In the defense of white folks

Hillary's staff never touted Birther claims. You're misinformed. And the publisher admitted it was a mistake on their part.
The Shrillary staff was the first bunch who DID make the birther claims. I have been careful not to accuse Shrillary herself because I can’t find any support for such an accusation.

I also don’t care if the publisher or the agent later said it was a mistake. The fact is; the entire birther shit started there. And that was the whole point.

His publicist or agent wasn’t being racist toward Obumbler when he wrote that blurb. Ergo, we can plainly see that one can question the Obumbler “natural born citizen” eligibility without being a racist.
You guys have a different opinion depending on who's in the White House. Here is what you guys were saying when Clinton was POTUS.

Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said of Mr. Clinton: ''Obviously, there will be those who will question his motives and timing. He will receive significant support because it's pretty obvious that Saddam Hussein is neither complying nor cooperating'' with international arms inspectors.

But in an extraordinary rebuke of Mr. Clinton's foreign policy, Senator Lott said minutes before the strikes began that he opposed the air assault on suspected Iraqi chemical, nuclear and biological weapons sites, arguing that the attacks were ineffective.

''I cannot support this military action in the Persian Gulf at this time,'' Senator Lott said in a statement that infuriated the White House. ''Both the timing and the policy are subject to question.''

Bro, When W was president, I started leaning left. I considered W a war monger. I didn't have a clue about John McCain until he ran for president. And was completely against him for saying it was OK to stay in Iraq for another 100 or 1000 years.
I didn't vote for him because of that. And I didn't vote for Obama because he refused to acknowledge the war on terror was a farce, designed to make the MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the Federal Reserve and military contractors even richer than they already were, at the expense of thousands of our soldiers and probably millions of innocent middle easterners. Obama wouldn't say he was going to end the wars. In fact, he boasted about continuing to fight the war on Terror. And when Osama was killed, he continued with the wars. And thanks to Hitlery, he expanded the wars into Syria.
The Shrillaeybstaff was the first bunch who DID make the birthed claims. I have been careful not to accuse Shrillary herself because I can’t find any support for such an accusation. I also don’t care if the published or the agent later said it was a mistake. The fact is; the entire birthed shit started there.

I specified "staff," moron.

And that was the whole point. His publicist or agent wasn’t being racist toward Obumbler when he wrote that blurb. Ergo, we can plainly see that one can question the Obumbler “natural born citizen” eligibility without being a racist.

For some, it was racist; for others, not. But for all who claimed it after he released his COLB, it was a lie.
I specified "staff," moron.

For some, it was racist; for others, not. But for all who claimed it after he released his COLB, it was a lie.
As did I fucktard. I wasn’t correcting your ignorant ass. I was merely making clear that I wasn’t myself accusing Shrillary, you diseased dildo.

Furthermore, the release of the certification of live birth (which was not and is not an original birth certificate) didn’t resolve the question precisely BECAUSE it wasn’t a birth certificate. So, harboring doubts after the release of that document doesn’t make a liar out of anyone.

You remain wrong.
There is zero evidence that candidate Trump had ever been a racist. There’s remains no evidence that he ever became one.

For all we know, he actually did believe the Birther claims. Maybe Shrillary did too when her staff first touted it. Or maybe you need to work up a lather about HER “racism.”

Also, maybe the Obumbler PR guy who touted his book was a racist birtheR, too.

In fact, it’s kinda odd that Obumbler didn’t correct the claim that he was Kenyan at that first opportunity. I wonder what his college application said about his status as a U.S. born citizen? (Sealed! Sorry. We may never know. Maybe Obumbler was one of the very first birthers!)
That was a racist move for Hillary to pull. Probably why she got such low black voter turnout.

There is zero evidence but ask people who know Trump he has made racist jokes and comments for years. And he's been sued for being a slum lord. Yes, Trump is a racist. Even if he poses with Don King.
Bro, When W was president, I started leaning left. I considered W a war monger. I didn't have a clue about John McCain until he ran for president. And was completely against him for saying it was OK to stay in Iraq for another 100 or 1000 years.
I didn't vote for him because of that. And I didn't vote for Obama because he refused to acknowledge the war on terror was a farce, designed to make the MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the Federal Reserve and military contractors even richer than they already were, at the expense of thousands of our soldiers and probably millions of innocent middle easterners. Obama wouldn't say he was going to end the wars. In fact, he boasted about continuing to fight the war on Terror. And when Osama was killed, he continued with the wars. And thanks to Hitlery, he expanded the wars into Syria.
Yeah, same with me!! First time in my life I didn't vote for prez --- I had thought it was a citizenship requirement: was surprised to find out I no longer cared if this was the best they could do. I had different reasons against McCain (he collapsed dramatically when the economy did the 2008 collapse during the election, not presidential) and he appointed a bimbo with a big front for VP, and the big front and dressing out meese was all she had going for her. What an insult to American women.

As for Obama --- no. Just ---- no.
Bro, When W was president, I started leaning left. I considered W a war monger. I didn't have a clue about John McCain until he ran for president. And was completely against him for saying it was OK to stay in Iraq for another 100 or 1000 years.
I didn't vote for him because of that. And I didn't vote for Obama because he refused to acknowledge the war on terror was a farce, designed to make the MIC (Military Industrial Complex), the Federal Reserve and military contractors even richer than they already were, at the expense of thousands of our soldiers and probably millions of innocent middle easterners. Obama wouldn't say he was going to end the wars. In fact, he boasted about continuing to fight the war on Terror. And when Osama was killed, he continued with the wars. And thanks to Hitlery, he expanded the wars into Syria.
Obama didn't vote to invade Iraq. You should have voted for him for that reason.
That was a racist move for Hillary to pull. Probably why she got such low black voter turnout.

There is zero evidence but ask people who know Trump he has made racist jokes and comments for years. And he's been sued for being a slum lord. Yes, Trump is a racist. Even if he poses with Don King.
No. There remains zero evidence that he is a racist. I have heard him talk about grabbing pussy. So I can accept that there is some basis to accuse him of being a bit sexist or misogynistic.

I haven’t heard any RELIABLE evidence that he told racist jokes. He has, however, in his life, earned AWARDS from organizations which seek racial equality. Not just photo ops with Don King.

I have heard that some of his business holdings included properties which made him subject to fanciful claims of being a slum lord. That of course is an intentionally loaded term and not something anyone should accept at face value.
Show me where. You obviously can't, brainless.
You show me where I lied. Show me. Go find it. And remember, you didn't make it to the end either. You either quit or got hurt and couldn't continue. But you still wrestled in college right? So like you I didn't make it all the way to the end either. But I did wrestle in college. Never said how long. In fact I did say how long.

Do you expect us to believe your story? Why? Just because you say it's true? Well we know how long I wrested. I admitted it. I'm claiming your story is a lie. How do you know I wasn't lying about quitting? I wrestled all 4 years and was 2nd all American. Prove me wrong pussy.
That was a racist move for Hillary to pull. Probably why she got such low black voter turnout.

There is zero evidence but ask people who know Trump he has made racist jokes and comments for years. And he's been sued for being a slum lord. Yes, Trump is a racist. Even if he poses with Don King.
Oh. And I’m not at all sure that Shrillary herself ever made knowing use of the birther story even when some of her staff apparently did.
No. There remains zero evidence that he is a racist. I have heard him talk about grabbing pussy. So I can accept that there is some basis to accuse him of being a bit sexist or misogynistic.

I haven’t heard any RELIABLE evidence that he told racist jokes. He has, however, in his life, earned AWARDS from organizations which seek racial equality. Not just photo ops with Don King.

I have heard that some of his business holdings included properties which made him subject to fanciful claims of being a slum lord. That of course is an intentionally loaded term and not something anyone should accept at face value.
If you never heard that tape of him grabbing pussy, you'd deny that too. But since that was caught on tape, you can't. So all we have to do is find Trump saying racists things and then you'll be wrong on this one.

Whatever awards Trump got, he lobbied for. Good PR. Good for business. He is not however a humanitarian or social justice warrior. Please stop pretending he is just because he lobbied to get an award. Rush limbaugh also got the medal of freedom. So what?
Yeah, same with me!! First time in my life I didn't vote for prez --- I had thought it was a citizenship requirement: was surprised to find out I no longer cared if this was the best they could do. I had different reasons against McCain (he collapsed dramatically when the economy did the 2008 collapse during the election, not presidential) and he appointed a bimbo with a big front for VP, and the big front and dressing out meese was all she had going for her. What an insult to American women.

As for Obama --- no. Just ---- no.
Palin was horrible right? And yes, McCain didn't seem equipped to deal with the great recession we were in.

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