In the defense of white folks

Again, why would my white eyes need to see an optometrist, just because they're white?
The point is, and I think you would agree, is he/she is white and see's things through a whites perspective. Let me give you an example. Black people see things through black eyes. When they go to a department store, they see the security guard following them. Me, as a white, have never experienced this.

I've also never had 10 cops rush me and stop and frisk me for no reason. Black people know this happens to black people in black neighborhoods. You, on the other hand, because it's never happened to you, would say something stupid like, "what's the big deal if you don't have anything to hide". It shows you lack empathy.

The only time they frisk anybody is if they have a suspect or the person in question fits the description of a suspect they're looking for. Plus they don't rush anybody if they tell the subject to freeze and that's what they do.

Years ago when I used to deliver medical equipment, I was stopped simply for being white. I was in uniform, in a marked van, but police didn't take any chances. They took my license, called it in, and one time had dispatch call my company to assure I had a delivery there. After all, the only time white people are caught dead in the Cleveland projects is when they are buying drugs.
No problem. Not insulted in the least way. I simply did everything they asked.

Police are not going to risk an illegal search lawsuit because somebody is black. That's why they had to get rid of stop and frisk in NYC. An extremely successful program that saved countless lives, and black lives at that. The court ruled it was it was a violation of their rights. Now NYC is in a death race with Chicago.
Again, why would my white eyes need to see an optometrist, just because they're white?

Well sure once you found out he was a good guy you'd be okay with it. Me too. But initially, you would be like "OH FUCK".

Yes I would marry a black woman. Why not? I'd prefer a white woman if all else was equal but nothing wrong with an ebony queen.

Same way black guys who date white women don't like white men. Big diff.

Recently I've started dating an Asian lady. Wishing now I'd have started dating Asians a LONG LONG time ago. She shows me so much respect, that I bend over backwards to return the respect, because I want to. Not because it's expected.
Recently I've started dating an Asian lady. Wishing now I'd have started dating Asians a LONG LONG time ago. She shows me so much respect, that I bend over backwards to return the respect, because I want to. Not because it's expected.

What you got against Asian women?
Recently I've started dating an Asian lady. Wishing now I'd have started dating Asians a LONG LONG time ago. She shows me so much respect, that I bend over backwards to return the respect, because I want to. Not because it's expected.
Black women who dare date white men really appreciate how we treat them compared to how black men treat them. Opening doors, being affectionate, talking more, etc.
Police are not going to risk an illegal search lawsuit because somebody is black. That's why they had to get rid of stop and frisk in NYC. An extremely successful program that saved countless lives, and black lives at that. The court ruled it was it was a violation of their rights. Now NYC is in a death race with Chicago.

Black lives only matter to black folks when they're killed by white cops. Stop and frisk helped to get illegal guns off the streets. Plus a lot of drugs. Two things that help to destroy the black communities. And for the vast majority of the decent black folks, they had no problem with stop and frisk. But when a thug is stopped and frisked, something illegal is found, and he/she is taken to jail, there's always some crooked civil rights attorney who'll take this case to get the thug off. (for a profit)
It's history, not revisionism.

Again, it was a regional divide, not a political party divide.

Watch this...

If it was a political party divide, how do you explain why more Democrats in the Union states voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Republicans.....
The Dems haD changed their strategy and had decided to court the black voting block.
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He has spent his entire life seeing through white eyes. He didn't say he spends all day thinking about color.

He knows that. He's just trying to make something out of nothing. He's vying for his "gotcha" moment. Making himself feel special and intelligent.

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