In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

With such a short time until the general election
Trump might be realizing he's heading to a historic ass kicking
so the desperation is kicking in....

Time to make nice with the Blacks and Hispanics....

Will he now make a move toward Millennials?
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clinton for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
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With such a short time until the general election
Trump might be realizing he's heading to a historic ass kicking
so the desperation is kicking in....

Time to make nice with the Blacks and Hispanics....

Will he now make a move toward Millennials?
. If trying to protect the American blacks and Hispanics just like any other American is to be protected (through out his campaign), that is somehow a bad thing ??? So you think it is him just trying to make nice to them or fool them like Hillary is doing ? If so then yes we might have a problem with Trump, but we know that's not what he's doing. He is trying to protect Americans (all of them), but is the electorate to dumb to realize it or is the agenda of some Americans more important than the security and freedom of all Americans ??????
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Stuff like the total 180 degree reversal from the sane position if "build a wall and throw all illegals out" to the insane position of "well, maybe we can find a way to let some of them stsy".

That is bullshit, as you are misrepresenting Trumps claims and you know it. We can have BOTH,a wall and also some mercy on those who have children born here and who illegally immigrated here and lived here for decades illegally by allowing them to apply for citizenship and a green card at a US consulate in their home countries. If they get a green card they can remain here till it is processed. They also need to set up a payment plan to pay all back taxes they owe and report their presence to the local authorities.

That way they can stay and get legalized but without cutting to the front of the line ahead of the people doing things legally.

That is what Trump has been saying in context of ALL of his statements on the topic.

IT doesnt matter anyway. Illegals are going to find a very tough job market over the next 15 years anyway due to robotics.

Ideological purity and consistency are two things I expect in any candidate who wants my vote.

Ideologies are not something a rational person should base their world view on. Such systems of thought are two dimensional images of a three dimensional world and they never present the whole Reality of the situation.

Some day (if it survives) the GOP needs to learn it's butter is breaded with Conservative butter and refusing to be a Conservative party will never help them.

And one day Conservative purist ideologues will have to learn that it is better to vote for an 80% conservative than to be RULED BY a 100% Marxist nutbag.
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

Yep, no amount of turd polish can change who he is.

I am surprised that you, as a natural born free loader, you talk like that about Hillary Clinton.
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

Trump is a joke. He's changed positions on almost every subject. There's no depth to the man whatsoever, and commensurately he hasn't thought through much of anything. He's in so far over his head it's comical.
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.

You were awesome when you were stupid enough that Obama was qualified, based on nothing but a speech, written by somebody smarter, he read off a teleprompter.

You were even more stupid re-electing this worthless and still unqualified punk.

And now you are prepared and ready to vote for the same, the only difference being skin color.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

Trump is a joke. He's changed positions on almost every subject. There's no depth to the man whatsoever, and commensurately he hasn't thought through much of anything. He's in so far over his head it's comical.
. He hasn't left dead Americans all over the place, and is poised like Hillary for more of that show to continue. Nothing comical about Hillary, only that she has the blood of dead Americans on her hands. But at this point what does it matter anyways right ?????
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.

That's absolutely absurd. Trump has no qualifications whatsoever, and he's shown an exceptional lack of grasp of the issues as well as leadership. You're confusing media driven rhetoric with actual qualifications for the job. In with the new would be ok, if the man was even remotely qualified to do the job, and had displayed character and integrity throughout his life, none of which is true with Trump.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

It's impossible for trump to unfuck the dog. At least to the extent he has.
Than you add to that his unrelenting, unacceptable bad behavior in full public view, the man has painted a picture of himself that's all bad. And with no redeeming qualities whatsoever beyond that of a back stabbing ruthless bussiman that's driven countless companies bankrupt, the man unfit to serve as president of the United States of America.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.

That's absolutely absurd. Trump has no qualifications whatsoever, and he's shown an exceptional lack of grasp of the issues as well as leadership. You're confusing media driven rhetoric with actual qualifications for the job. In with the new would be ok, if the man was even remotely qualified to do the job, and had displayed character and integrity throughout his life, none of which is true with Trump.
. Where were you when the racist community organizer was running for the position ? Oh you were in line trying to make history with your vote weren't you ? Wasn't on qualifications, but was skin color wasn't it ? Come on now, you can finally admit it.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.

It's impossible for trump to unfuck the dog. At least to the extent he has.
Than you add to that his unrelenting, unacceptable bad behavior in full public view, the man has painted a picture of himself that's all bad. And with no redeeming qualities whatsoever beyond that of a back stabbing ruthless bussiman that's driven countless companies bankrupt, the man unfit to serve as president of the United States of America.
. And he still is better than what the Dems ran as their queen... LOL
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.

We are not down far, pal. Trump isn't qualified. Not even close.
Trump hasn't said "Crooked Hillary Clinton" for several days now. What gives?

In a normal election....with normal candidates....the impact of political flip-flopping isn't great. Thats because all politicians do it to some degree and they sort of cancel each other out on that score.

However, Trump is not normal. He is an EXTREME flip-flopper. He has basically done flips and flops on every major issue. Every one.

He has flip-flopped on domestic policy, economic policy, social issues and foreign policy.

The only ads that Clinton needs to run are the ones where Trump debates himself on the issues. He's a TREMENDOUS flip flopper.
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.

You were awesome when you were stupid enough that Obama was qualified, based on nothing but a speech, written by somebody smarter, he read off a teleprompter.

You were even more stupid re-electing this worthless and still unqualified punk.

And now you are prepared and ready to vote for the same, the only difference being skin color.

Obama was and is qualified. Trump isn't. Simple.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants
Ahead of a major immigration speech this week, Donald Trump suggested he is open to figuring out a humane and efficient manner to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country.
In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

“He said people who are here is the toughest part of the immigration debate, that it must be something that respects border security but deals with this in a humane and efficient manner,” said Jacob Monty, a Houston-based immigration lawyer who sat in Trump Tower with other Latino supporters and Trump.

“The idea is we’re not getting someone in front of the line, we’re doing it in a legal way, but he wants to hear ideas of how we deal with 11 million people that are here with no documents,” said Jose Fuentes, who was chair of Mitt Romney’s Hispanic advisory committee in 2012, and attended the meeting.

Importantly, Trump did not explicitly use the word “legalization,” but sources in the room said they feel it is the direction the campaign is going.

Flippity do da flippity day!!! Trump knows he's fucked with the hispanic voters and so he flips.
Ambiguous horseshit interpretation by LibTard opponents...
. Something wrong with Trump trying to speak to a larger voter block by representing all when he changes up a bit once he is convinced too ????? Is it flip flopping or just plain being a human being that can change on something he may have been wrong about or rather that he see's no harm in giving a little on his stance in order to be more inclusive is a bad thing with y'all ???? Admit it, y'all just want to be stupid again, and hire someone based on their gender instead of their color this time right ? To hell with actual qualifications or having someone strong enough & tough enough to be the president of this nation in such turmoil that this world is in today. Hillary is to weak and divisive to be the president, but this crazy nation will throw caution to the wind again, and this just to get it's child like ways met again.

First...learn the difference between "to" and "too". It's not that hard. cannot seriously think that Trump is more qualified than Clintin for this job. That isn't something that any serious observer would ever think.

Are you one of the dummies who thinks Obama was elected because he is black? Are you a "Birther" too?
. Go tell Bill Clinton what the definition of is, is before you go acting all educated on me, and go run your mouth to all the blacks who do think everything is about skin color with them, and yes they did vote for him because he was black, and so did a huge amount of Americans who jumped on that crazy band wagon also. I could care less where he was born, because I knew he was a flamboyant con man from the get go. Now who and because of what are we electing a president again ?

You are awesome. You think Trump is qualified.
. He is qualified just as much as Hillary is, and in fact he is more qualified based on Hillary's past record of nightmare blunders and mistakes made. Time for a real change, and Trump is a fresh face, and a fresh start again... Out with the old and in with a new I say, because we don't need to go down any farther than we are.

We are not down far, pal. Trump isn't qualified. Not even close.
. Clinton has dead Americans blood on her hands, Trump doesn't. He will be president so deal with it or wait it out.

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