In Response to Blaster, Conservatives/Republicans can't stop calling for a Civil War.

Do you want a ANOTHER Civil War in the USA

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Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2019

Do anyone on this USMB really want a Civil War?

Blaster wants to think it is the Democrats that want to start the next Civil War.
Is he correct?


Do anyone on this USMB really want a Civil War?

Blaster wants to think it is the Democrats that want to start the next Civil War.
Is he correct?

Your side already fired the first shot on a congressional baseball field, in 2017.

We're just loading our magazines and watching to see what you do next.

Do anyone on this USMB really want a Civil War?

Blaster wants to think it is the Democrats that want to start the next Civil War.
Is he correct?

Republicans want a civil war
Republicans are conspiracy theorists
Republicans are the KKK or today, Proud Boys.
Republicans don't really want border security. Not on Biden's watch
Republicans are listening to Fox who admittedly lies to them. And if they are lying so are all the other right wing sources.
Republicans defend Harvey Weinstein and Vince McMahon because the women they LITERALLY shit on, were adults.
Republicans sound a lot like Sovereign Citizens
Republicans can't even say they are conservatives. When asked are you a con or lib, they can't answer the fucking question
Poor and Middle class Republicans, if we divided up the states, would come crawling back so fast. The rich would stay in red states. The small merchant class would stay. But the masses, the manual labor, would leave for the north so fast. You think red states have low populations now? Shit.

Do anyone on this USMB really want a Civil War?

Blaster wants to think it is the Democrats that want to start the next Civil War.
Is he correct?

Not calling for it, warning about it.
Your side already fired the first shot on a congressional baseball field, in 2017.

We're just loading our magazines and watching to see what you do next.
You guys have already waged war on us. When you murder us, you get off. You just claim stand your ground. If you get found guilty your con governor or president pardon you. But when you go to a BLM with a gun, you are found not guilty?


And you deny they are one of yours each time. So it's a silent/covert war. A dude goes to Nancy's house and you say he's not a Republican?
I don't have a 'side' old man.
I just want peace.

Deflect Some More Old Man.
Things were peaceful on Carter's watch, Reagan's watch, Bush's watch, Clinton's watch. It was on Bush's watch the divisiveness got worse. That's what happens when Republicans steal elections and do dirty politics.

Obama didn't stir the pot. His color stirred your pot though. Remember Trump was the lead birther for 8 years saying Obama was born in Kenya? That's the proof Trump catered/wooed the white racists in our country. He must have known a black Democratic president was his shot to win the GOP nominee. Especially if he was the only one who had the balls to say yes Bush lied us into Iraq.
And we wonder why Johnny can't read. This ^^^ from a self-professed 39 year educator. SMFH.
Currently in 40th Year.
Which you incorrectly calculated as 38.
Math is difficult for the elders ^^^^^.

You started in 1985 and you've taught math for 39-40 year, eh. 2023-1985=38. You've just given a perfect example of why Johnny can't read OR add or subtract. I don't need to put you down. You do it every time you post.
You are incorrect, and you now know it.
Yes you do have a "side", old geezer. If you're not on my side, then you're on theirs.
After watching the Southpark about Turd Sandwich vs Douche Bag, I realized that not everyone should vote. If you are too stupid to vote, you shouldn't vote. I used to want them to vote because I believed they would probably vote for the guy I like. But like on Southpark, he found out that the guy who he was encouraging to vote wasn't going to vote for him. Suddenly he didn't want him to vote anymore.

I say everyone should vote. But if you are so stupid you don't think it's important or there's a difference, then stay home. You are so dumb you shouldn't even be driving let alone voting.
You guys have already waged war on us. When you murder us, you get off. You just claim stand your ground. If you get found guilty your con governor or president pardon you. But when you go to a BLM with a gun, you are found not guilty?
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View attachment 893459
And you deny they are one of yours each time. So it's a silent/covert war. A dude goes to Nancy's house and you say he's not a Republican?

Rittenhouse fired in self-defense against violent Antifa child-molesting thugs.

And Mr. Hammer is a wacked out leftist and a druggie.
You are incorrect, and you now know it.
So tell me how that calculation is incorrect. No calculator that I can find gives any other response.
2023-1985=38. Please enter those numbers into your calculator and report back what the answer is perfesser. Adding and subtracting can also be added into what you've failed to teach Johnny.
Do anybody on USMB disagree?
Republicans want a civil war
Republicans are conspiracy theorists
Republicans are the KKK or today, Proud Boys.
Republicans don't really want border security. Not on Biden's watch
Republicans are listening to Fox who admittedly lies to them. And if they are lying so are all the other right wing sources.
Republicans defend Harvey Weinstein and Vince McMahon because the women they LITERALLY shit on, were adults.
Republicans sound a lot like Sovereign Citizens
Republicans can't even say they are conservatives. When asked are you a con or lib, they can't answer the fucking question
Poor and Middle class Republicans, if we divided up the states, would come crawling back so fast. The rich would stay in red states. The small merchant class would stay. But the masses, the manual labor, would leave for the north so fast. You think red states have low populations now? Shit.
Your brush is so wide, I wonder how you could ever paint with it.
You guys have already waged war on us. When you murder us, you get off. You just claim stand your ground. If you get found guilty your con governor or president pardon you. But when you go to a BLM with a gun, you are found not guilty?
Didnt he murder a convicted pedo?
You consider pedos "us?"
Way to go, fuck up.

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