In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

Democrats never used to be rabid liberals. Now the party has turned so sharply left I doubt they'll ever recover. Communists, Marxists and Socialists are heavily involved and invested in the Democrat party.

There have always been different approaches to problems, but Obama promised to 'fundamentally' change America. He more or less said that he would ignore the constitution. Since that is what our country is founded on, fundamentally changing it would involve the destruction of our constitution.

If Obama had taken an honest oath, it would have gone more like;

"I, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend my own agenda and replace the Constitution of the United States of America. I will defend my own interests against all enemies of the state who disagree with me. As stated in my book, I will bear true faith and allegiance to Muslims, who I will stand with should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and the only evasion will be whenever there is a scandal and people want the truth. I will faithfully carry my phone and pen and use the power of my office to go after anyone who threatens my agenda. So help me, Allah."
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

Democrats never used to be rabid liberals. Now the party has turned so sharply left I doubt they'll ever recover. Communists, Marxists and Socialists are heavily involved and invested in the Democrat party.

There have always been different approaches to problems, but Obama promised to 'fundamentally' change America. He more or less said that he would ignore the constitution. Since that is what our country is founded on, fundamentally changing it would involve the destruction of our constitution.

If Obama had taken an honest oath, it would have gone more like;

"I, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend my own agenda and replace the Constitution of the United States of America. I will defend my own interests against all enemies of the state who disagree with me. As stated in my book, I will bear true faith and allegiance to Muslims, who I will stand with should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and the only evasion will be whenever there is a scandal and people want the truth. I will faithfully carry my phone and pen and use the power of my office to go after anyone who threatens my agenda. So help me, Allah."
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.
you are falsely presupposing that all liberals are atheists .

dear, no body is talking about religion. Liberals should not be allowed to hold office since they cant honestly take the oath that requires them to support the Constitution.

Do you understand now?
]I understand you're a nut job..

so you think liberals who spied for stalin and elected Obama can honestly support the Constitution which is designed to establish and protects very very limited govt? See why we must conclude that the liberal will be uber slow? What other conclusion is possible?
time for you (your)treatment....

Time to admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to respond substantively.
that would be false.. since you premise is erroneous there is nothing to answer The government envisioned by the Constitution is one of enumerated powers (see Art. I, Sec. 8 and the 10th Amendment). That means that unless the Constitution grants a power to the government, the government does not have that power. For that reason, many of the founding fathers did not believe that a Bill of Rights was necessary (the Bill of Rights was actually passed after the Constitution, at the insistence of several states). Since the founding and particularly since the Civil War the government's practical power has expanded tremendously through the interpretation of several clauses, e.g. the spending, commerce, and "necessary and proper" clauses.

The Constitution also relies on the ideas of Separation of Powers and checks and balances to limit governmental power.
nothing is mentioned about the size of government only it's power...
besides "big government" is just one of many bogus conservative talking points ..
Still working on your premise? You keep at it, eventually you may get there.

He's probably distracted at the moment.

However, I have no problem with a premise when addressing you.

You are a suck egg dog.



Not difficult at all.

Might almost be interesting if one of you scholars could construct an actual argument based in a real premise. You know, minus all your half wit rhetoric.

Liberals are handicapped from birth by their Liberal hard wiring.

But we, charitably, pretended you were like normal people.

But you aren't.

And the verdict is in.

Liberals can not be trusted with great power.

They have clearly been shown to use great power irresponsibly.

They use it for self benefit and to oppress their partisan opponents.

They act traitorously.

They lie to the American people.

They advance hare brained schemes.

They perform incompetently.

They have no sense of what it takes to make a competent hiring practice.

They are vengeful and petty.

They are irrational.

Liberals should be forever relegated to the ranks of JUNIOR partners in the entity called the Government of the United States of America.

Where's the part where liberals differ from so called conservatives? The Republican record of achievement could easily be described in exactly the same way.

"Where's the part where liberals differ from so called conservatives? The Republican record of achievement could easily be described in exactly the same way."

You are a masochist.

Here's the difference. Liberals and Dems not only defend him, as you do, but y'all LIKE what he is doing to America.

When the truth is that he has been a staggering failure.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure
Peter Wehner
04.24.2014 - 3:15 PM

President Obama’s bid to focus U.S. attention on Asia has failed to meet the lofty expectations he set three years ago in a grand pronouncement that the new emphasis would become a pillar of his foreign policy.

The result, as Obama prepares to travel to the region… has been a loss of confidence among some U.S. allies about the administration’s commitment at a time of escalating regional tensions. Relations between Japan and South Korea are at one of the lowest points since World War II, and China has provoked both with aggressive actions at sea despite a personal plea to Beijing from Vice President Biden in December.

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. Failure
Economic growth. Failure
Improving our health-care system. Failure
Reducing the debt. Failure
Reducing poverty. Failure
Reducing income inequality. Failure
Slowing the rise of the oceans. Failure
Healing the planet. Failure
Repairing the world. Failure
The Russian “reset.” Failure
Peace in the Middle East. Failure
Red lines in Syria. Failure
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.Failure
A new beginning with the Arab world. Failure
Better relations with our allies. Failure
Depolarizing our politics. Failure
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Failure
Working with the other party. Failure
Transparency. Failure
No lobbyists working in his administration. Failure
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. Failure

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine
Senate Republican Leadership has failed to represent the values of mainstream Americans and has instead pushed an agenda that reflects the desires of special interests.

Record federal deficits continued in 2005 and, without real reform, will continue for years to come. Meanwhile, our nation’s most critical priorities – including emergency preparedness, economic security, access to affordable health care, quality education, and energy independence – have become an afterthought in the midst of the current Republican culture of corruption.

Republicans have run up historic budget deficits and refused to put us back on a course of budget discipline. Last year, the deficit reached $319 billion, higher than in any year before President Bush took office

Republicans have failed to support a measure to prohibit the Bush Administration from taking overtime pay away from an estimated six million workers. During the Bush Administration, wages have stagnated or declined, even as the cost of health care, child care, and other essential expenses has continued to climb. The Bush overtime regulations will mean millions in lost wages at a time when workers can least afford it

For the eighth year in a row, Republicans have failed to raise the minimum wage. Minimum wage employees working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, earn $10,700 a year, $5,000 below the poverty line for a family of three. The current minimum wage fails to provide enough income to enable minimum wage workers to afford adequate housing in any area of the country

Republicans have failed to provide adequate support to employers hard hit by the activation of military reservists to serve in Iraq. For the second year in a row, Congressional Republicans blocked a bill that would have rewarded businesses that continue to pay salaries to their employees serving oversees. This provision would provide a tax credit to employers continuing to pay activated National Guard and Reserve employees and provide an additional tax credit to small businesses to help them cover the cost of temporarily replacing an employee who has been activated.

Republicans have failed to pass legislation to hold down the unprecedented increases in health care premiums for American families. Employer-sponsored health insurance increased by 9.2 percent in 2005 – more than three times the growth in wages and more than twice the rate of overall inflation. Premiums for family health coverage are now $10,880, up from $6,348 in 2000. These premium hikes are straining family finances, forcing businesses to drop coverage, and driving up the number of uninsured Americans

Republicans have failed to fully fund No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education reforms. Even though school districts are facing increasingly rigorous academic standards and new requirements for highly qualified teachers, Republicans actually reduced funding for NCLB in Fiscal Year 2006. Funding for NCLB is about $13 billion below the authorized level

Republicans failed to stop Bush Administration efforts to continue weakening current environmental laws and have failed to provide critical funding for environmental protection and natural resources programs, including clean air, clean water, enforcement, land acquisition, and urban parks

Republicans have failed to provide necessary funding to clean up toxic waste sites. One in four Americans lives within four miles of a toxic waste site. Republicans have looked the other way as the Administration has reduced or eliminated toxic emissions reporting requirements and limited the public’s access to information on toxics risks

Republicans have not responded to recent increases in Medicare Part B premiums. Monthly Part B premiums have almost doubled since 2000 – from $45.50 in 2000 to $88.50 in 2006
If I could pass one amendment, it would be to do away with political parties entirely.

why do away with Republicans when they have stood for freedom from big liberal govt since Jefferson?? You make no sense.
Republicans have only been around since the 1850s.....:lol:

You mean Lincoln's Republicans, not Jefferson's??
you means these :The Jeffersonian Republicans placed their faith in the virtues of an agrarian democracy. They believed that the greatest threat to liberty was posed by a tyrannical central government and that power in the hands of the common people was preferred. Those natural democratic instincts required sharpening, however, by education. In foreign affairs, the Jeffersonian-Republicans favored France over Britain. Jefferson lauded the French Revolution, which claimed the American Revolution as its model, but decried its bloody excesses. The Jeffersonian-Republicans opposed the Jay's Treaty (1795) as excessively pro-British.

just like lincoln republicans they have no relationship to today's republicans except for the name.
“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Because I took that oath, I am oathbound to oppose Edward and all his seditious brethren.

Note that I'm not stating or implying that all conservatives or Republicans are seditious, being that most clearly are not seditious. It's just Edward and pals who are. They are the domestic enemies of the nation and of the Constitution, hence my oath mandates that I oppose them. Don't try to talk me out of it, because you can't.
He's probably distracted at the moment.

However, I have no problem with a premise when addressing you.

You are a suck egg dog.



Not difficult at all.

Might almost be interesting if one of you scholars could construct an actual argument based in a real premise. You know, minus all your half wit rhetoric.

Liberals are handicapped from birth by their Liberal hard wiring.

But we, charitably, pretended you were like normal people.

But you aren't.

And the verdict is in.

Liberals can not be trusted with great power.

They have clearly been shown to use great power irresponsibly.

They use it for self benefit and to oppress their partisan opponents.

They act traitorously.

They lie to the American people.

They advance hare brained schemes.

They perform incompetently.

They have no sense of what it takes to make a competent hiring practice.

They are vengeful and petty.

They are irrational.

Liberals should be forever relegated to the ranks of JUNIOR partners in the entity called the Government of the United States of America.

Where's the part where liberals differ from so called conservatives? The Republican record of achievement could easily be described in exactly the same way.

"Where's the part where liberals differ from so called conservatives? The Republican record of achievement could easily be described in exactly the same way."

You are a masochist.

Here's the difference. Liberals and Dems not only defend him, as you do, but y'all LIKE what he is doing to America.

When the truth is that he has been a staggering failure.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure
Peter Wehner
04.24.2014 - 3:15 PM

President Obama’s bid to focus U.S. attention on Asia has failed to meet the lofty expectations he set three years ago in a grand pronouncement that the new emphasis would become a pillar of his foreign policy.

The result, as Obama prepares to travel to the region… has been a loss of confidence among some U.S. allies about the administration’s commitment at a time of escalating regional tensions. Relations between Japan and South Korea are at one of the lowest points since World War II, and China has provoked both with aggressive actions at sea despite a personal plea to Beijing from Vice President Biden in December.

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. Failure
Economic growth. Failure
Improving our health-care system. Failure
Reducing the debt. Failure
Reducing poverty. Failure
Reducing income inequality. Failure
Slowing the rise of the oceans. Failure
Healing the planet. Failure
Repairing the world. Failure
The Russian “reset.” Failure
Peace in the Middle East. Failure
Red lines in Syria. Failure
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.Failure
A new beginning with the Arab world. Failure
Better relations with our allies. Failure
Depolarizing our politics. Failure
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Failure
Working with the other party. Failure
Transparency. Failure
No lobbyists working in his administration. Failure
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. Failure

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine
Senate Republican Leadership has failed to represent the values of mainstream Americans and has instead pushed an agenda that reflects the desires of special interests.

Record federal deficits continued in 2005 and, without real reform, will continue for years to come. Meanwhile, our nation’s most critical priorities – including emergency preparedness, economic security, access to affordable health care, quality education, and energy independence – have become an afterthought in the midst of the current Republican culture of corruption.

Republicans have run up historic budget deficits and refused to put us back on a course of budget discipline. Last year, the deficit reached $319 billion, higher than in any year before President Bush took office

Republicans have failed to support a measure to prohibit the Bush Administration from taking overtime pay away from an estimated six million workers. During the Bush Administration, wages have stagnated or declined, even as the cost of health care, child care, and other essential expenses has continued to climb. The Bush overtime regulations will mean millions in lost wages at a time when workers can least afford it

For the eighth year in a row, Republicans have failed to raise the minimum wage. Minimum wage employees working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, earn $10,700 a year, $5,000 below the poverty line for a family of three. The current minimum wage fails to provide enough income to enable minimum wage workers to afford adequate housing in any area of the country

Republicans have failed to provide adequate support to employers hard hit by the activation of military reservists to serve in Iraq. For the second year in a row, Congressional Republicans blocked a bill that would have rewarded businesses that continue to pay salaries to their employees serving oversees. This provision would provide a tax credit to employers continuing to pay activated National Guard and Reserve employees and provide an additional tax credit to small businesses to help them cover the cost of temporarily replacing an employee who has been activated.

Republicans have failed to pass legislation to hold down the unprecedented increases in health care premiums for American families. Employer-sponsored health insurance increased by 9.2 percent in 2005 – more than three times the growth in wages and more than twice the rate of overall inflation. Premiums for family health coverage are now $10,880, up from $6,348 in 2000. These premium hikes are straining family finances, forcing businesses to drop coverage, and driving up the number of uninsured Americans

Republicans have failed to fully fund No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education reforms. Even though school districts are facing increasingly rigorous academic standards and new requirements for highly qualified teachers, Republicans actually reduced funding for NCLB in Fiscal Year 2006. Funding for NCLB is about $13 billion below the authorized level

Republicans failed to stop Bush Administration efforts to continue weakening current environmental laws and have failed to provide critical funding for environmental protection and natural resources programs, including clean air, clean water, enforcement, land acquisition, and urban parks

Republicans have failed to provide necessary funding to clean up toxic waste sites. One in four Americans lives within four miles of a toxic waste site. Republicans have looked the other way as the Administration has reduced or eliminated toxic emissions reporting requirements and limited the public’s access to information on toxics risks

Republicans have not responded to recent increases in Medicare Part B premiums. Monthly Part B premiums have almost doubled since 2000 – from $45.50 in 2000 to $88.50 in 2006

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Because I took that oath, I am oathbound to oppose Edward and all his seditious brethren.

Note that I'm not stating or implying that all conservatives or Republicans are seditious, being that most clearly are not seditious. It's just Edward and pals who are. They are the domestic enemies of the nation and of the Constitution, hence my oath mandates that I oppose them. Don't try to talk me out of it, because you can't.

Multiplied by thousands this intransigence of yours = a push for civil war.
Have no problem with real liberals, it is the far left that should not be allowed to hold office..
then in fairness that should apply to the far right too.

Why? To make everything nice and even in your estimation?

Life isn't played like Tit4Tat.

Our far righties are good for America.

Read your history.

However, the far left Lefties are toxic threats to any prosperous, free government and Society.

Youare the ones who have proven yourselves incapable of handling great power responsibly!

Why punish the Right when we have done nothing wrong?

This post of yours is an example of why most Libs just aren't up to the mental challenges of great leadership.

Even when they go through college and graduate school and then climb the ladder of business or government and achieve high positions, you can count on them having a Liberal moment slip through the cracks to adulterate whatever project they are working on.

So, here ion this thread we are all behaving ourselves somewhat and we are carrying on an intelligent, adult conversation of sorts.

When ALL OF A SUDDEN, OUT OF LEFT FIELD, comes this absolute dead giveaway that even when we're talking about a group of educated adults, Lefties are never far from a typically insane Liberal moment.

Your wanting to insist on a Tit4Tat provision to make sure that Far Righties are also excluded if we get around to excluding the Far Lefties, is a clue that you are not up to discussing this maturely.


Fucking liberals.
You consider my refusal to abandon my oath to support the Constitution to be "intransigence"? Most would call it "patriotism".

As for the "civil war", the seditious ones here are the only one pushing such a thing. They're like bank robbers telling everyone that the police are the real problem.
great, the liberal sicko who thinks he's Groucho Marx is back.. to add his intellectual heft to the discussion no less with pictures!!

As if further demonstrations of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

great, the liberal fool sicko who thinks he's Groucho Marx is back.. to add his "intellectual" heft to the discussion no less.

Still working on your premise? You keep at it, eventually you may get there.

He's probably distracted at the moment.

However, I have no problem with a premise when addressing you.

You are a suck egg dog.



Not difficult at all.

Might almost be interesting if one of you scholars could construct an actual argument based in a real premise. You know, minus all your half wit rhetoric.

Aren't you the guy who thinks posting a link to a video is an argument?
You consider my refusal to abandon my oath to support the Constitution to be "intransigence"? Most would call it "patriotism".

As for the "civil war", the seditious ones here are the only one pushing such a thing. They're like bank robbers telling everyone that the police are the real problem.

When have you ever supported the Constitution?
It seems only modern liberals want to hold office. It requires hypocrisy, lying, stealing and murdering.

You were saying?
You are a masochist.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure
Peter Wehner
04.24.2014 - 3:15 PM

President Obama’s bid to focus U.S. attention on Asia has failed to meet the lofty expectations he set three years ago in a grand pronouncement that the new emphasis would become a pillar of his foreign policy.

The result, as Obama prepares to travel to the region… has been a loss of confidence among some U.S. allies about the administration’s commitment at a time of escalating regional tensions. Relations between Japan and South Korea are at one of the lowest points since World War II, and China has provoked both with aggressive actions at sea despite a personal plea to Beijing from Vice President Biden in December.

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. Failure
Economic growth. Failure
Improving our health-care system. Failure
Reducing the debt. Failure
Reducing poverty. Failure
Reducing income inequality. Failure
Slowing the rise of the oceans. Failure
Healing the planet. Failure
Repairing the world. Failure
The Russian “reset.” Failure
Peace in the Middle East. Failure
Red lines in Syria. Failure
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.Failure
A new beginning with the Arab world. Failure
Better relations with our allies. Failure
Depolarizing our politics. Failure
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Failure
Working with the other party. Failure
Transparency. Failure
No lobbyists working in his administration. Failure
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. Failure

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

Any reasonable person would give the previous administration a failing grade in all those categories.

We aren't pretending we have a time machine this week.

Sorry, didn't anyone give you the message?

So where's the fundamental difference between supposed liberals and so called conservatives? Your generic characterizations seem to have universal application......I can say all the same stupid shit about any Republican President you can name.

But you would just be saying it without valid evidence.

It is only those who get close to the research who can see the differences.

You seem quite comfortable being just on the outer edge or on the fringes of knowledge and being effective as a poster.

You are a gadfly. A gimmicky presence without much substance.

You think there is little difference between the GOP and the DNC candidates for POTUS or between GOP and Democrat administrations?

By what metrics?

Are you kidding? I could go on and on about Reagan's stupid mistakes and illegal activities.

Muslims just LOVE rehashing the past.

Like the massacre at Karbala, for example?

Ronald Reagan is a poor choice to use as an example of wrong doing in the White House.

He is a hero and all you will do is further alienate those you are trying to win to your cause.

Go ahead, try it.
Liberals are handicapped from birth by their Liberal hard wiring.

But we, charitably, pretended you were like normal people.

But you aren't.

And the verdict is in.

Liberals can not be trusted with great power.

They have clearly been shown to use great power irresponsibly.

They use it for self benefit and to oppress their partisan opponents.

They act traitorously.

They lie to the American people.

They advance hare brained schemes.

They perform incompetently.

They have no sense of what it takes to make a competent hiring practice.

They are vengeful and petty.

They are irrational.

Liberals should be forever relegated to the ranks of JUNIOR partners in the entity called the Government of the United States of America.

Where's the part where liberals differ from so called conservatives? The Republican record of achievement could easily be described in exactly the same way.

You are a masochist.

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure
Peter Wehner
04.24.2014 - 3:15 PM

President Obama’s bid to focus U.S. attention on Asia has failed to meet the lofty expectations he set three years ago in a grand pronouncement that the new emphasis would become a pillar of his foreign policy.

The result, as Obama prepares to travel to the region… has been a loss of confidence among some U.S. allies about the administration’s commitment at a time of escalating regional tensions. Relations between Japan and South Korea are at one of the lowest points since World War II, and China has provoked both with aggressive actions at sea despite a personal plea to Beijing from Vice President Biden in December.

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. Failure
Economic growth. Failure
Improving our health-care system. Failure
Reducing the debt. Failure
Reducing poverty. Failure
Reducing income inequality. Failure
Slowing the rise of the oceans. Failure
Healing the planet. Failure
Repairing the world. Failure
The Russian “reset.” Failure
Peace in the Middle East. Failure
Red lines in Syria. Failure
Renewed focus on Afghanistan.Failure
A new beginning with the Arab world. Failure
Better relations with our allies. Failure
Depolarizing our politics. Failure
Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Failure
Working with the other party. Failure
Transparency. Failure
No lobbyists working in his administration. Failure
His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. Failure

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

Any reasonable person would give the previous administration a failing grade in all those categories.

Stupido, we didn't hire Obama to continue the status quo!

We hired him to IMPROVE America but he has only made things worse.


Even Jimmy Carter is talking smack about him.

He promised us change we can believe in.

He lied to us for his own gain.

That is absolutely unacceptable.

It's like a thief who stole from your home.

He crossed the line.

He is WORSE than Bush.

That this needs to be explained to you is just one more reason your judgment should always be considered suspect.

Neither Dems, Libs nor Progressives should ever be entrusted with great power, their Liberal hardwiring prevents them from using power responsibly.

History will judge, not dim wits like you.

Watch and learn, Buckwheat.

You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

Democrats never used to be rabid liberals. Now the party has turned so sharply left I doubt they'll ever recover. Communists, Marxists and Socialists are heavily involved and invested in the Democrat party.

There have always been different approaches to problems, but Obama promised to 'fundamentally' change America. He more or less said that he would ignore the constitution. Since that is what our country is founded on, fundamentally changing it would involve the destruction of our constitution.

If Obama had taken an honest oath, it would have gone more like;

"I, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend my own agenda and replace the Constitution of the United States of America. I will defend my own interests against all enemies of the state who disagree with me. As stated in my book, I will bear true faith and allegiance to Muslims, who I will stand with should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and the only evasion will be whenever there is a scandal and people want the truth. I will faithfully carry my phone and pen and use the power of my office to go after anyone who threatens my agenda. So help me, Allah."


I think Rush would enjoy it!

Somebody have the email to El Rushbo?

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