In Regards To Roseanne.Remember "All In The Family"?,Did Anyone Have A Cow With Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was not actually a fictional character, thats the way many adult males were in the late 60's/70's when racism was at a peak
The only thing about her show getting axed is that we will never know how many people would've stopped watching it over this matter had it continued.

God bless you always!!!

:1peleas: Yes, we can all agree that it was a long time ago, a different world way back then. But this is just something to look back on, and us "Over 40" people all watched "All In The Family", we all watched Archie Bunker have a field day attacking a few races, but particularly blacks.
It's it amazing, maybe boggles the mind of what we could get away with in the 70's, and no one on TV got fired or had their show cancelled?,,and we all saw that Classic Chevy Chase VS Richard Pryor sketch.,,and even with Chevy saying the N word at the end of the sketch, no one raised hell the next day,,demanding SNL be cancelled and Chevy Chase be sued...right?
We're annoyingly far more self-righteous these days.
:1peleas: Yes, we can all agree that it was a long time ago, a different world way back then. But this is just something to look back on, and us "Over 40" people all watched "All In The Family", we all watched Archie Bunker have a field day attacking a few races, but particularly blacks.
It's it amazing, maybe boggles the mind of what we could get away with in the 70's, and no one on TV got fired or had their show cancelled?,,and we all saw that Classic Chevy Chase VS Richard Pryor sketch.,,and even with Chevy saying the N word at the end of the sketch, no one raised hell the next day,,demanding SNL be cancelled and Chevy Chase be sued...right?
We're annoyingly far more self-righteous these days.
i can still remember seeing Chevy Chase pissing off Richard Pryor,,,I think he said 4? Black Slang words to him? and it ended with Pryor saying "Dead Honkey" right to Chevys face...:abgg2q.jpg:
Archie could make those comments because the media at that time wanted to ridicule the ignorance of the bigots.

In 2018, however, Roseanne's comments are taboo, for we are presumed to now live in a post-racial society.

Roseanne's failure to adapt to this sea change in society has destroyed her career.
Rosanne doesn't speak for me and neither does any mentally ill celebrity. Which they of course they all are.

The pegging of a dumb womans remarks to an entire voting block is both childish and just plain idiotic by anyone regardless of views. The obsession with celebrities and their worthless opinions is just a reflection of those lacking real thoughts of their own.
In 2018, however, Roseanne's comments are taboo, for we are presumed to now live in a post-racial society.
Instead of Roseanne's character making those comments and being ridiculed, she made them herself and suffers the ridicule of losing her show herself.
Back in the 70's people weren't a bunch of butthurt whiners like they are now.
What the fuck would you know about it! I do not think you were there! I was there, I do not remember whining. I remember the men in their twenties were harened Vietnam war vets. The men in 30 and 40s were hardened Korean Vets and the guys a little older than those were WW2 vets. Not many of these people whined much. This was back before microwaves and all the shit we use today. Most of those people spent most of thier time outside, air conditioning was rare and what I remember most was the laughter. People loved to laugh back then, several funny songs made the charts, we had streakers, the kissing bandit, and stand up comedy hitting it's stride. What do you think they were all hippies? Hippies were the fringe not the norm. You do not know shit about the seventies!
:1peleas: Yes, we can all agree that it was a long time ago, a different world way back then. But this is just something to look back on, and us "Over 40" people all watched "All In The Family", we all watched Archie Bunker have a field day attacking a few races, but particularly blacks.
It's it amazing, maybe boggles the mind of what we could get away with in the 70's, and no one on TV got fired or had their show cancelled?,,and we all saw that Classic Chevy Chase VS Richard Pryor sketch.,,and even with Chevy saying the N word at the end of the sketch, no one raised hell the next day,,demanding SNL be cancelled and Chevy Chase be sued...right?
If veiwership was large enough the show would have survived. They did a poor job on advo, I never saw an episode. I never knew when it was on and neither did any one I knew.
:1peleas: Yes, we can all agree that it was a long time ago, a different world way back then. But this is just something to look back on, and us "Over 40" people all watched "All In The Family", we all watched Archie Bunker have a field day attacking a few races, but particularly blacks.
It's it amazing, maybe boggles the mind of what we could get away with in the 70's, and no one on TV got fired or had their show cancelled?,,and we all saw that Classic Chevy Chase VS Richard Pryor sketch.,,and even with Chevy saying the N word at the end of the sketch, no one raised hell the next day,,demanding SNL be cancelled and Chevy Chase be sued...right?

The show was making fun of bigotry, you dense imbecile.

They are not the same.

Jeez! How stupid are you?
There was institutional racism in the 70's. It exists today, but the pendulum has swung so far to the left that and along with all the ridiculous criticism, that it hides events when actual racism takes place. Race huckster have really done disservice to the actual goals of eradicating discrimination.
Among many other differences, Archie Bunker is a fictional character. Roseanne Barr is a real woman speaking for herself.
Actually, she's speaking as a comedian. It's perfectly acceptable for actors to portrray Nazis, DeCaprio to drop a million N bombs in Django Unchained, for Robert Downy junior to go "black face", for Dave Chapelle to make a career off of racial humor, but for some reason we draw the line if a comedian tells a bad joke on Twitter.

Don't you think it's a little strange that we allow a certain set of entertainers to do whatever they want in the name of entertainment, but not Rosanne?
Many on the right actually identified with Archie Bunker. They never could understand why everyone was laughing.
:1peleas: Yes, we can all agree that it was a long time ago, a different world way back then. But this is just something to look back on, and us "Over 40" people all watched "All In The Family", we all watched Archie Bunker have a field day attacking a few races, but particularly blacks.
It's it amazing, maybe boggles the mind of what we could get away with in the 70's, and no one on TV got fired or had their show cancelled?,,and we all saw that Classic Chevy Chase VS Richard Pryor sketch.,,and even with Chevy saying the N word at the end of the sketch, no one raised hell the next day,,demanding SNL be cancelled and Chevy Chase be sued...right?

Yes we remember Archie Bunker. He was being mocked as a backward dinosaur, out of touch with time and reality. Hardly the paragon of the disaffected working poor that Roseanne is portraying.

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