In the defense of white folks

He voted present.

BTW, the ONLY reason why US combat forces left Iraq, was because the Iraqi government voted for them to leave.
But that didn't stop him from continuing the other wars and getting us into new ones.
Because the war had spilled over into those other countries. Libya, Syria, etc. If terrorists were gaining ground, we helped those countries fight them so they didn't turn into another Iraq.

We can arm chair QB all day. Carter helped Afganistan when Russia invaded. Reagan turned his back on Afganistan. Watch Charlie Wilson's War. Pretty good movie. Anyways, that led to Osama and let's not forget, he attacked on Bush's watch. Bush could have killed him when he had him surrounded in the Tora Bora mountains but he wanted to keep the boogie man alive. Either that or the Bin Ladin's are business associates of the Bush's. We know Republicans defend the murderous evil Saudi Family even when they get caught red handed.

Long story short, Bush could have won in Afganistan if he didn't spread us so thin by starting a 2nd war.

And don't forget, the people you side with today LOVED Bush. They defended his every move. Today they all seem to admit that he sucked. A little late huh?

There will be no World War III starting with Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declared Thursday, and rejected concerns that a war would be a quagmire.

"The idea that it's going to be a long, long, long battle of some kind I think is belied by the fact of what happened in 1990," he said on an Infinity Radio call-in program.

He said the U.S. military is stronger than it was during the Persian Gulf War, while Iraq's armed forces are weaker.

"Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that," he said.
I tried telling him that about Hillary's staff but unfortunately, he's too preoccupied spasming out to know it. :dunno:
He's an idiot.

Because he is not defending whites, he is defending racism.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
You know who else doesn't care what people think about him? Son of Sam. David Berkowitz. Or Donald Trump.

On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

Not to mention calling it the Wuhan Flu. Telling the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Calling African American communities shitholes.

From stereotyping a Black reporter to pandering to white supremacists after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to making a joke about the Trail of Tears, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election.

Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia that he latched onto during his 2016 presidential campaign; Trump’s own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, previously called “kung flu” a “highly offensive” term. And Trump insinuated that Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s Black, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to run for vice president — a repeat of the birther conspiracy theory that he perpetuated about former President Barack Obama.

This is nothing new for Trump. In fact, the very first time Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies.

This long history is important. It would be one thing if Trump misspoke one or two times. But when you take all of his actions and comments together, a clear pattern emerges — one that suggests that bigotry is not just political opportunism on Trump’s part but a real element of his personality, character, and career.

Trump has a long history of racist controversies​

Here’s a breakdown of Trump’s history

You know when you try and use lies to make an argument, you already lost the debate.

Trump didn't say Mexican immigrants are all criminals and rapists. He said Mexico is sending us their criminals and rapists which was true then and true today.

So tell us what African American communities he called shitholes? Name just one with evidence liar.

Yes, Trump repeatedly called covid the Wuhan flu. Do you know why? THEY MADE IT IN FUCKEN WUHAN! THAT'S WHERE IT CAME FROM!

So when did Trump pander to white supremacists? And don't say when he said there were good people at the rally. It's another Communist lie because he never singled out any white supremacists. He was referring to the folks that legally obtained a permit to demonstrate peacefully.

Trump was never convicted of any discrimination in his housing. No evidence. Need the FBI report on that, just ask.

You'll never convince anybody of anything using lies.
Yours truly,

What are you really defending here? The existence of white people does not need to be defended. Whites have plenty of ethnic pride that we all celebrate. I know I get my pint of green beer EVERY year at various St. Patrick days events. White people have plenty of pride and legit accomplishments that everyone recognizes. So what are you defending?

Whites have no lost and rights or freedoms. They get to express themselves just as any decent American citizen. So what are you defending?

Seems that you are afflicted with white fragility.
Raggedy bitches like you run your mouth off all the time about somebody black being given a job because of affirmative action.

“Thanks in large measure to affirmative action and civil rights protections that opened up previously restricted opportunities to women of all colors, from 1972-1993:
— The percentage of women architects increased from 3% to nearly 19% of the total;
— The percentage of women doctors more than doubled from 10% to 22% of all doctors;
— The percentage of women lawyers grew from 4% to 23% of the national total;
— The percentage of female engineers went from less than 1% to nearly 9%;
— The percentage of female chemists grew from 10% to 30% of all chemists; and,
— The percentage of female college faculty went from 28% to 42% of all faculty. (Moseley-Braun 1995, 8)POMA

Furthermore, since only 1983, the percentage of women business managers and professionals grew from 41% of all such persons, to 48%, while the number of female police officers more than doubled, from 6% to 13% (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1995, Table 649). According to a 1995 study, there are at least six million women — the overwhelming majority of them white — who simply wouldn’t have the jobs they have today, but for the inroads made by affirmative action (Cose 1997, 171).

The gender benefits of affirmative action have extended beyond economically privileged women, expanding opportunity for working-class women as well: The 1985 Perkins Act, which requires states to set aside 10.5% of federal vocational-education funds for girls and women — such as displaced homemakers and single-mothers — has helped these women find new jobs to support themselves and their families. In Florida, thanks to this program, more than 70% of women receiving voc-ed funds found new jobs, at pay levels averaging twice their prior salaries" (National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education 1995).”

And yet you have no evidence any of it had to do with AA.
Obama would not be mulatto had he pulled a Smollette. Because Smollette is a mulatto too. But you don't bring that up. Because you bring up Obamas being half white due to the FACT that you could not accept a black president.

It doesn't matter if I accept it or not Mr mind reader. The fact is he never was the first black President. He's mixed.
You know when you try and use lies to make an argument, you already lost the debate.

Trump didn't say Mexican immigrants are all criminals and rapists. He said Mexico is sending us their criminals and rapists which was true then and true today.

So tell us what African American communities he called shitholes? Name just one with evidence liar.

Yes, Trump repeatedly called covid the Wuhan flu. Do you know why? THEY MADE IT IN FUCKEN WUHAN! THAT'S WHERE IT CAME FROM!

So when did Trump pander to white supremacists? And don't say when he said there were good people at the rally. It's another Communist lie because he never singled out any white supremacists. He was referring to the folks that legally obtained a permit to demonstrate peacefully.

Trump was never convicted of any discrimination in his housing. No evidence. Need the FBI report on that, just ask.

You'll never convince anybody of anything using lies.
Oh yea, he called them crime infested

Mr. Lewis, whose colleagues called him “the conscience of Congress,” continued to be an outspoken voice against the administration. In 2018, he said that Mr. Trump was a racist when the president was reported to have referred to Haiti and some African nations as “shithole countries,” and again when Mr. Trump said on Twitter that four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back” to their home countries.

“I know racism when I see it,” Mr. Lewis said at the time, as the House voted on a resolution to condemn those tweets. “I know racism when I feel it. And at the highest level of our government, there’s no room for racism.”
You know when you try and use lies to make an argument, you already lost the debate.

Trump didn't say Mexican immigrants are all criminals and rapists. He said Mexico is sending us their criminals and rapists which was true then and true today.

So tell us what African American communities he called shitholes? Name just one with evidence liar.

Yes, Trump repeatedly called covid the Wuhan flu. Do you know why? THEY MADE IT IN FUCKEN WUHAN! THAT'S WHERE IT CAME FROM!

So when did Trump pander to white supremacists? And don't say when he said there were good people at the rally. It's another Communist lie because he never singled out any white supremacists. He was referring to the folks that legally obtained a permit to demonstrate peacefully.

Trump was never convicted of any discrimination in his housing. No evidence. Need the FBI report on that, just ask.

You'll never convince anybody of anything using lies.
trump said Mexicans were rapists and murderers.

He called Haiti a shithole. He basically called Baltimore one. Trump pandered to white supremacists his entire presidency and does now. He had Steven Miller as his top advisor the whole time. Miller is a white supremacist. Trump was found guilty of racism in his rentals and was forced to pay what was a the time a record settlement. That's what the records show.

So tell me Ray, what is your opinion of Rev. Wright?
It doesn't matter if I accept it or not Mr mind reader. The fact is he never was the first black President. He's mixed.
It does matter because you ain't calling Jussie Smollette mixed yet his father is white. There are all kinds of half whites sitting in prison. You won't deny they are black. Obama was the first black president. That's the way it is.
It doesn't matter if I accept it or not Mr mind reader. The fact is he never was the first black President. He's mixed.
Still waaay more black than any president Republicans ever elected president. Same for Kamala as VP.

Just like Congress which has 58 blacks .... 2 are Republican.

The right hates blacks. Always has.

On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

Not to mention calling it the Wuhan Flu. Telling the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Calling African American communities shitholes.

From stereotyping a Black reporter to pandering to white supremacists after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to making a joke about the Trail of Tears, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election.

Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia that he latched onto during his 2016 presidential campaign; Trump’s own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, previously called “kung flu” a “highly offensive” term. And Trump insinuated that Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s Black, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to run for vice president — a repeat of the birther conspiracy theory that he perpetuated about former President Barack Obama.

This is nothing new for Trump. In fact, the very first time Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies.

This long history is important. It would be one thing if Trump misspoke one or two times. But when you take all of his actions and comments together, a clear pattern emerges — one that suggests that bigotry is not just political opportunism on Trump’s part but a real element of his personality, character, and career.

Trump has a long history of racist controversies​

Here’s a breakdown of Trump’s history
So wrong in so many demonstrable ways. He didn’t say what you seem to believe he said “about” Mexicans. Why he actually said was a reference to the particular Mexicans the Mexican government was only to try to pawn off on us, as a wealthy neighbor.

it’s strange that you universalize the “Muslims” Trump tried to stop from immigrating here. It was as I recall just 7 specific countries. And there was a reason those particular nations were on that list. But you can ignore the basis to justify reaching your strained conclusion.

The US. department of Justice filing a lawsuit doesn’t make the alleged basis for the suit true or valid. Settling a suit is often unrelated to any kind of concession about that.

The virus CAME From Wuhan. It wasn’t a mystery. The name Wuhan flu wasn’t racist. It was a quip about where it came from.

Citing “jokes” allegedly made by Trump assumes he made those jokes. I don’t join in making the assumption. Additionally, while no grown human being should make jokes based on racial stereotypes, the fact is some people do engage in such things without necessarily being racist. Nonetheless, I’ve seen nothing to validate the claim that Trump made any such “jokes.”
It does matter because you ain't calling Jussie Smollette mixed yet his father is white. There are all kinds of half whites sitting in prison. You won't deny they are black. Obama was the first black president. That's the way it is.

That's because nobody claimed Smollett was the first black actor.
I just showed ypu evidence.

That's not evidence of anything. People around during that time all read stories of expanded college admissions of females looking to enter professional lines of work. It's no surprise that once they graduated they would actually enter those fields.
trump said Mexicans were rapists and murderers.

He called Haiti a shithole. He basically called Baltimore one. Trump pandered to white supremacists his entire presidency and does now. He had Steven Miller as his top advisor the whole time. Miller is a white supremacist. Trump was found guilty of racism in his rentals and was forced to pay what was a the time a record settlement. That's what the records show.

So tell me Ray, what is your opinion of Rev. Wright?

God this leftist MSM feeds you this line of bullshit and you never question it.

Trump said Mexico was sending us their murderers and rapists and he was right. He never once said Mexicans were all murderers and rapists. Here, try an actual video of what he really said instead of what the Communists tell you he said.

Show us this record settlement that Trump agreed to. The Trump organization admitted no guilt in the accusation and only agreed to advertise in black read magazines. That was all. Furthermore the FBI even said there was no evidence of Trump discriminating against anybody. Need the link, just ask. I know I have it in my bookmarks. Trump was found guilty of nothing.

No evidence of Trump calling Haiti a shithole. One person during a meeting made that claim and nobody else in the meeting supported him. Even if he did say Haiti is a shithole, it actually is a shithole. What's racist about that?
Oh yea, he called them crime infested

Mr. Lewis, whose colleagues called him “the conscience of Congress,” continued to be an outspoken voice against the administration. In 2018, he said that Mr. Trump was a racist when the president was reported to have referred to Haiti and some African nations as “shithole countries,” and again when Mr. Trump said on Twitter that four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back” to their home countries.

“I know racism when I see it,” Mr. Lewis said at the time, as the House voted on a resolution to condemn those tweets. “I know racism when I feel it. And at the highest level of our government, there’s no room for racism.”

Wonderful. Now go to Print out their definition of racism, and show us all how racism fits in with anything Trump said.

You people on the left have a lot of nerve tossing around racism considering who you voted for. Dementia said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate of our lifetime. Would you like me to print some of the racist things he said?
God this leftist MSM feeds you this line of bullshit and you never question it.

Trump said Mexico was sending us their murderers and rapists and he was right. He never once said Mexicans were all murderers and rapists. Here, try an actual video of what he really said instead of what the Communists tell you he said.

Show us this record settlement that Trump agreed to. The Trump organization admitted no guilt in the accusation and only agreed to advertise in black read magazines. That was all. Furthermore the FBI even said there was no evidence of Trump discriminating against anybody. Need the link, just ask. I know I have it in my bookmarks. Trump was found guilty of nothing.

No evidence of Trump calling Haiti a shithole. One person during a meeting made that claim and nobody else in the meeting supported him. Even if he did say Haiti is a shithole, it actually is a shithole. What's racist about that?
There is evidence. Trump paid a settlement to the DOJ and were forced to comply with consent agreements. Go look it up. Mexico isn't sending us any more rapisrts and murderers than we already have here. Most of white Eaatern Europe is a shithole, but trump doesn't say anything about that. And that's why his is is called a racist.
Good white people are good

Bad white people are bad

Good Black people are good

Bad Black people are bad

Good people are good

Bad people are bad


Whites made laws to deny people of rights. Damage from those laws have gone unfixed. And on top of that more laws get made perpetuating the same system. That's the problem. It must get fixed and whites need to do their part to fix it.

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