In the last 6 months Obama has held 100 fundraisers and 0 meetings on his jobs consel

Obama believes his main job as President is giving speeches and raising money for his campaign..

I've never seen a President as lazy and only a puppet as this one

Him and the misses have soaked us taxpayers good though with all his fundraiser trips
While Dems fight to kill babies....

wow...real live standalone babies were killed and Dems fought for it? Show me proof and I'll become a card carrying member of the Tea Party. I'll even start listening to Beck and carry a pocket Constitution and do my Conservative daily devotions to memorize it like the Bible....I'll even claim that the founding fathers were divine and should be treated as Demi-gods.

watersblogged!: Obama's linen closet lies

One night Jill encountered a colleague who was taking a Down's Syndrome baby she estimated at between 22 and 23 weeks gestation- 24 weeks is generally considered the threshhold for more than a minimal chance of survival- to a soiled linen closet, where she intended to leave him to die, alone and uncared for. Jill couldn't bear the thought. So she held and cradled the baby for the 45 minutes it took for him to die.
wow that is just sad. How can you DEMS think this is ok. A baby born alive and these doctors, mothers just let them die. THIS IS MURDER not an abortion. And Obama supports this. He is an accessory to murder in my eyes..:mad:
Wasm't it Wasserman Schulz who said Obama was "focused like a laser on job creation"?

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And grab this quote from Carney. OMG too funny!!!

REPORTER: So there's no reason they haven't met publicly?

CARNEY: No, there's no specific reason except that the president's obviously got a lot on his plate.

The President has got a lot on his plate. :lol:

Carney On Why Jobs Council Hasn't Met In Six Months: Obama Has "A Lot On His Plate" | RealClearPolitics
Digging for nonexistent dirt on Romney is time consuming. Especially when you have to make up believable lies.
A jobs bill from Obama has as all the rest, will never pass the House. Ty GOP
And grab this quote from Carney. OMG too funny!!!

REPORTER: So there's no reason they haven't met publicly?

CARNEY: No, there's no specific reason except that the president's obviously got a lot on his plate.

The President has got a lot on his plate. :lol:

Carney On Why Jobs Council Hasn't Met In Six Months: Obama Has "A Lot On His Plate" | RealClearPolitics
Digging for nonexistent dirt on Romney is time consuming. Especially when you have to make up believable lies.

Why are you stalking your own thread?
And grab this quote from Carney. OMG too funny!!!

REPORTER: So there's no reason they haven't met publicly?

CARNEY: No, there's no specific reason except that the president's obviously got a lot on his plate.

The President has got a lot on his plate. :lol:

Carney On Why Jobs Council Hasn't Met In Six Months: Obama Has "A Lot On His Plate" | RealClearPolitics
Digging for nonexistent dirt on Romney is time consuming. Especially when you have to make up believable lies.

Why are you stalking your own thread?

Why are you acting like you have a brain?

Go hammer some nails lackey.
Wasm't it Wasserman Schulz who said Obama was "focused like a laser on job creation"?


Oh man she disgusts me.. I can't stand the sight of her and when she opens her mouth and starts spewing lies as always my stomach turns.

Has any one else noticed how screwed liberals look in general. They're misfits.

Obama.. Can anyone in here honestly say he's Presidential? I think he's quite stupid.. His entire history (pick one) is a lie.
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As usual, Romney is a liar.

Jobs council to Obama: Here's how to create one million jobs quickly

With a weak job market weighing on his presidency, Barack Obama heard ideas Monday from a private-sector task force of some two-dozen business executives on how to boost employment.

June 13, 2011

dumb ass

Tell me what the GOP controlled House did to enact any of the recommendations, ass monkey? Why should Obama waste time proposing legislation that would be good for America, when Republicans will refuse to consider anything except their own power grab?

[ame=""]President Obama's Export Council Meeting in Washington DC[/ame]

President Obama's Export Council meets to discuss increasing U.S. exports and creating American jobs. June 6, 2012 President's Export Council Highlights Need for Visa Reforms - In a meeting at the White House today,
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While Dems fight to kill babies....

wow...real live standalone babies were killed and Dems fought for it? Show me proof and I'll become a card carrying member of the Tea Party. I'll even start listening to Beck and carry a pocket Constitution and do my Conservative daily devotions to memorize it like the Bible....I'll even claim that the founding fathers were divine and should be treated as Demi-gods.

God, you are so incredibly ill-informed on this issue. As a state senator Obama opposed legislation to require physicians to provide care and treat babies born during attempted abortions. Watch a late-term abortion and then look at the names of those that opposed outlawing the practice, and if you have a gram of intellectual integrity then you'll admit you are wrong. Late Term Delivered While Alive!!!

Do yourself a huge favor and do some research into the founders of Planned Parenthood and watch some videos of late-term abortions that the Democrat Party has defended--and THEN come back and say that the Dems have not fought to kill standalone babies.

so...your beef is with the folks that opposed that legislation...whew....thank God. I'm a first trimester only guy, myself. Oh....just out of that legislation...if it would have passed...what would have happened to the child after it was treated?

The POINT I was trying to make in the post you responded to was don't be lumping us all together. You guys don't like it when you all get lumped together with racists. In fact when a true racist pops in here from time to time, many conservatives are so Burt hurt over the racist thing that they will go out of their way to defend it...unless they say something so obvious that even they can't defend it.

Now, does that mean because I disagree with Obama's decision on one issue...actually...there's a few that I disagree with...that I'm not going to vote for him? Nope. I won't be voting for corporate shill that reminds me of a used car salesman
Well Hell. Barry doesn't have time to worry about UE, jobs or the economy.

He's to busy going to $40,000 a plate dinners so he can get that second term.

Hey. We all have our priorities.

Have publicly-funded elections and our "leaders" will actually work their entire term.


That's not really the point. If Obama believed that his reelection depended on results then he'd already get his ass to work.

Obama, like other politicians, believes that his reelection depends on how much money he can raise. Results are secondary.

Both parties have to think this way, because that's the way the system currently operates.

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Have publicly-funded elections and our "leaders" will actually work their entire term.


That's not really the point. If Obama believed that his reelection depended on results then he'd already get his ass to work.

Obama, like other politicians, believes that his reelection depends on how much money he can raise. Results are secondary.

Both parties have to think this way, because that's the way the system currently operates.


Wrong. Presidents don't get voted out during soaring economies. Obama has more faith in his ability to campaign and manipulate and distort reality than to actually fix the economy.
That's not really the point. If Obama believed that his reelection depended on results then he'd already get his ass to work.

Obama, like other politicians, believes that his reelection depends on how much money he can raise. Results are secondary.

Both parties have to think this way, because that's the way the system currently operates.


Wrong. Presidents don't get voted out during soaring economies. Obama has more faith in his ability to campaign and manipulate and distort reality than to actually fix the economy.

I realize your whole point is to get Obama, I get it, I get it. The economy is bad, it's all Obama's fault, so he's diverting and raising money. I get it.

I'm just looking bigger picture. Money is destroying our political system, and Obama is just a symptom.


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