In the defense of white folks

Obama didn't vote to invade Iraq. You should have voted for him for that reason.

He voted present.

BTW, the ONLY reason why US combat forces left Iraq, was because the Iraqi government voted for them to leave.
But that didn't stop him from continuing the other wars and getting us into new ones.
I don't think the black guy jumped bail. And unlike Rittenhouse, he will be going to prison. The judge will allow the victims of his crime to be called victims too.
His charge sheet shows he jumped bail on an earlier charge. And unlike Rittenhouse, if he was the driver, he deserves to go to jail. But until I see the actual evidence, I won’t call for conviction. All I’ve seen is a blurry photo that could have been just about any dark skinned person. Rittenhouse was on multiple videos that clearly showed what he did was self defense.
Yeah, same with me!! First time in my life I didn't vote for prez --- I had thought it was a citizenship requirement: was surprised to find out I no longer cared if this was the best they could do. I had different reasons against McCain (he collapsed dramatically when the economy did the 2008 collapse during the election, not presidential) and he appointed a bimbo with a big front for VP, and the big front and dressing out meese was all she had going for her. What an insult to American women.

As for Obama --- no. Just ---- no.

That was the first year I got really involved in politics. As in going to the local party headquarters. I went to both the GOP and the democrat headquarters.
I was actually accused of being a spy for both of them, by both of them. By 07, I was a die hard Tea Party supporter. There was some things I liked about both sides. But by the time the elections rolled around, the GOP had already infiltrated the original Tea Party, with their Sarah "dingbat" Palin, I could barely stand to register as a republican. And only did so because there was an actual conservative candidate. (Ron Paul) But they threw him under the bus, like they do all the actual conservatives, for John McCain.
That was a racist move for Hillary to pull. Probably why she got such low black voter turnout.

There is zero evidence but ask people who know Trump he has made racist jokes and comments for years. And he's been sued for being a slum lord. Yes, Trump is a racist. Even if he poses with Don King.

Telling racist jokes or being a slum lord doesn't make you a racist. Comedy is just that. And business is business.
If it's a black person in a building you just bought and want to renovate, and has to be forced out, doesn't make you a racist. The white people had to move too.

BTW, there's a reason why it was the slums. Thugs, drugs, laziness.. All that comes with slums. In certain parts of the country, there are black slums. In other parts, there's white slums.
As did I fucktard. I wasn’t correcting your ignorant ass. I was merely making clear that I wasn’t myself accusing Shrillary, you diseased dildo.

Furthermore, the release of the certification of live birth (which was not and is not an original birth certificate) didn’t resolve the question precisely BECAUSE it wasn’t a birth certificate. So, harboring doubts after the release of that document doesn’t make a liar out of anyone.

You remain wrong.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Again, you ridiculously accused Hillary's staff of touting Birther claims. I point out you're a retard as Hillary's staff did no such thing and you melt down.

And yes, the COLB was sufficient as it was an official Hawaiian document, notarized by Hawaii's State Registrar and authenticated by Hawaii's Director of Health. And it specified the only two items required by the Constitution -- his age and his place of birth.
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LMAO.. So you found some stats that's irrelevant to the discussion. And you're trying to pass them off as relevant.

REPULBICANS, but a much larger percentage supported the civil rights act over democrats. But that's too relevant for you. Nor does it fit your false narrative. So you move the goal post from the R Vs D, to union/Confederate R Vs D.
Both Fake Sides Are Race Traitors

What you're saying is, "The Democrats used to stick up for White people and should never be forgiven for that."
That was the first year I got really involved in politics. As in going to the local party headquarters. I went to both the GOP and the democrat headquarters.
I was actually accused of being a spy for both of them, by both of them. By 07, I was a die hard Tea Party supporter. There was some things I liked about both sides. But by the time the elections rolled around, the GOP had already infiltrated the original Tea Party, with their Sarah "dingbat" Palin, I could barely stand to register as a republican. And only did so because there was an actual conservative candidate. (Ron Paul) But they threw him under the bus, like they do all the actual conservatives, for John McCain.
Ha! So you also were annoyed by the choice of Sarah Palin. I sure got tired of all the old men on forums carrying on and ON about her front.
All one has to do to determine which ideology has the most racists is look at this forum where the vast majority of racist posts emanate from the right.
Exactly. And as they post their racist bullshit they want to tell us what democrats did 160 years ago during times they all keep telling us that none of us were alive to see. The racist mind is infantile in that way. "We cannot hold whites today responsible for the past except if they are democrats."
bobo i have black blood in the family line on the Sicilian side because of the grandmothers 2 brothers were so dark she told me they hung with the was called blackie........i have been mistaken for a Mexican by many a Mexican,in the summer,especially here in Vegas,i can get pretty dark....if i would have no problems marrying a black woman why would i care if my daughter would? i said bobo i dont have problems with minorities ....apparently you do.....
Yes he does. He is a legitimate racist.
The Dems haD changed their strategy and had decided to court the black voting block.
Well that's obvious bullshit otherwise the Confederate Democrats would have voted for it too.

You really suck at making shit up.
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In my chili.

I get it, You're referring to me being white. Yes, I'm white guy. Born white. And I have enjoyed my whiteness my entire life. And will do so until I'm dead.
I have like zero white guilt. I see things through my white eyes. Hear things through my white ears. And say things with my white voice. I speak fluent whitey. I dress in white peoples clothes.

You got a problem with my whiteness? Or are you a racist?
I don't have a problem with your whiteness. It's your racism that's the problem. Being a racist is not a requirement for being white. What you're trying to say is that racism is an inherent and vital part of whiteness. There are whites here who disagree with that belief and it's not because they have white guilt. It is because unlike yourself, they are decent human beings.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Again, you ridiculously accused Hillary's staff of touting Birther claims. I point out you're a retard as Hillary's staff did no such thing and you melt down.

And yes, the COLB was sufficient as it was an official Hawaiian document, notarized by Hawaii's State Registrar and authenticated by Hawaii's Director of Health. And it specified the only two items required the Constitution -- his age and his place of birth.
No you utter tool. I correctly noted that it was Hillary’s staff. It was. Then, jackass that you are, you whined at me about YOUR having made reference to her staff. I proceeded to inform you that I was talking about her staff

I can’t help it if you lack the ability to follow along. Plus, of course, I’m not the one having any kind of meltdown. Pointing out your numerous errors, inconsistencies, baseless assumptions and general asshole-edness isn’t a meltdown. It’s just a pastime.

Take a deep breath you Phony. Have yourself another little good cry. Grab a tissue. Get over your endless butthurt.

Now back to the topic — Despite your digression. The Certification of Live Birth was not an original birth certificate. I couldn’t give a rip about that latter document. The request back in the day was for the actual birth certificate. That is the document which might have put the nonsense to bed sooner. But it wasn’t to be. Obumbler and his staff fucked that up. (Hope the word “staff” doesn’t trigger you again.)

Beyond all that, you are now crying and throwing a tantrum over a along dormant issue. I remind you yet again: it doesn’t much matter since the Obumbler days in office are done. It was Shrillary’s staff that first brought it up. And it was based on largely Obumbler’s own book publicist in the first place.
fuck you.....if my daughter wanted to marry a black guy,as long as the guy was good guy i could care less.....just because you have problems with minorities bobo,it doesnt mean we all do.....and i dont believe you would marry a black woman....
He would have sex with a black woman just to brag to everyone how he is not a racist. But this guy is no different from the other racists here. Just because he votes democrat does not excuse his racism.
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No you utter tool. I correctly noted that it was Hillary’s staff. It was. Then, jackass that you are, you whined at me about YOUR having made reference to her staff. I proceeded to inform you that I was talking about her staff

I can’t help it if you lack the ability to follow along. Plus, of course, I’m not the one having any kind of meltdown. Pointing out your numerous errors, inconsistencies, baseless assumptions and general asshole-edness isn’t a meltdown. It’s just a pastime.

Take a deep breath you Phony. Have yourself another little good cry. Grab a tissue. Get over your endless butthurt.

Now back to the topic — Despite your digression. The Certification of Live Birth was not an original birth certificate. I couldn’t give a rip about that latter document. The request back in the day was for the actual birth certificate. That is the document which might have put the nonsense to bed sooner. But it wasn’t to be. Obumbler and his staff fucked that up. (Hope the word “staff” doesn’t trigger you again.)

Beyond all that, you are now crying and throwing a tantrum over a along dormant issue. I remind you yet again: it doesn’t much matter since the Obumbler days in office are done. It was Shrillary’s staff that first brought it up. And it was based on largely Obumbler’s own book publicist in the first place.
You are incorrect on all counts. No one on Clintons staff started birtherism and the documemt supposedly from Obamas brother was fake.
What should I think? He should serve maximum time in prison. In a crime filled area like Chicago the police certainly have a lot better things to do than go chasing around after his fairy tales. I think that fat pig Foxx should get a cell right next to him for using her authority to try and bury the crime. Now if he had a half a brain and came to the realization that he Fd up and pled to a lesser charge, at least that's something. But with the mound of evidence against him and as much as he cost taxpayers already, he's still going to perpetrate this lie of his.

So now DumBama is a Mulatto? No, he was always a Mulatto.
Obama would not be mulatto had he pulled a Smollette. Because Smollette is a mulatto too. But you don't bring that up. Because you bring up Obamas being half white due to the FACT that you could not accept a black president.
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So let's see these facts. If a woman or minority gets a job, how can you say AA had anything to do with it?

Raggedy bitches like you run your mouth off all the time about somebody black being given a job because of affirmative action.

“Thanks in large measure to affirmative action and civil rights protections that opened up previously restricted opportunities to women of all colors, from 1972-1993:
— The percentage of women architects increased from 3% to nearly 19% of the total;
— The percentage of women doctors more than doubled from 10% to 22% of all doctors;
— The percentage of women lawyers grew from 4% to 23% of the national total;
— The percentage of female engineers went from less than 1% to nearly 9%;
— The percentage of female chemists grew from 10% to 30% of all chemists; and,
— The percentage of female college faculty went from 28% to 42% of all faculty. (Moseley-Braun 1995, 8)POMA

Furthermore, since only 1983, the percentage of women business managers and professionals grew from 41% of all such persons, to 48%, while the number of female police officers more than doubled, from 6% to 13% (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1995, Table 649). According to a 1995 study, there are at least six million women — the overwhelming majority of them white — who simply wouldn’t have the jobs they have today, but for the inroads made by affirmative action (Cose 1997, 171).

The gender benefits of affirmative action have extended beyond economically privileged women, expanding opportunity for working-class women as well: The 1985 Perkins Act, which requires states to set aside 10.5% of federal vocational-education funds for girls and women — such as displaced homemakers and single-mothers — has helped these women find new jobs to support themselves and their families. In Florida, thanks to this program, more than 70% of women receiving voc-ed funds found new jobs, at pay levels averaging twice their prior salaries" (National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education 1995).”


The backagain meltdown is backagain...

No you utter tool. I correctly noted that it was Hillary’s staff. It was. Then, jackass that you are, you whined at me about YOUR having made reference to her staff. I proceeded to inform you that I was talking about her staff

Moron, I know you were talking about her staff. That's why I highlighted the word, "staff." For the 4th time -- her STAFF did not tout Birtherism. You're fucked in the head.

Now back to the topic — Despite your digression. The Certification of Live Birth was not an original birth certificate. I couldn’t give a rip about that latter document. The request back in the day was for the actual birth certificate. That is the document which might have put the nonsense to bed sooner. But it wasn’t to be. Obumbler and his staff fucked that up. (Hope the word “staff” doesn’t trigger you again.)

And again, it didn't need to be an original. Millions upon millions of Americans lose their original and are supplied an official copy from their birth state, which is precisely what Obama did. Copies are perfectly acceptable. I got one of my kids a passport with a copy after I lost the original, registered him in school, etc. And those were areas which required such proof. Neither the Constitution nor any laws drafted stipulate any requirements at all regarding proof of age and place of birth.
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You are incorrect on all counts. No one on Clintons staff started birtherism and the documemt supposedly from Obamas brother was fake.
I tried telling him that about Hillary's staff but unfortunately, he's too preoccupied spasming out to know it. :dunno:
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No. There remains zero evidence that he is a racist. I have heard him talk about grabbing pussy. So I can accept that there is some basis to accuse him of being a bit sexist or misogynistic.

I haven’t heard any RELIABLE evidence that he told racist jokes. He has, however, in his life, earned AWARDS from organizations which seek racial equality. Not just photo ops with Don King.

I have heard that some of his business holdings included properties which made him subject to fanciful claims of being a slum lord. That of course is an intentionally loaded term and not something anyone should accept at face value.

On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

Not to mention calling it the Wuhan Flu. Telling the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Calling African American communities shitholes.

From stereotyping a Black reporter to pandering to white supremacists after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to making a joke about the Trail of Tears, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election.

Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia that he latched onto during his 2016 presidential campaign; Trump’s own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, previously called “kung flu” a “highly offensive” term. And Trump insinuated that Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s Black, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to run for vice president — a repeat of the birther conspiracy theory that he perpetuated about former President Barack Obama.

This is nothing new for Trump. In fact, the very first time Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies.

This long history is important. It would be one thing if Trump misspoke one or two times. But when you take all of his actions and comments together, a clear pattern emerges — one that suggests that bigotry is not just political opportunism on Trump’s part but a real element of his personality, character, and career.

Trump has a long history of racist controversies​

Here’s a breakdown of Trump’s history

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