In response to Texas abortion ban, Newsom calls for similar restrictions on assault weapons

The only problem is that abortion isn't in the Constitution. The right to bear arms is.
No it isn’t. Heller ruling is an abortion. It’s only a right to own a gun because the court f’d up the ruling. Well regulated bitch means well regulated. Abortion is not listed as well regulated so way more latitude for courts to declare it is a right of yours to control your body.
The only problem is that abortion isn't in the Constitution. The right to bear arms is.
The constition gives SCOTUS the authority to interpret it in cases where there is a dispute. There are several rights that werent in the Constitution but SCOTUS ruled that it was was included. Abortion is probably the best known example. There is also, interstate travel, cohabitation, gay marriage, money being the same as speech (citizens united) and numerous others.

Under the constitution, a SCOTUS ruling is no different than an amendment.

And I've noticed that conservatives really only condemn SCOTUS' when the disagree with a ruling. When SCOTUS rules in a way that conservatives disagree with, they are "tyrants legislating from the bench', but when they agree with a ruling, they have no issues at all.
Abortion isn't killing babies. Fetuses are cells, they're not babies.

I hope more states do this type of gun ban. Its time to fight fire with fire. If Conservative state legislatures want to destroy women's privacy, then leftist state legislatures should destroy gunrights.
aren't they human cells?
No it isn’t. Heller ruling is an abortion. It’s only a right to own a gun because the court f’d up the ruling. Well regulated bitch means well regulated. Abortion is not listed as well regulated so way more latitude for courts to declare it is a right of yours to control your body.
Hahaha…Again, you Tards are swinging for the fences on a silly theory concocted by Leftist whackadoodles..
Look, a ban on assault weapons is in fact unconstitutional as our great framers never laid a caveat within the 2A, they were smart as fuck with amazing foresight…they wanted citizens to bare arms equivalent to government issued weaponry…How else would a citizenry defend itself against a rouge tyrannical government?
This is such simple shit Tards…think once.
Heller was a bad ruling that bastardized the 2nd amendment. I’d sue if I lived in Cali too.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of the rights gifted by our great framers, please protect us filthy Liberals from ourselves by controlling us via unconstitutional legislation.”

“We need to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats if we want to solve our gun problems.”
No it isn’t. Heller ruling is an abortion. It’s only a right to own a gun because the court f’d up the ruling. Well regulated bitch means well regulated. Abortion is not listed as well regulated so way more latitude for courts to declare it is a right of yours to control your body.
The militia's are well regulated. Your right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

Punctuation means things. You should learn that some day.
The constition gives SCOTUS the authority to interpret it in cases where there is a dispute. There are several rights that werent in the Constitution but SCOTUS ruled that it was was included. Abortion is probably the best known example. There is also, interstate travel, cohabitation, gay marriage, money being the same as speech (citizens united) and numerous others.

Under the constitution, a SCOTUS ruling is no different than an amendment.

And I've noticed that conservatives really only condemn SCOTUS' when the disagree with a ruling. When SCOTUS rules in a way that conservatives disagree with, they are "tyrants legislating from the bench', but when they agree with a ruling, they have no issues at all.
Under the constitution, a SCOTUS ruling is no different than an amendment.

What bullshit. A SC ruling can be reversed by another SC ruling. A Constitutional Amendment can't.

Also, Congress can pass legislation to negate a SC ruling. That's why leftists have been trying to get Dimwingers to pass a law specifically making abortion legal so it is harder to overturn. Why hasn't your Dimwinger leaders done so?
Not sure who "Cox" is, but Turley is a renowned Constitutional scholar, and a Democrat.
It’s the highest rated News station. Both Texas and Cali should fail but Cali has a stronger argument. Heller made up constitutional law by ignoring what 2nd amendment says.
It’s the highest rated News station. Both Texas and Cali should fail but Cali has a stronger argument. Heller made up constitutional law by ignoring what 2nd amendment says.
Can you provide me a link to this "Cox" news station?

Never heard of it.
The same with the law that Newsom wants passed.

If someone sues a private citizen, the state doesn't have anything to do with it.

The Supreme Court opened the gates when they refused to put a stay on that law in Texas.
Agree that the court opened the window on more hate to hate states, poor old America.
I think you’re confused…where’s the correlation?
How does overturning Roe or upholding the Texas abortion law negate the validity of the Second?
Texas got around the legalization of abortions by allowing private citizens to sue abortionists. So now California's governor wants to get around the legalization of assault weapons by allowing private citizens to sue the makers and sellers of assault weapons.
Texas got around the legalization of abortions by allowing private citizens to sue abortionists. So now California's governor wants to get around the legalization of assault weapons by allowing private citizens to sue the makers and sellers of assault weapons.
Perhaps you, and the fuckwit Newsome, are ignorant that there is a Federal statute that says you can't sue gun mfgs and dealers.

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