In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

Really? that was after Biden Blackmailed them.......and an impeachment with no witness.....sounds like the NAZI democrats are right on schedule. Only the dems impeach over a phone call.

Biden was instructed by Obama's govt to make the point that further aid might stop if They refused to address the corruption in their govt. The offending minister was sacked by them and it continued to this day.

Trumps impeachment was proven beyond doubt so stop your childish beliefs. He threatened Republicans senators to force them to not vote against him in the Senate.

Get some facts big mouth.
Biden was instructed by Obama's govt to make the point that further aid might stop if They refused to address the corruption in their govt. The offending minister was sacked by them and it continued to this day.

Trumps impeachment was proven beyond doubt so stop your childish beliefs. He threatened Republicans senators to force them to not vote against him in the Senate.

Get some facts big mouth.
Trump was exonerated, so what was proven beyond doubt, Dipshit?
Trump was exonerated, so what was proven beyond doubt, Dipshit?

Before I go into great detail, impeachment means he was found guilty of the charge in the house, which he was.
It then goes to the Senate where republicans had the numbers and issued threats where is was tossed purely by their bigger numbers.
Nonetheless, once a president is impeached in the house, he is impeached forever. Got that?? FOREVER.

So get out your constitution and read something your brain dead fool. You're not even American.
Before I go into great detail, impeachment means he was found guilty of the charge in the house, which he was.
It then goes to the Senate where republicans had the numbers and issued threats where is was tossed purely by their bigger numbers.
Nonetheless, once a president is impeached in the house, he is impeached forever. Got that?? FOREVER.

So get out your constitution and read something your brain dead fool. You're not even American.
Impeachment in the House is akin to an indictment, Stupid.

The trial is in the Senate.
Impeachment in the House is akin to an indictment, Stupid.

The trial is in the Senate.

Believe what you want but it's in the constitution.
Here's a brief clip from wiki. Note it is the start of the process, not the result.

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.[1][2] It may be understood as a unique process involving both political and legal elements.[

At least do some research before you open your ignorant mouth.
Believe what you want but it's in the constitution.
Here's a brief clip from wiki. Note it is the start of the process, not the result.

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.[1][2] It may be understood as a unique process involving both political and legal elements.[

At least do some research before you open your ignorant mouth.
From the actual Constitution, Wikiboi.

The Constitution, Article I, Section 3:
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments

From the actual Constitution, Wikiboi.

The Constitution, Article I, Section 3:
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments

I agree. The buck stops there. You forgot to mention the process called impeachment starts in the Congress. Also note it only has the right to "try" all impeachments. Not decide if the impeachment is valid in the Congress.
Next time, quote the lot. Not the bits that suot you.
I reiterate what I first said and you should shut your ignorant mouth. You know nothing.

The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … ... The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment.

Read it again. You are wrong.
I agree. The buck stops there. You forgot to mention the process called impeachment starts in the Congress. Also note it only has the right to "try" all impeachments. Not decide if the impeachment is valid in the Congress.
Next time, quote the lot. Not the bits that suot you.
I reiterate what I first said and you should shut your ignorant mouth. You know nothing.

The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … ... The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment.

Read it again. You are wrong.
Do you know what "try" means, Dumbass?

That's the trial where guilt or innosense is determined. Once again, the House "indicts".

You really are stupid.
Biden was instructed by Obama's govt to make the point that further aid might stop if They refused to address the corruption in their govt. The offending minister was sacked by them and it continued to this day.

Trumps impeachment was proven beyond doubt so stop your childish beliefs. He threatened Republicans senators to force them to not vote against him in the Senate.

Get some facts big mouth.
IT was not, they didn't even have witnesses........that whole thing lasted like 3 days.........are you fucking serious? The dems didnt want to get into details.....just like things like Kavanaugh......where once the details come, the dems look really really really bad
IT was not, they didn't even have witnesses........that whole thing lasted like 3 days.........are you fucking serious? The dems didnt want to get into details.....just like things like Kavanaugh......where once the details come, the dems look really really really bad

Your recollection of history has always been skewed towards a political bias.

That's the beauty of the truth. It doesn't matter if anyone believes it, it remains the truth.
The military is known for holding its officers accountable aka.....if a Navy Captain accidentally collides with another vessel...his career is over.

Yet we see this major,major disaster in the Afghan withdrawal and no one is being held accountable.

Your recollection of history has always been skewed towards a political bias.

That's the beauty of the truth. It doesn't matter if anyone believes it, it remains the truth.
No it was 10 days, that's taking 2 days for weekend. But how much time did they spend?.....even 10 days on impeachment is a joke

Start Jan 13
Sent to Senate Jan 25
The military is known for holding its officers accountable aka.....if a Navy Captain accidentally collides with another vessel...his career is over.

Yet we see this major,major disaster in the Afghan withdrawal and no one is being held accountable.

View attachment 546159
yep no one was punished not even the general that had a deal to keep the US in charge of kabul but didn't tell Biden.....and no one resigned..........These people are lead from behind pussies.
No it was 10 days, that's taking 2 days for weekend. But how much time did they spend?.....even 10 days on impeachment is a joke

Start Jan 13
Sent to Senate Jan 25
Then the House Clowns showed up at the trial with no evidence and begged the Senate to do the investigation. It was a joke from the jump.
No it was 10 days, that's taking 2 days for weekend. But how much time did they spend?.....even 10 days on impeachment is a joke

Start Jan 13
Sent to Senate Jan 25

The time span is irrelevant. It's history trump was impeached for his quid pro quo and will remain so until he does.
No amount of whining will change that. Have a valium and lie down son. It's over.
yep no one was punished not even the general that had a deal to keep the US in charge of kabul but didn't tell Biden.....and no one resigned..........These people are lead from behind pussies.
Exactly..........Milley should have resigned, Austin the affirmative action secretary of defense(what a joke)should have resigned and the over all commander in Afghan General Mckenzie should have resigned.

Biden should be impeached.
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Senator Tillis: (01:58:48)
Did any of you embrace the notion that the 2,500 plus the several thousand, I think an estimated 5,000 NATO allies and partners who were willing to stay there as well, did any of you agree with the President’s assessment, that if he acted on that recommendation, that he would ultimately have to send tens of thousands more US service members to Afghanistan? That if we held that one, that it would ultimately just delay the day where we would be back to a 100,000 or 50,000 US forces in Afghanistan?

Gen. McKenzie: (01:59:24)
So Senator, these discussions were occurring in January, February, March. They’re separate from the late August discussions, so I want to make that point.

Senator Tillis: (01:59:32)
But, in your best military judgment, do you believe that the recommendations that General Miller put forth, with some 2,500 and I think General Milley said maybe flex up at 3,500, do you believe that that would’ve sewn the seeds for ultimately having to send tens of thousands of US service members back to Afghanistan? As the president has said, publicly?

Gen. McKenzie: (01:59:55)
Senator, I believe there was a risk you would incur increasing attacks by the Taliban. That was a risk withholding at 2,500. That was a very clear risk, but I’ll tell you, Senator I’m really humbled recently by my ability to deduce what the Taliban or would not do, so I think it’s hard to know.
what xiden made choice early? ok…and ignored the reality…ok…that’s not really helping you
The time span is irrelevant. It's history trump was impeached for his quid pro quo and will remain so until he does.
No amount of whining will change that. Have a valium and lie down son. It's over.
trump was impeached (accused) of it by the left. It turns out it was all parody and the evidence fully exonerated him when presented at trial. It’s history…always will be
Something else that has not been talked about enough.....the civilian control of the military....we have a long tradition of that.

Yet General Austin a career military guy was given a pass and made Secretary of Defense.

How did that happen?......simply because the powers that be wanted a Negro there.

No other possible explanation.

The tentacles of Affirmative Action are helping bring down America.

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