In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.

We are not down far, pal. Trump isn't qualified. Not even close.
. Clinton has dead Americans blood on her hands, Trump doesn't. He will be president so deal with it or wait it out.

Clinton does not have dead Americans blood on her hands. Trump will not become president. You are 0 for life.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

It's impossible for trump to unfuck the dog. At least to the extent he has.
Than you add to that his unrelenting, unacceptable bad behavior in full public view, the man has painted a picture of himself that's all bad. And with no redeeming qualities whatsoever beyond that of a back stabbing ruthless bussiman that's driven countless companies bankrupt, the man unfit to serve as president of the United States of America.
. And he still is better than what the Dems ran as their queen... LOL

Thas absurd.
1st y'all want people who aren't so rigid that if convinced, then they can change their thoughts on something in order to represent all the voters or people in America, but as soon as the supposed rigid one changes on a position or issue, then you all cry fowel ?????????? You people are the reason this nation is so screwed up now.

Where have I EVER suggested or asked for an ideologically flexible candidate? That is the LAST thing I'd ever want in a candidate.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

He was never against that.....he always said he supported legal immigration.....he stated the go back to mexico, and come in through the huge door he will build in the wall...legally......

Please.....try to keep up and stop lying about Trump.....
That is bullshit, as you are misrepresenting Trumps claims and you know it. We can have BOTH a wall and also some mercy on those who have children born here and who illegally immigrated here and lived here for decades illegally.......

No, we can't. Anyone who entered here illegally needs to be sent home permanently or dispatched, permanently. Their children share their guilty and need to share the same fate. America for AMERICANS ONLY.

Ideologies are not something a rational person should base their world view on. Such systems of thought are two dimensional images of a three dimensional world and they never present the whole Reality of the situation.

Then why are you wasting your time talking to an Ideologue?

and one day Conservative purist ideologues will have to learn that it is better to vote for an 80% conservative than to be RULED BY a 100% Marxist nutbag.

There is no 8p% Conservative anything. Conservatism is a Pass/Fail concept. The only available grades are 100% and 0%.
That is bullshit, as you are misrepresenting Trumps claims and you know it. We can have BOTH a wall and also some mercy on those who have children born here and who illegally immigrated here and lived here for decades illegally.......

No, we can't. Anyone who entered here illegally needs to be sent home permanently or dispatched, permanently. Their children share their guilty and need to share the same fate. America for AMERICANS ONLY.

Ideologies are not something a rational person should base their world view on. Such systems of thought are two dimensional images of a three dimensional world and they never present the whole Reality of the situation.

Then why are you wasting your time talking to an Ideologue?

and one day Conservative purist ideologues will have to learn that it is better to vote for an 80% conservative than to be RULED BY a 100% Marxist nutbag.

There is no 8p% Conservative anything. Conservatism is a Pass/Fail concept. The only available grades are 100% and 0%.
Lol, thank you for providing the public with an example of the damage that 100% ideological thinking can do.

Bienvenidos mi amigos!
Lol, thank you for providing the public with an example of the damage that 100% ideological thinking can do.

They also need to remember one thing - part of that 100% ideology is a full willingness to make changes at the end of a gun barrel, regardless of who is standing in front of it.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

Does he really think having a photo op makes up for everything else he's said and done?

Lol, thank you for providing the public with an example of the damage that 100% ideological thinking can do.

They also need to remember one thing - part of that 100% ideology is a full willingness to make changes at the end of a gun barrel, regardless of who is standing in front of it.
But there will be ten such barrels for every one in the hands of ideological nit wits.
Obeying the laws duly passed by representatives of the people is not living on your knees, idiot.

It is when those laws are immoral and/or unconstitutional. That's why many of us ignore most of those laws already. When that become impossible we will fight back. If we lose that fight America will already be lost. At that point Humanity is lost and our deaths will just be the last nail in the nation's coffin.
Obeying the laws duly passed by representatives of the people is not living on your knees, idiot.

It is when those laws are immoral and/or unconstitutional. That's why many of us ignore most of those laws already. When that become impossible we will fight back. If we lose that fight America will already be lost. At that point Humanity is lost and our deaths will just be the last nail in the nation's coffin.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, but you still cant decide if its Trump or the Marxist criminal Hillary Clinton.

You are not a conservative you are a mental patient.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, but you still cant decide if its Trump or the Marxist criminal Hillary Clinton.

You are not a conservative you are a mental patient.

I'm a Conservative. I'm not a Republican. I won't vote for EITHER ONE OF THEM. I'd almost prefer the Enemy I know (Hillary) over the one I don't (Trump).

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