In Support of Obama's Health Care Law

Thank God for Obamacare!

Are you a socialist /communist too? Do you want socialism/communism in all our industries? Did you like the USSR??

Did you think Red China was stupid to switch to Republican capitalism?

As a liberal you will lack the IQ to handle any of these questions.
Thank God for Obamacare!

Are you a socialist /communist too? Do you want socialism/communism in all our industries? Did you like the USSR??

Did you think Red China was stupid to switch to Republican capitalism?

As a liberal you will lack the IQ to handle any of these questions.

What about Chief Justice Roberts who broke the tie? :eusa_angel:
Thank God for Obamacare!

Are you a socialist /communist too? Do you want socialism/communism in all our industries? Did you like the USSR??

Did you think Red China was stupid to switch to Republican capitalism?

As a liberal you will lack the IQ to handle any of these questions.

What about Chief Justice Roberts who broke the tie? :eusa_angel:

As a liberal you lacked the IQ to handle any of the questions so tried to change the subject to Roberts and hoped no one would notice. We all noticed!!
Are you a socialist /communist too? Do you want socialism/communism in all our industries? Did you like the USSR??

Did you think Red China was stupid to switch to Republican capitalism?

As a liberal you will lack the IQ to handle any of these questions.

What about Chief Justice Roberts who broke the tie? :eusa_angel:

As a liberal you lacked the IQ to handle any of the questions so tried to change the subject to Roberts and hoped no one would notice. We all noticed!!

Where's the connection between political affiliation and IQ?
As a liberal you lacked the IQ to handle any of the questions so tried to change the subject to Roberts and hoped no one would notice. We all noticed!!

Where's the connection between political affiliation and IQ?

once again As a liberal you will lack the IQ to handle any of these questions so will try to change the subject.

You call that changing the subject? Thanks for showing your IQ.
This is when Willard endorsed his Massachusetts plan for the nation ... watch Lindsey Graham nodding his approval.

[ame=]Mitt Romney supported Federal Mandate in 2009 MTP appearance - YouTube[/ame]
I am definitely a supporter of Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - h t t p://

However, health care does not need to be reshaped and it amazes me to see how complicated the bill is. All they could have done was this: Effective immediately: Expand Medicaid eligibility; all individuals with income up to 133% of the poverty line qualify for coverage, including adults without dependent children. Just one statement.

And yes, this is in alignment with Franklin Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights:
The Second Bill of Rights was a list of rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944. In his address Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second "bill of rights". Roosevelt's argument was that the "political rights" guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee:

Employment, with a living wage,
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies,
Medical care,
Education, and,
Social security

h t t p://

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a monumental first step towards FDR goal of Second Bill of Rights. Eventually America will catch up to the rest of the civilized Western democracies of the planet, (I keep telling myself).
I am definitely a supporter of Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - h t t p://

However, health care does not need to be reshaped and it amazes me to see how complicated the bill is. All they could have done was this: Effective immediately: Expand Medicaid eligibility; all individuals with income up to 133% of the poverty line qualify for coverage, including adults without dependent children. Just one statement.

And yes, this is in alignment with Franklin Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights:
The Second Bill of Rights was a list of rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944. In his address Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second "bill of rights". Roosevelt's argument was that the "political rights" guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee:

Employment, with a living wage,
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies,
Medical care,
Education, and,
Social security

h t t p://

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a monumental first step towards FDR goal of Second Bill of Rights. Eventually America will catch up to the rest of the civilized Western democracies of the planet, (I keep telling myself).

Meanwhile..... Medicare is eliminated (in all but name) for seniors, young people not covered by their parents cannot even afford the most basic coverage, and employers are looking for ways to shed employees, so they do not have to pay for unpredictable health care costs. Vote Obama if you agree "his plan" is "working": more unemployment, more people living in poverty, more people on foodstamps, and no hope for the future.
Since somebody obviously wants to go off topic by referring to communism as if everything is linked to it including Obamacare I have this quote for EdwardB:

"And yet I am not so opposed to capitalism that I have failed to see its relative merits. It started out with a noble and high motive, viz., to block the trade monopolies of nobles, but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Since somebody obviously wants to go off topic by referring to communism as if everything is linked to itincluding Obamacare I have this quote for EdwardB:

I suppopse it might be coincidental that Barry had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, and openly wants single payer?????

"And yet I am not so opposed to capitalism that I have failed to see its relative merits. It started out with a noble and high motive, viz., to block the trade monopolies of nobles, but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Of course this is pure filthly liberal ignorance beyond words since there are no nobles today, let alone nobles with monopolies. Today we have millions of corporations all around the world locked in a life and death Republican capitalist competition to serve us with the best products at the lowest prices.
The goal of obamacare has nothing to do with care. It has to do with what the SEIU wants.
Well, all we need is Obama re-elected and I think the conservative's fate is sealed at least until 2017.


Thank God for Obamacare!

Negged for resurrecting this dumbass, commie, left coast bull shit.
I am definitely a supporter of Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - h t t p://

However, health care does not need to be reshaped and it amazes me to see how complicated the bill is. All they could have done was this: Effective immediately: Expand Medicaid eligibility; all individuals with income up to 133% of the poverty line qualify for coverage, including adults without dependent children. Just one statement.

And yes, this is in alignment with Franklin Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights:

The Second Bill of Rights was a list of rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then President of the United States, during his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944. In his address Roosevelt suggested that the nation had come to recognize, and should now implement, a second "bill of rights". Roosevelt's argument was that the "political rights" guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights had "proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness." Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee:

Employment, with a living wage,
Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies,
Medical care,
Education, and,
Social security

h t t p://

Roosevelt was wrong.
It's the whole "pursuit of happiness" thing that seems to trip liberals up.
The founders knew exactly what they were doing in creating an atmosphere in which everyone had, in Obama's words, "a fair shot".

They didn't get overly specific for a reason as YOUR idea of happiness may or may not be shared by others. We're all free to decide for ourselves what "happiness" is to us and we have the liberty to pursue it. Being handed a new stack and guitar each time something bigger and better comes out would make me very happy but there's no reason it should happen. If I want those things I simply embrace the freedom and liberty America offers me, combine that with some hard work and perhaps even a little sacrifice in other areas and there is nothing stopping me from getting them.

The founders never intended to use redistribution to provide "happiness" to some at the expense of others.
A free Republic in which people are aware of what is available to them but also know that acquiring that which makes them happy requires effort and hard work produces a citizenry, nay a nation, in which we all benefit. Some appear to benefit more but that's not the case. They've simply made better decisions or been more fortunate in that chance made their pursuit more attainable.

Are those who are born healthy only to later contract some horrible disease any more or less deserving of happiness than anyone else? Of course not. We simply play the hand we're dealt in a game in which there are always going to be winners and losers.

Those who refuse to put in the effort should not starve in the streets but we should NEVER see instances in which federal entitlements are a better deal than hard work and actively pursuing that which makes us happy.
Expand Medicaid eligibility

but what good is free health care if you don't have more important things like free food, clothing, and shelter??????

I say we embrace communism to support free food, clothing and shelter, and then free healthcare,....and then free psychotherapy!!
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There is no need for health care reform. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own health insurance and stop expecting hand outs from the government. Should the government go give every homeless man a deed to a new house? Should someone who has caused their health issues get the same treatment as someone who watches everything they put in their body? How about a heart transplant for someone who is healthy and for someone who is morbidly obsessed, who should get priority?
This is when Willard endorsed his Massachusetts plan for the nation ... watch Lindsey Graham nodding his approval.

Mitt Romney supported Federal Mandate in 2009 MTP appearance - YouTube

This health plan originated with Bob Dole. Rs loved it back then but although they passed it for themselves, they just never quite got around to passing it for the rest of us. Since it was passed by Obama, NOW they hate it.

People like katzen-liar and "EdwardBaiamonte" want to keep their FREE SOCIALIST health care. For some reason, they also want illegals to get the same free health care they get. And, hypocrites that rw's are, they want illegals to be able to deliver their kids for free. And/or abort them.

Its the rw's who are against paying for their own health care insurance.


Its not going be repealed and smart Americans are taking advantage of its benefits. If rw's don't want to make it work in their favor, I really couldn't care less.

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