In Town For CPAC, Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks @ White Nationalist Conference in Orlando, Insists 2020 Election Was Rigged But 'No, I Don't Know How'

Um. yes...she is...

she is purposely lying and claiming she doesn't know him because she is trying to distance herself from the fact he is a white supremacist..

Because racist dic suckers like yourself are intellectual can't own your bullshit so you have to constantly lie....this is where the term "crypto-fascists" come from
And of course out of my 25,887 posts at USMB over the last decade or so, you cannot quote anything I've ever said here that is a lie.

When you call me a liar and dic sucker you are obviously projecting, fagboy.

Nobody but the deranged puerile denizens of your cultural Marxist echo chamber is buying your fucking claptrap.

You're more drearily repetitive and fucking boring than Larry the Cable Guy.
Denial of your own side is not just a river in Egypt.
White Supremacists.

Isn't that the great thereat to humanity in the world according to Joe Potatohead?

Of course he may be on to something. Aren't the Russians that are doing the killing in Ukraine mostly White?

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene raised eyebrows after she delivered a keynote address at a conference hosted by noted white supremacist Nicholas J. Fuentes.

Fuentes, 23, hosted the America First Political Action Conference at the Orlando Marriott as a form of counter-programming to the more mainstream Conservative Political Action Conference happening nearby.

“She is a standard-bearer of Trumpism in the US congress. She is pro-life. She is proudly America First,” said Fuentes, video circulating on social media shows. “We are honored, we are humbled and excited to welcome to the stage right now for our first speech … the representative from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

Jewish Spaz Lazers Girl evades Gazpacho to Talk to Racists! Other Racists Embarrassed

But this following quote is irrelevant, right? Doesn’t fit your own hypocritically bigoted view…

“I’m also not going to turn down the opportunity to speak to 1,200 young America First patriots because of a few off-color remarks by another speaker, even if I find those remarks unsavory. I want to embrace the young, boisterous and energetic conservatives in our movement—not cancel them like the establishment does,” Greene told The Post”
Maybe you should read that again very carefully. That is not what he said at all.

Wow big time reading comprehension fail there.

I can only imagine that the use of SRA cards died sometime in the 1980s. One of their biggest goals was to not only increase reading ability, but also comprehension. That you can say something and then post something that says something completely different, it shows you should try reading some of them.

I saw the video you dumb ass...

He didn't mean for the crowd to applaud him being called the biggest racist in america....
Why speak to white supremacists? Why fly a con-federate flag? Why display a NAZI flag? Why say good things about Putin? There's one reason why.
Stop flying the flags of Prog backed groups. And they are on government and professional properties.

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