In Town For CPAC, Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks @ White Nationalist Conference in Orlando, Insists 2020 Election Was Rigged But 'No, I Don't Know How'

Like I said, its funny how the so-called Conservatives on this post keep caping up for Marjorie and buy into this bullshit that she didn't know who Fuentes was...

But people who are further right than Marjorie pretends to be are calling her out.......

“Given her past degeneracy, her advocacy for Black reparations, and sending hundreds of thousands of dollars of blue-collar donor cash straight to Kevin McCarthy,” he said. “It is unsurprising to see liar and fraud Marjorie Taylor Greene so quickly stab Nick Fuentes in the stomach mere hours after pretending to fawn all over his fast-growing movement

And now Nick Fuentes, who is desperate for mainstream legitimacy is attacking Stew Peters for fucking up his, telling Stew "Shhhh...quiet on the white supremacist thing, people are watching"

I don't care how you spin it; you know its a problem when you have to continuously try to explain why you are not Neo-Nazis; and how you were just kidding about denying the holocaust...or, I am not really racist, I was being sarcastic when I said blacks are inferior sub-humans...
I appreciate the optimism, but unfortunately, this is what we vote for. We elect people that care less about the system, much, much less even understanding how it's supposed to work. Our current congressional make up is a partisan free for all based on 1. Graft 2. Entitlement and 3. Thin skin.
Who's "we" kemosabe?
My goodness...such anger in defense of MTG speaking at the white supremacist con-ference.
Did it ever occur to you AOC has been compromised for being an inept and insane extremist who sold out on personal selfish vanity and ego seductions to go even further? And she approves of it for she is corrupted and important now.
At least you admit your tribe are classists. Is classism somehow 'better' than racism?

No, progressives are the ones obsessed with class, and being the "vanguard of the people", even if the people don't want what they are selling.

Race is just the new flavor of the eternal class struggle, but it's the progressive middle that wants power, the working class is just a tool to them.
Fucking incredible

He does have a point.

How well did those sanctions do when they took over Crimea? How effective have they been against North Korea and Iran? Venezuela? Cuba? Yemen? China?

Do you see Russia going "Oh no, sanctions! We had better get out right now!"

He has a real point, sanctions alone do almost nothing.
Fuentes admits it himself. Even if he didnt admit it his speeches show what he is all about. He Is a poster boy for racist incels and that is where he makes his money. |He has aspirations to be President,he doesnt think women should vote and that they should stay at home and keep quiet. He hates Jews more than women and possibly hates Jews more than Marje does.

Never heard of him....

your fucking president is a racist piece of shit child molesting dickwad?
such anger in defense of MTG speaking at the white supremacist con-ference.
Yes, poster 'bodecea', I too noticed that bit of crass vulgarity from that poster again. It is his schtick. A one-trick pony. It is his version of Adult Swim.

I would suggest as a thread topic: "RWNJ Vulgarity and F-bombs as Legitimate Political Discourse"

He has a real point, sanctions alone do almost nothing.
Well, they are a slow-acting prophylactic.
So, that leaves us then with good poster Mushroom's alternative strictures against Putin.
Which are?
Mushroom, which are?
No, progressives are the ones obsessed with class, and being the "vanguard of the people", even if the people don't want what they are selling.
That's simply a textbook ambiguous deflection used by political hacks.
Race is just the new flavor of the eternal class struggle, but it's the progressive middle that wants power, the working class is just a tool to them.
Race is a new flavor? Uh, no. Imma disagree with that.
Well, they are a slow-acting prophylactic.
So, that leaves us then with good poster Mushroom's alternative strictures against Putin.
Which are?
Mushroom, which are?

Once again, how effective have they been against North Korea?

North Korea has fired a “presumed” ballistic missile into the East Sea, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said Sunday morning, with Seoul criticizing Pyongyang for launching the projectile amid the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

“Our military on Feb. 27 morning at around 7:52 a.m. detected a single projectile, presumed to be a ballistic missile, fired from the Sunan area into the East Sea,” the JCS said, referring to a district near Pyongyang. The DPRK launched missiles from an airfield in Sunan last month, according to the South Korean military, and North Korean state media said that it tested “tactical guided missiles.”

Later on Sunday morning, the JCS said the missile flew a distance of 186 miles (300 km) and reached a maximum altitude of 385 miles (620 km) — similar to Japan’s estimate from earlier in the day.

In case you do not watch the news, that was less than a day ago. Wow, those sanctions have really worked well, have they not?

And all those sanctions when Russia took over the Crimea and attacked Georgia, those really stopped them from their expansion and aggression.

You say "slow-acting prophylactic". I say it is nothing but a placebo. You see, "prophylactic" means "intended to prevent". In reality, it is a placebo. "A measure designed merely to calm or please someone".

So tell me, how much good did the sanctions do for stopping this war? None at all, obviously. So they in fact are not a prophylactic and are just a placebo.

My solution? Simple, cut them off forever until a new government takes power. Cut off all finances, trade, transport, and communications. And give Ukraine as much aid as they need, even dipping into the seized Russian assets to pay for it. Russia wants a war, then let them pay for the defense of the nation they are attacking. And only after a new government comes to power and all annexed land since the late 1990s is returned do we once again talk about "normalizing relations".
Did Marriott know they were hosting white nationalists?

Something wrong with being a nationalist? That is just another name for PATRIOT.

Every American fighting in WWII was a nationalist.

If you are not a nationalist, then you are a globalist.

Morons get all of this confused with being a racist-supremacist.

I support nationalists no matter what the color of their skin.

If you are not for your own country, then just what ARE you for?

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