In the 1950's Sen McCarthy could prosecute communists....

A few things (significant incidents) that have happened since the commies have been systematically taking over hollywood, the mass media and our education system.

Actually these incidents clearly prove how the left have taken over our hearts and minds.

Started in the 1930s really or before that.

Stalin getting the bomb secrets from those typical people that call themselves Jews but really they are socialists/marxist sympathizers long before they consider the religion that they don't practice. The Rosenbergs.

The next incident was the McCarthy investigations, which turned out to be true. For the most part at least. That is according to the venona papers and testimony from ex kgb agents after the USSR fell.

The assassination of JFK by a commie sympathizer. Yes, oswald did it. I saw a special on it and every fact was explained. Of course the commie sympathizers here could not let that be the case. The KGB took advantage of those in the media and hollywood. They planted a letter to make it look like the CIA was behind it. The press picked up on it and this is what the belief has been by a significant number of people in this country since.

The Vietnam War is still seen as unjust, as if this country was the aggressor and had no right to stop the spread of communism into our allies. We should have simply allowed it and us defending south Vietnam was unjust. Still taught today and many still believe that was all our fault.

We see how today everything American capitalism does is the cause of all evils in the world. From the environment to obesity and of course racism.

It has taken over all of our minds and hearts. Including my own. Just know what is happening. I know, I am such a fool.
That's simply not true. Senator McCarthy was a republican in a democrat senate majority. He had no power to try anyone for crimes or alleged crimes and he wasn't even a member of a committee. Democrats created HUAC which had subpoena power only. The U.S. government never blacklisted a person because they didn't have the power to blacklist anyone. Hollywood blacklisted it's own because they were afraid of losing money during the backlash against communism. You almost gotta laugh that they didn't blame president Truman for the anti-communist rhetoric even though he was in charge, the bigoted media blamed an obscure republican.
While McCarthy was never with the HUAC (he was a Senator) he actively (and virulently) "investigated" alleged accusations while chairman of the Government Operations Committee and Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. At the time he was so powerful that even a hint of accusation from him was enough to cow anyone into blacklisting members or employees. Eventually even Truman later turned on him.

How was it possible that McCarthy was "so powerful" when he didn't even chair a committee and democrats were in the majority? The dirty little secret is that the media created the image of power and McCarthy was just a stooge of the media. If you want to be historically accurate the era could honestly be called "Trumanism" rather than McCarthyism since Truman was in charge. When the media decided that commies weren't as bad as republicans and the democrat party actually evolved into something close to "communism lite", the media and Hollywood managed to blame the misunderstanding on a republican.
Misinformation Alert-McCarthy was, in fact, the Chairman of the Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on investigations in and instigated the investigations under his chairmanship.
Think of what the revisionist try to promote. They try to convince today's generation that the generation often called America's greatest generation had it all wrong.

The generation that defeated America's worst economic depression, called The Great Depression, defeated two of the worlds most militarily powerful empires in world history and came out of it building the most efficient and powerful economy in world history, built and produced one of the greatest public works projects in American history, the Interstate Highway System and brought so much prosperity to the American public that is was tagged "Happy Days".

The generation of today is mostly talkers who produce very little in comparison. They argue and debate about mostly irrelevant issues, leave behind messes for future generations to fix and have little to show in the way of accomplishments.
^ coming from the "McCarthys HUAC blacklisted innocent Hollywood writers" version of history
You mean he was able to persecute a lot of really innocent people... Disgrace.
...But damn near EVERY MOTHERFUCKER he named turned out to be a fUCKING COMMIE. He was right.

We need a Joseph McCarthy-style inquisition and execution panel.

Then, after we have exterminated the commies, we can go back to living free.

It may be a sad testament to the way things are.....
It may not be the way we WANT things to be....
It may not be an easy thing to do......


It's EITHER.....that....or become slaves to a socialist, hard left, madman dictator like Venezuela's Maduro (or NK's Kim Jong Un).....CHOOSE

Those are the only two choices. Denial, ignorance and lack of action did not save Venezuela's common sense party on the Right.

People like Ringle05 are Dictator boot lickers and crave totalitarianism.

A few facts about McCarthy:

  1. Number of people executed for treason due to his investigation: 0
  2. Lead Counsel for his investigation: Robert (Bobby) Kennedy
  3. Number of people sent to prison: 0
  4. Number of people with civil rights violated: 0
  5. Number of people who lost jobs as a result of his investigation: 0
  6. Alger Hiss turned out to in fact be a Communist
The left LOVES to slander McCarthy, but as with most of what is claimed by the left, very little in the way of facts is used.

and what was the big deal anyway? I mean just because the liberals were spying for Stalin and thus giving the world's greatest mass murderer the A- bomb was not really such a big mistake was it?
...But damn near EVERY MOTHERFUCKER he named turned out to be a fUCKING COMMIE. He was right.

We need a Joseph McCarthy-style inquisition and execution panel.

Then, after we have exterminated the commies, we can go back to living free.

It may be a sad testament to the way things are.....
It may not be the way we WANT things to be....
It may not be an easy thing to do......


It's EITHER.....that....or become slaves to a socialist, hard left, madman dictator like Venezuela's Maduro (or NK's Kim Jong Un).....CHOOSE

Those are the only two choices. Denial, ignorance and lack of action did not save Venezuela's common sense party on the Right.

People like Ringle05 are Dictator boot lickers and crave totalitarianism.
You mean he was able to persecute a lot of really innocent people... Disgrace.

you mean innocent liberals who took the 5th rather than tell the truth. It was no big deal to liberals since they wanted Stalin to take over the world but for freedom loving Republicans it was a huge huge deal.
Obviously you're grasp of documented history is seriously flawed. He ultimately got into a feud withe the Army and accused one of Joseph Welch's attorneys of having communist sympathies. In a televised encounter where McCarthy made his accusation Welch famously responded "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." When McCarthy continued his attack Welch angrily responded "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" This was the straw that broke the public support's back and since he had already been ostracized by even his own party his power was over. He died three years later a broken man.

So, you CAN'T document a single American he violated the constitutional rights of? Yet you are more than willing to repeat the slander and libel that has floated from the Goebbels of the Bolshevik press?

Welch was a pile of shit, if not an outright Soviet agent. He went on to a career in Hollywood, what a fucking surprise,,,
Off hand Owen Lattimore and Val Lorwin were just two of his innocent victims that had their reputations and careers destroyed. Granted, given your less than unbiased responses so far you'll just claim they were commies who got what they deserved........ Still missin' the point ain'tcha. As for your hilarious Hitleresque reference........ Really? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Again, you made the claim that the Senator violated the Constitutional rights of people. While the left loves Mao's little bitch Lattimore, there is no constitutional protection from being exposed. Lattimore suffered FAR less than Jared Kushner does at the hands of the little Goebbels at CNN every day. You think he was treated unfairly, that is your opinion, but it still fails to support your claim of violating Constitutional rights.
Wow, you just went from 0 to hyperpartisan in two seconds!!!!!! That must be a new record there ScienceRoc........ Uuummmm, what was your name again?
Read how and why individuals were selected by him for interrogation, mostly because they were liberals. When was the last time you were subpoenaed to defend yourself against accusations of being hyperconservative, the subpoena being a clear violation of your 1st Amendment rights............ Oops......

A subpoena is a violation of the 1st Amendment? :eek:

Have you ever READ the Constitution?

Oh, and we have a MASSIVE witch hunt underway as we speak. While your claim is absurd, how would it differ from the subpoena of Sessions, Manafort (who was actually spied on by Obama and his thugs) , Kushner, et al.
A subpoena based solely on suspicion of political belief knumb knut.............
That's simply not true. Senator McCarthy was a republican in a democrat senate majority. He had no power to try anyone for crimes or alleged crimes and he wasn't even a member of a committee. Democrats created HUAC which had subpoena power only. The U.S. government never blacklisted a person because they didn't have the power to blacklist anyone. Hollywood blacklisted it's own because they were afraid of losing money during the backlash against communism. You almost gotta laugh that they didn't blame president Truman for the anti-communist rhetoric even though he was in charge, the bigoted media blamed an obscure republican.
While McCarthy was never with the HUAC (he was a Senator) he actively (and virulently) "investigated" alleged accusations while chairman of the Government Operations Committee and Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. At the time he was so powerful that even a hint of accusation from him was enough to cow anyone into blacklisting members or employees. Eventually even Truman later turned on him.

How was it possible that McCarthy was "so powerful" when he didn't even chair a committee and democrats were in the majority? The dirty little secret is that the media created the image of power and McCarthy was just a stooge of the media. If you want to be historically accurate the era could honestly be called "Trumanism" rather than McCarthyism since Truman was in charge. When the media decided that commies weren't as bad as republicans and the democrat party actually evolved into something close to "communism lite", the media and Hollywood managed to blame the misunderstanding on a republican.
He didn't chair a committee? He chaired both committees that I stated, committees who sole responsibility was government waste and fraud, not commie hunting which is what he turned them into......... How did he become so "powerful", come on, you have a brain, do the math, does the Red Scare ring any bells?
. How did he become so "powerful", come on, you have a brain, do the math, does the Red Scare ring any bells?
and why be scared? I mean just because Stalin and Mao were slowly starving 120 million human souls to death and our liberals were spying for them??
. How did he become so "powerful", come on, you have a brain, do the math, does the Red Scare ring any bells?
and why be scared? I mean just because Stalin and Mao were slowly starving 120 million human souls to death and our liberals were spying for them??
Apparently you have no concept of historical events do ya Sparkette.......... Stalin was doing what Stalin did in the Soviet Union under his paranoid, despotic leadership, yes we had lot's of Soviet spies and sympathizers and most were known to our own spy agencies and being monitored and occasionally used by us. As for the Red Scare it was a near panic in this country, a country which has specific civic protections that the Soviet Union never had.
........ Stalin was doing what Stalin did in the Soviet Union under his paranoid, despotic leadership

got it so Stalin Mao Pol Pot Castro were not really libcommies just despotic? and true communism would actually be a good thing!!!
As for the Red Scare it was a near panic in this country, a country which has specific civic protections that the Soviet Union never had.

exactly, why panic just because Stalin and Mao were slowly starving 120 million innocent souls to death, promising to take over the world, and our liberal elites were spying for them and giving them the hydrogen bomb!!!!!

I swear, for the life of me I just cant understand what silly Republicans were so alarmed about.
As for the Red Scare it was a near panic in this country, a country which has specific civic protections that the Soviet Union never had.

exactly, why panic just because Stalin and Mao were slowly starving 120 million innocent souls to death, promising to take over the world, and our liberal elites were spying for them and giving them the hydrogen bomb!!!!!

I swear, for the life of me I just cant understand what silly Republicans were so alarmed about.
Oh you mean we're supposed to suspend civil liberties every time the populace becomes alarmed.......? And you call others commies and Nazis......... :rofl:
Its odd that McCarthys first speech in Wheeling came at the midpoint between Progressive Hero Uncle Joe trying to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade (see how right Patton was) and Progressive Hero Mao giving the go ahead to start a war in Korea
You mean he was able to persecute a lot of really innocent people... Disgrace.

you mean innocent liberals who took the 5th rather than tell the truth. It was no big deal to liberals since they wanted Stalin to take over the world but for freedom loving Republicans it was a huge huge deal.
Ridiculous b*******, dupe. He found almost no communists but ruined thousands of lives...

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