In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
False. They were whipped up into a frenzy based on lies and nonsense coming from right wing trolls.

They were radicalized by these trolls to go after CRT without having any idea what it was.
You dumbass fucktard, parents know EXACTLY what CRT is.

It's leftard communist propaganda.

Invented, AND disseminated, by genuine fucktard communists.

Like that dumb thieving bitch from Black Lives Matter.
If you read the OP, and what both side's policies are, thinking that there aren't two very different sides is crazy <g>

I read the OP and your policies on both sides are bullshit.

The #1 focus of Democrats is the economy. Their platform is built on economic programs to help working families. Their platform is built on economic growth and health for the American people. Their programs reward work, not wealth.

Since the day Joe Biden took office, his agenda has been to improve the lives of working Americans - first by getting the vaccines out to every state so people could safely return to work. And by passing the American Rescue Plan.

Then he passed the kind of infrastructure funding for 10 years of projects to rebuild your roads, bridges, and transportation systems for the 21st Century. Tax dollars are going to benefit taxpayers and working Americans. Just like they do in other top tier first world countries.
People don't vote against a president, they vote for a president. Trump got more than enough votes to win easily, Biden got 81m votes?? My ass.

You under estimate the intelligence of the American voter. There was no fucking way that the majority of the American people were going to let Trump back into the White House after the unmitigated disaster that was his first Administration.
Since the day Joe Biden took office, his agenda has been to improve the lives of working Americans - first by getting the vaccines out to every state so people could safely return to work. And by passing the American Rescue Plan.
The American Rescue Plan is RACIST.
Clean start rule: This OP is clean. Political policies are listed fairly. The posters can add, comment on, or object to the policies presented.

Sarah Huckabee's response to the SOTU speech nailed the problem we have in the US today.

One Party represents policies such as:
1. No clue how to define a woman
2. Men can get pregnant
3. Biological males can compete against females
4. Children can decide to change sex without parental notification
5. The FBI can investigate parents for speaking at school board meetings
6. Not shooting down a Chinese spy balloon until AFTER it crosses the US
7. Parents have no say in what their kids are taught in public schools
8. No kids in Baltimore can do math at grade level
9. The FBI considers people that go to church domestic terrorists
10. The FBI can work toward determining the outcome of presidential elections by managing the media.
11. Defund the police
12. Give the homeless cash to waste on drugs
13. Take tax dollars to pay for some people's student loans.
14. Elect a brain damaged senator instead of a world famous heart surgeon. (yes the brain damaged senator isn't on the job)
15. Don't prosecute criminals, even murderers
16. Believes in the racist CRT and bullshit 1619 Project
17. Believes that math is racist.
18. Supports voter fraud
19. Supports Marxism and Socialism
20. Believe that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners

I could list a lot more, but that proves the point.

The One Party believes in:
1. Personal freedom
2. Generally goes to church and believes in traditional family values.
3. One person - one vote on ELECTION DAY (not election week or election month)
4. Capitalism
5. Limited government
6. The Rule of Law and safe streets, criminals belong in prison
8. Fair trade agreements
9. The 2nd Amendment means exactly what it says
10. Free speech also means present the truth, not "fake news" or partisan news or biased news.
11. Schools should educate, NOT indoctrinate
12. Parents have more rights regarding their kid's education than teacher's unions
13. The US Constitution means exactly what it says, as amended.
14. The drug culture needs to be opposed
15. Immigrants should only be allowed into the US thru proper channels, not thru Open Borders.
16. States Rights are as defined in the Division and Separation of powers in the Constitution (where abortion law was kept by the States)
17. Believe that the Founding Fathers risked everything to create a new nation and Constitution dedicated to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Capitalism is why so many children are being injected with puberty blockers. Getting people hooked on expensive hormone treatments for life, and a series of expensive surgical procedures isn't Marxism or Socialism.

Your Christian mythology and "holy book" is full of divinely condoned bloodshed, injustice, and crimes against humanity. Why would you want to worship an entity that is so destructive, hates your guts for being human, and lives in opulence and absolute security, when you and your family, friends, and peers are living in such a dangerous universe? You and I are living in a cosmic horror show unless we cooperate and try to make our lives and the world we live in less dangerous and indifferent. Salvation is us, we must save ourselves, together. All we have is each other, and I know that sounds cliche, even hoaky, but it's nonetheless true. On this little tiny speck of a rock that we live on, floating in the infinite dark vacuum of an indifferent universe that is trying to kill us, all we have is each other. Paradise is here if we create it. Our salvation is in our hands.

The divorce rate among atheists is actually lower than Evangelicals:

Family values aren't unique or exclusive to the religious or Christians.
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Not at all hard to ascertain the crazy political party in America. How do we do that ?

From the actions of those on the left. Entire cities mired in crime, because of Democrat idiots who defund police, and let criminals back on the street, within hours of being arrested, might be good for starters.

Democrat-run tourist town sees 200% surge in break-ins amid violent crime spike: 'Wildly frustrating'

Asheville, North Carolina, has seen a 200% monthly increase in break-ins amid a violent crime spike that comes as its police department has been hemorrhaging officers.

An economy mired with record inflation, brought about by a Democrat president who goes to war with the fossil fuel industry, thereby cutting supply and increasing demand/prices, as manufacturers have to spend more to transport their goods.

From the actions of the left who rant about racial discrimination, but are perfectly comfortable with racial discrimination (Affirmative Action & American Rescue Plan) as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

From the support of the left given to LGBT nutjobs, complete with praise for the so-called loony "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?), and lunatic tran MEN posing as women, and shamefully accepting "victories" in women's sports, that they were incapable of winning, competing against other men.

From the support of the left given to illegal immigration (until the migrants go to their neighborhoods), complete with sanctuary cities, calls for amnesty, and all with a long list of HARMS to the American people.

From the lack of ability of Democrats, and the left in general, to recognize that a society full of (law-abiding) armed people, is safer than one full of people who are disarmed, and thus vulnerable to criminals, + the lack of ability of the left to realize that Gun Free Zones are green light invitations to mass shooters.

I could add more to this list, but this is enough for starters. More than enough.
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Capitalism is why so many children are being injected with puberty blockers. Getting people hooked on expensive hormone treatments for life, and a series of expensive surgical procedures isn't Marxism or Socialism.

Your Christian mythology and "holy book" is full of divinely condoned bloodshed, injustice, and crimes against humanity. Why would you want to worship an entity that is so destructive, hates your guts for being human, and lives in opulence and absolute security, when you and your family, friends, and peers are living in such a dangerous universe? You and I are living in a cosmic horror show unless we cooperate and try to make our lives and the world we live in less dangerous and indifferent. Salvation is us, we must save ourselves, together. All we have is each other, and I know that sounds cliche, even hoaky, but it's nonetheless true. On this little tiny speck of a rock that we live on, floating in the infinite dark vacuum of an indifferent universe that is trying to kill us, all we have is each other. Paradise is here if we create it. Our salvation is in our hands.
The divorce rate among atheists is actually lower than Evangelicals:
Family values aren't unique or exclusive to the religious or Christians.
1. Who is pushing the tranny bullshit? Democrats, not "Capitalists".

2. Read the New Testament, not the Old Testament.

3. What is the real purpose in life? Why are we here? Who created the universe? Is there life after death? Is God real? Looks like you're getting spiritual.
I read the OP and your policies on both sides are bullshit.

The #1 focus of Democrats is the economy.

Yeah, destroying it.

Their platform is built on economic programs to help working families.


Their platform is built on stealing from working people and giving their hard earned money to scumbags.

Their platform is built on economic growth and health for the American people.


Their platform is built on $5 gas.

Their programs reward work, not wealth.


Their programs reward laziness and thievery.

Since the day Joe Biden took office, his agenda has been to improve the lives of working Americans -

He's a first rate FAILURE

first by getting the vaccines out to every state so people could safely return to work.


Mandatory vaccines cause DEATH, you dumbass lying fucktard.

And by passing the American Rescue Plan.

Whoop dee do.

Then he passed the kind of infrastructure funding for 10 years of projects to rebuild your roads, bridges, and transportation systems for the 21st Century. Tax dollars are going to benefit taxpayers and working Americans. Just like they do in other top tier first world countries.

Leftards are fucked up.

We don't WANT to be like Europe, jackass.
Not at all hard to ascertain the crazy political party in America. How do we do that ?

From the actions of those on the left. Entire cities mired in crime, because of Democrat idiots who defund police, and let criminals back on the street, within hours of being arrested, might be good for starters.

Democrat-run tourist town sees 200% surge in break-ins amid violent crime spike: 'Wildly frustrating'

Asheville, North Carolina, has seen a 200% monthly increase in break-ins amid a violent crime spike that comes as its police department has been hemorrhaging officers.

An economy mired with record inflation, brought about by a Democrat president who goes to war with the fossil fuel industry, thereby cutting supply and increasing demand/prices, as manufacturers have to spend more to transport their goods.

From the actions of the left who rant about racial discrimination, but are perfectly comfortable with racial discrimination (Affirmative Action & American Rescue Plan) as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

From the support of the left given to LGBT nutjobs, complete with praise for the so-called loony "Pride" parades (what is there to be proud of ?), and lunatic tran MEN posing as women, and shamefully accepting "victories" in women's sports, that they were incapable of winning, competing against other men.

From the support of the left given to illegal immigration (until the migrants go to their neighborhoods), complete with sanctuary cities, calls for amnesty, and all with a long list of HARMS to the American people.

From the lack of ability of Democrats, and the left in general, to recognize that a society full of (law-abiding) armed people, is safer than one full of people who are disarmed, and thus vulnerable to criminals, + the lack of ability of the left to realize that Gun Free Zones are green light invitations to mass shooters.

I could add more to this list, but this is enough for starters. More than enough.

Actual leftists, not American MSNBC liberalism, would eliminate serious crimes like the ones you mentioned, overnight. Marx was against disarming people, read the quote on my footer. Marx was for arming the working-class, and against any attempt by the state or the ruling elites to disarm them.

As far as illegal immigration, let's stop exploiting cheap labor. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of creating the conditions that creates illegal immigration. Lift the economic sanctions, stop orchestrating coups in Latin America, stop trying to place all of their resources and major industries in the hands of foreign investors and corporations, and stop punishing the developing world when it tries to develop itself. Capitalists love their cheap labor from Latin America and controlling their resources and markets. If you poopoo all of the above, then learn Spanish. Cope. Enjoy more tacos. Eat your nachos.
Clean start rule: This OP is clean. Political policies are listed fairly. The posters can add, comment on, or object to the policies presented.

Sarah Huckabee's response to the SOTU speech nailed the problem we have in the US today.

One Party represents policies such as:
1. No clue how to define a woman
2. Men can get pregnant
3. Biological males can compete against females
4. Children can decide to change sex without parental notification
5. The FBI can investigate parents for speaking at school board meetings
6. Not shooting down a Chinese spy balloon until AFTER it crosses the US
7. Parents have no say in what their kids are taught in public schools
8. No kids in Baltimore can do math at grade level
9. The FBI considers people that go to church domestic terrorists
10. The FBI can work toward determining the outcome of presidential elections by managing the media.
11. Defund the police
12. Give the homeless cash to waste on drugs
13. Take tax dollars to pay for some people's student loans.
14. Elect a brain damaged senator instead of a world famous heart surgeon. (yes the brain damaged senator isn't on the job)
15. Don't prosecute criminals, even murderers
16. Believes in the racist CRT and bullshit 1619 Project
17. Believes that math is racist.
18. Supports voter fraud
19. Supports Marxism and Socialism
20. Believe that the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners

I could list a lot more, but that proves the point.

The One Party believes in:
1. Personal freedom
2. Generally goes to church and believes in traditional family values.
3. One person - one vote on ELECTION DAY (not election week or election month)
4. Capitalism
5. Limited government
6. The Rule of Law and safe streets, criminals belong in prison
8. Fair trade agreements
9. The 2nd Amendment means exactly what it says
10. Free speech also means present the truth, not "fake news" or partisan news or biased news.
11. Schools should educate, NOT indoctrinate
12. Parents have more rights regarding their kid's education than teacher's unions
13. The US Constitution means exactly what it says, as amended.
14. The drug culture needs to be opposed
15. Immigrants should only be allowed into the US thru proper channels, not thru Open Borders.
16. States Rights are as defined in the Division and Separation of powers in the Constitution (where abortion law was kept by the States)
17. Believe that the Founding Fathers risked everything to create a new nation and Constitution dedicated to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Right now the closest that we have to normal is the Republican party. But there are certainly issues within the Republican party. When are they going to question BLM like have a committee about BLM in the Senate… as a response to the nonsense committee about January 6

The Democratic Party used to stand up for the working man but they’re not so the question is can Republicans fill the void ? that’s a serious thing we have a big problem with this country with regard to the fact that we don’t have good jobs anymore. Democrats use to take care of that but they don’t care about that anymore.
1. Who is pushing the tranny bullshit? Democrats, not "Capitalists".

2. Read the New Testament, not the Old Testament.

3. What is the real purpose in life? Why are we here? Who created the universe? Is there life after death? Is God real? Looks like you're getting spiritual.

Democrats and Republicans are capitalists or defenders of capitalism. To believe that only Repubs are capitalists or defending capitalism is quite nuts. Can anyone be that deluded? All of this transgender lunacy is funded by capitalism. Big pharma, the medical establishment, loves all of this gender confusion because it's a very lucrative business.

We, materialists, are scientific. We believe in Science. These American liberals don't. They can't define a woman, as you pointed out because they ignore science. Material realities. A 50-year-old man doesn't become a six-year-old girl, period. Nothing more has to be said. He can claim he is a six-year-old girl, but he actually isn't.

Marxists, Communists, we don't agree with all of this shit. American MSNBC liberals aren't real leftists or Marxists, they're just victims of capitalism. Capitalism demanded that women vote, women work, women get a career, and women compete with men in the market and workplace. Women are tax payers, they pay taxes, they have money to buy stuff. Retail loves women, it's actually geared towards women. Women are the market. They're the major shoppers. They want red boots, pink boots, purple boots, red purses, pink purses, makeup, and a whole closet full of dresses and shoes. Men are more utilitarian in their shopping practices. We buy things but we don't need ten pairs of boots in different colors. That's a feminine, female trait and pattern of consumerism, and shopping, not a masculine one. Get women out of the home, earning a wage, that way they can buy stuff with their own money, they don't even have to ask their husbands anymore. All of that is caused by capitalist social engineering not socialism.

In communism, women have the right to work but in the USSR, there was the idea and even the program for "The Soviet Family". Society provides daycare if the woman wants to work outside of the home, but communist society encouraged women to raise children at home. The USSR was very conservative and actually saw the family as an asset to its survival. Women play an important role as child bearers and stay-at-home moms. East Germany was very family oriented as well:

At the end of the above video, you see those mothers with their babies. That was the "Soviet Family" model.

Stay-at-home-moms, actually serve a very important role in society, offering a vital service to the nation, when they dedicate themselves to raising children. Women have the right to an education and a career if that's what they want, but communist society rewards women, giving them a special status when they choose to dedicate themselves to the rearing of children, the next generation and future of the nation.

As far as your questions about the existence of a God, life after death, and the purpose of life. The most honest answer that I can give as an agnostic-atheist, is that we are in pursuit of the truth, whatever that might be. We don't have the answers yet, as to whether there is a personal, divine being and creator or life after bodily death. We simply don't know what exactly caused this universe to exist, nor do we know whether there is a deity as described by most theistic religions. I believe that if there is a deity, that divinity is REALITY itself. God for me is the state of being alive and conscious. God is what actualizes potential and orients existence towards a certain state of being, hence all of the laws of physics and every cause and effect that exists is part of "GOD". God isn't one individual state or being, but EVERYTHING that exists is "GOD", the good, the bad, and the ugly. My beliefs or suspicions lean towards a type of pantheism. But my intuition might be wrong. I'm speculating. It's a type of "mental masturbation", I don't know if what I sense is actually true.

We are responsible for creating our purpose, Consciousness is driven to survive and within that context, we create meaning and purpose for ourselves. Purpose and meaning don't exist apart from consciousness. Purpose emerges from the field of life, the mental realm. Sentience can be intelligent and commit itself to a purpose and create meaning, including values, ideals, ethics, morality..etc. All of that is within the orb and space of the mind.
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Actual leftists, not American MSNBC liberalism, would eliminate serious crimes like the ones you mentioned, overnight. Marx was against disarming people, read the quote on my footer. Marx was for arming the working-class, and against any attempt by the state or the ruling elites to disarm them.

As far as illegal immigration, let's stop exploiting cheap labor. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of creating the conditions that creates illegal immigration. Lift the economic sanctions, stop orchestrating coups in Latin America, stop trying to place all of their resources and major industries in the hands of foreign investors and corporations, and stop punishing the developing world when it tries to develop itself. Capitalists love their cheap labor from Latin America and controlling their resources and markets. If you poopoo all of the above, then learn Spanish. Cope. Enjoy more tacos. Eat your nachos.
Actual 2023 leftists vomit when they see a gun (or faint)

When Trump (& Eisenhower) were president so many illegal aliens got deported that companies couldn't rely on aliens for cheap labor. The same companies are swimming in illegal aliens now.

What country has had coups orchestrated in them by America, since 1990 ?

What countries have had their resources controlled by US capitalists ? lately

I already speak Spanish. Lived in Mexico for 3 years. Grandparent from Villahermosa, Tabasco.
Good post. An interesting post worth reading.

1. We disagree on tranny bullshit. Republicans believe in parental rights, democrats believe in pushing tranny bullshit on kids in grade school. Republicans oppose tranny bullshit and their pronouns, and their mutilation of kids.

2. Agree on science, liberals don't. Look at Baltimore schools, no kid can do math at grade level. Democrats are failures at education.

3. As for communism and "stay at home moms", that is a function of lifestyle and family support. If the state won't provide child care, the parents generally help babysit. Two people working generally provides adequate income. Black "families" generally means no dad. No wonder the black kids do poorly in school.

4. Your leaning toward pantheism is probably close to the truth. If you really study the "big bang" and creation, and then sit with the dying, you will have a better picture of what this life is about. Your theology and philosophical training shines thru your answers. Just remember, that in God's dimension there is no "time". Time was created for this dimension by God. One of my favorite passages from the bible is "the die is cast". As that relates to the "big bang" it means that there is a certain amount of randomness and free will involved in our universe after the "big bang". God sees everything from the bang thru to the end of the universe as a cold dark empty space in about 100 trillion years. If God loves us, and I hope he does, then we get to cycle thru many lives to see if we can get back with God. As Jesus said, "no one gets to the Father except thru Me".
Actual leftists, not American MSNBC liberalism, would eliminate serious crimes like the ones you mentioned, overnight. Marx was against disarming people, read the quote on my footer. Marx was for arming the working-class, and against any attempt by the state or the ruling elites to disarm them.

As far as illegal immigration, let's stop exploiting cheap labor. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of creating the conditions that creates illegal immigration. Lift the economic sanctions, stop orchestrating coups in Latin America, stop trying to place all of their resources and major industries in the hands of foreign investors and corporations, and stop punishing the developing world when it tries to develop itself. Capitalists love their cheap labor from Latin America and controlling their resources and markets. If you poopoo all of the above, then learn Spanish. Cope. Enjoy more tacos. Eat your nachos.
That deserves a thanks. I'll always prefer an honest socialist to a corrupt elitist.

I'll make an observation though. :)

You seem to be suggesting stopping the labor exploitation by regulating the labor market. Stop this and stop that, it all requires regulation and enforcement.

Maybe I have a different way to the same result. Your word is "exploitation", my word is "monopoly". There's a relationship between those concepts, yes? Kinda, you can't exploit unless you have a monopoly, or some other type of monopolistic control like regulatory.

How do you get rid of a monopoly?


I suggest, you (we) can't get rid of it politically. Example? US anti-trust laws. There are something like 4000 legal exemptions (the banking industry, the insurance industry, even the NFL), and the last action was Ma Bell which began in the 60's.

We can talk at length about how to actualize competition, if you wish. (I have lots of ideas). That IS the goal, yes? To empower workers?
Actual 2023 leftists vomit when they see a gun (or faint)

When Trump (& Eisenhower) were president so many illegal aliens got deported that companies couldn't rely on aliens for cheap labor. The same companies are swimming in illegal aliens now.

What country has had coups orchestrated in them by America, since 1990 ?

What countries have had their resources controlled by US capitalists ? lately

I already speak Spanish. Lived in Mexico for 3 years. Grandparent from Villahermosa, Tabasco.

Bolivia and Peru are the latest victims of Washington DC meddling. I could say "American meddling", but most Americans wouldn't agree to this type of foreign policy if they knew about it. About half of America lives paycheck to paycheck, they don't have the time or energy to care what the US State Department, our federal government is doing in Latin America. Honduras in 2009, under Obama, got rid of Manuel Zelaya, because he was too "socialist". What is "too socialist"? Wanting your country to own most of its natural resources and investing heavily in its infrastructure. Allowing local businesses to have most of the market share, rather than EXXON, Walmart, Monsanto..etc. Here are some examples of the latest "Washington interventions" in Latin America:




Practically every country in Central and South America is dealing with some sort of Washington interventionism and influence, that undermines its sovereignty and economy. Not to speak of the countries that are being economically embargoed like Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. There are several Latin American countries that are presently under threat of being sanctioned by the US, like Colombia, a former, extremely right-wing oriented government that now has a leftist head of state. They're being threatened with economic sanctions, for not toeing the Washington line, which always serves the American elite.

If Americans want to reduce if not eliminate illegal immigration then we need to change our foreign policy towards Latin America. We can start by lifting economic sanctions and not interfering, meddling in the political and economic affairs of these countries. That would resolve most of the illegal immigration because most of these people would stay in their own countries. El Salvador has a president that has eliminated all of the gangs that were terrorizing the people.

Now president Bukele, has all of the Western "human rights" NGOs on his case, because he's supposedly violating the "human rights" of these M13 gangsters. He's wiping the shit out of El Salvador, cleaning it out. Purging it of all of these gang-terrorists. The US and EU governments are complaining about "human rights" for these savages that once held the people of El Salvador hostage. Literally hundreds of thousands of Salvadorians, left their country, migrating illegally to the US, due to the gang violence. Now there's a righteous, good president who is doing something about it, and Western-funded NGOs, human rights activist organizations, are whining. This can lead to a coup, where they get rid of him and replace him with someone who toes the line and allows American and European interests to control El Salvador's cheap labor market, its natural resources. They don't want El Salvador becoming a well-developed, orderly, civil country, where the people improve their standard of living, maybe demand higher wages with benefits. Creating a middle-class for El Salvador. No no no, chaos. Let's maintain the chaos, the poverty, scarcity, and desperation, that way we can go down there and open a factory, paying people ¢90 hourly. Last thing we want is these El Salvadoreans getting their shit together, how are we going to exploit them if they do that?
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Good post. An interesting post worth reading.

1. We disagree on tranny bullshit. Republicans believe in parental rights, democrats believe in pushing tranny bullshit on kids in grade school. Republicans oppose tranny bullshit and their pronouns, and their mutilation of kids.

2. Agree on science, liberals don't. Look at Baltimore schools, no kid can do math at grade level. Democrats are failures at education.

3. As for communism and "stay at home moms", that is a function of lifestyle and family support. If the state won't provide child care, the parents generally help babysit. Two people working generally provides adequate income. Black "families" generally means no dad. No wonder the black kids do poorly in school.

4. Your leaning toward pantheism is probably close to the truth. If you really study the "big bang" and creation, and then sit with the dying, you will have a better picture of what this life is about. Your theology and philosophical training shines thru your answers. Just remember, that in God's dimension there is no "time". Time was created for this dimension by God. One of my favorite passages from the bible is "the die is cast". As that relates to the "big bang" it means that there is a certain amount of randomness and free will involved in our universe after the "big bang". God sees everything from the bang thru to the end of the universe as a cold dark empty space in about 100 trillion years. If God loves us, and I hope he does, then we get to cycle thru many lives to see if we can get back with God. As Jesus said, "no one gets to the Father except thru Me".

Behind the tranny bullshit there are some very powerful, influential vested interests. It's a very lucrative business, to get millions of people hooked on hormone treatments and surgical procedures. The elites also like the idea of emasculating men as much as possible, in order to make them more compliant and submissive. Less prone to rebel against their interests.

I don't know if there's a personal deity and I don't believe there's a way to answer such questions now. If this universe was created, it was designed in such a way that we can't answer such questions. Maybe the creator of this universe, assuming there is one, created it as a type of boot camp or incubator for the birth of spirits or more advanced consciousness, as in "angels". This is the place where angels are born. We're in a larval state, kind of like tadpoles in a puddle, or magots eating a carcass, before they become flies. We are caterpillars, in the process of becoming butterflies. We're not supposed to know with absolute certainty if there is a GOD, or if there is life after death.

All of that is speculation. I have investigated the paranormal, and I believe it's real. I have also experienced poltergeist activity in my apartment in Tucson, Arizona, a few years ago. I live in New York City now. I used a so called "spirit box", to communicate with "spirits" and I got some amazing responses. I learned to do that about six years ago, from these two YouTubers...

John Huntingtun:

Mortis The Wizard:

And I watched these documenteries:

These two mothers were placed in contact with their deceased children, by these two ITC investigators, live on German television:

Second mother, who communicates with her deceased son:

The mothers stated that the entity that they were communicating with had the voice of their children.

Here are spirits that appear on television screens:

That's what got me interested in ITC i.e. Instrumental Transcommunication research. But I'm still an atheist, because I don't know if there is a personal deity, as described by religious theists. I simply don't know, hence I don't believe in anything, with respect to an "almighty deity" or "GOD". I have a little hope that maybe there is life after death, but I'm not sure about that either, despite my interactions with "spirits". I don't know what or who these entities are. They might be ETs, they might be an artificial intelligence, they might be another race of beings. Some of them are mischievous, they behave like jokers. Some our outright nasty and resemble the demons that religious folks talk about. Some of them are friendly and polite. I simply don't have enough information to come to a conclusion on these beings, so I am still an atheist. My religion revolves around ethics. Being a good person, who is trying to make the world a bit better than how he found it. As cliche and hoaky as that sounds, that's my "religion". Just trying to be good.
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That deserves a thanks. I'll always prefer an honest socialist to a corrupt elitist.

I'll make an observation though. :)

You seem to be suggesting stopping the labor exploitation by regulating the labor market. Stop this and stop that, it all requires regulation and enforcement.

Maybe I have a different way to the same result. Your word is "exploitation", my word is "monopoly". There's a relationship between those concepts, yes? Kinda, you can't exploit unless you have a monopoly, or some other type of monopolistic control like regulatory.

How do you get rid of a monopoly?


I suggest, you (we) can't get rid of it politically. Example? US anti-trust laws. There are something like 4000 legal exemptions (the banking industry, the insurance industry, even the NFL), and the last action was Ma Bell which began in the 60's.

We can talk at length about how to actualize competition, if you wish. (I have lots of ideas). That IS the goal, yes? To empower workers?

I believe cooperation is better than competition, especially in the area of modern production. Competition is better than crony capitalism, but unfortunately, capitalism always results in cronyism and government bailouts. Exploitation exists with or without a monopoly. Until the working-class is able to own everything it produces, including the means of production i.e. the facilities and machinery of production, there will be exploitation. Most if not all Americans spend most of their waking hours in the absolute dictatorship and tyranny we call the "workplace". There are no elections held at work, you just do what you're told. Adam Smith the father of capitalism identified the employer as a master and the employee as a servant, which is a nice way of saying "slave". Waged employment under capitalism, is a type of slavery because you really have no choice. You either become a master, exploiting human labor or you become an exploited worker, renting yourself hourly to an employer i.e. master.

Reading what Adam Smith wrote in his book "The Wealth oF Nations", about the relationship between employers and employees, without knowing it was him, you'd think it was Karl Marx writing about capitalists and how they exploit their workers. There is no freedom for the working-class, until it owns the means of production and has control over the state. In the not too distant future as advanced automation technology increases, becoming more prevalent in production, there will be a massive unemployment crises that will require the socialization of production. We will sooner or later, find ourselves forced to adopt a non-profit mode of production, no longer based upon profits or the private accumalation of capital.
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Democrats want to do whatever is necessary to win the culture wars. Whereas Republicans want to do whatever is necessary to win the culture wars. They both suck donkey balls
I believe cooperation is better than competition, especially in the area of modern production. Competition is better than crony capitalism, but unfortunately, capitalism always results in cronyism and government bailouts. Exploitation exists with or without a monopoly. Until the working-class is able to own everything it produces, including the means of production i.e. the facilities and machinery of production, there will be exploitation. Most if not all Americans spend most of their waking hours in the absolute dictatorship and tyranny we call the "workplace". There are no elections held at work, you just do what you're told. Adam Smith the father of capitalism identified the employer as a master and the employee as a servant, which is a nice way of saying "slave". Waged employment under capitalism, is a type of slavery because you really have no choice. You either become a master, exploiting human labor or you become an exploited worker, renting yourself hourly to an employer i.e. master.

Reading what Adam Smith wrote in his book "The Wealth oF Nations", without knowing it was him, you'd think it was Karl Marx writing about capitalists and how they exploit their workers. There is no freedom for the working-class, until it owns the means of production and has control over the state. In the not too distant future as advanced automation technology increases, becoming more prevalent in production, there will be a massive unemployment crises that will require the socialization of production. We will sooner or later, find ourselves forced to adopt a non-profit mode of production, no longer based upon profits or the private accumalation of capital.
Meh... propaganda.

Look here - I'm a mathematician, I couldn't care less about silly political theories.

Let's talk math.

Competition, and cooperation, need to be balanced. You need both. Checks and balances. When competition and cooperation occur together, the result is what's called a reaction-diffusion system.

Competition "only" and cooperation "only" are uninteresting, but once you put them together all kinds of interesting things start happening.

What communists talk about, in terms of the disintegration of the capitalist system, is called in math, a catastrophe.

A catastrophe means your system becomes unstable, until it reaches a "critical point", at which time it "falls off a cliff", so to speak.

There is a way to measure and predict stability, using the Lyapunov method.


Your job as a genuine honest and non-propagandist Communist, is to show that the catastrophe is "inevitable". That means, the disintegrated state acts as an "attractor" in the system dynamics.

Here's a simple example, of how to get from point A to point B. The key is to get positive feedback ("cooperation") and negative feedback ("competition") into the same system, and then we can ask how much of each, to keep them in balance. This math is accomplished by a neural network with weights W(ij), and in such a system you can easily determine the requirements for stability.

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