In the long run, with the #MeToo movement hurt women's careers?

No matter how professional the man is, he will not be protected against a woman's lies. Women will end up excluded and that will be well deserved.
We can say the same for women...she will not be protected against a man's lies. and assaults
This is why I am an Episcopalian. Shaking hands is borderline.

Totally agree. If that's what Episcopalians [don't] do, I'm joining that church if I ever feel the urge again, which is unlikely. The Methodists and all these new "Kisses of Peace" stuff, and hugging everyone around you in these new nights of spirit things, yuck. I fled from Fellowship Hall once when this revival minister wanted us all to hug and kiss the person next to us -- I was about 26 and the guy next to me was 55 and stern and a prominent businessman. I literally fled, poor guy, and that was it for me. Religion AND getting molested? No, no, no.
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Proud of that, aren't ya?

We did nothing wrong. She was just completely intimidated.
I know how that works. Intimidation is great, isn't it? And that is why you are throwing out questions that have nothing to do with actual sexual harassment. Because you don't see anything wrong with it. Intimidation and misuse of power is exactly what sexual harassment is about.

How do you know? Were you that wrinkled old prune sitting in the back?

The woman was a GURL, which is a sexist term in and of itself (pronounced "girl" and almost all were females). General Unrestricted Line officer, which meant she wasn't qualified to do anything. She had never been close to a ship or aircraft.

We did nothing wrong, despite your uninformed opinions as our CO was sitting right there in the room. He was the one who suggested they find someone who knew the answers to the questions we had. It was like having her give a talk about testicular cancer. She could not relate.
Were you that wrinkled old prune sitting in the back?
What do my looks have to do with this argument?

General Unrestricted Line officer, which meant she wasn't qualified to do anything. She had never been close to a ship or aircraft.
Sexual harassment isn't special because it's on a ship or aircraft. Why shouldn't she try educating you on something she was qualified to do, the topic of avoiding sexual harassment.
You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm certainly ashamed for you. It's really sad to me that an educator in the military has your attitude and will be passing it on to all your students.
Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Proud of that, aren't ya?

We did nothing wrong. She was just completely intimidated.
I know how that works. Intimidation is great, isn't it? And that is why you are throwing out questions that have nothing to do with actual sexual harassment. Because you don't see anything wrong with it. Intimidation and misuse of power is exactly what sexual harassment is about.

How do you know? Were you that wrinkled old prune sitting in the back?

The woman was a GURL, which is a sexist term in and of itself (pronounced "girl" and almost all were females). General Unrestricted Line officer, which meant she wasn't qualified to do anything. She had never been close to a ship or aircraft.

We did nothing wrong, despite your uninformed opinions as our CO was sitting right there in the room. He was the one who suggested they find someone who knew the answers to the questions we had. It was like having her give a talk about testicular cancer. She could not relate.
Were you that wrinkled old prune sitting in the back?
What do my looks have to do with this argument?

That is the point. You were not there. I apologize if the "wrinkled old prune" hit too close to home.

If anything this should probably be a wakeup call for men to stop fucking around.

Most of the allegations seem to be true, though some have been overblown (Glenn Thrush).
Isn't it funny that they can't seem to see that simple solution?

The only case where I could see this becoming a negative issue are office romances. While usually ill-advised, you spend a lot of time with these people, and a lot of people meet their significant other through work. That is probably going to take a big hit or go away all together. Either that, or women will have to start becoming the initiators, because I think most men with a brain in the head are going to avoid putting themselves at risk, but are equally unlikely to accuse a woman of sexual harassment (unless she is just downright crazy).
I dated guys I met at work, but we did it after hours and we BOTH were doing it willingly.
How that relates to sexual harassment, I don't know.

What if you decided to break it off and he didn't want that? Would you not be opening yourself up for a claim that you were sexually harassing him?

I always disagree with you Admiral but I’ve seen this case both ways in 2 different companies.

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