution is a 3rd party at the state level that elects enough people to state and congressional positions to force an effort from the major parties to deal with them on every issue.

Thank you. Clear, concise and thought provoking.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?

I've never sucker punched anyone, but I've been sucker punched, and the aggressor always got more from me than he suspected.
How nice for you. So your list is not forthcoming then?
........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?

See post #39 for my short list; as to solutions I have ideas, but wanted the thread to be thought provoking, I screwed that up by writing Guns, Gays and God should be on the table and not off the table. My original intent was to keep those wedge issues out of the discussion, they have been fought over too many times in the past.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.

You can't make this shit up, you are one of the biggest assholes on the board. One of the largest issues here is people like who try and control the way others respond to you.
I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?

I've never sucker punched anyone, but I've been sucker punched, and the aggressor always got more from me than he suspected.

How nice for you. So your list is not forthcoming then?

My response was not nice ^^^.

The problem list was posted at #39. The Question was, what problems others foresee and how would they solve them. I have ideas, but they would have been mocked if posted in the OP by the usual suspects.
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues off the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god
I'm not about to provide academic level research to back up My positions here, particularly when any information provided will be rejected out of hand if it is not from an 'approved' source. That is the level of truth in America today. The information must come from an approved source that has known bias and receive funding to justify these bias'.

So, having said all that, some (not all) of the major problems this nation faces and a list of 'possible' solutions is as follows.

The debt. Because we have such a massive debt, we have to borrow money for essential spending like disasters. We mandate the States provide ideological services without providing the funding and that in turn adds to the burden of the States which reduces our ability to fund the Federal Government. When so many fingers are in the pie, there is little room left for the pie itself. The solution?

Cut spending to all be essential services. Defense, infrastructure. Do away with baseline budgeting. End marginal banking. More than anything else, stop spending money to buy friends abroad. They can be our friend for free, or they can go the fuck away.

Security. Our borders are far to open and easily breached. We need a multilayered system that deals with people crossing the border unauthorized. This means a physical wall. To compliment that wall, we need hard laws with real teeth in them to punish and jail employers who knowingly hire non-citizens of this country. I don't care about some whine-fest about how it is too expensive for the companies of this country vet every employee. If you don't, the costs should be so burdensome that it would bankrupt the company. This nation can no longer tolerate people who are not citizens inside of our borders.

Energy. We need nuclear power and a lot of it. We need to use Coal and Oil AND we need to also keep developing the renewables. However, the government should not be picking winners and losers. If you can't make your power producing system profitable inside of five years, tough shit. Go out of business and step aside for someone who can.

That should be enough for now to get a bunch of heads exploding.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.

I'm neither uptight nor humorless, but I do have faith in my opinions, and when I'm wrong I admit it. I appreciate constructive criticism; I'm not offended by it, but I do consider personal attacks, i.e. libtard, idiot, moron, the work of those too poorly educated to post an expository response.
I beg to differ. Your behavior on this thread displays both uptightness and humorlessness (#'s 43 and 17 for example)
Interestingly, you consider personal attacks the work of the poorly educated yet engage in personal attacks yourself (28, also see above).

At least you don't deny acting like a know-it-all.

Will you be getting around to offering your concise list of the biggest problems, solutions, keeping your response topical and current, sans blaming others and taking on the responsibility of leadership- anytime soon?

I've never sucker punched anyone, but I've been sucker punched, and the aggressor always got more from me than he suspected.

How nice for you. So your list is not forthcoming then?

My response was not nice ^^^.

The problem list was posted at #39. The Question was, what problems others foresee and how would they solve them. I have ideas, but they would have been mocked if posted in the OP by the usual suspects.
Um... nice. That was sarcasm. So sorry. Miscommunication.

Soooo, you won't be actually discussing your topic because you might be mocked. OK, then.
Mod Note:

The OP topic is fine and potentially great discussion. Just can't be moderated in Zone2 because the number of "topics" is unlimited. Hopefully it will "live long and prosper" in Gen Discuss.

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