In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
Clean start rule: This OP is clean. Political policies are listed fairly. The posters can add, comment on, or object to the policies presented.

Sarah Huckabee's response to the SOTU speech nailed the problem we have in the US today.

One Party represents policies such as:
1. No clue how to define a woman
2. Men can get pregnant
3. Biological males can compete against females
4. Children can decide to change sex without parental notification
5. The FBI can investigate parents for speaking at school board meetings
6. Not shooting down a Chinese spy balloon until AFTER it crosses the US
7. Parents have no say in what their kids are taught in public schools
8. No kids in Baltimore can do math at grade level
9. The FBI considers people that go to church domestic terrorists
10. The FBI can work toward determining the outcome of presidential elections by managing the media.
11. Defund the police
12. Give the homeless cash to waste on drugs
13. Take tax dollars to pay for some people's student loans.
14. Elect a brain damaged senator instead of a world famous heart surgeon. (yes the brain damaged senator isn't on the job)
15. Don't prosecute criminals, even murderers
16. Believes in the racist CRT and bullshit 1619 Project
17. Believes that math is racist.
18. Supports voter fraud
19. Supports Marxism and Socialism
20. Believe that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners

I could list a lot more, but that proves the point.

The One Party believes in:
1. Personal freedom
2. Generally goes to church and believes in traditional family values.
3. One person - one vote on ELECTION DAY (not election week or election month)
4. Capitalism
5. Limited government
6. The Rule of Law and safe streets, criminals belong in prison
8. Fair trade agreements
9. The 2nd Amendment means exactly what it says
10. Free speech also means present the truth, not "fake news" or partisan news or biased news.
11. Schools should educate, NOT indoctrinate
12. Parents have more rights regarding their kid's education than teacher's unions
13. The US Constitution means exactly what it says, as amended.
14. The drug culture needs to be opposed
15. Immigrants should only be allowed into the US thru proper channels, not thru Open Borders.
16. States Rights are as defined in the Division and Separation of powers in the Constitution (where abortion law was kept by the States)
17. Believe that the Founding Fathers risked everything to create a new nation and Constitution dedicated to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Amazing how the elites have yous guys running after every sparkling problem you can think, except knowing what the elite are doing.
If you read the OP, and what both side's policies are, thinking that there aren't two very different sides is crazy <g>

I read the OP and your policies on both sides are bullshit.

The #1 focus of Democrats is the economy. Their platform is built on economic programs to help working families. Their platform is built on economic growth and health for the American people. Their programs reward work, not wealth.

Since the day Joe Biden took office, his agenda has been to improve the lives of working Americans - first by getting the vaccines out to every state so people could safely return to work. And by passing the American Rescue Plan.

Then he passed the kind of infrastructure funding for 10 years of projects to rebuild your roads, bridges, and transportation systems for the 21st Century. Tax dollars are going to benefit taxpayers and working Americans. Just like they do in other top tier first world countries.

Under the Republican tax codes, all of that money and more, was being funnelled to the top 1%, using earned income credits, food stamps and an array of federal government income supports paid for by middle class taxpayers, to subsidize huge profits and dividends to the top1% - all taxed at lower levels than income from actual work.

The "proof" of voting irregularities to me was the total number of votes. Look at the total votes for 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Then look at 2020, 30,000,0000 more votes? I call bullshit. The GOP needs to ensure election integrity. We all know democrats are basically criminals.

View attachment 762429

You're missing one critical figure: The percentage of eligible voters who showed up and voted in that election. 2016 had the lowest level of voter turnout since 2000. 2020 had the highest level of voter turnout in history. Also, please note that the American population has increased by nearly 30 million since 2008, so there are a LOT more voters in 2020 than either 2008 or 2012.

Clean start rule: This OP is clean. Political policies are listed fairly. The posters can add, comment on, or object to the policies presented.

Sarah Huckabee's response to the SOTU speech nailed the problem we have in the US today.

One Party represents policies such as:
1. No clue how to define a woman
2. Men can get pregnant
3. Biological males can compete against females
4. Children can decide to change sex without parental notification
5. The FBI can investigate parents for speaking at school board meetings
6. Not shooting down a Chinese spy balloon until AFTER it crosses the US
7. Parents have no say in what their kids are taught in public schools
8. No kids in Baltimore can do math at grade level
9. The FBI considers people that go to church domestic terrorists
10. The FBI can work toward determining the outcome of presidential elections by managing the media.
11. Defund the police
12. Give the homeless cash to waste on drugs
13. Take tax dollars to pay for some people's student loans.
14. Elect a brain damaged senator instead of a world famous heart surgeon. (yes the brain damaged senator isn't on the job)
15. Don't prosecute criminals, even murderers
16. Believes in the racist CRT and bullshit 1619 Project
17. Believes that math is racist.
18. Supports voter fraud
19. Supports Marxism and Socialism
20. Believe that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners

I could list a lot more, but that proves the point.

The One Party believes in:
1. Personal freedom
2. Generally goes to church and believes in traditional family values.
3. One person - one vote on ELECTION DAY (not election week or election month)
4. Capitalism
5. Limited government
6. The Rule of Law and safe streets, criminals belong in prison
8. Fair trade agreements
9. The 2nd Amendment means exactly what it says
10. Free speech also means present the truth, not "fake news" or partisan news or biased news.
11. Schools should educate, NOT indoctrinate
12. Parents have more rights regarding their kid's education than teacher's unions
13. The US Constitution means exactly what it says, as amended.
14. The drug culture needs to be opposed
15. Immigrants should only be allowed into the US thru proper channels, not thru Open Borders.
16. States Rights are as defined in the Division and Separation of powers in the Constitution (where abortion law was kept by the States)
17. Believe that the Founding Fathers risked everything to create a new nation and Constitution dedicated to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Yeah right, Republicans believe in limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus!
When's the last time you attended a school board meeting? ... never? ... then how do you know what's being taught? ... do you sit with your children in class? ...
Thousands of parents did exactly that, during the pandemic, when classes were broadcast to kids in their bedrooms, over the internet. That's what got them protesting to schoolboards.
False. They were whipped up into a frenzy based on lies and nonsense coming from right wing trolls.

They were radicalized by these trolls to go after CRT without having any idea what it was.
FALSE! The pandemic took kids out of the classrooms and the classes were broadcast to kids into their bedrooms, on the internet. That's when parents for the first time got an eyeful and earful of the trash that their kids were being fed by leftist lunatics. They knew it perfectly well, because they SAW it and HEARD it.

That's what generated the protests at school boards all over the country. The parents even showed up with videos of the classes on their cellphones.
If you don't know that, maybe it's due to being an information-deprived victim of leftist OMISSION media, tailored to show you what they want to to see, and nothing more.
I read the OP and your policies on both sides are bullshit.

The #1 focus of Democrats is the economy. Their platform is built on economic programs to help working families. Their platform is built on economic growth and health for the American people. Their programs reward work, not wealth.

Since the day Joe Biden took office, his agenda has been to improve the lives of working Americans - first by getting the vaccines out to every state so people could safely return to work. And by passing the American Rescue Plan.

Then he passed the kind of infrastructure funding for 10 years of projects to rebuild your roads, bridges, and transportation systems for the 21st Century. Tax dollars are going to benefit taxpayers and working Americans. Just like they do in other top tier first world countries.

Under the Republican tax codes, all of that money and more, was being funneled to the top 1%, using earned income credits, food stamps and an array of federal government income supports paid for by middle class taxpayers, to subsidize huge profits and dividends to the top1% - all taxed at lower levels than income from actual work.

You're missing one critical figure: The percentage of eligible voters who showed up and voted in that election. 2016 had the lowest level of voter turnout since 2000. 2020 had the highest level of voter turnout in history. Also, please note that the American population has increased by nearly 30 million since 2008, so there are a LOT more voters in 2020 than either 2008 or 2012.
1. Borrowing and spending creating the worst inflation in history isn't a record of economic success.
Trump had a Budget of $4T. Biden has a Budget of $6T. That is a massive failure. Joe and the dems are throwing too much money around like candy.

2. Correct 2020 had the highest voter turnout in history, by far. Suspiciously high. Just sayin'...
The "proof" of voting irregularities to me was the total number of votes. Look at the total votes for 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Then look at 2020, 30,000,0000 more votes? I call bullshit. The GOP needs to ensure election integrity.
So this is simply based on your beliefs without any theorem, formulae, etc... Also while ignoring the fact that elections officials in 50 states (folks who know the election law) certified the election. No law enforcement agency in the nation--none of the 8,000+ of them--found any credible evidence to launch investigations into voter fraud that proved any sizable fraud...and oh yeah..the fact that of all of the losers on Election Day in 2020 (an election where the GOP gained seats in the house by the way) have screamed election fraud except for the orange blob who used it to fundraise.

Yeah, I call bullshit on your bullshit. The difference is that I do have actual evidence based on the zero successful legal actions, the zero fruitful investigations, and the fact that Trump underperformed in all but a handful of states compared to 2016 as a % of the vote.
We all know democrats are basically criminals.
Ironic considering that most of the Trump braintrust in 2016 plead/were found guilty of crimes and are only walking around right now because of a Presidential Pardon.
I would appreciate you furnish us with a list of Trump's fiscal mismanagement compared to Biden. Don't near the wall because if it had been allowed to be completed we would not be suffering under Biden's failed border policies.

Te one that Mexico didn't pay for? That one? Almost $8,000,000,000,000 in 1 term. Ya that sucks!
So this is simply based on your beliefs without any theorem, formulae, etc... Also while ignoring the fact that elections officials in 50 states (folks who know the election law) certified the election. No law enforcement agency in the nation--none of the 8,000+ of them--found any credible evidence to launch investigations into voter fraud that proved any sizable fraud...and oh yeah..the fact that of all of the losers on Election Day in 2020 (an election where the GOP gained seats in the house by the way) have screamed election fraud except for the orange blob who used it to fund raise.

Yeah, I call bullshit on your bullshit. The difference is that I do have actual evidence based on the zero successful legal actions, the zero fruitful investigations, and the fact that Trump under-performed in all but a handful of states compared to 2016 as a % of the vote.

Ironic considering that most of the Trump brain-trust in 2016 plead/were found guilty of crimes and are only walking around right now because of a Presidential Pardon.
1. For the record, Trump lost because of Trump. If Trump could have "acted" presidential instead of like he was raised by wolves he would have won easily. The fact that he lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA shows how close the outcome was. I believe that his first debate "shit-show" as CNN called it cost him too many voters who didn't like his "bully" style.

2. The math says the 2020 results were more than two standard deviations from the norm. That says voter-fraud, if you can find it. France doesn't allow mail-in voting because its too easy to cheat. We need to go back to in-person voting on "Election Day" with results known on election day.

3. Just because the FBI are criminals too doesn't mean the Biden Crime Family are innocent.
1. For the record, Trump lost because of Trump. If Trump could have "acted" presidential instead of like he was raised by wolves he would have won easily. The fact that he lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA shows how close the outcome was. I believe that his first debate "shit-show" as CNN called it cost him too many voters who didn't like his "bully" style.
Trump lost because of Trump. Good...see how easy it is to be honest and sane?
2. The math says the 2020 results were more than two standard deviations from the norm. That says voter-fraud, if you can find it.
Three sentences ago it was "Trump lost because of Trump". Now it's voter fraud. You're veering back into the crazy....there is no more clear example of this than your own words.
France doesn't allow mail-in voting because its too easy to cheat.
We've had mail-in voting for over a century with the military. Seven states have had mail in voting in every election. Never, not once, have you guys said anything about those elected not being legitimate.
We need to go back to in-person voting on "Election Day" with results known on election day.
I'm always fascinated by these proclamations. Do you guys really think that every vote was counted on Election Day after 7PM local time...that California counted 11M+ votes in 5 hours? LOL.

Large states that are near 50/50 are giving us the protracted results. Large states that are nowhere near 50/50 (Florida, Texas, California, NY) don't take as long to determine the winner. They are still counting votes well past election night but the outcome is already known.
3. Just because the FBI are criminals too doesn't mean the Biden Crime Family are innocent.
Ahh...conspiracy theories.... Which puts you back into the crazy koo-koo camp.
Yeah right, Republicans believe in limited government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus!
Democrats believe in limited government when it comes to crime control.

Definitely this hologram is in the category of

Dems completely suck on everything, have no truth, and do nothing good at all

GOP since 1998 is no better because the GOP has been hijacked by Fox "News" frauds like McConnell, Pence, McCarthy, Murkowski... who are left wing but for endless war in the Middle East to help Israel.

Schiff Spanberger Murdoch McConnell McCarthy Schumer - that is the "team" or "party" America needs ousted by any means necessary....

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