In Theory Liberals Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Office In America.

You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

Democrats never used to be rabid liberals. Now the party has turned so sharply left I doubt they'll ever recover. Communists, Marxists and Socialists are heavily involved and invested in the Democrat party.

There have always been different approaches to problems, but Obama promised to 'fundamentally' change America. He more or less said that he would ignore the constitution. Since that is what our country is founded on, fundamentally changing it would involve the destruction of our constitution.

If Obama had taken an honest oath, it would have gone more like;

"I, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend my own agenda and replace the Constitution of the United States of America. I will defend my own interests against all enemies of the state who disagree with me. As stated in my book, I will bear true faith and allegiance to Muslims, who I will stand with should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and the only evasion will be whenever there is a scandal and people want the truth. I will faithfully carry my phone and pen and use the power of my office to go after anyone who threatens my agenda. So help me, Allah."


I think Rush would enjoy it!

Somebody have the email to El Rushbo?
[email protected]
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

More lies from the NaziCon right. The OP is pure bullshit. There is no Constitutional or legal requirement to say the words "So help me God" at the end of the oath.
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.


The Communist Party assumed control of the democrats in 1968.
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.


The Communist Party assumed control of the democrats in 1968.
If you really believe that then I know people with some great investment opportunities in bridges and swampland.
most clearly are not seditious. It's just Edward and pals who are.

dear, of course if that was true you would not be so afraid to point out
Liberals must lie to take the oath.

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

More lies from the NaziCon right. The OP is pure bullshit. There is no Constitutional or legal requirement to say the words "So help me God" at the end of the oath.

the oath says you must protect and defend the Constitution. Liberals cant do that; they hate the Constitution because it does not include a right to get welfare for life and never pay a penny back.
If you really believe that then I know people with some great investment opportunities in bridges and swampland.

I realize you never quite made it to high school, and spend your days smoking dope in moms basement, when your not out shitting on police cars while decrying corporate greed through Facebook on your iPhone......

But do at least TRY to learn the basics about the shameful party you blindly support..

1968 Year of Unraveling
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.


The Communist Party assumed control of the democrats in 1968.

well, I'm not so sure. It seems to me the communists had more control of the Democrats when they had them happily spying for Stalin and giving him the bomb! Yes 1968 was bad , but perhaps having a guy like Barry in the White House is the best of all for the communists.
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.


The Communist Party assumed control of the democrats in 1968.

well, I'm not so sure. It seems to me the communists had more control of the Democrats when they had them happily spying for Stalin and giving him the bomb! Yes 1968 was bad , but perhaps having a guy like Barry in the White House is the best of all for the communists.
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.
If you really believe that then I know people with some great investment opportunities in bridges and swampland.

I realize you never quite made it to high school, and spend your days smoking dope in moms basement, when your not out shitting on police cars while decrying corporate greed through Facebook on your iPhone......

But do at least TRY to learn the basics about the shameful party you blindly support..

1968 Year of Unraveling
All these assumptions are amusing but wrong.
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.

Dear, Obama is very good at it, its just that Republicans fight him at every turn. Obama voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist, and was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis( Communist party number 134576868). Barry got to the White House as an affirmative action president in the fortuitious wake of Bush's unfortunate presidency, but even so what other communist has penetrated the govt so far?.
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.

Dear, Obama is very good at it, its just that Republicans fight him at every turn. Obama voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist, and was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis( Communist party number 134576868). Barry got to the White House as an affirmative action president in the fortuitious wake of Bush's unfortunate presidency, but even so what other communist has penetrated the govt so far?.
Your definition of communism is anything to the left of Rush Limbaugh. FYI that is not the correct definition.
Democrats have not changed all that much. Conservatives on the other hand did not used to talk the way you do and be so damned hateful and paranoid. A party that is about to experience a permanent minority status should not make so many enemies by letting the kooks and haters steer their side of the national dialog.


The Communist Party assumed control of the democrats in 1968.

well, I'm not so sure. It seems to me the communists had more control of the Democrats when they had them happily spying for Stalin and giving him the bomb! Yes 1968 was bad , but perhaps having a guy like Barry in the White House is the best of all for the communists.

Big difference, the Harry Dexter Whites were traitors, but not the core of the party. John and Bobby Kennedy both worked with Joe McCarthy to expose the Communist faction in the state department. It was the death of Bobby that changed the democrats. Humphrey took the nomination and went down in flames, leaving the party a smoldering ruins. The Communist radicals who had rioted in Chicago rallied behind George McGovern, and rode a far left wave over the ruins, into direct control of the party. Suddenly, Bill Ayers wasn't headed for life in prison, but was picking the next Senator and President. Shit, if Charlie Manson would have played it cool a few more years, he could have been part of Clinton's cabinet.

It wasn't until this radical shift that we saw open Soviet agents, like Jim Wright and Edward Boland. Boland's open advocacy for a Soviet Military base on the North American Continent would have gotten him the electric chair in 1952, but 1984 it made him the darling of the NY Times, the Communists controlled the party and their press.
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.


What are the top 5 differences between the stated views of Obama on health care, wages, and international trade and those espoused by Nikita Khrushchev?
You deserve a country ruled by a single party with no fear of ever being voted out. Russia comes to mind, move there immediately.

dear we don't want liberals because liberalism is based in pure ignorance but two intelligent parties, i.e., conservatives and libertarians, would be ideal. That way our democracy would be intelligent as intended by our Founders. It would feature debate between two intelligent groups, not between one intelligent group and one ignorant group.

Do you understand?
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.


What are the top 5 differences between the stated views of Obama on health care, wages, and international trade and those espoused by Nikita Khrushchev?
Why don't you tell me, I haven't really had the opportunity to call someone a retarded conspiracy nut yet today.
Your definition of communism is anything to the left of Rush Limbaugh. FYI that is not the correct definition.

And what do you think the correct definition actually is?
There are different schools of thought on the matter but they generally espouse government or communal ownership of all production, banking and trade. Last time I looked the democrats were not pushing to nationalize a fucking thing and were nearly as in love with the idea of a "free market" as republicans. You dummies like to look for overlaps in policy and them lump it all into one big scary thing to Fear. I could do the same thing and lump conservatives together with Nazis and have in the past but honestly it's nothing but a tactic to troll reactionary assholes with.
You are clueless as to what communism is. If democrats are communists they absolutely suck at it.


What are the top 5 differences between the stated views of Obama on health care, wages, and international trade and those espoused by Nikita Khrushchev?
Why don't you tell me, I haven't really had the opportunity to call someone a retarded conspiracy nut yet today.

Do you know what the word "conspiracy" even means?

Our century is the century of the struggle for freedom, the century in which nations are liberating themselves from foreign domination. The peoples desire a worthwhile life and are fighting to secure it.

Victory has already been won in many countries and lands. But we cannot rest on our laurels, for we know that tens of millions of human beings are still languishing in colonial slavery and are suffering grave hardships. . . .

Every intelligent individual gives some thought to what scientific progress, what this great twentieth century, is bringing mankind. Some rightly say that the world has been given new horizons, unlimited opportunities for the creation of abundant material wealth and for the ample satisfaction of human needs. With no less justification, others point to the great danger of scientific and technical achievements being used, not for these beneficial purposes, but primarily for the production of appalling means of destruction. These means of destruction are not being used at the present time. But, in the last analysis, they are produced to be used.}

Obama, or Khrushchev?
There are different schools of thought on the matter but they generally espouse government or communal ownership of all production, banking and trade. Last time I looked the democrats were not pushing to nationalize a fucking thing and were nearly as in love with the idea of a "free market" as republicans. You dummies like to look for overlaps in policy and them lump it all into one big scary thing to Fear. I could do the same thing and lump conservatives together with Nazis and have in the past but honestly it's nothing but a tactic to troll reactionary assholes with.

Hmm, you must have missed the whole health care thing.

Control of the means of production by the state or central authority is the definition of Socialism. I believe the democrat just places 1/6th of the means of production in the hands of the state and well connected looters via Obama Fascistcare.

You WERE aware of this, right?
[Democrats] were nearly as in love with the idea of a "free market" as republicans..

that is perfect testimony to the perfect ignorance of liberals. Obama just took over 20% of the economy with Obamacare. Obamacare is not capitalism. A 5-6th grader could have figure that out. Can I ask what was the higest grade you completed ?

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