In the defense of white folks

Very few people have.
It happens in black communities. Remember Trump even gave Bloomberg shit because he implemented stop and frisk? The funny thing is, you know Trump isn't against the practice. He just knows that Democrats don't like it so Trump was giving Bloomberg shit when he was trying to become the Democratic nominee.

I'll be honest, Bloomberg is a Republican. I'd rather him than Trump but I didn't want a Republican Light to be our nominee. And I do fault Bloomberg for stop and frisk.

However, a lot of USMB Republicans love the practice. But only because it doesn't happen in their communities. As long as it's only happening to black people in black communities there good with it.
I've been stopped and searched several times. You make foolish assumptions again, brainless.

You must look like a thug. You might try looking and dressing like a decent person. It's worked well for me.
He knows that. He's just trying to make something out of nothing. He's vying for his "gotcha" moment. Making himself feel special and intelligent.
And it's his classic way of derailing a good conversation. Now he has you talking about whether or not you spend all day thinking about color.

Unkotare is a troll. A lying racist troll.
Oh come now. Voting against “a” bill turns on what’s in the bill. The label doesn’t mean shit.

LMAO.. The left doesn't realize what the hell you're talking about.

Build Back Better, 80% of it has nothing to do with infrastructure. But if you vote against it, then you're voting against infrastructure.
They actually believe that crap.
Oh come now. Voting against “a” bill turns on what’s in the bill. The label doesn’t mean shit.
Reminds me of when Republicans said Democrats were against the troops when we didn't go along with their war spending.

Look close at the bill and it's actually cutting spending for troops but increased spending that went to Dick Chaney's Haloburton.

And an even closer look showed that Republicans, even John McCain, vote against the troops 75% of the time and Democrats vote for the troops 75% of the time. So the balls Republicans had to say Democrats weren't supporting the troops just because we didn't want to give Dick Chaney a blank check.
You don't know what he would "be like," you ASSuming idiot.
Yes I know even if you and he won't admit it. You know it's true. You wouldn't be happy to find out your daughter likes black guys.

Robert Kardashian is rolling over in his grave right now.

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Have Been ‘Leaning on Each Other’ Before Their 2nd Baby Arrives​

Reminds me of when Republicans said Democrats were against the troops when we didn't go along with their war spending.

Look close at the bill and it's actually cutting spending for troops but increased spending that went to Dick Chaney's Haloburton.

And an even closer look showed that Republicans, even John McCain, vote against the troops 75% of the time and Democrats vote for the troops 75% of the time. So the balls Republicans had to say Democrats weren't supporting the troops just because we didn't want to give Dick Chaney a blank check.
Your spin on it aside, it seems like you agree that the label of a bill doesn’t inform anyone of what the bill is actually about.
No idiot, I got the reality that your racist ass could not accept that a black man was president. Nobody has challenged any republican presidents standing as an American citizen.

You're a dumb ass and you're out of your league here. Stay on your level. Talk to yours truly and Correll, they are as dumb as you are.
Not a lot of prior Presidents had their own books touted as coming from a Kenya , either.
Personally, I think it is unlikely that Obumbler was born in Kenya. But the starting point for the questioning came from his own PR. And then it was team Shrillary that first ran with it.
You must look like a thug. ...

When I was younger, a few times I apparently looked somewhat like the person the police were looking for, so they stopped me and checked my pockets and we had a brief conversation. I obviously was not the person they were looking for, so they went about their business and I went on my way. Not so dramatic.
Reminds me of when Republicans said Democrats were against the troops when we didn't go along with their war spending.

Look close at the bill and it's actually cutting spending for troops but increased spending that went to Dick Chaney's Haloburton.

And an even closer look showed that Republicans, even John McCain, vote against the troops 75% of the time and Democrats vote for the troops 75% of the time. So the balls Republicans had to say Democrats weren't supporting the troops just because we didn't want to give Dick Chaney a blank check.

These bills are so chopped full of irrelevant stuff, then it's hard to say why someone voted against a bill. If you got $1 billion going to what's titled in the bill, (say the title is "Funding for our soldiers) and $10 billion going to BS stuff, and you vote against it, then the other side can say you're against funding our soldiers.
When I was younger, a few times I apparently looked somewhat like the person the police were looking for, so they stopped me and checked my pockets and we had a brief conversation. I obviously was not the person they were looking for, so they went about their business and I went on my way. Not so dramatic.

Then what are you crying about?

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