In the long run, with the #MeToo movement hurt women's careers?

Once again, we see who are the hopelessly duped falling for the established media narrative pushing an agenda. Out in the real world, hiring managers/administrators are paying attention = beware the snakes who wont think twice about concocting a little fairy tale in order to move quickly up the corporate chain.
Once again, we see who are the hopelessly duped falling for the established media narrative pushing an agenda. Out in the real world, hiring managers/administrators are paying attention = beware the snakes who wont think twice about concocting a little fairy tale in order to move quickly up the corporate chain.
Are you saying that was the situation with Harvey Weinstein?
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.
I plan on opening a strip bar with outcall dating.. I'll take all the women that have been turned down for work..
I plan on opening a strip bar with outcall dating.. I'll take all the women that have been turned down for work..
I was actually thinking companies should just hire call girls. She's there as a call girl that sometimes files some papers. That way there can be no doubt as to what she was there for.
Men would be wise to be more careful in how they speak and act towards women in the workplace environment. Even innocuous remarks can be taken the wrong way. Doesn't mean you have to walk on eggshells. Just be professional.
So basically Pence was right. Never have dinner with a woman unless your wife is there. Never be alone in a room with her. Always have witnesses.
Men would be wise to be more careful in how they speak and act towards women in the workplace environment. Even innocuous remarks can be taken the wrong way. Doesn't mean you have to walk on eggshells. Just be professional.
So basically Pence was right. Never have dinner with a woman unless your wife is there. Never be alone in a room with her. Always have witnesses.
I dunno if you have to be that extreme, but in light of the current shitstorm, Pence might be onto something.
Men would be wise to be more careful in how they speak and act towards women in the workplace environment. Even innocuous remarks can be taken the wrong way. Doesn't mean you have to walk on eggshells. Just be professional.
"Just be professional".....heck no! Don't hire women! Get a camera! Get her old Aunt Mabel to chaperone! Hire only ugly old women!

Don't just be professional....too hard.
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.

Who the fuck cares? I'm a guy. It's not my problem.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Women are not to blame.. I don't like your accusatory tone.

And no, attractive women are not going to be punished. The only thing that will happen is 1. far fewer office romances, and 2. male managers will have to start keeping doors open and avoiding private 1 on 1's. No. 2 might hurt women a little but not as much as having only 40% of the college degrees is hurting men, that's for damn sure.

Holy shit..........heres a guy who's lived in a bubble his whole life. :2up:

Don't know what this is supposed to mean, but okay.
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.

Who the fuck cares? I'm a guy. It's not my problem.
Are you married? Are you a pajama wearing snowflake? Do you actually want a real woman as a partner? Where are you coming from here?
No matter how professional the man is, he will not be protected against a woman's lies. Women will end up excluded and that will be well deserved.
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.

Who the fuck cares? I'm a guy. It's not my problem.
Are you married? Are you a pajama wearing snowflake? Do you actually want a real woman as a partner? Where are you coming from here?

There are real women all over the place. In fact, I don't know that I've ever met a fake one. Think we'll have to wait 10, maybe 20 years for that.

I like people who can challenge me. A 50's housewife probably isn't going to pull that off
No matter how professional the man is, he will not be protected against a woman's lies. Women will end up excluded and that will be well deserved.
Sadly true. I kind of hoped women could become equal within their own role and desires but it seems the left is taking that from them. If you aren't bulldyke feminist they don't want you around.
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.

Who the fuck cares? I'm a guy. It's not my problem.
Are you married? Are you a pajama wearing snowflake? Do you actually want a real woman as a partner? Where are you coming from here?

There are real women all over the place. In fact, I don't know that I've ever met a fake one. Think we'll have to wait 10, maybe 20 years for that.

I like people who can challenge me. A 50's housewife probably isn't going to pull that off
You can't even handle me on a message board challenging you. You need a Dom. I get it. Some men want and need a woman to run their lives, some women need and want a man to lord over. They're called dominatrix's and there's a place for that. Good luck finding your Dom, the sub life seems to be your goal and I wish you the best in finding it.
I think so, yes, because the new rule is that women are believed, even when there isn't a shred of evidence, and men's careers are being destroyed based only on unproven accusations.

So men are going to be extra careful around women, and that may mean women will NOT be hired, women will NOT be promoted, and women will NOT be mentored by male bosses.

This could undo a lot of progress women have made in the workplace.

The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on women
Yes I think some job opportunities will go away for some women. But in the longer run they will be most hurt with the romantic and relationship losses. They aren't going to be happy with a bunch of pajama boy's wimping around them and not being men. They will be looking for real men because that's what women want. A care taker, a strong partner, someone who makes them feel like a lady. That is being taken from them fast and will be most missed. It's going to cause problems.

Who the fuck cares? I'm a guy. It's not my problem.
Are you married? Are you a pajama wearing snowflake? Do you actually want a real woman as a partner? Where are you coming from here?

There are real women all over the place. In fact, I don't know that I've ever met a fake one. Think we'll have to wait 10, maybe 20 years for that.

I like people who can challenge me. A 50's housewife probably isn't going to pull that off
You can't even handle me on a message board challenging you. You need a Dom. I get it. Some men want and need a woman to run their lives, some women need and want a man to lord over. They're called dominatrix's and there's a place for that. Good luck finding your Dom, the sub life seems to be your goal and I wish you the best in finding it.

Who are you? I don't remember you, whoever you are.

If anything this should probably be a wakeup call for men to stop fucking around.

Most of the allegations seem to be true, though some have been overblown (Glenn Thrush).
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?

What is this referring to, specifically? I don't recall this being the case with pretty much any of the big sexual harassment/assault scandals thusfar.
They made a movie about it, do you remember? I was sexual abused by my female superior in the Military, yet at the time couldn't say anything about it, or be thrown out of the military. It seems that men are the enemy and women are only angels. My ass....

A movie...yes. A movie.

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