In your opinion who is the most intelligent member of the opposing faction?

Tulsi she should be a republican
She's as socialist as Bernie Sanders. It has always puzzled me as to why pseudocons admire her.

Relative to other leftists, she has respect for human life. That's not a socialist (or even a Democrat) belief.
She is pro-choice.

As I said, "relative to other leftists", meaning she doesn't support the "rip them out, kill them, and sell the body parts; and if they survive the procedure, smother them in the crib" philosophy that is now mainstream in the DNC.
That is not the mainstream opinion of the left. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Of course it is. That's why Gabbard stands out from the rest of the baby-killers in her party.
Morality aside for a moment, who do you see as the most intelligent of your opposition?.

In my mind there is nobody on the other side who is more than marginally intelligent. If they were intelligent they would be Conservatives, not Liberals or Progressives.
If they had any intelligence they wouldn't be politicians...
Again, most politicians arent stupid.

but they are almost all dishonest

20 politicians are not worth as much as one good engineer
As a liberal ... I'm going to pick Mike Pence ... and this starts with my deepest respects for upper Midwest conservatism ... a "common sense" approach, from a well grounded people ... I think Pence brought this to the White House these past four years and should get more credit for the positive things from the Trump Administration ... I hope he emerges from the current debacle unscathed and can lead Republicans in the future ...

I don't like his politics ... but that doesn't mean he's wrong ...

I get what you’re saying. I would consider Pence more polished than smart.

He knows how to appear reasonable. Very calm, methodical, and reassuring. Knows how to answer questions that make him look good and how to dodge questions that would make him look bad. A typical politician, but a very polished one. Admittedly, that does take some intelligence.
Tulsi she should be a republican
She's as socialist as Bernie Sanders. It has always puzzled me as to why pseudocons admire her.

It also reveals a serious lack of depth in pseudocons who admire her.

I agree.

If you look at her policy positions, I can’t understand why conservatives would be so obsessed with her.

I suspect it’s because they’re looking at something else. They like her military background and her tits.

Treating the presidential candidate like it’s a swimsuit competition or something.
In terms of common sense and wisdom no democrat impresses me

But in terms of nice tits and ass its AOC hands down

You can't think of a single Democrat that you can admit possesses intelligence?

You don't need intelligence to succeed in politics anymore. Just ruthlessness and an oligarch(s) giving you an endless supply of money anymore.
I think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are probably both pretty smart, in a low cunning sort of way. Their leadership positions would require a certain amount of intelligence.

Honestly, it's hard to tell, because most Democrats spout illogical nonsense, and they're all pretty good at doing it with a straight face.
That's the reason they get Botox injections.
Most intelligent member of the democrat party:

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