In Trying to Fire Mueller, Trump Digs His Own Legal Grave

Mr. Utter Incompetence has stomped your

liberal asses and your corrupt media into total stupidity......
The Orange Dooshbag is president only because voters grew complacent.

They refused to believe American voters could be stupid enough to elect the Orange Shitbag.

There would be no Trump without obama..

The stupidity lies with the left.....
In 'trying to fire Mueller':

- You mean hos THINKING about firing Mueller but never went ahead with it...?!

- Mueller - the former Obama FBI Director proven to have hidden Russian crimes in 2009, the Guy known for prosecutorial misconduct, the guy who should have tecised himself die to Comey's involvement, the guy who has been exposed as part of the treason within the FBI, the guy who can't even prove a crime was committed warranting his witch hunt...?!

It was no coincidence that the liberal Fake Bews media that was refising to teport about the bombshell revelation of treason within the FBI exposed by Strzok's and Page's texts immediately put out the dtory of how Trump THOUGHT about firing Mueller - gor good readon - but DIDN'T (a complete 'NOTHINGBURGER')....

It was an attempt to distract ... and snowflake sheep gobbled it up and ran with the Trump-hating propaganda, ignoring the biggest scandal ... and exposure of the biggest internal threat to this country US hostory.
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I'm really a lot like trump Smarter than the Generals smarter than the lawyers

You're dumber than a lamppost.
and way smarter than un I don't support a racist scumbag a pervert like trump

As we have already shown, the racist here is Obama with his Farrakhan ties.

You're just to stupid to grasp it.

And pervert?

You're an idiot.
Disparaging, name calling, and outright lies is all they have left!
OMG...a Hillary Clinton supporter claims that Trump feels he's above our laws? Because he's understandably angry at being accused of doing something that he NEVER did and that Hillary Clinton DID do?

This entire thing is becoming farce...
Please....Try to be honest, for once in your posting life.

There is NO fucking way you can know that trump is innocent of colluding with his butt-buddy, Vladimir.

You're forever engaging in wishful thinking when it comes to the Orange Butt-Plug.

Your right Comrade, which is why you Maoists were required to provide EVIDENCE, which you failed to ever do.

Now we DO have evidence, PROOF in fact, that Mafia Don Hillary colluded with the Russians. You know this, but continue to lie, because you're a fucking Communist without a shred of integrity.


It's important to note that the Fusion founders in their op-ed did confirm things that earlier had been reported: Namely, that the anti-Trump research was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, as first reported by the Washington Poston October 24 and subsequently confirmed by Fox News and CNN.

As the Post said, "Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research ... Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC."

Indeed, the DNC paid for the research all the way until the very end of October, merely days before the election. Fusion GPS delivered Steele's reports and other research to Elias, for use by the Democrats.

This is important because as we're now finding out, part of the dossier was also used by the FBI to convince a FISA court to let the FBI spy on Trump campaign officials. So there's a real conflict here: A dossier paid for by one political party and its candidate being used by the government to spy on that candidate's opponent.}

Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

That's some grade A collusion there, you little commie fuck.

But Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has utterly ignored this, why? If Torquemada were investigating Russian interference with the election, then there it is, irrefutable; indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and the FBI love birds.

But that is not and never was his goal, he is there to "GET TRUMP" through any means possible. Like you, he doesn't give a damn about evidence or fact.
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Obstruction of justice is a crime of endeavor plus intent, not a crime of achievement and intent, or of mere achievement.
Because the law is as it is, whether ones successfully obstructs justice -- by a single act or by a collection/sequence/series of acts -- is legally irrelevant because prosecutors are not at trial burdened with proving that one's efforts did obstruct justice. They are not so burdened, if for no other reason, because the mere fact that one has been charged with obstruction (a charge that's difficult to prove, thus one that's not lightly brought) necessarily means that some aspect(s) of one's efforts to do something (criminal or not; e.g., having sex with Monica L. violated no federal laws) and do so undiscovered and unpunished failed.

That obstruction of justice is a crime of endeavor is why the disclosure of the fact that Trump considered firing Mueller and that only upon the WH General Counsel (not Trump's personal attorney; the distinction between the two being significant) threatening to resign if Trump sallied forth and fired Mueller. [1]

  1. OT:
    Make no mistake; that WH counsel doesn't remotely strike me as a man of sterling character insofar as he's defended several ethically questionable choices Trump has made. That said, I think he knew full and well that were Trump to have fired Mueller his licence to practice law could very easily have been called into question and possibly revoked.

    Quite simply, an attorney cannot be knowingly complicit in or party to an illegal act. Among other common attorney behaviors, not asking an accused criminal whether they did indeed commit the crime with which they've been charged is not among the questions defense attorneys, for example, don't ask their clients. Were they to know one is guilty, and also, on one's behalf, enter a not-guilty plea, and then prevail at trial, they would then be deemed complicit in the commision of their defendant's crime. Once that happens, bye-bye bar membership.
Endeavor means action. There was no action. And it's within his powers to fire him without question!

Yes, as far as I know he can absolutely fire him. I believe Nixon did years ago when he was being investigated.
So, how did that work out for Nixon?
Mr. Utter Incompetence has stomped your

liberal asses and your corrupt media into total stupidity......
The Orange Dooshbag is president only because voters grew complacent.

They refused to believe American voters could be stupid enough to elect the Orange Shitbag.

You Communists sure didn't turn complacent.

You fucking traitors colluded with Russia to thwart our elections and corrupted the FBI to tamper with elections and attempt a coup on a sitting president.

Digenova condemned the FBI for working so closely with the controversial Fusion GPS, a political hit squad paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to create and spread the discredited Steele dossier about President Trump. "Without a justifiable law enforcement or national security reason, he says the FBI "created false facts" so that they could get surveillance warrants. Those are all crimes. He ads, using official FISA-702 'queries' and surveillance was done to create a false case against a candidate, and then a president."

"The FBI now has to be completely reconstructed from the ground up, the men and woman at the FBI are great people, that is not who we are talking about, we are talking about people like James Comey, McCabe, Strzoke, Page, Baker,Rosenstein and others. There is a huge civil liability for these and other individuals.

"It is also now very clear that the 'Russian Collusion' was a complete fabrication by the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS, and Senior DOJ & FBI officials. There is literally no evidence whatsoever that has ever been produced of any Trump / Russia collusion and the Christopher Steel Dossier is not at all credible; in fact Rod Rosenstein himself wrote in his appointment letter and memorandum about it that there is no evidence of any crime by Donald Trump, but 'for political reasons there should be an investigation'. The truth is that the appointment of a Special Council was completely unnecessary, there was no need or justification of it.}

You Communist fucks tried to overthrown the United States government, but you failed.

Do you know what happens to traitors who stage a coup and fail?

Hey, they would offer you a cigarette as you stand against the wall commie; but smoking is bad for you...

OMG...a Hillary Clinton supporter claims that Trump feels he's above our laws? Because he's understandably angry at being accused of doing something that he NEVER did and that Hillary Clinton DID do?

This entire thing is becoming farce...
Please....Try to be honest, for once in your posting life.

There is NO fucking way you can know that trump is innocent of colluding with his butt-buddy, Vladimir.

You're forever engaging in wishful thinking when it comes to the Orange Butt-Plug.

Your right Comrade, which is why you Maoist were required to provide EVIDENCE, which you failed to ever do.

Now we DO have evidence, PROOF in fact, that Mafia Don Hillary colluded with the Russians. You know this, but continue to lie, because you're a fucking Communist without a shred of integrity.


It's important to note that the Fusion founders in their op-ed did confirm things that earlier had been reported: Namely, that the anti-Trump research was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, as first reported by the Washington Poston October 24 and subsequently confirmed by Fox News and CNN.

As the Post said, "Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research ... Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC."

Indeed, the DNC paid for the research all the way until the very end of October, merely days before the election. Fusion GPS delivered Steele's reports and other research to Elias, for use by the Democrats.

This is important because as we're now finding out, part of the dossier was also used by the FBI to convince a FISA court to let the FBI spy on Trump campaign officials. So there's a real conflict here: A dossier paid for by one political party and its candidate being used by the government to spy on that candidate's opponent.}

Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

That's some grade A collusion there, you little commie fuck.

But Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has utterly ignored this, why? If Torquemada were investigating Russian interference with the election, then there it is, irrefutable; indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and the FBI love birds.

But that is not and never was his goal, he is there to "GET TRUMP" through any means possible. Like you, he doesn't give a damn about evidence or fact.
You had the entire time during the Obama to pursue the uranium one issue, but instead you decided to pursue benghazi. All the uranium one claims have be thoroughly debunked; that ship has sailed.

About the dossier: you need to address as to by russia purged spies after the release of a "fake" dossier. And why this guy?
Hopefully Bob is doing backups on all the data, testimony, telephone recordings, tax filings, crooked bank dealings etc as it is collected. Trump finds a way to fire him, Bob can simply prosecute for crimes as a private citizen possibly in coordination with New York AG Eric Schneiderman who is building a criminal case of his own. Donald and his cabal can run and Creepy Devin Nunes can run interference all he likes, but these punks cannot hide!
‘“Attempted obstruction is obstruction even when the perpetrator backs down after failing to get his consigliere to do the deed for him,” constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe [notes]. “In addition, it’s part of a persistent pattern of obstruction. And it’s also strong evidence of consciousness of guilt.” As the Times report notes, Trump has “long demonstrated a preoccupation with those who have overseen the Russia investigation.” He threw a fit when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe, and he fired Comey after he failed to extract an oath of loyalty. The attempt to decapitate the probe again goes to Trump’s intent to stymie an independent investigation and his seeming cluelessness that these actions would be potentially illegal, an abuse of his power.'

Opinion | In trying to fire Mueller, Trump digs his own legal grave

Trump is indeed clueless, ignorant of the law, and blinded by his arrogance.
Hysteria. Trump farts...Hawaii sounds a nuclear alarm.
‘“Attempted obstruction is obstruction even when the perpetrator backs down after failing to get his consigliere to do the deed for him,” constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe [notes]. “In addition, it’s part of a persistent pattern of obstruction. And it’s also strong evidence of consciousness of guilt.” As the Times report notes, Trump has “long demonstrated a preoccupation with those who have overseen the Russia investigation.” He threw a fit when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe, and he fired Comey after he failed to extract an oath of loyalty. The attempt to decapitate the probe again goes to Trump’s intent to stymie an independent investigation and his seeming cluelessness that these actions would be potentially illegal, an abuse of his power.'

Opinion | In trying to fire Mueller, Trump digs his own legal grave

Trump is indeed clueless, ignorant of the law, and blinded by his arrogance.

So now you ignorant asses are trying to criminalize discussing possibilities? Can you live with that as a legal standard?

I'm really a lot like trump Smarter than the Generals smarter than the lawyers

You're dumber than a lamppost.
and way smarter than un I don't support a racist scumbag a pervert like trump

As we have already shown, the racist here is Obama with his Farrakhan ties.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

And pervert?

You're an idiot.
I'm an Idiot???? The pussy grabbing pos who has 16 women charging him with violating their bodies isn't a pervert??? Look in the fn mirror AH
OMG...a Hillary Clinton supporter claims that Trump feels he's above our laws? Because he's understandably angry at being accused of doing something that he NEVER did and that Hillary Clinton DID do?

This entire thing is becoming farce...
Please....Try to be honest, for once in your posting life.

There is NO fucking way you can know that trump is innocent of colluding with his butt-buddy, Vladimir.

You're forever engaging in wishful thinking when it comes to the Orange Butt-Plug.

Your right Comrade, which is why you Maoist were required to provide EVIDENCE, which you failed to ever do.

Now we DO have evidence, PROOF in fact, that Mafia Don Hillary colluded with the Russians. You know this, but continue to lie, because you're a fucking Communist without a shred of integrity.


It's important to note that the Fusion founders in their op-ed did confirm things that earlier had been reported: Namely, that the anti-Trump research was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, as first reported by the Washington Poston October 24 and subsequently confirmed by Fox News and CNN.

As the Post said, "Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research ... Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC."

Indeed, the DNC paid for the research all the way until the very end of October, merely days before the election. Fusion GPS delivered Steele's reports and other research to Elias, for use by the Democrats.

This is important because as we're now finding out, part of the dossier was also used by the FBI to convince a FISA court to let the FBI spy on Trump campaign officials. So there's a real conflict here: A dossier paid for by one political party and its candidate being used by the government to spy on that candidate's opponent.}

Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

That's some grade A collusion there, you little commie fuck.

But Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has utterly ignored this, why? If Torquemada were investigating Russian interference with the election, then there it is, irrefutable; indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and the FBI love birds.

But that is not and never was his goal, he is there to "GET TRUMP" through any means possible. Like you, he doesn't give a damn about evidence or fact.
You had the entire time during the Obama to pursue the uranium one issue, but instead you decided to pursue benghazi. All the uranium one claims have be thoroughly debunked; that ship has sailed.

About the dossier: you need to address as to by russia purged spies after the release of a "fake" dossier. And why this guy?

First off Commie, the Uranium One scam occurred during the Obama regime. from 2010 to 2012. Secondly, the most corrupt administration in history actively covered the crimes up, with the complicity of the leftard press.

I'm really a lot like trump Smarter than the Generals smarter than the lawyers

You're dumber than a lamppost.
and way smarter than un I don't support a racist scumbag a pervert like trump

As we have already shown, the racist here is Obama with his Farrakhan ties.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

And pervert?

You're an idiot.
I'm an Idiot???? The pussy grabbing pos who has 16 women charging him with violating their bodies isn't a pervert??? Look in the fn mirror AH

eddie, you're a fucking retard.

You love the democrats 2 minutes hate.

Standard Disclaimer: eddie is an illiterate commie fuck, but others here might grasp the reference..
OMG...a Hillary Clinton supporter claims that Trump feels he's above our laws? Because he's understandably angry at being accused of doing something that he NEVER did and that Hillary Clinton DID do?

This entire thing is becoming farce...
Please....Try to be honest, for once in your posting life.

There is NO fucking way you can know that trump is innocent of colluding with his butt-buddy, Vladimir.

You're forever engaging in wishful thinking when it comes to the Orange Butt-Plug.

Your right Comrade, which is why you Maoist were required to provide EVIDENCE, which you failed to ever do.

Now we DO have evidence, PROOF in fact, that Mafia Don Hillary colluded with the Russians. You know this, but continue to lie, because you're a fucking Communist without a shred of integrity.


It's important to note that the Fusion founders in their op-ed did confirm things that earlier had been reported: Namely, that the anti-Trump research was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, as first reported by the Washington Poston October 24 and subsequently confirmed by Fox News and CNN.

As the Post said, "Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research ... Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC."

Indeed, the DNC paid for the research all the way until the very end of October, merely days before the election. Fusion GPS delivered Steele's reports and other research to Elias, for use by the Democrats.

This is important because as we're now finding out, part of the dossier was also used by the FBI to convince a FISA court to let the FBI spy on Trump campaign officials. So there's a real conflict here: A dossier paid for by one political party and its candidate being used by the government to spy on that candidate's opponent.}

Fusion GPS' 'Fake Investigation' — And Hillary Clinton's Real Russian Collusion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

That's some grade A collusion there, you little commie fuck.

But Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has utterly ignored this, why? If Torquemada were investigating Russian interference with the election, then there it is, irrefutable; indict Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and the FBI love birds.

But that is not and never was his goal, he is there to "GET TRUMP" through any means possible. Like you, he doesn't give a damn about evidence or fact.
You had the entire time during the Obama to pursue the uranium one issue, but instead you decided to pursue benghazi. All the uranium one claims have be thoroughly debunked; that ship has sailed.

About the dossier: you need to address as to by russia purged spies after the release of a "fake" dossier. And why this guy?

Bullshit, of course.
Hopefully Bob is doing backups on all the data, testimony, telephone recordings, tax filings, crooked bank dealings etc as it is collected. Trump finds a way to fire him, Bob can simply prosecute for crimes as a private citizen possibly in coordination with New York AG Eric Schneiderman who is building a criminal case of his own. Donald and his cabal can run and Creepy Devin Nunes can run interference all he likes, but these punks cannot hide!

Build a case for what? Collusion isn't a crime, and Mewler can't lure Trump into a perjury trap if he's a private citizen.

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