In Two Words....What Is The Most Important Issue?

I must have missed where we have problems with either.

I doubt she means the Church of Global Warming-Change-Chaos and its impact on our decaying energy and transportation infrastructure, but those are Real Problems

sorry... I don't worship at the alter of rush Limbaugh and fake news. *shrug*

um...rush is a commentator, not a reporter. So you're OK with reporters commentating, but not commentators commentating. Well, except liberal ones...

Rush does own you. He's the guy who keeps ringing the doorbell and liberals are the dogs who come barking every time he does it just to send you into a tizzy. He's not dumb, but he's not even that smart. He keeps proving that's smarter than you are...
Self preservation.

We are already fucked beyond repair. Our schools are graduating dumber and dumber students who of course think progressive because they are ignorant. The stupid a s lazy now outnumber the smart and productive, illegals are being brought into this country by the bus loads.

Self preservation people.
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Not a poll.....I don't want to limit anyone's answer. Just asking USMB members to state what their most important issue is. The issue that you think should occupy the headline in today's newspaper...and for days or weeks moving forward. What is your lead story?

American's Apathy
Self preservation.

We are already fucked beyond repair. Our schools are
Graduation dumber and dumber students who if course think progressive because they are ignorant. The stupid a s lazy now outnumber the smart and productive, illegals are being brought into this country by the bus loads.

Self preservation people.

It's "Graduating", not "Graduation"
Self preservation.

We are already fucked beyond repair. Our schools are
Graduation dumber and dumber students who if course think progressive because they are ignorant. The stupid a s lazy now outnumber the smart and productive, illegals are being brought into this country by the bus loads.

Self preservation people.

It's "Graduating", not "Graduation"

Thank you Captain Grammar. My phone changed it on me.

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