In Trying to Fire Mueller, Trump Digs His Own Legal Grave

Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…

God has nothing to do with Trump. This is why he may not be around much longer as president.

God has everything to do with it...

That's why you are being destroyed.....

It really doesn't look like there is any destroying going on but to Trump and the republican party.
Trump backed pedephile Moore and now his good buddy and money man Wynn is in the same bag as pervert trump
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.

Nothing but liberal Bull Shit....

Who's your Daddy:dance:
This latest bit of Democrat silliness is more of the same screaming at the sky that it has all been. No one tried to fire Mueller. It's an excuse for democrats to shake their curls and stamp their tiny feet. It won't amount to anything more than that.

If you want to do something meaningful, watch Maxine Waters give the black rebuttal to the State of the union on BET. You can follow her chant of "impeach 45".
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…[/QU
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…
First he supports pediphile Moore after being accused himself by 16 women now his friend and money man Wynn is accused of molesting And you thank god for this vile POS ?
  • Thanks
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This latest bit of Democrat silliness is more of the same screaming at the sky that it has all been. No one tried to fire Mueller. It's an excuse for democrats to shake their curls and stamp their tiny feet. It won't amount to anything more than that.

If you want to do something meaningful, watch Maxine Waters give the black rebuttal to the State of the union on BET. You can follow her chant of "impeach 45".

Yeah right.
And by the way you can avoid a PERJURY trap by telling the truth Trump will be in deep shit if ever he has the balls to put his little hand on a bible
This latest bit of Democrat silliness is more of the same screaming at the sky that it has all been. No one tried to fire Mueller. It's an excuse for democrats to shake their curls and stamp their tiny feet. It won't amount to anything more than that.
I'd say ordering his dismissal is an attempt by Trump at firing Mueller. How would you describe it on your planet?

President Donald Trump reportedly ordered special counsel Robert Mueller to be fired, one month after dismissing FBI director James Comey.
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…

God has nothing to do with Trump. This is why he may not be around much longer as president.

God has everything to do with it...

That's why you are being destroyed.....

It really doesn't look like there is any destroying going on but to Trump and the republican party.

You are no doubt a Zealot without a clue..
‘“Attempted obstruction is obstruction even when the perpetrator backs down after failing to get his consigliere to do the deed for him,” constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe [notes]. “In addition, it’s part of a persistent pattern of obstruction. And it’s also strong evidence of consciousness of guilt.” As the Times report notes, Trump has “long demonstrated a preoccupation with those who have overseen the Russia investigation.” He threw a fit when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe, and he fired Comey after he failed to extract an oath of loyalty. The attempt to decapitate the probe again goes to Trump’s intent to stymie an independent investigation and his seeming cluelessness that these actions would be potentially illegal, an abuse of his power.'

Opinion | In trying to fire Mueller, Trump digs his own legal grave

Trump is indeed clueless, ignorant of the law, and blinded by his arrogance.

Oh wow.

So the NY Times fabricates a tale, then the Bezos Hate Blog writes about how "TRUMP IZ DUN"

You fucking Communists are the dumbest retards on the planet.
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…[/QU
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.


Name the good deals they are getting…

Trump will SPANK them just like he

does you liberals and your lying media.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…
First he supports pediphile Moore after being accused himself by 16 women now his friend and money man Wynn is accused of molesting And you thank god for this vile POS ?

All bull shit....

bill clinton who you all supported and loved is a fact.

America has Gained Standing in the World

Get your head out of your ass.

The Great Deflation
U.S. News & World Report-Jan 26, 2018
"America's standing in the world has dropped catastrophically," says Simon Rosenberg, founder of the New Democrat Network, a think tank. "It could be that the golden age [of America] and the conditions that created it are coming to an end. What's remarkable is that all of this is happening without any ...
Democrats are the "condition" that created the end of the golden age of America.
Get a clue dumb ass...

Trump has spanked your liberal asses to

the point where you have all gone insane....

Wake up and smell the roses....

The more you resist the stronger Trump gets..

It's got to suck to be you...
West Wing Reports @WestWingReport
Former chairman of RNC Steele told WWR at lunch that Trump will not finish his term; advises clients to bolster ties w/VP Pence

9:25 PM - Mar 30, 2017

FAKE NEWS just like there is no path to 270 for Trump..

I ask you...

Who's your PRESIDENT now?:dance:
Maybe you can vote in 7 years for another pervert friend of Drumpf ,,Sreve Wynn?

And you can vote for another corrupt criminal like Hillary.
Just heard Neil Cavuto say

The worlds leaders have gone

from snickering about Trump

to sucking up to Trump….

It's got to suck to be a liberal right now....
Hoho, they're happy to manipulate him by flattery to get good deals, it's not rocket science. Oh, ok, it is to Trump.

What "good deals" have they gotten? Trump isn't a sucker like Obama.

That Iran agreement was a great deal, wasn't it?

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