In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters

He's being threatened now by some American and European-funded NGOs, and foreign governments, to stop his purge campaign against the terrorist gangs of El Salvador.
That can and often does lead to a coup, where they get rid of the head of state that isn't conforming to their agenda. Refusing to toe the line.
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None of the above.

Both parties represent their one-sided political interests, both parties are slave to money, and both parties represent and leverage a perverted political system that desperately needs to be fixed.
Meh... propaganda.

Look here - I'm a mathematician, I couldn't care less about silly political theories.

Let's talk math.

Competition, and cooperation, need to be balanced. You need both. Checks and balances. When competition and cooperation occur together, the result is what's called a reaction-diffusion system.

Competition "only" and cooperation "only" are uninteresting, but once you put them together all kinds of interesting things start happening.

What communists talk about, in terms of the disintegration of the capitalist system, is called in math, a catastrophe.

A catastrophe means your system becomes unstable, until it reaches a "critical point", at which time it "falls off a cliff", so to speak.

There is a way to measure and predict stability, using the Lyapunov method.

View attachment 762717

Your job as a genuine honest and non-propagandist Communist, is to show that the catastrophe is "inevitable". That means, the disintegrated state acts as an "attractor" in the system dynamics.

Here's a simple example, of how to get from point A to point B. The key is to get positive feedback ("cooperation") and negative feedback ("competition") into the same system, and then we can ask how much of each, to keep them in balance. This math is accomplished by a neural network with weights W(ij), and in such a system you can easily determine the requirements for stability.

The competition can be against entropy and chaos, against our own faults, insecurities, and fears. Compete against the forces of mediocrity, injustice, exploitation, ignorance, and stupidity.

Within the same team, there might be some competition, but it's a competition that doesn't undermine the team's objectives, which requires cooperation between its members. It's not cut-throat, me-myself and I, dog-eat-dog, every man out for #1, in pursuit of private profits and power..etc (often at others great expense). The emphasis of communism is teamwork and cooperation among comrades, towards a common goal, for everyone's benefit. In a family you work together, cooperating to cook the turkey, bake the pie, prepare the table and maybe mow the lawn to make the front yard more presentable for all of the dinner guests that are going to share this meal with you and your family, in your home. You're not competing with one another to accomplish those tasks, you're simply cooperating.

Propaganda or not, the reality is that as automation technology advances and becomes cheaper than human wage labor, there will be a need to socialize and democratize our current, profit-based, authoritarian system of production. Freedom for most people is having food, a home, access to healthcare, an education, a social life, transportation, communication, and living for something worthy of one's personal commitment, labor, sacrifice, and even life (living for something worth dying for).

We see success and freedom, in living a meaningful existence, embodying and oriented towards life-affirming principles that increase our civility and power over the material world. Salvation is in our hands, the only paradise or heaven we will ever experience is right here in the physical world not in an "after-life" or in another dimension. We shouldn't expect wishful thinking or "faith" to save us, only hard work, coupled with human solidarity, empathy, teamwork, and plenty of science and technology.

This is what ChatGPT, my AI wrote about this topic:

The Role of Teamwork and Cooperation

Within a team or community, competition can still play a role, but it must be balanced with cooperation and collaboration. When individuals work together towards a common goal, they can achieve far more than they could alone, leveraging their unique skills and perspectives to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

In this sense, communism can be seen as an ideal system that emphasizes teamwork and cooperation among comrades, working towards a common goal for the benefit of all. However, it's important to recognize that achieving such a system requires constant effort and attention, as well as a commitment to empathy, solidarity, and science and technology.

The Importance of Meaningful Existence

Ultimately, competition is a tool that can help us achieve a more meaningful existence, one that is oriented towards life-affirming principles and the betterment of ourselves and others. Success and freedom are not about accumulating wealth or power but about living a life that is fulfilling and purposeful, in which we make a positive impact on the world around us.

In this sense, salvation is not something that we can wait for or expect to come from an external source. Instead, it is something that we must work towards every day,


I used to hire writers to write blog posts for me at about $15-$20 per thousand words. Now I have AI, writing better posts than those human writers. This is happening in many industries, not just in content-creation. No waged labor or too little of it = no capitalism. Socialism and later communism arise naturally from advanced technology.
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Invalid comparison. Meaningless.

Sure it is, because tRump actually added 1/4 of the country's national debt in 1 4 year term. In the 247 year existence of the USA in 4 short years tRump actually is responsible for 25% of that debt. He said he was the king of debt and went out and proved it!
Behind the tranny bullshit there are some very powerful, influential vested interests. It's a very lucrative business, to get millions of people hooked on hormone treatments and surgical procedures. The elites also like the idea of emasculating men as much as possible, in order to make them more compliant and submissive. Less prone to rebel against their interests.

I don't know if there's a personal deity and I don't believe there's a way to answer such questions now. If this universe was created, it was designed in such a way that we can't answer such questions. Maybe the creator of this universe, assuming there is one, created it as a type of boot camp or incubator for the birth of spirits or more advanced consciousness, as in "angels". This is the place where angels are born. We're in a larval state, kind of like tadpoles in a puddle, or maggots eating a carcass, before they become flies. We are caterpillars, in the process of becoming butterflies. We're not supposed to know with absolute certainty if there is a GOD, or if there is life after death.

All of that is speculation. I have investigated the paranormal, and I believe it's real. I have also experienced poltergeist activity in my apartment in Tucson, Arizona, a few years ago. I live in New York City now. I used a so called "spirit box", to communicate with "spirits" and I got some amazing responses. I learned to do that about six years ago, from these two YouTubers...

And I watched these documentaries:

Second mother, who communicates with her deceased son:

The mothers stated that the entity that they were communicating with had the voice of their children.

Here are spirits that appear on television screens:

That's what got me interested in ITC i.e. Instrumental Transcommunication research. But I'm still an atheist, because I don't know if there is a personal deity, as described by religious theists. I simply don't know, hence I don't believe in anything, with respect to an "almighty deity" or "GOD". I have a little hope that maybe there is life after death, but I'm not sure about that either, despite my interactions with "spirits". I don't know what or who these entities are. They might be ETs, they might be an artificial intelligence, they might be another race of beings. Some of them are mischievous, they behave like jokers. Some our outright nasty and resemble the demons that religious folks talk about. Some of them are friendly and polite. I simply don't have enough information to come to a conclusion on these beings, so I am still an atheist. My religion revolves around ethics. Being a good person, who is trying to make the world a bit better than how he found it. As cliche and hoaky as that sounds, that's my "religion". Just trying to be good.
1. I hope that there aren't millions of mutilated kids out there. I don't want schools to push tranny bullshit. Adults can do what they want, stupid is as stupid does.

2. The fact that you communicated with spirits should prove something to you. Did you ask them about God or religion or their life choices?
1. I hope that there aren't millions of mutilated kids out there. I don't want schools to push tranny bullshit. Adults can do what they want, stupid is as stupid does.

2. The fact that you communicated with spirits should prove something to you. Did you ask them about God or religion or their life choices?

There are all types of entities and personalities that come through. If what they say is true, then when we die, we have another body, comprised of some other material or energy. Our thoughts and actions determine where we go after we die. Certain thoughts and actions generate "energy" that allows us to ascend to the higher dimensions and states of consciousness. Destructive thoughts and behavior, lower our energy, depriving us of ascending after death to a higher realm and state of mind. These "naughty" souls remain earthbound or they descend even further into the dark abyss. If you watch Shannon's videos, a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard", you'll see how the lowest spirits behave. He only communicates with "abysmals", spirits that are stuck in the dark abyss, due to their lack of energy. He wakes them up and gets them talking. John Huntington also communicates with them.

Marcelo Bacci communicates with the higher spirits. The German ITC researchers, who include some scientists, communicate with higher entities. They avoid the "lower spirits", but really we don't know if these entities are telling us the truth. One thing that I find interesting as a communist, is how these spirits claim to be part of a community of spirits and when they introduce themselves they do it as an individual, but eventually admit that they are not one person, but a collective or community of spirits. I really don't know what or who they are. They might be what and who they say they are, or they might be something else. It's interesting though and it does force me to seriously consider the existence of the supernatural. There's more to reality than what we normally perceive, and that includes spirits. I'm not conducting experiments now where I live, but when I move into another place soon, I'm going to create a workshop and lab. I had poltergeist activity in my apartment in Arizona, after a few spirit box sessions. When you see a spatula fly off the kitchen counter in front of you and the scope bottle cap starts shaking, bobbing up and down, click click click click click click click, right in front of you, you're forced to recognize the truth.

The paranormal is real.
Sure it is, because tRump actually added 1/4 of the country's national debt in 1 4 year term. In the 247 year existence of the USA in 4 short years tRump actually is responsible for 25% of that debt. He said he was the king of debt and went out and proved it!
Pandemic (which came from Democrats)
I believe cooperation is better than competition, especially in the area of modern production. Competition is better than crony capitalism, but unfortunately, capitalism always results in cronyism and government bailouts. Exploitation exists with or without a monopoly. Until the working-class is able to own everything it produces, including the means of production i.e. the facilities and machinery of production, there will be exploitation. Most if not all Americans spend most of their waking hours in the absolute dictatorship and tyranny we call the "workplace". There are no elections held at work, you just do what you're told. Adam Smith the father of capitalism identified the employer as a master and the employee as a servant, which is a nice way of saying "slave". Waged employment under capitalism, is a type of slavery because you really have no choice. You either become a master, exploiting human labor or you become an exploited worker, renting yourself hourly to an employer i.e. master.

Reading what Adam Smith wrote in his book "The Wealth oF Nations", about the relationship between employers and employees, without knowing it was him, you'd think it was Karl Marx writing about capitalists and how they exploit their workers. There is no freedom for the working-class, until it owns the means of production and has control over the state. In the not too distant future as advanced automation technology increases, becoming more prevalent in production, there will be a massive unemployment crises that will require the socialization of production. We will sooner or later, find ourselves forced to adopt a non-profit mode of production, no longer based upon profits or the private accumalation of capital.
The USA is a combination of Capitalism & Socialism. Capitalists benefit from the socialist part, and socialists benefit from the capitalist part. If we were to go to a society 100% capitalist or 100% socialist, everyone would be in the loss column.
Bolivia and Peru are the latest victims of Washington DC meddling. I could say "American meddling", but most Americans wouldn't agree to this type of foreign policy if they knew about it. About half of America lives paycheck to paycheck, they don't have the time or energy to care what the US State Department, our federal government is doing in Latin America. Honduras in 2009, under Obama, got rid of Manuel Zelaya, because he was too "socialist". What is "too socialist"? Wanting your country to own most of its natural resources and investing heavily in its infrastructure. Allowing local businesses to have most of the market share, rather than EXXON, Walmart, Monsanto..etc. Here are some examples of the latest "Washington interventions" in Latin America:




Practically every country in Central and South America is dealing with some sort of Washington interventionism and influence, that undermines its sovereignty and economy. Not to speak of the countries that are being economically embargoed like Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. There are several Latin American countries that are presently under threat of being sanctioned by the US, like Colombia, a former, extremely right-wing oriented government that now has a leftist head of state. They're being threatened with economic sanctions, for not toeing the Washington line, which always serves the American elite.

If Americans want to reduce if not eliminate illegal immigration then we need to change our foreign policy towards Latin America. We can start by lifting economic sanctions and not interfering, meddling in the political and economic affairs of these countries. That would resolve most of the illegal immigration because most of these people would stay in their own countries. El Salvador has a president that has eliminated all of the gangs that were terrorizing the people.

Now president Bukele, has all of the Western "human rights" NGOs on his case, because he's supposedly violating the "human rights" of these M13 gangsters. He's wiping the shit out of El Salvador, cleaning it out. Purging it of all of these gang-terrorists. The US and EU governments are complaining about "human rights" for these savages that once held the people of El Salvador hostage. Literally hundreds of thousands of Salvadorians, left their country, migrating illegally to the US, due to the gang violence. Now there's a righteous, good president who is doing something about it, and Western-funded NGOs, human rights activist organizations, are whining. This can lead to a coup, where they get rid of him and replace him with someone who toes the line and allows American and European interests to control El Salvador's cheap labor market, its natural resources. They don't want El Salvador becoming a well-developed, orderly, civil country, where the people improve their standard of living, maybe demand higher wages with benefits. Creating a middle-class for El Salvador. No no no, chaos. Let's maintain the chaos, the poverty, scarcity, and desperation, that way we can go down there and open a factory, paying people ¢90 hourly. Last thing we want is these El Salvadoreans getting their shit together, how are we going to exploit them if they do that?

Americans generally DO want to "reduce if not eliminate" illegal immigration , but "Americans" aren't who is (to borrow one of your words) orchestrating US immigration policy right now. Joe Biden is who is doing that. And Biden is also who is handling foreign policy with Latin America, and everywhere else on earth.

When Trump was president, regardless of what was going on in Latin America, illegal immigration was a trickle compared to what it is now. Deportations were soaring, while now there is essentially no such thing, as Biden is accepting illegal aliens as one of his prime voting blocs. He;s even been transporting/airlifting them to red states (ex Florida) to try to turn them blue.

Looking at your first link, your message is weakend by words like "may"....."likely"....." It is being said "...all indicating specualtion.

Also, reading through that link, it is apparent that the "orchestrating" was essentially in the direction FROM Peru TO the US, not the other way around.

Ex. "Fernando Rospigliosi, for instance, had in 2005 tried to involve the U.S. embassy.."
"go to the U.S. embassy and talk with the embassy intelligence officer"

Generally reading over this, I get the feeling that the idea of US interventionism as related to illegal immigration is a red herring and at best borders on exaggeration. In the 1950s there was far more involvement in Latin America than now (ex Arbenz govt overthrown in Guatemala) and illegal immigration was crushed by Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, after which illegal immigration about ceased to exist by 1959. Similar scenario in the Trump administration.

For decades, illegal immigration was primarily from Mexico (and Mexico is still the #1 remittance imperialist upon the US economy), and all of this while Mexico was rich in oil, gold, silver, agriculture, etc. Mexican disatissfaction was (and is) far more a result of Mexican negligence of it's own people, than anything else. It also doesn't help that most of Mexico's land is uninhabited desert mountains, with only the central states around Mexico City being occupied, and it so happens that this is a notoriously dangerous earthquake zone, continually being hammered by strong earthquakes.

While Mexicans in the central plateau could move east to Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, and Yucatan, they still are within Mexico's low wage scenario, and look to the US to get welfare goodie$$ offered happily by US Democrats wanting them for votes (other vested interests abound as well)

This is why Central & South American migrants come here as well, despite claims of escaping high crime (while they migrate right past other countries with lower crime rates than the US - ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba).
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The competition can be against entropy and chaos, against our own faults, insecurities, and fears. Compete against the forces of mediocrity, injustice, exploitation, ignorance, and stupidity.

Within the same team, there might be some competition, but it's a competition that doesn't undermine the team's objectives, which requires cooperation between its members. It's not cut-throat, me-myself and I, dog-eat-dog, every man out for #1, in pursuit of private profits and power..etc (often at others great expense). The emphasis of communism is teamwork and cooperation among comrades, towards a common goal, for everyone's benefit. In a family you work together, cooperating to cook the turkey, bake the pie, prepare the table and maybe mow the lawn to make the front yard more presentable for all of the dinner guests that are going to share this meal with you and your family, in your home. You're not competing with one another to accomplish those tasks, you're simply cooperating.

Propaganda or not, the reality is that as automation technology advances and becomes cheaper than human wage labor, there will be a need to socialize and democratize our current, profit-based, authoritarian system of production. Freedom for most people is having food, a home, access to healthcare, an education, a social life, transportation, communication, and living for something worthy of one's personal commitment, labor, sacrifice, and even life (living for something worth dying for).

We see success and freedom, in living a meaningful existence, embodying and oriented towards life-affirming principles that increase our civility and power over the material world. Salvation is in our hands, the only paradise or heaven we will ever experience is right here in the physical world not in an "after-life" or in another dimension. We shouldn't expect wishful thinking or "faith" to save us, only hard work, coupled with human solidarity, empathy, teamwork, and plenty of science and technology.

This is what ChatGPT, my AI wrote about this topic:

The Role of Teamwork and Cooperation

Within a team or community, competition can still play a role, but it must be balanced with cooperation and collaboration. When individuals work together towards a common goal, they can achieve far more than they could alone, leveraging their unique skills and perspectives to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

In this sense, communism can be seen as an ideal system that emphasizes teamwork and cooperation among comrades, working towards a common goal for the benefit of all. However, it's important to recognize that achieving such a system requires constant effort and attention, as well as a commitment to empathy, solidarity, and science and technology.

The Importance of Meaningful Existence

Ultimately, competition is a tool that can help us achieve a more meaningful existence, one that is oriented towards life-affirming principles and the betterment of ourselves and others. Success and freedom are not about accumulating wealth or power but about living a life that is fulfilling and purposeful, in which we make a positive impact on the world around us.

In this sense, salvation is not something that we can wait for or expect to come from an external source. Instead, it is something that we must work towards every day,


I used to hire writers to write blog posts for me at about $15-$20 per thousand words. Now I have AI, writing better posts than those human writers. This is happening in many industries, not just in content-creation. No waged labor or too little of it = no capitalism. Socialism and later communism arise naturally from advanced technology.

How can I say this...

Checks and balances is not a safe game. It's the most dangerous game of all. (It's like arming both sides equally).

But it's also the only game that works. From the standpoint of human nature.

Every communist system ever, has rapidly devolved into an oligarchy. That is human nature. The particular system in play, matters less than the biological wiring. Capitalist systems devolve too, but the nepotism has a different flavor.
How can I say this...

Checks and balances is not a safe game. It's the most dangerous game of all. (It's like arming both sides equally).

But it's also the only game that works. From the standpoint of human nature.

Every communist system ever, has rapidly devolved into an oligarchy. That is human nature. The particular system in play, matters less than the biological wiring. Capitalist systems devolve too, but the nepotism has a different flavor.

According to Marx, communism is a stateless, classless society without the need for money, so how can there be an oligarchy? Be more specific as to what exactly you're referring to. As technology advances, replacing wage labor, society is forced to socialize and democratize production. There's really no other alternative, once advanced automation becomes cheaper than human labor.
Americans generally DO want to "reduce if not eliminate" illegal immigration , but "Americans" aren't who is (to borrow one of your words) orchestrating US immigration policy right now. Joe Biden is who is doing that. And Biden is also who is handling foreign policy with Latin America, and everywhere else on earth.

When Trump was president, regardless of what was going on in Latin America, illegal immigration was a trickle compared to what it is now. Deportations were soaring, while now there is essentially no such thing, as Biden is accepting illegal aliens as one of his prime voting blocs. He;s even been transporting/airlifting them to red states (ex Florida) to try to turn them blue.

Looking at your first link, your message is weakend by words like "may"....."likely"....." It is being said "...all indicating specualtion.

Also, reading through that link, it is apparent that the "orchestrating" was essentially in the direction FROM Peru TO the US, not the other way around.

Ex. "Fernando Rospigliosi, for instance, had in 2005 tried to involve the U.S. embassy.."
"go to the U.S. embassy and talk with the embassy intelligence officer"

Generally reading over this, I get the feeling that the idea of US interventionism as related to illegal immigration is a red herring and at best borders on exaggeration. In the 1950s there was far more involvement in Latin America than now (ex Arbenz govt overthrown in Guatemala) and illegal immigration was crushed by Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, after which illegal immigration about ceased to exist by 1959. Similar scenario in the Trump administration.

For decades, illegal immigration was primarily from Mexico (and Mexico is still the #1 remittance imperialist upon the US economy), and all of this while Mexico was rich in oil, gold, silver, agriculture, etc. Mexican disatissfaction was (and is) far more a result of Mexican negligence of it's own people, than anything else. It also doesn't help that most of Mexico's land is uninhabited desert mountains, with only the central states around Mexico City being occupied, and it so happens that this is a notoriously dangerous earthquake zone, continually being hammered by strong earthquakes.

While Mexicans in the central plateau could move east to Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, and Yucatan, they still are within Mexico's low wage scenario, and look to the US to get welfare goodie$$ offered happily by US Democrats wanting them for votes (other vested interests abound as well)

This is why Central & South American migrants come here as well, despite claims of escaping high crime (while they migrate right past other countries with lower crime rates than the US - ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba).

No one is migrating on a ship through the Caribean Islands like pirates. Cuba is a sanctioned nation, not really a good place to migrate to. In view of the evidence it's pretty clear that the US supported the ousting of Castillo in Peru and was also involved in the coup in Bolivia. There is a long list of American interventions in Latin America, including policies that undermine the development of these third world countries.

The meddling contributes to illegal immigration. Continue with the same policies and get more illegal immigration.
According to Marx, communism is a stateless, classless society without the need for money, so how can there be an oligarchy?


No need for money?

Now you're in John Lennon territory.

Pipe dream.

Be more specific as to what exactly you're referring to.

It's all in the dynamics. Human power centers are "local attractors".

As technology advances, replacing wage labor, society is forced to socialize and democratize production. There's really no other alternative, once advanced automation becomes cheaper than human labor.
Advanced automation will never be cheaper than human labor. Advanced automation requires non renewable material resources, human labor only requires food. Every corporation everywhere has discovered this. The only way you're going to save money through automation is on a huge scale. Someone has to program the robots, and someone has to maintain them.
Democrats believe in limited government when it comes to crime control.

Democrats believe in crime control, that's why they are prosecuting the right wing criminals on Jan 6th. In fact, the majority of crime and violence in this country is from the right!
No place for

No need for money?

Now you're in John Lennon territory.

Pipe dream.

It's all in the dynamics. Human power centers are "local attractors".

Advanced automation will never be cheaper than human labor. Advanced automation requires non renewable material resources, human labor only requires food. Every corporation everywhere has discovered this. The only way you're going to save money through automation is on a huge scale. Someone has to program the robots, and someone has to maintain them.

No place for money as a means of exchange when technology replaces most or all of wage labor. As far as your "local attractors" gobbledygook, you're essentially spewing rubbish. Speak English. You said that communist countries are always oligarchal. Which country, be specific? How were they an "oligarchy"?
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ROTFLMFAO, link to how Democrats started pandemic! This should be AWESOME!!!
What do you mean "should be" ? The Democrat beginnings of the China virus and maintenance of it's political effects with shutdowns was all Democrat, and this has been reported 100,000 times in the media as well as in this forum. Have you been asleep for 2 years ?

In 2014, Democrat Fauci got the Obama administration NIH to fund gain of function research in the Wuhan lab in China, creating the virus and spreading it internationally. In 2020, Democrats used the virus and the Fauci inspired shutdowns, to take away Trump's top campaign issue, the economy, to enhance their chance to win the presidency.

When Mnuchin approached Pelosi (who laughably claimed she was in favor of stimulus checks) and said let's send the checks and do what we both agree, and settle the other stuff later. Pelosi refused repeatedly all through the spring of 2020. Of course, because their plan was to keep the economy DOWN, not stimulate it up.

By July 2020, Republicans (initially fooled by Fauci) caught on to the ruse, and Trump and Republican governors opened up the economy, disavowed the shutdowns, and the result was, by far, the biggest gain in US GDP in US history (65.2%)

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