In Town For CPAC, Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks @ White Nationalist Conference in Orlando, Insists 2020 Election Was Rigged But 'No, I Don't Know How'

Just because someone is white and believes in having a sovereign nation with borders, has nothing to do with race. Other races, not only here but in other nations, believe in having their sovereign nations with borders and border control.
The left just likes to make anyone that believes in having a sovereign nation with borders, sound racist, by inserting a race in front of the word nationalist, in this case the word "white."
The last I checked you can travel all around the world and encounter people of all races, loving their nation and wanting border control.
Just because someone is white and believes in having a sovereign nation with borders, has nothing to do with race. Other races, not only here but in other nations, believe in having their sovereign nations with borders and border control.
The left just likes to make anyone that believes in having a sovereign nation with borders, sound racist, by inserting a race in front of the word nationalist, in this case the word "white."
The last I checked you can travel all around the world and encounter people of all races, loving their nation and wanting border control.

As I showed above, that is not all he believes.
I found evidence in one quick search.

audio of Fuentes or more lib lies about Fuentes?

I think he may have said things in his brief 22 years that he might regret later

but i am not taking some lying lib reporter’s word for it

we need to see and hear it for ourselves before deciding to ostracize him

audio of Fuentes or more lib lies about Fuentes?

I think he may have said things in his brief 22 years that he might regret later

but i am not taking some lying lib reporter’s word for it

we need to see and hear it for ourselves before deciding to ostracize him
You are in denial. I thought you would be proud ?

audio of Fuentes or more lib lies about Fuentes?

I think he may have said things in his brief 22 years that he might regret later

but i am not taking some lying lib reporter’s word for it

we need to see and hear it for ourselves before deciding to ostracize him

Why would you ostracize him for things you believe?
Why would you ostracize him for things you believe?
I wont ostracize him based on lies told by you based on lies told by huffington post and CNN

and I wont condemn the conservative conference because you and cheney have your hair on fire
I wont ostracize him based on lies told by you based on lies told by huffington post and CNN

and I wont condemn the conservative conference because you and cheney have your hair on fire

You won't ostracize the words quoted either whether he said them or not so...............................
A Caveat: There are now 5 pages to this thread. I didn't read 'em all. They were getting awfully repetitive.

But, I did pull out a taster or two that seemed to give a flavor to the menu. Or at least for the side of the menu that admires and supports MTG.*

*In the ethic of fair reporting: My avatar is enjoying MTG. She's fairly harmless, Kevin McCarthy & Nancy Pelosi & Steve Scalise made sure she can't get any real responsibility in the House. Anyway, I'm enjoying her because she says and does things that give full employment to stand-up comedians, late night talk hosts, and snarkers in general. Who can't like that? And too, Marjorie confirms that old adage... "you don't have to be poor to be white trash".

Still, I will make some comments, just a handful. First, one poster said the CPAC speaking line-up wasn't very white nationalist-like. That could be. I didn't see who was speaking at CPAC. But, CPAC is not the speaking venue MTG was at. She was at another. The white-nationalist one. Apples to oranges.

Have you looked at the other speakers?
Not very 'white supremist'.

And then the following multi-sentence, multi-fbomb, sentiment expressed by one of this forums more prolific and more articulate TrumpMAGA-Conservative-Republican proponents.
To wit:

" fucking moron. How did you get so fucking stupid? You are one stupid motherfucker. I'd bet that you are so fucking stupid that you think she claimed that Jewish space lasers caused forest fires in California. I bet you really are that fucking stupid."
Which just goes to show that you don't have to be Marjorie Taylor Greene to be foul-mouthed white-trash.
Some might say.

Lastly, there were posters here who objected to the characterization that Marjorie's chosen speaking venue, and its host, N.Fuentes, were "White Nationalist".

Fuentes? White supremacist?
I thought they were referring to the Proud Boy leader who got banned from Washington DC the day before January 6th. But, I was confusing Fuentes with Enrique Tarrio. Not being sure, I googled Fuentes.

Here's Wicki's take on him:
(I 'bolded' several that I thought were interesting.)

Nicholas Joseph Fuentes (born August 18, 1998)[1] is an American far-right[3] and white nationalist[4] political commentator and live streamer. The Anti-Defamation League has described Fuentes as a white supremacist.[5] A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy.[6] Fuentes has described himself as an American nationalist,[7] Christian conservative,[5] and paleoconservative.[8] He has expressed antisemitic views[9] and Holocaust denial[10][11] and is opposed to women's right to vote.[12]

Fuentes was among the far-right individuals and groups who participated in the rallies that led up to the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[17][53] His DLive channel was subsequently suspended permanently for "inciting violent and illegal activities."[54][55] He was also among a group of far-right activists and groups who received large donations in bitcoin from a French donor on December 8. Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin (approximately $250,000), which was by far the largest share.

On January 4, 2021, two days before the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Fuentes discussed killing state legislators who were unwilling to overturn the results of the 2020 election, saying "What can you and I do to a state legislator—besides kill them? We should not do that. I'm not advising that, but I mean, what else can you do, right?"[61][55][62][53]
On January 6, 2021, prior to the attack, Fuentes spoke to a crowd of supporters at Freedom Plaza, stating, "It is us and our ancestors that created everything good that you see in this country. All these people that have taken over our country—we do not need them. ... It is the American people, and our leader, Donald Trump, against everybody else in this country and this world”


So yeah, I see Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nick Fu
entes as kindred souls.
Birds of that what together?

(And yes, poster Muhammed, it's a word that begins with 'f'.......but not your f-word. Trust me.)
A Caveat: There are now 5 pages to this thread. I didn't read 'em all. They were getting awfully repetitive.

But, I did pull out a taster or two that seemed to give a flavor to the menu. Or at least for the side of the menu that admires and supports MTG.*

*In the ethic of fair reporting: My avatar is enjoying MTG. She's fairly harmless, Kevin McCarthy & Nancy Pelosi & Steve Scalise made sure she can't get any real responsibility in the House. Anyway, I'm enjoying her because she says and does things that give full employment to stand-up comedians, late night talk hosts, and snarkers in general. Who can't like that? And too, Marjorie confirms that old adage... "you don't have to be poor to be white trash".

Still, I will make some comments, just a handful. First, one poster said the CPAC speaking line-up wasn't very white nationalist-like. That could be. I didn't see who was speaking at CPAC. But, CPAC is not the speaking venue MTG was at. She was at another. The white-nationalist one. Apples to oranges.

And then the following multi-sentence, multi-fbomb, sentiment expressed by one of this forums more prolific and more articulate TrumpMAGA-Conservative-Republican proponents.
To wit:

Which just goes to show that you don't have to be Marjorie Taylor Greene to be foul-mouthed white-trash.
Some might say.

Lastly, there were posters here who objected to the characterization that Marjorie's chosen speaking venue, and its host, N.Fuentes, were "White Nationalist".

I thought they were referring to the Proud Boy leader who got banned from Washington DC the day before January 6th. But, I was confusing Fuentes with Enrique Tarrio. Not being sure, I googled Fuentes.

Here's Wicki's take on him: (I 'bolded' several that I thought were interesting.)

Nicholas Joseph Fuentes (born August 18, 1998)[1] is an American far-right[3] and white nationalist[4] political commentator and live streamer. The Anti-Defamation League has described Fuentes as a white supremacist.[5] A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy.[6] Fuentes has described himself as an American nationalist,[7] Christian conservative,[5] and paleoconservative.[8] He has expressed antisemitic views[9] and Holocaust denial[10][11] and is opposed to women's right to vote.[12]

Fuentes was among the far-right individuals and groups who participated in the rallies that led up to the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[17][53] His DLive channel was subsequently suspended permanently for "inciting violent and illegal activities."[54][55] He was also among a group of far-right activists and groups who received large donations in bitcoin from a French donor on December 8. Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin (approximately $250,000), which was by far the largest share.

On January 4, 2021, two days before the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Fuentes discussed killing state legislators who were unwilling to overturn the results of the 2020 election, saying "What can you and I do to a state legislator—besides kill them? We should not do that. I'm not advising that, but I mean, what else can you do, right?"[61][55][62][53]
On January 6, 2021, prior to the attack, Fuentes spoke to a crowd of supporters at Freedom Plaza, stating, "It is us and our ancestors that created everything good that you see in this country. All these people that have taken over our country—we do not need them. ... It is the American people, and our leader, Donald Trump, against everybody else in this country and this world”


So yeah, I see Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nick Fu
entes as kindred souls.
Birds of that what together?

(And yes, poster Muhammed, it's a word that begins with 'f'.......but not your f-word. Trust me.)

AIPAC--I count three blacks and two Jews.

Yes...sieg heil.
MTG is the base. She is the GOP. Period.
Meh, she's strikes me as nothing but a mascot promoting the wishes (not the realities) of the tribe. Nothing beyond superficial influencing (throwing red meat). The same games Boebert, Cathorn, Hawley and Gaetz, etc. play.
Meh, she's strikes me as nothing but a mascot promoting the wishes (not the realities) of the tribe. Nothing beyond superficial influencing (throwing red meat). The same games Boebert, Cathorn, Hawley and Gaetz, etc. play.
That's our "politics" now, and it continues unless and until we change the system.

Otherwise we're willingly bending over for it.

That's our "politics" now, and it continues unless and until we change the system
I appreciate the optimism, but unfortunately, this is what we vote for. We elect people that care less about the system, much, much less even understanding how it's supposed to work. Our current congressional make up is a partisan free for all based on 1. Graft 2. Entitlement and 3. Thin skin.
That's news to me. Care to prove it? Are or you going to simply continue lashing out like the feckless, slapdick troll cuck we all know you are?
Prove it to yourself, bitch. Do your own homework, you pathetic low IQ subhuman lazy piece of shit.
Your assertion, bitch. Back it up, or put a piece of tape over your dick flaps and crawl back into Putin's asshole, you mindless gutter snipe.
You're a low IQ clueless bitch who fantasizes about Putin's anus. You're more perverted and sicker than even fbj.

And you're a lazy low IQ bitch.

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