In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
I'm asking the questions here, MR QUIZ ZERO.

Who's Robert Cushman ? Who's Steven Miller ? Who's Russell Ramsland ?

You're asking questions but you won't answer questions. Your fear speaks for you.

6th time... why do you think there's no red line to the right of that 4am batch.


Now you're posting to yourself. :lmao:
You're asking questions but you won't answer questions. Your fear speaks for you.

6th time... why do you think there's no red line to the right of that 4am batch.
Why do you think Bidens rather lengthy blue line is vertical ? (when there are not normally ever any vertical lines in vote counts - they are always diagonal)

You can take your time on this one - 3:20am here in Florida, I'm going to bed. Don't worry, plenty of time tomorrow, for me to smack you around some more.
Let me know how you made out with the mods. :muahaha:
Why do you think Bidens rather lengthy blue line is vertical ? (when there are not normally ever any vertical lines in vote counts - they are always diagonal)

You can take your time on this one - 3:20am here in Florida, I'm going to bed. Don't worry, plenty of time tomorrow, for me to smack you around some more.
Let me know how you made out with the mods. :muahaha:

Too bad, gramps, I already answered the question you were too afraid to answer. And that line was vertical, including votes for both Biden and Trump, because it was a large batch of votes from Wisconsin's largest county after no county turned in results for an hour or more.
There are crazy people in both parties. The United States is dangerously polarized.
And THIS >>>

And this >>>

Affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted.

A USPS subcontractor claims he was told the postal service planned. to improperly backdate tens of thousands of ballots after the Nov. 3 election.

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Elections officials twice found batches of missing ballots in voting machines.

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A disability service coordinator who works with adults in assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

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There were illegally altered and illegally issued absentee ballots; and government officials gave illegal advice to voters. That’s according to a Trump campaign filing.

The Trump campaign questions an estimated 238,420 ballots from two counties, Dane and Milwaukee, where election clerks filled in missing information on the certification envelope; where voters declared themselves “indefinitely confined”; and roughly 69,000 absentee ballots cast in person before Election Day. Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes.

There was a suspicious spike in voters registering as “indefinitely confined,” which allows them to be exempt from presenting a photo ID to vote. Year to year, the number of voters calling themselves "indefinitely confined” increased 238% from 72,000 to 243,900. UPDATE: Wisconsin's Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans in a lawsuit stating that coronavirus and stay-at-home orders were not legitimate reasons for voters to vote without ID as "indefinitely confined."

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Nearly 400 absentee ballots that were not initially counted were later found. Officials blame "human error.”

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A trickle of votes that had Trump in the lead all night suddenly shifted when 170,000 votes, 5% of the total state count, came in one giant dump 17 times larger than average. Before the dump, Trump was ahead by 108,000 votes. He fell behind by 9,000 votes an instant later.
Where do you get off thinking this bullshit and lies and hearsay has any merit???

It was totally rejected by nukerous credible sources, no credible source has said it has any validity at all. Its all bullshit. You cling to this BS as if it means something when it is full of holes. Everything you posted has been thoroughly debunked, its full of holes, big holes.
You still have not answered serious questions pertaining to the credibility of everything you post.
You just repost lies and bullshit and cling to those lies as if they have merit or mean something, then you just ignore the plethora of rock solid evidence that debunks everything you post

All the Trump lawyers are being censured and admitted that your fake BS evidence is not true and not credible, what more do you need before reality sets in, you have been played and duped and just can't admit Trump lost, despite Ivanka trump and the lawyers all admitting Trump lost...

You look so stupid and you don't even realize it. You have reposted debunked lies 100x acting as if you are doing something??
Repeatedly posting known lies that has been repeatedly debunked by the US courts proves nothing, you don;t seem to understand that at all.
There are crazy people in both parties. The United States is dangerously polarized.
Crazy people will always be with us.

What we have here, is thievery. Scumbaggery. Lies, deceit, and treachery.

The crazy is not so important, but the abuses are.
The 2020 election was not stolen.
You can keep repeating it as often as you want, doesn't make it true.

And anyway, you can't prove it. No one can. That's the whole problem.

While you're busy with denial, the problem continues.
You can keep repeating it as often as you want, doesn't make it true.

And anyway, you can't prove it. No one can. That's the whole problem.

While you're busy with denial, the problem continues.
What I say is truer than your delusions.
You can keep repeating it as often as you want, doesn't make it true.

And anyway, you can't prove it. No one can. That's the whole problem.

While you're busy with denial, the problem continues.

Given that election was counted, canvassed & certified the same as every other election in modern times; that serves as prima facie evidence there was no widespread fraud. What a shame you have no evidence at all with which to counter that.
You can keep repeating it as often as you want, doesn't make it true.

And anyway, you can't prove it. No one can. That's the whole problem.

While you're busy with denial, the problem continues.
You are the one that needs to provide the evidence that the election was stolen. Nobody has put forth credible evidence of fraud at all and all the US courts rejected every single Trump case across the board, with judges saying no evidence of fraud. Ivanka Trump can even admit Trump lost.
You are the one that needs to answer these questions, which you can't do:

Why are Jenna Ellis (and the other Trump lawyers) getting censured for lying to the courts???
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied to the courts??
If she is innocent, why does she not just simply prove her innocence??? Now is her chance to present your bullshit evidence so she can prove her innocence, yet she does not do it, instead admitting she lied and has no evidence??? (how can that be?)
Why would every court in the US reject Trump's supposed evidence, wouldn't the US courts want to know the truth about election fraud? Why did numerous judges say there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud. Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"
Why do Ivanka Trump, AG Barr, GOP election officials, all the people at Fox news, and Dept of justice and Homeland security all say no fraud? Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"

You are the one in denial, I bet you don;t answer these questions at all. Nobody can
And you think your retarded opinion is of any significance? That’s adorable.

You can cry all you like, tinfoil. You lost. Sucks for you.
It's significant enough for you to be talking to me. Looks like I hit a raw nerve with you. That's what happens when brainwashed liberals get a good dose of the truth.

Of course, the big dose would be my posts of 2020 election fraud evidences in Arizona, California, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin. But you dodge them to remain comfortable with your indoctrinated ignorance. Suit yourself.
It's significant enough for you to be talking to me. Looks like I hit a raw nerve with you. That's what happens when brainwashed liberals get a good dose of the truth.
The truth isn’t your half-baked conspiracy theories. Sorry, tinfoil.

Reality must be very confusing to people like you.

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