In the defense of white folks

That's because nobody claimed Smollett was the first black actor.
Excuses don't cut it here junior. Obama was the first black president. Had Obama been the first mass shooter you would not be trying to parse his DNA.
You know when you try and use lies to make an argument, you already lost the debate.

Trump didn't say Mexican immigrants are all criminals and rapists. He said Mexico is sending us their criminals and rapists which was true then and true today.

So tell us what African American communities he called shitholes? Name just one with evidence liar.

Yes, Trump repeatedly called covid the Wuhan flu. Do you know why? THEY MADE IT IN FUCKEN WUHAN! THAT'S WHERE IT CAME FROM!

So when did Trump pander to white supremacists? And don't say when he said there were good people at the rally. It's another Communist lie because he never singled out any white supremacists. He was referring to the folks that legally obtained a permit to demonstrate peacefully.

Trump was never convicted of any discrimination in his housing. No evidence. Need the FBI report on that, just ask.

You'll never convince anybody of anything using lies.

When Cuba sent us all those criminals and thugs, the left raised all kind of hell over it. But if it's Mexico, they don't care, because it was a republican president who tried to put a stop to it.

Funny how the left will go back in history when trying to make a point. But only so far back and only on certain subjects.
Whites made laws to deny people of rights. Damage from those laws have gone unfixed. And on top of that more laws get made perpetuating the same system. That's the problem. It must get fixed and whites need to do their part to fix it.

White's also freed the slave, ended segregation, started affirmative, action, started welfare and made it easy for minorities to get welfare.

Soooo, you're welcome.
I don't have a problem with your whiteness. It's your racism that's the problem. Being a racist is not a requirement for being white. What you're trying to say is that racism is an inherent and vital part of whiteness. There are whites here who disagree with that belief and it's not because they have white guilt. It is because unlike yourself, they are decent human beings.

You're trying to paint me with the same brush you painted white slave owners with. I'm about as far from racist as you can get. The difference is, I don't take up for black violent thugs. Nor do I take up for white ones, brown ones, blue, green or any kind of thug.
That's what you call equality. I treat all thugs the same. Like fucking dogs. No wait, I treat all animals a lot better than I treat thugs.

You're problem is, you're brainwashed into thinking you have to respect black thugs because they're black. Dude, even decent black folks don't do that.
You remind me of one of that moronic white people chanting "Kill whitey."

Yeah, they were Dixiecrats and your party took em in when LBJ signed the legislation.

You own that.

The south turning conservative because they weren't so dumb that they'd keep believing the lefts BS. Back then, it was all about the wars the democrats kept the US in. Korea, then Vietnam. Americans, including the south, was sick and tired of so many of their kids coming home in body bags.
Then your boy wonder, Jimmy Carter came a long and nailed the Democrats southern coffin. It was either war, interest rates, inflation and the economy, that turned southern democrats into republicans.
NOT race.

And you damn well know that.
No. I'm saying in order to break up the good old white boys network, companies need to do a better job promoting diverse candidates. Up until now, white men have done a horrible job at this. They seem to always promote the white guys.

And it doesn't have to be a black. I pointed out earlier that white women have benefited the most from AA. So no, it doesn't have to be a black. Could be an asian, hispanic, arab, women, indian, gay.

Why does the good ole boy white network need to be broken up? If it's the white people that started the company, white people running the company, and they are more comfortable with white people working there, then what does it matter?
For fucks sakes, if they're stupid enough to build a plant in an area that 80% black, they can't complain that blacks are all they can get. But there's not a whole lot of those area's.

Dude, white folks don't complain about not being able to get a job with a black owned and operated company. We don't care. We'll look for a job elsewhere, because we understand it's not our name on the door or the tax papers. It's theirs. They can hire who ever the hell they want to.

There's plenty of black millionaires in this country. And a few billionaires. You might ask them why they're not starting some companies in predominantly black communities and hiring them. My guess it, they know how lazy a LOT of those blacks are in the projects. It's one of the main reasons they're in the projects. Because they're too lazy to do the work it takes to get out.

I hired a bunch of blacks from a temp agency outside of Birmingham one day. By lunch, 85% of them were fired because they were just too damn lazy. Was it because they were black? I doubt it. I know some lazy ass white folks too. But that's what you get when you try to help people who don't want help.
Is that why companies are always being sued by very successful women and blacks who are overlooked when hiring managers? Yea, I've seen some very qualified women get passed over for no good reason. Sure it's hard to prove but when the courts see this woman has a fantastic track record but for years kept getting denied promotions, for younger white men, well, let's just say the companies often times settle because the facts make them look very bad.

Not very many people get into the executive level. I don't care how many white family members have that "went to college". What college? What degree? Bachelors or Masters? And what kind of workers are they? Who did they work for? So many questions.

My brother worked for Ford. He would have never become a VP at Ford. He had to go to Visteon next, then the next company and they made him VP. Still a fortune 500 company.

If you ask the right attorney what 1 + 1 is, he'll ask you "How much do you want it to be?"

Frivolous lawsuits aren't very common. Remember the guy who sued Hooters because they wouldn't hire him as a waiter? It's the same thing.

Companies should have the right to hire anyone they want, for any reason they want. It's their company. If they pass over a black person who would've done an excellent job for a dumb ass white person, it's their loss.
Key word, "Their."
My guess it, they know how lazy a LOT of those blacks are in the projects. It's one of the main reasons they're in the projects. Because they're too lazy to do the work it takes to get out.

It's not just income that keeps you in the projects, in a lot of cases it's bad decision making or both.

If you make decent money you are still broke if you are following the law and supporting your child or children. I used to drive through the projects in my city and in the summer time, the entire outside is loaded with kids. Those people will die in the projects. Businesses don't want people making bad decisions on the job like they do off the job.
When Cuba sent us all those criminals and thugs, the left raised all kind of hell over it. But if it's Mexico, they don't care, because it was a republican president who tried to put a stop to it.

Funny how the left will go back in history when trying to make a point. But only so far back and only on certain subjects.

And it happened again only a few months ago when citizens rose up against the government. Dementia allows people from over 100 other countries into our country, but said no Cubans allowed. Why? Because Cubans are generally known to vote Republican. So much for taking care of these poor underprivileged people.
Excuses don't cut it here junior. Obama was the first black president. Had Obama been the first mass shooter you would not be trying to parse his DNA.

You asked a question and I gave you an honest answer. Who in the country would care if Smollett is a Mulatto? It has nothing to do with the case. You people on the left push the false narrative that DumBama was the first black President and he's not and never was. You can say he's the first part black President, but that's the best you can do.
There is evidence. Trump paid a settlement to the DOJ and were forced to comply with consent agreements. Go look it up. Mexico isn't sending us any more rapisrts and murderers than we already have here. Most of white Eaatern Europe is a shithole, but trump doesn't say anything about that. And that's why his is is called a racist.

Nobody from Eastern Europe is sneaking across our borders in the middle of the night. You said Trump paid the highest settlement ever, so where is your proof of that liar? It never happened.
Mexico isn't sending us anymore rapists and murderers than we already have? Do you realize how stupid of a comment that is? No criminal should ever be allowed in this country. Tell any one of the Angel mom's that Mexico sending murderers here is okay with you.
It's not just income that keeps you in the projects, in a lot of cases it's bad decision making or both.

If you make decent money you are still broke if you are following the law and supporting your child or children. I used to drive through the projects in my city and in the summer time, the entire outside is loaded with kids. Those people will die in the projects. Businesses don't want people making bad decisions on the job like they do off the job.

If you got a piss poor paying job, you go to that job and come home. Don't go out, cause going out costs money. Getting in trouble costs a LOT of money. Getting in bad trouble will cost you everything.
So I got no sympathy for these lowers who trick out their rides, always at the club, buying drugs and literally wasting their money and life, while living in a shithole.
We used to laugh about blacks living in a falling down POS house, but having a fancy car. The car would be worth more than the house they lived in.

LOL, we lived in a decent brick house. But my dad had like a 20+ year old pick up.
I guess it was a cultural thing.
If you got a piss poor paying job, you go to that job and come home. Don't go out, cause going out costs money. Getting in trouble costs a LOT of money. Getting in bad trouble will cost you everything.
So I got no sympathy for these lowers who trick out their rides, always at the club, buying drugs and literally wasting their money and life, while living in a shithole.
We used to laugh about blacks living in a falling down POS house, but having a fancy car. The car would be worth more than the house they lived in.

LOL, we lived in a decent brick house. But my dad had like a 20+ year old pick up.
I guess it was a cultural thing.

When I was a kid we grew up with a 25" color TV with rabbit ears on top. Our entertainment was McDonald's a couple times a year and maybe a movie here and there.

Today smart phones, cable and high speed internet are considered a necessity. My father always laughs when the subject comes up because he said he pays more for his cell phone bill than he did the mortgage on our house. But one thing he taught me when I was a kid. He said Ray, anybody can make money. An idiot can make money, but the smart people are those who can keep that money.

In general people are careless with the money they do earn. I see them pay for $2.60 with a debit card for items at a convenience store, and they throw away their receipt on the way out. I don't use debit cards, I use cash, but years ago when I did use them, the receipt went into my wallet and stayed there until I deducted it out of my checking account.
The south turning conservative because they weren't so dumb that they'd keep believing the lefts BS. Back then, it was all about the wars the democrats kept the US in. Korea, then Vietnam. Americans, including the south, was sick and tired of so many of their kids coming home in body bags.
Then your boy wonder, Jimmy Carter came a long and nailed the Democrats southern coffin. It was either war, interest rates, inflation and the economy, that turned southern democrats into republicans.
NOT race.

And you damn well know that.
No, it was about racism.
No, it was about racism.


The vast majority of the southern republicans supported the Civil Rights act and desegregation. And still do.
What they didn't, and still don't support is a bad economy, government over spending, wars, high inflation and high gas prices.
Nor do they support CRT being taught in public schools and racist democrats who keep pushing this racist narrative.
So wrong in so many demonstrable ways. He didn’t say what you seem to believe he said “about” Mexicans. Why he actually said was a reference to the particular Mexicans the Mexican government was only to try to pawn off on us, as a wealthy neighbor.

it’s strange that you universalize the “Muslims” Trump tried to stop from immigrating here. It was as I recall just 7 specific countries. And there was a reason those particular nations were on that list. But you can ignore the basis to justify reaching your strained conclusion.

The US. department of Justice filing a lawsuit doesn’t make the alleged basis for the suit true or valid. Settling a suit is often unrelated to any kind of concession about that.

The virus CAME From Wuhan. It wasn’t a mystery. The name Wuhan flu wasn’t racist. It was a quip about where it came from.

Citing “jokes” allegedly made by Trump assumes he made those jokes. I don’t join in making the assumption. Additionally, while no grown human being should make jokes based on racial stereotypes, the fact is some people do engage in such things without necessarily being racist. Nonetheless, I’ve seen nothing to validate the claim that Trump made any such “jokes.”
Trump sure didn't mind blowing the racist dog whistles when he was POTUS.
Why does the good ole boy white network need to be broken up? If it's the white people that started the company, white people running the company, and they are more comfortable with white people working there, then what does it matter?
For fucks sakes, if they're stupid enough to build a plant in an area that 80% black, they can't complain that blacks are all they can get. But there's not a whole lot of those area's.

Dude, white folks don't complain about not being able to get a job with a black owned and operated company. We don't care. We'll look for a job elsewhere, because we understand it's not our name on the door or the tax papers. It's theirs. They can hire who ever the hell they want to.

There's plenty of black millionaires in this country. And a few billionaires. You might ask them why they're not starting some companies in predominantly black communities and hiring them. My guess it, they know how lazy a LOT of those blacks are in the projects. It's one of the main reasons they're in the projects. Because they're too lazy to do the work it takes to get out.

I hired a bunch of blacks from a temp agency outside of Birmingham one day. By lunch, 85% of them were fired because they were just too damn lazy. Was it because they were black? I doubt it. I know some lazy ass white folks too. But that's what you get when you try to help people who don't want help.

Wait a second. You whites here are constantly complaining that corporations are implementing diversity programs and affirmative action even though your name is not on the door or tax papers.

Please the next time a con complains about AA, tell them to stop being such a bitch and just go look for a job elsewhere.

Blacks make up

According to Forbes' 2021 World's Billionaires List, there are 724 billionaires in America yet only seven of them are Black. That's just enough to seat at one dining room table since Black billionaires only make up less than one percent of the nation's billionaire population.

15% of America is black. Yes LESS THAN 1% of the billionaires are black. Seems like white people have all the money.

I would like to see those 7 black billionaires do more in the black community.
The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism.
This very site is loaded with these lying racists. They are fine with blacks having their own TV channels, black history month, and black celebrations, but when it comes to black crime statistics, all of a sudden they think everybody is one big race called the human race. We can't even ask what a particular crime statistic is if it is about black crime, without being called a troll and having the thread censored.

These folks are what the elusive systemic racism really is. Instead of blurting out obvious racial slurs, they offer assistance to blacks by censoring statistics, suggesting that people who ask about black statistics are trolls or are demonizing blacks, and they try to recategorize blacks as part of a big human race when the statistics don't favor blacks. These lefty racists are SO arrogant when they protect blacks from equal statistical accounting.
Trump sure didn't mind blowing the racist dog whistles when he was POTUS.
He didn’t mind because he didn’t do any such things. Your spin on everything remains just that: spin.

You idiots call it blowing a dog whistle because you’re referencing something that can’t be heard. Sometimes, the reason you can’t hear something is because — there wasn’t any such sound in the first place.

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