In re solutions

I don't see guns, gays, or god as a problem,

He deserved it, so do you. Grow up.

You should grow up, old woman.

Guns are not a problem. Gays are not a problem. God is only a problem when some people try to take over government in god's name.

You are stupid, or your intent is to derail this thread. The three are major wedge issues and were excluded not because they are problems, per se, but because they're divisive and have been argued ad nausea.

"old woman"? Now there's some evidence that you are a punk.
The topic is solutions, you've offered problems sans any detail.
I have offered a solution to your "gun problem" and you went non-civil.

"my gun problem"? Fortunately I didn't have a son or daughter at VT or any other place when innocent people were slaughtered by a firearm. Guns are a problem, but no civil discussion has been able to prevent such situation.
The eternal stupidity of the far left. Inanimated objects cause problems. Never mind the people who operate them. Utter idiocy and only idiots believe it to be true (well, idiocy...idiots...perfectly logical)
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL
Meanwhile, I think the biggest problems we have are national security, debt and the media. Solutions include: standing up for ourselves against our enemies, cutting spending, calling the media out when it pretends opinion is the same as news.
I don't see guns, gays, or god as a problem,

He deserved it, so do you. Grow up.

You should grow up, old woman.

Guns are not a problem. Gays are not a problem. God is only a problem when some people try to take over government in god's name.

You are stupid, or your intent is to derail this thread. The three are major wedge issues and were excluded not because they are problems, per se, but because they're divisive and have been argued ad nausea.

"old woman"? Now there's some evidence that you are a punk.
In your OP you stated guns, gays, and god are on the table they have to be off the table to be excluded genius.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
Practicing self criticism? I applaud your honesty about it.
I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
Yes, I am an asshole, but I will have a real discussion, if you are interested.


I for one, am tired of the awful comments coming from people who squash discussion by running their threads like megalomaniacal micro managers.

........and he is little different than any of the other authoritarian leftists in his hatred of liberal values at that.
Perhaps he will return to his own thread, maybe with a placard reading, "I hate haters" LOL

I don't hate haters, I have a problem with assholes, and for them there is no solution. Taking the OP at its face seems to create a problem for those who refuse to think, and react with emotion. I too react with emotion when faced with assholes and self righteous jerks, which unfortunately this thread has attracted in mass.
I'm sure you believe that. Here's the thing, you won't find open and civil discussion if you continue to behave like an uptight humorless know-it- all.
They are wedge issues, not in and of themselves a problem.
Finally, a real discussion.

HOW are they wedge issues?

What are the real problems?

I see nothing but government control and overreach as being the real problem.

a. Wedge issues are framed by emotion and have been argued ad nausea
b. Finally a serious question:
  • N. Korea
  • Tax Policy, the annual deficits and the 20 Trillion Dollar Debt
  • Repeal, replace or fix what needs fixing in the ACA
  • Border security & Immigration
  • Free trade or protective tariffs
  • Voter registration
  • Energy Policy
  • Education of our Youth or 21st Century jobs.
You're THE PROBLEM that has no solution!
The solution is to stop being commies.

Fuck You, you're not only stupid, you're the classic stupid asshole.
so much for your civil discussion. Idiot.

TN, it is a fool's errand to hold someone to a standard to which he/she has repeatedly demonstrated that he/she is incapable of meeting.


The OP's question "make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS." is ambiguous, since there are both severe short term and severe long term problems to be dealt with. The short term problems may be able to be mitigated or solved over the course of a single Presidency but the solutions to the long term problems are likely to require the span of multiple administrations to come to fruition and given the political constraints of the duopoly and the legal constraints of the co-equal branches has proven to be something that is next to impossible.

A President alone can't solve diddly squat when it comes to long term problems (the largest being our out of control debt accumulation and expansion of federal structural costs) because our political environment, excessive patronage and the combativeness of the electorate won't allow it.

As far as our biggest short term problem, it's the stunting of economic growth due primarily to over regulation, taxation, manipulation of the money supply and cronyism and there is no one solution to those things, the best that one President could do is push for a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the entire federal registry and in tandem with Congress push for a comprehensive simplification of the entire federal tax code.... not that either of those things would likely succeed but marginal improvements might be realized.

The OP should have been more clear on what he/she/it is looking for.
An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues on the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god

I don't understand, are you saying that guns, gays and G-d are THE most pressing problems?

Clearly you don't understand. Try reading v e r y s l o w l y.

Mea culpa Frank, I was turned on to the problem and fixed it.
Last edited:
I don't see guns, gays, or god as a problem,

He deserved it, so do you. Grow up.

You should grow up, old woman.

Guns are not a problem. Gays are not a problem. God is only a problem when some people try to take over government in god's name.

You are stupid, or your intent is to derail this thread. The three are major wedge issues and were excluded not because they are problems, per se, but because they're divisive and have been argued ad nausea.

"old woman"? Now there's some evidence that you are a punk.
In your OP you stated guns, gays, and god are on the table they have to be off the table to be excluded genius.

Mea culpa, I meant to write OFF the table, I screwed up. Thanks, I replaced it but a little to late.
Mea culpa, I screwed up the OP; herein is the edited version:

An open and hopefully civil discussion on the problems facing our nation today. In concise comments/posts, make a suggestion on what are the most pressing problems facing us, and how you would fix them if you were POTUS.

For one, I'm tired of the ain't it awful comments which seem to lead the active topic board everyday. Keep the response topical and current, stop blaming others and take on the responsibility of leadership.

My thread, my rules:
  • leave the wedge issues off the table
    • guns
    • gays
    • god
  • N. Korea
  • Tax Policy, the annual deficits and the 20 Trillion Dollar Debt
  • Repeal, replace or fix what needs fixing in the ACA
  • Border security & Immigration
  • Free trade or protective tariffs
  • Voter registration
  • Energy Policy
  • Education of our Youth or 21st Century jobs.
I agree that those are real problems.

I have a theory that all problems can be solved by war. It's not advocacy of war, but a mere attempt to get people to put problems into perspective. If you're not willing to go to war over a problem, it's not that big of an issue, or we're not to the point where the issue is a must-address one. We have time to consider a solution that benefits the most and is not simply throwing money that we don't have at a problem without a solution as the end goal.

Example, Energy Policy. This goes hand in hand with climate change (among other issues). The REAL problem is overpopulation. The solution = War :lol:

Until there is a serious energy shortage, or until the planet become uninhabitable (it will not because of current human activity), it's not a huge threat.

North Korea: Solution = war but nobody is serious enough about the real solution, so, NK continues to sabre-rattle for money. Never give them a dime.

Tax Policy/Debt - nobody is serious about fixing this problem because everybody keeps giving the U.S. unlimited credit. They aren't interested in fixing it. The real solution is to tell all creditors to fuck off, which results in what? War. Thus, war is the real solution.

I could go on and make the case that all these problems have but one real solution = WAR :lol:
The topic is solutions, you've offered problems sans any detail.
I have offered a solution to your "gun problem" and you went non-civil.

"my gun problem"? Fortunately I didn't have a son or daughter at VT or any other place when innocent people were slaughtered by a firearm. Guns are a problem, but no civil discussion has been able to prevent such situation.
The eternal stupidity of the far left. Inanimated objects cause problems. Never mind the people who operate them. Utter idiocy and only idiots believe it to be true (well, idiocy...idiots...perfectly logical)

Considering that cars and trucks are now terrorist favorites for inflicting mass casualty, should we also consider them a wedge issue?
Considering that cars and trucks are now terrorist favorites for inflicting mass casualty, should we also consider them a wedge issue?
Solution to terrorists using cars to kill? War.

However, terrorists killing people helps in solving the biggest problem on Earth -- overpopulation

Terrorists are at war with the west, killing innocents to force the west to get out of the middle east allegedly because the west is raping and stealing the wealth from the middle east to satisfy the ever-growing demand for energy, all brought on by overpopulation, the solution thereto -- WAR.

It's an irony mind-fuck.
Considering that cars and trucks are now terrorist favorites for inflicting mass casualty, should we also consider them a wedge issue?
Solution to terrorists using cars to kill? War.

However, terrorists killing people helps in solving the biggest problem on Earth -- overpopulation

Terrorists are at war with the west, killing innocents to force the west to get out of the middle east allegedly because the west is raping and stealing the wealth from the middle east to satisfy the ever-growing demand for energy, all brought on by overpopulation, the solution thereto -- WAR.

It's an irony mind-fuck.
The terrorists are doing what they do on order to satisfy the religious dictates of jihad. They will not stop until the entire world is one big Islamic hell hole.

War may be the only answer, but so far not so much as a single western leader has been willing to name the problem.

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