In Town For CPAC, Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks @ White Nationalist Conference in Orlando, Insists 2020 Election Was Rigged But 'No, I Don't Know How'

My solution? Simple, cut them off forever until a new government takes power. Cut off all finances, trade, transport, and communications. And give Ukraine as much aid as they need, even dipping into the seized Russian assets to pay for it..........

And only after a new government comes to power and all annexed land since the late 1990s is returned do we once again talk about "normalizing relations".
Well, first, thank you poster Mushroom for responding with suggested tactics. You are one the very very few that have responded when quieried with...."Well, what would you suggest?"
So that's appreciated.

My comments though, follow along these lines:
The world and NATO's options are not abundant. America's even less so.
What Russia did for weeks and weeks with their too obvious build-up was on their land, in their country. They did put troops and equipment into Belarus but did so at the invitation or acquiscence of that country's leadership. So, neither NATO, the United Nations, or America had much of an avenue to intervene when what Russia did was in Russia.

Plus, recall the American's claiming Putin was gonna invade, and Ukraine saying 'No, we are talking, you are overreacting."

An analogy that may or may not work is the battered wife who fears a bad husband, but until he smacks her the state (law enforcement) has no say in what goes on between them. And when they do stop by for a safety-check.....she says..."We are talking, you are over-reacting."

OK, that was then, and this now. The brutal husband has now smacked the wife. But it is a wife and husband who live in a different country. Not America. America has no entre' into a dispute between two former allies. Neither of which has a treaty requiring America to protect either one.

Still, America, and more so, NATO, does have some reason to fear the husband as the wife does. The MoFo has nuclear weapons. He can be as brutal as he damn well wants to be to the little wife. Because, he can simply say....."If you intervene into Ukraine...NATO. Or you, America. Or you Sweden. Well, I can always pull the trigger. Even if it is one of my smaller triggers. I can do it. So f*ck off!"

And the world then has got a whole helluva bigger problem than the poor little wife.

I say all that, simply to establish what the stakes on the table are.

But, poster Mushroom does suggest a way forward.
More sanctions.

Cut off travel between Russia and any other NATO country.
Cut off trade.
Cut off the SWIFT banking protocols.
But again, those are sanctions.

America does not want to send the 101st Airborne over there, neither does Australia, or France. So, we do what we can as bloodlessly as possible.

But remember, even with strong sanctions, it takes time.
Russia can survive on its own internal resources. Maybe China can become a bigger trading partner, a bigger banking partner. A life-line. They have an incentive. The lessening of Western, particularly, U.S. power.

And not unimportant, any sanctions the West....NATO, Eurozone, America, Canada, Australia, others put on Russia......well, the knife can cut both ways. So America cuts off all Russian oil. And our gas-pumps (and all other nation's pumps too) goes to $10 a gallon. Sure, it hurts Russia. But it hurts on this end too.

The magician's trick with sanctions is to hurt the other guy much more than you hurt yourself.
And that is, I would suggest, a tricky trick to pull off.

It's complicated. And the temptation to jigoism. To oversimplification.....ain't helpful.

Nonetheless, thank you poster Mushroom for offering suggestions you put some thought into. That is a too often a rarity on this venue.

Did Marriott know they were hosting white nationalists? At one of their hotels near Disney?

She doesn't know how? :spinner: :aargh: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: 🤪 😂 :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: None of them do, which makes this so hilarious.
Did Marriott know they were hosting white nationalists? At one of their hotels near Disney?

Gee, who would have guessed Gazpacho would speak at a Nazi conference?

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene raised eyebrows after she delivered a keynote address at a conference hosted by noted white supremacist Nicholas J. Fuentes.

Fuentes, 23, hosted the America First Political Action Conference at the Orlando Marriott as a form of counter-programming to the more mainstream Conservative Political Action Conference happening nearby.

“She is a standard-bearer of Trumpism in the US congress. She is pro-life. She is proudly America First,” said Fuentes, video circulating on social media shows. “We are honored, we are humbled and excited to welcome to the stage right now for our first speech … the representative from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

Jewish Spaz Lazers Girl evades Gazpacho to Talk to Racists! Other Racists Embarrassed
What a shit show.
So America cuts off all Russian oil. And our gas-pumps (and all other nation's pumps too) goes to $10 a gallon.

Actually, the US gets less than 8% of it's oil from Russia. Cut that off (which has already been done), and the effect is very small. Most of the money for Russia comes from natural gas to Europe. The small amount of oil that does reach the US is insignificant, and primarily because it is a fungible commodity.

But thank you, I actually do consider things, unlike many that simply spout off the top of their heads whatever they think.

The primary problem with sanctions is that they are rarely all that bad, and rarely last. Wait a year or so, and things normally return to normal. After all, look at 2014 when they invaded the Crimea. Europe and the US screamed, and did sanctions. But by 2016 things were largely back to normal, and they still held the Crimea.

And it can even be seen in 2019 when the US put sanctions on the Nord Stream Pipeline. And more, as they prohibited all US companies from working on it, and threatened sanctions on any companies that worked on it. And the EU screamed, as their Russian sanctions over Crimea had already expired and they wanted things to go back to normal.

And in 2021, the US lifted sanctions on the Nord Stream Pipeline yet again. Sanctions do not good if a country knows that if they just wait everybody forgets them and things return to normal.

The Biden administration waived sanctions on the company behind Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany and its chief executive, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday, a move decried by critics of the project in Congress.

A State Department report sent to Congress concluded that Nord Stream 2 AG and its CEO, Matthias Warnig, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, engaged in sanctionable activity. But Blinken immediately waived those sanctions, saying that it was in the U.S. national interest.

The decision came as the Biden administration seeks to rebuild ties with Germany, after relations deteriorated under Republican former President Donald Trump. The waivers have no specific end date, but can be rescinded by the secretary of state.
Anybody who is A) white and B) supports the notion that we are a sovereign nation is called a white nationalist by our fifth column media.

I always ignore how these globalist puppets try to frame any group, and look at what the group actually stands for, instead.
If you are unaware that Nick Fuentes is a white nationalist, then you have not been paying attention.
from Politico:

Freshman Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) said Greene and Gosar “shouldn’t have been there, but that’s on them. They got to make those decisions for themselves.” He did not support punishing his colleagues internally, saying that question falls to their voters.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) put it this way: “I do not apologize for other members and what they say or what they do. I do not support white supremacists, like Nick Fuentes, period.”

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) went more forcefully after Fuentes: “Nick Fuentes is an asshole.” Roy added that he is “frustrated by colleagues who have chosen to associate in this situation.”

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), the recently elected leader of the House Freedom Caucus, condemned racism when asked about Greene and Gosar. He declined to criticize either by name, or to criticize Fuentes. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a co-founder of the Freedom Caucus, took the same approach as Perry
As a Jew, I have much more to fear from Omar, Tlaib, and the other Squad members on the Democrat side than I do from MTG - and not just because there are more the antisemites in Congress among Dems than Repubs.

No, it’s because MTG is just a kook with a harmless, unbelievable statement. The Jew-haters on the left actively campaigned to enablr Palestinians to kill more Jews by making them defenseless to HAMAS rocket attacks. Much worse.

And in addition to that, it took the election of a Republican in Virginia to take anti seriously. Youngkin is forming a commission to combat Jew-hate.

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