In some Conservative areas, infant mortality rate higher than national abortion rate

appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.

Yes, this would DEFINITELY be because Appalachia is so conservative, rather than being because it consists of rather isolated, rural, impoverished areas with limited access to modern health innovations in lifestyle and quality medical care. :rolleyes:
Believe it or not folks, there are things in this world worse thsn death....

Accepting Progressive Government assistance, for one.
C'mon dean, do you really expect us to believe you care about conservative babies dying off?
I care about babies. Your kind doesn't care about sh!t.
Except needy billionaires and their corporations.

He asked you a question.

You reply with a typical winger respons of "this is how you think" you know anything at all.

Why don't you ask him what he cares about ? Oh already know. You read a few posts and you can classify someone to the fourth significant figure.

Ignorant arrogance in full display.

Good job. !
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.
Step up with cash.
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.

And....Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world....Why does Texas have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world?

This is just one of the many realities on why I hate conservatism so much. It kills!!!

You just hate to hate. I feel sorry for you. Must be miserable. Your choice not to be happy though.
I too don't like hate.

Hate is bad.

And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.

What a surprise, conservatives wail about other people having abortions and conservatives have more than anyone in these areas.

...something about 'the log in your own eye' cons.
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.

And....Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world....Why does Texas have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world?

This is just one of the many realities on why I hate conservatism so much. It kills!!!

You just hate to hate. I feel sorry for you. Must be miserable. Your choice not to be happy though.
I too don't like hate.

Hate is bad.

And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?

I do not think they treat them any differently. I am not a Republican, but I AM very charitable.
And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?

I don't really care who Republicans love or hate. The problem is that we allow government to treat people differently based on their class.
And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?

I don't really care who Republicans love or hate. The problem is that we allow government to treat people differently based on their class.

Not only that, we celebrate it in the name of the "greater good".

Nobody cares about the less vocal.
And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?

I don't really care who Republicans love or hate. The problem is that we allow government to treat people differently based on their class.

Not only that, we celebrate it in the name of the "greater good".

Nobody cares about the less vocal.

We're going through a profound, and mostly unnoticed, change in our style of government. We're replacing a government tasked with protecting universal, equal rights for all, to one that "manages" society by distributing power via interest group politics. Any given person's rights and privileges depend on which group they belong to and the amount political influence that group wields. That kind of government is called corporatism: Corporatism - Wikipedia
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.

And....Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world....Why does Texas have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world?

This is just one of the many realities on why I hate conservatism so much. It kills!!!

You just hate to hate. I feel sorry for you. Must be miserable. Your choice not to be happy though.
I too don't like hate.

Hate is bad.

And I think the way the Republicans treat the middle class and the poor is evidence they really hate. What else could it be?

Who can argue that logic.

It could only be a dozen other things.....

But why confuse you with a good analysis when your mind is made up ?
C'mon dean, do you really expect us to believe you care about conservative babies dying off?
I care about babies. Your kind doesn't care about sh!t.
Except needy billionaires and their corporations.

Adopt any unwanted babies? C'mon step up, put your morals where your mouth is

Now don't be silly. You know perfectly well that he "cares" about babies by "compassionately" tearing them limb from limb and tossing them into a biohazard bag. Because nothing says love like killing people.
C'mon dean, do you really expect us to believe you care about conservative babies dying off?
I care about babies. Your kind doesn't care about sh!t.
Except needy billionaires and their corporations.

Adopt any unwanted babies? C'mon step up, put your morals where your mouth is

Now don't be silly. You know perfectly well that he "cares" about babies by "compassionately" tearing them limb from limb and tossing them into a biohazard bag. Because nothing says love like killing people.

Well, it is more humane than letting them be born and having a chance to at least make a life......
C'mon dean, do you really expect us to believe you care about conservative babies dying off?
I care about babies. Your kind doesn't care about sh!t.
Except needy billionaires and their corporations.

Adopt any unwanted babies? C'mon step up, put your morals where your mouth is

Now don't be silly. You know perfectly well that he "cares" about babies by "compassionately" tearing them limb from limb and tossing them into a biohazard bag. Because nothing says love like killing people.

Well, it is more humane than letting them be born and having a chance to at least make a life......

Interesting how the people who spout off about death being better than life always seem to opt for life themselves, though.
C'mon dean, do you really expect us to believe you care about conservative babies dying off?
I care about babies. Your kind doesn't care about sh!t.
Except needy billionaires and their corporations.

Adopt any unwanted babies? C'mon step up, put your morals where your mouth is

Now don't be silly. You know perfectly well that he "cares" about babies by "compassionately" tearing them limb from limb and tossing them into a biohazard bag. Because nothing says love like killing people.

Well, it is more humane than letting them be born and having a chance to at least make a life......

Interesting how the people who spout off about death being better than life always seem to opt for life themselves, though.

I would agree......
appalachia infant mortality rate - Google Search
It found while the rates were similar in the 1990s, by 2013 infant mortality across Appalachia was 16 percent higher than the rest of the country while life expectancy for adults was 2.4 years shorter.

What is Appalachia:

The study used the federal Appalachian Regional Commission to define the region, which covers 428 counties across 13 states. It includes all of the counties in West Virginia along with some counties in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Induced Abortion in the United States


Just to say it again, in Appalachia, with all those white conservatives, more babies are dying from lack of care than the nationwide abortion rate. Republicans don't care about those babies. But they are supposed to care about the fetus? Does anyone believe that? They have no problem with the baby dying (how many on the USMB say: It's not my baby.) but are so concerned with that fetus? Why? What is the ulterior motive.
So what. They're poor. They make choices. They have no business having babies. It's probably better they die. At least the will GET BORN.
In liberal areas the women wear vagina suits and the men have vaginas.

Everybody has their troubles
Thank you for that thoughtful and sensitive contribution to an important topic involving the needless loss of human life. Surly the saints will smile down on you.

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