In the defense of white folks

Military action many of those same democrats voted to authorize.

Of course they did. Until the Bush's came along, democrats were always the pro war party. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and a bunch of other not-so-well-known wars.
Not a lot of prior Presidents had their own books touted as coming from a Kenya , either.
Personally, I think it is unlikely that Obumbler was born in Kenya. But the starting point for the questioning came from his own PR. And then it was team Shrillary that first ran with it.
And the racist fuck Trump ran with it. He became Head Birther. It was a clearly racist move to woo white racist voters.
Of course they did. Until the Bush's came along, democrats were always the pro war party. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and a bunch of other not-so-well-known wars.
Wait a second. You conservatives were on the side of the anti war protesters during Viet Nam? I'm not buying that. You were with the hippies? You agreed with Mohammad Ali?
Of course they did. Until the Bush's came along, democrats were always the pro war party. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and a bunch of other not-so-well-known wars.
All I know is my lifetime. Carter, was not pro war. Clinton, was not pro war. Obama, was given a war in the middle east because of Bush. If not for Bush breaking Iraq and not winning in Afganistan, I doubt Obama would have gotten into any wars.

Remember Republicans before Bush were BEGGING Clinton to invade Iraq. They wanted to pin that on him just like they did NAFTA.
Of course they did. Until the Bush's came along, democrats were always the pro war party. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and a bunch of other not-so-well-known wars.
You guys have a different opinion depending on who's in the White House. Here is what you guys were saying when Clinton was POTUS.

Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said of Mr. Clinton: ''Obviously, there will be those who will question his motives and timing. He will receive significant support because it's pretty obvious that Saddam Hussein is neither complying nor cooperating'' with international arms inspectors.

But in an extraordinary rebuke of Mr. Clinton's foreign policy, Senator Lott said minutes before the strikes began that he opposed the air assault on suspected Iraqi chemical, nuclear and biological weapons sites, arguing that the attacks were ineffective.

''I cannot support this military action in the Persian Gulf at this time,'' Senator Lott said in a statement that infuriated the White House. ''Both the timing and the policy are subject to question.''
Lying is your hobby, brainless.
And the racist fuck Trump ran with it. He became Head Birther. It was a clearly racist move to woo white racist voters.
There is zero evidence that candidate Trump had ever been a racist. There’s remains no evidence that he ever became one.

For all we know, he actually did believe the Birther claims. Maybe Shrillary did too when her staff first touted it. Or maybe you need to work up a lather about HER “racism.”

Also, maybe the Obumbler PR guy who touted his book was a racist birtheR, too.

In fact, it’s kinda odd that Obumbler didn’t correct the claim that he was Kenyan at that first opportunity. I wonder what his college application said about his status as a U.S. born citizen? (Sealed! Sorry. We may never know. Maybe Obumbler was one of the very first birthers!)
There is zero evidence that candidate Trump had ever been a racist. There’s remains no evidence that he ever became one.

For all we know, he actually did believe the Birther claims. Maybe Shrillary did too when her staff first touted it. Or maybe you need to work up a lather about HER “racism.”

Also, maybe the Obumbler PR guy who touted his book was a racist birtheR, too.

In fact, it’s kinda odd that Obumbler didn’t correct the claim that he was Kenyan at that first opportunity. I wonder what his college application said about his status as a U.S. born citizen? (Sealed! Sorry. We may never know. Maybe Obumbler was one of the very first birthers!)
Hillary's staff never touted Birther claims. You're misinformed. And the publisher admitted it was a mistake on their part.
Hillary's staff never touted Birther claims. You're misinformed. And the publisher admitted it was a mistake on their part.

Maybe he was afraid he'd be committing suicide in the near future.

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