In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
I really enjoyed the 2023 super bowl. Both QBs played well. Mahomes gets the game ball for playing hurt. Hurts had one too many fumbles.

Me too. Did you notice how Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell we neither one playing?

You can't admit that a world famous doctor would be a more qualified senator than a brain damaged stroke victim.

I am not as smitten with Reality TV stars as you are.

Says a lot for your partisan programming. You can't admit the TRUTH.

The truth is both fucking suck. Arguing that one is better than the other is like arguing that Ryan Leaf is better JaMarcus Russell...yeah maybe he was but both still sucked so who cares.

In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL"​

Both parties are pandering to their extremes. Crazy appears to be the new normal.
Me too. Did you notice how Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell we neither one playing?
I am not as smitten with Reality TV stars as you are.
The truth is both fucking suck. Arguing that one is better than the other is like arguing that Ryan Leaf is better JaMarcus Russell...yeah maybe he was but both still sucked so who cares.
1. Festerman is still in the hospital. That is a plus for Republicans, one less (D) senator. Serves the PA dem voters right for being so stupid.

2. Denying that Dr. Oz was a world famous heart surgeon speaks volumes for your lack of objectivity.
"Oz became a professor at the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2001, a title he held until 2018, when his current title changed to professor emeritus. He has helped develop numerous devices and procedures related to heart surgery, including the MitraClip and the left ventricular assist device (LVAD), and by 2015 held a number of patents related to heart surgery."

3. Only brain-damaged Festerman sucks. Dr. Oz was a professor at Columbia University, a very prestigious Medical School. That means he is very fucking smart, duh.
Both parties are pandering to their extremes. Crazy appears to be the new normal.
I see where democrats are crazy, but I'm not seeing where Republicans are crazy. I'm old and remember what normal looks like.
Like "Happy Days"
"Ozzy & Harriet"
"Little House on the Prairie"
Malignant is a medical term, not a political term.
What other options are there?
3rd parties never win.
Wait until the millions of migrants start voting.
If you think two parties are malignant, wait until there is only one party.
"Crazy" is what kind of term according to you?
If any of your garbage had anything to do with what Democrats believe, but all you've done is post culture wars bullshit and Republican lies.
Your party doesn't believe in "personal freedom" at all. You're passing laws against "personal freedom" at every turn. No abortions, no freedom of speech for gays, blacks or women, or teachers.

Another dumbass leftard who doesn't understand the link between freedom and responsibility.
Prove an assertion you just made? :auiqs.jpg: Your debate skills are terrible, nitwit.
After DEBATING what my answer would be, this is what I came up with--------------Neither you nor anyone else on the left cannot prove that CRT is not being taught by Woke, far-left teachers. I would rather be a nitwit, than you, any day.
After DEBATING what my answer would be, this is what I came up with--------------Neither you nor anyone else on the left cannot prove that CRT is not being taught by Woke, far-left teachers. I would rather be a nitwit, than you, any day.
Yep, just as stupid the second time. You are asking people to 'prove' an assertion you made yourself. You need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that CRT is being taught anywhere else besides law at the collegiate level. Go.
Clean start rule: This OP is clean. Political policies are listed fairly. The posters can add, comment on, or object to the policies presented.

Sarah Huckabee's response to the SOTU speech nailed the problem we have in the US today.

One Party represents policies such as:
1. No clue how to define a woman
2. Men can get pregnant
3. Biological males can compete against females
4. Children can decide to change sex without parental notification
5. The FBI can investigate parents for speaking at school board meetings
6. Not shooting down a Chinese spy balloon until AFTER it crosses the US
7. Parents have no say in what their kids are taught in public schools
8. No kids in Baltimore can do math at grade level
9. The FBI considers people that go to church domestic terrorists
10. The FBI can work toward determining the outcome of presidential elections by managing the media.
11. Defund the police
12. Give the homeless cash to waste on drugs
13. Take tax dollars to pay for some people's student loans.
14. Elect a brain damaged senator instead of a world famous heart surgeon. (yes the brain damaged senator isn't on the job)
15. Don't prosecute criminals, even murderers
16. Believes in the racist CRT and bullshit 1619 Project
17. Believes that math is racist.
18. Supports voter fraud
19. Supports Marxism and Socialism
20. Believe that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners

I could list a lot more, but that proves the point.

The One Party believes in:
1. Personal freedom
2. Generally goes to church and believes in traditional family values.
3. One person - one vote on ELECTION DAY (not election week or election month)
4. Capitalism
5. Limited government
6. The Rule of Law and safe streets, criminals belong in prison
8. Fair trade agreements
9. The 2nd Amendment means exactly what it says
10. Free speech also means present the truth, not "fake news" or partisan news or biased news.
11. Schools should educate, NOT indoctrinate
12. Parents have more rights regarding their kid's education than teacher's unions
13. The US Constitution means exactly what it says, as amended.
14. The drug culture needs to be opposed
15. Immigrants should only be allowed into the US thru proper channels, not thru Open Borders.
16. States Rights are as defined in the Division and Separation of powers in the Constitution (where abortion law was kept by the States)
17. Believe that the Founding Fathers risked everything to create a new nation and Constitution dedicated to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Which party supports baseless claims of election fraud, wants to ignore the will of the American people to reinstate Trump, and supports the Jan 6 rioters?

Because that looks pretty fucking crazy to me.
What is this supposed to 'prove'? That your reading comprehension sucks? If so, then well done. To wit:

1. You linked to a Reason opinion piece, and the headline must have been the only thing you bothered to read. Here it is again:

Is Critical Race Theory Taught in K-12 Schools? The NEA Says Yes, and That It Should Be.

The only 'proof' here is the NEA has an opinion on CRT, wow! Did you do any research on NEA, or did you magically think they were a 'leftist' organization simply because the word 'Education' was in the name? They are a union, and they lean right.
<from the article>
But if the NEA asserts that CRT is a much broader concept—encompassing anti-capitalism and anti-ableism—and a vital tool for fostering "honesty" in K-12 education, the organization is essentially validating conservative parents' concerns.
You're a real fucking Columbo. Let's dive further:
<from the article>
This does not mean that state legislatures are the proper remedies for the problem: For more, read Kmele Foster, David French, Jason Stanley, and Thomas Chatterton Williams in The New York Times. It remains the case that giving families greater choice and control over their children's education vis-a-vis school choice is the best solution to fundamental disagreements about curriculum and teaching practices.

But the NEA is an extremely powerful union and one that works on behalf of public employees, not students or their parents. (As former Reason staffer Corey DeAngelis has pointed out, the organization once voted down a motion that would have made "student learning the priority of the Association.")
And <from the article>
This is no small matter, given that many progressives have rested their entire defense of CRT on the idea that it's a very narrowly defined aspect of elite law school training. Judd Legum, formerly of ThinkProgress, has said the notion that CRT is taught in K-12 schools is a lie. During an extended and furiously unproductive debate on the subject, MSNBC's Joy Reid accused Manhattan Institute scholar Christopher Rufo—the leading anti-CRT activist—of "making up your own thing, labeling it something that already existed as a name, slapped that brand name on it, and turned it into a successful political strategy."

I think this accusation is basically correct, and Rufo occasionally appears to admit as much.
Yeah. The author of the article, as well as Chris Rufo, the fucking inventor of this whole magaturd narrative, doesn't even fully buy his own bullshit propaganda.
And <from the article>
*Update: Shortly after this story was published, the NEA deleted the New Business page from its website. I have added a link to an archived version of Item 39.
:auiqs.jpg:The NEA feels so strongly about their New Business page they deleted it from their site after this article came out. What a clown shoe you are.

EPIC FAIL. Try again.
Which party supports baseless claims of election fraud, wants to ignore the will of the American people to reinstate Trump, and supports the Jan 6 rioters?

Because that looks pretty fucking crazy to me.
News Flash. That was NOT the Republican party. That was an FBI managed Capitol Riot.
Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested the National Guard, Nancy Pelosi's Sgt at Arms (Irving) said no.
The DC Mayor said no too, and didn't send the DC police either.

The FBI instigated the riot with ~400 stupid goobers.
The FBI instigated the riot with ~400 stupid goobers.
Aaaaand we have another baseless conspiracy theory.

You were saying something about one side being crazy? Because you guys look pretty damn crazy for believing in all of this bullshit.

Here, let’s go for another one. Do you believe the election was stolen? Simple question.

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